Would You Date a Stripper?

Would you date a Stripper?

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Apparently Usher would. Seriously though, would you date a Stripper?

Personally as long as I knew she wasn't blowing/fucking guys I would be okay with it.
To most guys, dating=porking, so I need some clarity. Are we talking a full-fledged relationship, or just banging? If it's the former then probably no. The latter, yes, with a bunch of condoms handy.
I'd date a stripper, maybe a prostitute but not a porn star, I am not even gonna try and compete with some of those python's they see on a daily basis.
What are fathers teaching their sons these days? "Never date a stripper" is right up near the top of the list of Man Rules, right below "Don't pull your dick out in public" and above "Carry a spare pair of pants in your car."
Mmmm, depends. How long has she been plying her trade? Because if it's been less than 2 years, sure, but if it's been 30, I'll pass.
The rule is date a stripper but never marry one. They can be a lot of fun. You will usually get a hook up on drinks at the club. You will get a lot of free attention from the girls she works with. There always seems to be a ton of coke around. She will by you nice shit.
I had sex with someone who worked on the entrance part of a strip club before. But not an actual stripper.

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