Would you like to see a Superstars Championship?


The Icon
Maybe not specifically with that name, but maybe like a TV Title or a European Title or something for all the regulars on Superstars. No it would not make it become a brand, but you have people like Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta, Chris Masters, Yoshi Tatsu, Tyson Kidd, etc who are pretty much on every episode now, it basically is another brand in its own way.

So why not give them a title that is defended every single episode and have these guys that are on the low-card something to wrestle for? And for people who are going to "say who even watches Superstars?" this is just a for fun thread, not a legitimate I think should happen thread.

I personally think it would be interesting to see and nice to see these people hold some sort of gold. If it were to be called the Superstars Championship, then I would use the ECW Championship and just replace the words ECW on the belt.

What does everyone else think? Would you like a Superstars Championship?
Hmm. Interesting. I like it. It could be a title specifically for those with nothing else to do. Maybe this should really happen. I know Superstars is a jobbers show 99% of the time, but this idea has potential. Besides, it'd be a travesty if some of those guys with real talent and potential never held a title during their time in WWE. Great thread idea dude.
"A champion is always a champion..."

I like the idea, because superstars dont even get a porpuse, even FCW is better than Superstars!!
However, i wouldnt give them a tittle!!

I think that they need to fight for something like:
(Wo)Man of Superstars!!

A Superstar with more votes on a live pool would be considered
The Superstar of Superstars!!

Nothing like NXT or Tough Enough!!
Something that they would do on a regular basis, and at SummerSlam give the guy who has the most wins, a mid-card tittle shot or be drafted to one of the Brands!!
Hell yeah. I always joke with my friend that Chris Masters is the Superstars Champion.

I think it would be a grand idea that they have a specific belt for that show. Maybe a small bronze belt like the old NWA one but even more generic.

For shits and giggles and farts, the belt is defended every week to a #1 contender and if a successful title defense occurs maybe 5 times in a row that "champ" drops the belt and moves up to the RAW or SD roster and gets to wrestle on RAW or SD while the "Superstars Championship Belt" gets put up into a tournament to seek a new champ.

I like my idea. Let's do that.
I wouldn't say drop the title after 5 consecutive reigns, but maybe give them a lengthy reign, and since they would then be a believable champion (for superstars) when they do lose the title to someone else, they could show up more often on their respective brand and challenge for that midcard title.

Hell, maybe even have them show in backstage promos or something on RAW or SD telling people to tune into Superstars. Imagine Zack Ryder walking around with the belt on RAW backstage saying "at least I put my title up for grabs every week, I'm a true Champion unlike our US Champion" etc etc. Things like this could help put those superstars over the hump to at least fight for a mid-card title and have a good feud for them.
Well, I don't think you need to create a title, you can just simply use one that don't use too much on TV.

For example The IC or the US championship on the show. Finally make the show something worth something.

The IC belt was always used to get people over, might as well move it to superstars. Good way to get people over, and get that title more exposure.

Granted some of the Talent would have to work overtime, but hey, It gives the title some good meaning again.
Well, I don't think you need to create a title, you can just simply use one that don't use too much on TV.

For example The IC or the US championship on the show. Finally make the show something worth something.

The IC belt was always used to get people over, might as well move it to superstars. Good way to get people over, and get that title more exposure.

Granted some of the Talent would have to work overtime, but hey, It gives the title some good meaning again.

Placing either the US Championship or especially the IC Championsip regularly on WWE Superstars would destroy its prestige. They're supposed to get people over, but they're also mean't to get people that fans are reacting to, over. Not just anybody, I don't want to see fucking Tyler Reks holding the IC Championship.

The idea good, the outcome would be worthless. The Championship would be cheap, and WWE have the right amount of Championships at the moment to give guys on Superstars something to aim for, sending in another Championship is a decent idea, but look at things like the ECW Championship. Until Christian held it, it was a failure.

That's my opinion anyway.
I agree with the post about using one of the current titles more on superstars. Maybe not every single week, but it would definitely add to feuds on superstars and give the audience a reason to tune in week after week. As one poster said, the guys and gals are on Superstars because they have nothing to do, so why not give them something meaningful to do?
Placing either the US Championship or especially the IC Championsip regularly on WWE Superstars would destroy its prestige. They're supposed to get people over, but they're also mean't to get people that fans are reacting to, over. Not just anybody, I don't want to see fucking Tyler Reks holding the IC Championship.

The idea good, the outcome would be worthless. The Championship would be cheap, and WWE have the right amount of Championships at the moment to give guys on Superstars something to aim for, sending in another Championship is a decent idea, but look at things like the ECW Championship. Until Christian held it, it was a failure.

That's my opinion anyway.

Couldn't agree more about the IC title and US title on it destroying their prestige.

They have enough championships for the main shows, but for Superstars, one would be perfect. I thought the ECW Championship was a very good title for what it was. If you look it at it for being a "world title" it sucked. But for it being a Championship for it's own show, it was awesome, and there were some really good hard fought matches for that belt, and yes specifically when Christian was Champion.

But even when Punk, Morrison, Matt Hardy, Swagger, and even Dreamer, it was a good title. And that title was very good for mid-carders, but they need one for low-carders, and this would be a good way to do it if it actually happened.
NO, TV shows like Superstars DON'T need a belt, WWE has to many belts to start with. Before adding to their collection they should merge them up THEN bring in a Lightweight belt, WWE doesn't need two mid card belts (IC & US) merge them two up and bring back the LIGHT-Heavyweight Belt and have a tourney, Sin Cara, Bourne, Punk, Daniels, Rey, Cody, Kidd, Chavo, Primo, Morrison (maybe), Yoshi, Ryder, Kofi, Justin Gab maybe Heath pretty good selecton of guys who could and would keep the division afloat and bring in some Mexicans along the way.

But no TV belts they're weak.
NO, TV shows like Superstars DON'T need a belt, WWE has to many belts to start with. Before adding to their collection they should merge them up THEN bring in a Lightweight belt, WWE doesn't need two mid card belts (IC & US) merge them two up and bring back the LIGHT-Heavyweight Belt and have a tourney, Sin Cara, Bourne, Punk, Daniels, Rey, Cody, Kidd, Chavo, Primo, Morrison (maybe), Yoshi, Ryder, Kofi, Justin Gab maybe Heath pretty good selecton of guys who could and would keep the division afloat and bring in some Mexicans along the way.

But no TV belts they're weak.

Lightweight/cruiserweight belts have been used before and the were nothing more than lower mid card titles at best. No way would I be putting Sin Cara, Punk, Rey and Jomo in such a division if it was brought back.

With regard to a Superstars championship, I would be all for it. I would not want Superstars to become its own brand, but for all intents and purposes it has become a psuedo brand for the jobbers, and its own championship would give the brand much more prestige. It could be used as a novel way to assess lower carders who are primarily on superstars. Those who are successful could be rewarded with a midcard push on Raw/SD. I like the idea in theory but I could never see it happening.
The superstars show of today is no different then WWF Wrestling Challenge and Superstars of the 1980's. On the 80's version of Superstars the IC, Tag and Women Titles were defended weekly or biweekly. The Superstars show of today is not a brand show like RAW & SD, so it does not need its own title but it would be nice to see the mid card, tag & Divas titles defended weekly or biweekly on Superstars. If the WWE creates another title it should be a cruiser weight or Light Weight Title which would fit great with most guys that wrestle on Superstars and it could also be defended on Raw, SD & PPV's.
With regard to having the IC/US belts defended on Superstars, no way. Their reputations and prestige are already damaged enough as it is. The only way to increase the reputation and prestige associated with a championship are strong title reigns built around good feuds and entertaining matches. Unless Superstars becomes anything more than a show for enhancement talent, I would not want to see the mid card titles anywhere near it.
I've had this idea where on Superstars everything revolves around the WWE tag team championship? Where people compete for it basically every week or in a tourney of some sort and it becomes the centre piece of the show. As a result WWE would be able to see who works as a tag team and who doesn't without wasting main show time; consequently helping them build a true division.

I suppose you could argue the belts will loose prestige but the real question is does it have any prestige? (atm)
Lightweight/cruiserweight belts have been used before and the were nothing more than lower mid card titles at best. No way would I be putting Sin Cara, Punk, Rey and Jomo in such a division if it was brought back.

With regard to a Superstars championship, I would be all for it. I would not want Superstars to become its own brand, but for all intents and purposes it has become a psuedo brand for the jobbers, and its own championship would give the brand much more prestige. It could be used as a novel way to assess lower carders who are primarily on superstars. Those who are successful could be rewarded with a midcard push on Raw/SD. I like the idea in theory but I could never see it happening.

The problem was WWE didn't know how to promote the division and were worried it would over shadow the World title. Having big names in the division would peak interest and having a belt for the smaller guys is much better than two mid card belts that are the same.
unfortunetly chris masters is on this show alot (he deserves a push, not del rio). i agree, they should have a superstars belt to be defended all the time and just have it regulate from superstar to superstar to give everyone a shot. i wish superstars would be aired in canada not just the states, hope that tough enough is aired in canada. ontopic, they could even bring back the cruiserweight championship for wwe superstars.
I wouldn’t mind a WWE Television Title on Superstars. The WWE Superstars Championship sounds right. It would definitely be a great added attraction to the program.

However, since “there are too many Titles in the WWE”, I would rather see the Intercontinental and United States Championships defended every week, alternating between the two. I’d have an IC Title match and a Number One Contender’s match for the US Title one week, and then a US Title match and a Number One Contender’s match for the IC Title the following week. Repeat.
I love the idea. plus I think it would be good for ratings. I would actually call it the Entertainment Title or The E Championship. It would give guys like Yoshi, Zack Ryder, and Masters something to fight for and would give a reason to watch Superstars because title would be defended every episode.
Great Idea!

I like everything about the idea of this, in cluding the name. The WWE Superstars Champion. That sounds great.

An idea that i had... to add to yours was making a WWE Superstars Champiuonship match each Thursday in the Main Event. Im a big follower of the rivalries on superstars... some of them are better than Smackdown or Raw, and having the title matches on superstars... and possibly PPV... and having the champ appear on Raw and Smackdown is just a great idea.

Great Idea!!!
I'm very happy to see all the responses as I wasn't expecting so many! But I think the idea could definitely work. I didn't say Lightweight/Cruiserweight not all these wrestlers are lightweights. And Im not shooting down bringing back that title, but that could/should be on one of the 2 brands with some defences on Superstars. That would still leave open a spot for all these low card guys and a Superstars Title would be perfect.

To add on to the thread, who would you like to see be the 1st Champion? My choice would be Zack Ryder, I'm not a fan of his, but I could see him bringing some entertainment to the title for sure.

Also I like the Ezekiel Jackson idea! I always loved that ECW Title belt. Anyways who would be the 1st Champion?
I like this idea in principal because I think it would be great if there was more focus on Superstars. The only problem, like others have said, is that the belt would only carry minimal prestige if it's not being defended against guys that appear on the main shows. Considering the US and IC title are struggling for prestige, I doubt that a new, lower card belt would fair much better and help to get people over. If anything, it could end up looking tacky. I'd much rather see the return of the Cruiserweight belt but I don't see that happening at all.

Now one thing that I think WOULD work is a rankings system - which correct me if I'm wrong, Striker alluded to last week during the Masters Reks match. He said something about Masters climbing the official rankings due to his recents good results. Now I've heard nothing of this before but I think they should play on this more. Perhaps have a ranking for Superstars so we know who the top guy is. I can't see how this wouldn't help, they don't exactly need to milk it.

The commentary are often talking up the competitive and hungry guys who wrestle on Superstars and this would be a really good way of playing on that rhetoric.
No, I don't think so. I think they should merge the WWE Title and World heavyweight Championship and have just one overall WWE Champion for all Brands. Defending it on both Raw and Smackdown. Have the US Title as Raws specific belt and the IC as the main belt for Smackdown. This would still mean winning the US/IC belts would be a stepping stone to becoming Heavyweight Champion but at the same time it would give them more credibility.
No, I don't think so. I think they should merge the WWE Title and World heavyweight Championship and have just one overall WWE Champion for all Brands. Defending it on both Raw and Smackdown. Have the US Title as Raws specific belt and the IC as the main belt for Smackdown. This would still mean winning the US/IC belts would be a stepping stone to becoming Heavyweight Champion but at the same time it would give them more credibility.

That as to be the worst idea that i've ever read, omg so awfull!!

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First one- this thread is very good, we can use our creativity!

I've already posted my idea, not a Championship, but a Superstar of Superstars (ranking system), after 6 months, the most winner of Superstar of Superstars, gets a a chance to fight for US/IC Tittle at SummerSlam and be moved to one of the main brands!

Now for put the people more into Superstars, they should put their people like John Cena/Rey Mysterio to help the Superstars, not as mentors, more like "look at what i do, and learn ass"!!

Now, for who I think that should win that idea, for me is Zack Ryder or Yoshi!!

Its to bad, that WGN as cancelled this show, maybe they can put it over on another channel!!
My roster that i think it was great!

Male Superstars Roster:

Darren Young
David Otunga
Percy Watson
Lucky Cannon
Bryan Kendrick
Husky Harris
Tyson Kid
DH Smith
Chris Masters
Tylor Reks
Bo Rotundo
Zack Ryder
Yoshi Tatsu
Jimmy Wang Wiang
Santino Marella
Vlad Kozlov
The Usos or maybe one of them:shrug:

Female Superstars

Bring FCW girls to this place!!
Alicia Fox
Eve Torres
Rosa Mendes

I like the op's idea.
However, that means we'll get real feuds on superstars and the thing I like most about superstars is that there is less feuds and more wrestle.
So, I'm kinda torn....
That as to be the worst idea that i've ever read, omg so awfull!!

Back to Topic -
First one- this thread is very good, we can use our creativity!

I've already posted my idea, not a Championship, but a Superstar of Superstars (ranking system), after 6 months, the most winner of Superstar of Superstars, gets a a chance to fight for US/IC Tittle at SummerSlam and be moved to one of the main brands!

Now for put the people more into Superstars, they should put their people like John Cena/Rey Mysterio to help the Superstars, not as mentors, more like "look at what i do, and learn ass"!!

Now, for who I think that should win that idea, for me is Zack Ryder or Yoshi!!

Its to bad, that WGN as cancelled this show, maybe they can put it over on another channel!!
My roster that i think it was great!

Male Superstars Roster:

Darren Young
David Otunga
Percy Watson
Lucky Cannon
Bryan Kendrick
Husky Harris
Tyson Kid
DH Smith
Chris Masters
Tylor Reks
Bo Rotundo
Zack Ryder
Yoshi Tatsu
Jimmy Wang Wiang
Santino Marella
Vlad Kozlov
The Usos or maybe one of them:shrug:

Female Superstars

Bring FCW girls to this place!!
Alicia Fox
Eve Torres
Rosa Mendes

Explain why it's the worst idea ever? One overall WWE Champion? Keep the IC/US Titles specific to each brand so they can do the whole stupid Smackdown Vs Raw thing. It's really not that bad an idea at all or any different from how it already is apart from no confusing two Heavyweight Champions.

Your Idea is pretty bad to be fair but not as bad as having a business have it look like it has two seperate brands fighting against eachother for no particular reason.

On topic I don't think a Superstars Champion would be a good idea.. unless they made Superstars all about a specific division.. for example it could be a show for tag teams and therefore the Tag Team Championship would be whats competed for on Superstars but that's just stupid.

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