Would you rather have had one true World Champion, or two for WWE?

I absolutely hate the brand split, it limits potential matches and especially the whole two champions for the World, Woman's and tag!!
Personally I feel two world champions doesn't make sense, Its ok when different companies back in the day had their own world champion like WWF, NWA, AWA etc but everyone knows Raw and Smackdown are part of the same company WWE, Being world champion in one company should be a big deal but having another world champion in the same company just diminishes each champion as neither can claim to be the best in the world or even best in the WWE,
I would prefer to see one world champion appearing on both shows and only defending the title on special occasions making the world title match a big deal.
You could elevate the US and Intercontintal titles for each show whilst also making a big deal of number one contender matches for the rare world title defences.
It worked successfully for the NWA for years back in the day for several territories so I can't see why it wont work now for only two shows.
I've always preferred one champion over two and thats one of the reasons I don't like the brand split. For the record I don't have a problem with the WWE bring back the brand split. With the former talent coming from TNA and ROH along with the talent on NXT it makes sense to bring back the brand split because theirs no way all these guys can get consistent tv time on one roster. Also the WWE is clearly in a transitional period where a lot of their last generation stars aare getting older and ready to leave soon or have already left, so it makes sense to try to create newer stars and the best way to do it is to showcase them seperatly on each show. Now with that being said I'm still not a fan of the brand split but thats a topic for another day, plus if I had to list my reasons I'd be all day. Back to my point having two titles just inflates wrestlers title reigns and runs like Cena, HHH, and Edge, and with a brand split it limits the possible matcheups and fueds you can have with certain other main eventers because their on different shows. One World championship on the other hand adds more prestige to the title, every wrestler wants it and IMO makes it possible fore more fueds and endless matcheups with other wrestlers . Plus wrestlers would actually have work and build their way up in the rankings so to say before being thrusted into the main event. For example someone like AJ Styles. I'm not at all saying he didn't deserve to be World champ, on the contrary I've been a fan of his since his TNA days and was very happy when he won, I just have a hard time believing he would be World champion right now if it wasn't for the brand split. I'm sure he would have eventually won it even without the brand split because from what I heard he won management over with his performances in the ring but I'm sure it would have took a couple of more fueds and matches against the top WWE main eventers before he ultimately won it.
Here’s yet another example of how I can agree with both sides of this argument.

On one hand, I love the Brand Split and having 2 Champions in every division. Each show should have a Main Event Champion, a Mid-Card Champion, a Women’s Champion, and Tag Team Champions. Anything less than having the four basic divisions is a minor league show, in my opinion. Anything more than having the four basic divisions is more than welcome, in my opinion. More Championship Title Belts on WWE TV means more Championship Title Belts to eventually add to my growing collection of Championship Title Belts. If there was only one Universal / World Champion, who should be the WWE Champion right now, Kevin Owens or AJ Styles?? If there was only one Intercontinental / United States Champion, who should be the WWE United-Continental Champion right now, the Miz or Roman Reigns?? If there was only one Women’s Champion, who should be the Women’s Champion right now, Sasha Banks or Becky Lynch?? If there was only one Tag Team Champions, who should be the WWE World Tag Team Champion right now, the New Day or Rhyno and Heath Slater?? More Championship Titles means more opportunity, and more importantly, more room for testing / error.

On the other hand, well I don’t really a have an argument to cut anything down or to downsize in any capacity when it comes to WWE, but I do understand why some feel this way. I get it. Some think two of everything is too much. I’m one of those that think there can never be too much of a good thing, that thing being WWE. My Queen will be the first person to tell you that I have more Belts in my house than pants, and that I don’t need yet another one, let alone one that looks exactly like one I already have, with the only difference being the colors are reversed, or the logo just looks sharper and cleaner and updated. Having one top Champion has its positives. It would be a great way to show who the “Man” really is. If there was only one Pay Per View a month, with Raw and Smackdown alternating, then I could see an Undisputed Champion working the PPVs while the other brand features number 1 contender matches in their respective “off” months, while strongly featuring the other Champions of their respective brands. If all the Pay Per Views were dual branded, then I could see one set of Championship Titles working in all 4 divisions.

My point is, I don’t care either way. I’ve been watching Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment for 27 years, and I’ll continue watching the greatest form of Entertainment till I can’t see the SuperStars, hear the entrance music, fell the energy from the WWE Universe, taste the victories (and defeats) of my favorites, and smell what the Rock is cooking!!

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