Would You Be Opposed To....


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The entire Shield co-main eventing Wrestlemania 31?

Say Rock will only come back to face Brock...it wouldn't make a lot of sense for those 2 part time guys to feud over the title, right?

So say WWE accelerates Reigns' push and puts him over Lesnar at Royal Rumble. With Reigns winning the title, who wins the Rumble? If Daniel Bryan isn't ready and able and the right man this year, how about Dean Ambrose?

Reigns defends the WWEWHC inside the Elimination Chamber and retains the next month, but Rollins cashes in after the match on a weakened Reigns and wins the belt.

Reigns has his rematch clause, Ambrose is guaranteed a title match, and Rollins holds the belt heading into Mania.

Lesnar and Rock can do their thing without the title involved. That match sells itself. All 3 Shield members in a Triple Threat for the WWEWHC? We're going to consider that a dream match in the coming years if/when all 3 become main event stars.

Is it too early to do it for WM 31? I've been in the Reigns over Lesnar camp for a while now, but I think I'd almost rather see the co-main events I've listed over Reigns/Lesnar and some combination of Cena/Rock/Bryan vs. whoever the top heel is at that point.
I'd be very interested in that. I'd say it's a long time coming. The Shield (or the former Shield members) are the hottest thing in the WWE at the moment, and definitely the future of the business. And people have been waiting for their triple threat match ever since they started picking up steam as a team. I'd enjoy a Wrestlemania main event that doesn't include the likes of John Cena, Randy Orton, HHH or Batista. Not hating on those guys, but it's time to move on and start putting fresh young talent in the spotlight.
I think this is a fantastic idea. Now the hype of WM30 is out of the way, this is the perfect time to headline new stars. This is, in fact, the best wrestling idea I have all week. Book it.
I'd be fine with that...at WrestleMania 32. Not one of those guys is prepared to headline a WrestleMania, nor will they be in less than 8 months. That's like if John Cena had main evented WrestleMania 20 instead of 21 - he was nowhere near ready for it in 2004. 2015 is too early for Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, or Dean Ambrose to be main eventing the biggest show in the world. Put them in a Triple Threat Match, sure - but NOT for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
I'd wait for it. Right now these three are not mega-stars and they may not draw huge numbers and unless the WWE could have The Rock and Sting appear, it would be a massive risk. Indeed, if this was the WWE title match with Brock/Rock, Sting/Taker and a Cena match (Angle, Jericho, Batista, HHH too) then there would be no worries and they get immense exposure.

While I would love to see this match- it would be a classic- it doesn't have to happen just yet. These three shouldn't wrestle until they are all established and big names. Give it two years or so and this could be a massive main-event. There could be a wonderful build with the winner being the best member of The Shield. By that time (WM33/34/35) all three of these guys will be former World Champs and have unique characters.

I would definitely wait for a triple threat until all three are bigger stars allowing for the match to be even bigger.
Too soon in the present day WWE. SHIELD debuted in 2012 Survivor Series (SS). It would be too soon in the modern WWE; it is different to the days when The Rock walked in at SS 1996 and won the WWF championship at SS. It would be a shame not to build the former SHIELD members up more before putting that task in front of them. I do believe they'd deliver and deliver well, but it would be too soon.
I don't know if there'd be enough time, from a booking standpoint, to do serious feuds with all three. Considering that they're all essentially locked in the same storyline now, to have them all break away and get involved in three different feuds that all end up building to main-event status, I don't feel like there's time. So 31, no. 32 seems a lot more likely.
So, what? You'd rather see two part-timers fight over the title? Two guys who'll disappear after a couple of months fight over WWE's most prestigious title? Why not Shield main-event? Why wait a full year to come back to a feud that's hot now? You guys can't deny the best storyline going into SummerSlam last month was Ambrose vs. Rollins. So, if you want to wait a couple of years to bring these three together for a match, how would you book it, then? How would you make the fans care? Or would you rather see Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena again? Come on, people. How are we supposed to build new stars when all you guys want to see is part-timers who are already established? I say now is the best time to bring all the Shield members together in a triple threat at Wrestlemania, and the OP suggested the best way to do that. Now, maybe they aren't ready now. But there's still 6 months left. You guys are always complaining about how it's always part-timers taking the spots at Wrestlemania, now you're saying you want to see Brock Lesnar vs The Rock for the WWE title at Wrestlemania? Jeez. Pick something and f***ing stick with it.
I'm in the minority here, but I think all three are ready for Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania 32 is way too far away; the slow burn isn't even worth it. The fact that people still think of "The Shield" when Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns are in the same ring at the same time means people still care about The Shield and a Triple Threat Match at Wrestlemania is perfect. Nobody will care about The Shield by the time Wrestlemania 32 comes around, and by that time all three will probably be in full-on singles mode with other guys.

It is a bit of a risk, but so was Daniel Bryan and no one had a problem with that. I think if WWE can book other high-profile matches (Lesnar vs. Rock, John Cena vs. Triple H, Undertaker vs. Sting, etc) than it's worth the risk.
So, what? You'd rather see two part-timers fight over the title? Two guys who'll disappear after a couple of months fight over WWE's most prestigious title? Why not Shield main-event? Why wait a full year to come back to a feud that's hot now? You guys can't deny the best storyline going into SummerSlam last month was Ambrose vs. Rollins. So, if you want to wait a couple of years to bring these three together for a match, how would you book it, then? How would you make the fans care? Or would you rather see Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena again? Come on, people. How are we supposed to build new stars when all you guys want to see is part-timers who are already established? I say now is the best time to bring all the Shield members together in a triple threat at Wrestlemania, and the OP suggested the best way to do that. Now, maybe they aren't ready now. But there's still 6 months left. You guys are always complaining about how it's always part-timers taking the spots at Wrestlemania, now you're saying you want to see Brock Lesnar vs The Rock for the WWE title at Wrestlemania? Jeez. Pick something and f***ing stick with it.

Making wild, various assumptions about what other people want and then insulting them for what you think they want is idiotic.

I can, in fact, deny that Ambrose vs. Rollins had the best build going into Mania. I thought that the promotional material for Cena vs. Lesnar and Heyman's mic work are as impressive as ever, and that far more effort was put into the Bellas/Stephanie storyline than into Ambrose/Rollins from the WWE's standpoint.

And it's not about picking something and sticking with it. The reason there are various opinions here are that there are various people here, all with differing opinions. Having a difference of opinion is good. Insulting someone just because they have a certain opinion is bad. Telling someone what their opinion is and insulting them for it is just stupid.
Even with a Ambrose/Reigns/Rollins title match at WM31 there is no way in hell it steals the marque, headlines or main events the show if Brock vs Rock ends up on the card. The biggest money maker in years is a match between the part timers and if they clash over the strap it only raises the attention around the match.
I'd be fine with that...at WrestleMania 32. Not one of those guys is prepared to headline a WrestleMania, nor will they be in less than 8 months. That's like if John Cena had main evented WrestleMania 20 instead of 21 - he was nowhere near ready for it in 2004. 2015 is too early for Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, or Dean Ambrose to be main eventing the biggest show in the world. Put them in a Triple Threat Match, sure - but NOT for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Yeah true I agree. They'd get overshadowed by the more established stars like Brock.

That would be the last thing they'd need. I wouldn't mind seeing one or two of them mixing up with a more established star like Cena, Brock etc in the main event of WrestleMania

They say Hindsight is 20/20.

We all can see that the WWE is intent on pushing All 3 of the Shield guys since Wrestlemania 30, and so far, it has gone well.

That said; when I sat and thought about it, we saw the reaction the Shield got especially when they full turned on Triple H and the Authority, and even though Daniel Bryan spent a long while fighting the Authority(including the Shield), fans had warmed to the BadAss trio in such a way that their taking over "Bryan's fight vs the Authority" was greeted in a positive manner.

What I am saying is, what if, instead of pulling the trigger on the Shield break-up so early, what if their BadAss Babyface Group's journey was extended towards being the ones to defeat this invincible Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30, and thus "saving" the WWE from the Beast Incarnate.

Together, the Shield was the perfect unit,lMO, and their status as a mercenary group continued even as Babyfaces, and I think the fans would have continued eating it up, and also, that inevitable shock break-up could have happened after all, just at a later time.

I know some will say they will look "weak" by having to gang-up on Brock to defeat him.

To that, I say, given Brock's invincible booking, in terms of squashing the biggest names on the roster....would mean that the very Authority who brought Brock in as Plan C and the very Authority that was feuding with the Shield post-Mania 30, having to turn to that same mercenary group to rid the WWE of the Beast Incarnate(whilst also showing that 1 Superstar alone isn't enough to take care of the monster) would be a brilliant story when it finishes, and would also elevate the status of the Shield trio enough so that their popularity would be soaring by the time they are pushed as Singles post-Mania 31(in this Brock Lesnar vs the Shield scenario).

And what of the WWE Heavyweight title in all that....put it this way.... post-Wrestlemania 31, the Shield would have been on the top of the mountain as a group...what better way to incite jealousy in the ranks than having the Main Title be the reason they implode... ;) :D
I think it's only a matter of time before we see that Triple Threat Match. And one day, it'll probably be a Mania Main Event for the WWE World Title. But I don't think it'll work this year. They all just need a little more time. I don't even think Reigns will be ready to go over Brock this year. I just feel an extra year or so would do wonders to help prepare him. Although if it were up to me, and it was a definite that Reigns would beat Lesnar in California, then I would have Seth Rollins go the full year and cash in the MiTB in Reigns at the MiTB PPV. I would also have Ambrose win the MiTB Ladder match at that PPV. I think Seth Rollins defending the WWE Championship against Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose at the 2015 SummerSlam is a real, and pretty good possibility.
I've been saying this for the last 3 months... this match would work but 2 need to be former champions. It means some "hot potato" but in the context it works.

You have Ambrose who is getting over the most organically of the 3 and is due a big return... He upsets Brock by going "unorthadox", Brock destroys him in a rage and of course Rollins cashes in. The Authority make it difficult for Reigns AND Ambrose... The Rock returns and costs Brock the rematch at the Rumble, and that leaves Reigns and Ambrose to end up the final two in the Rumble... redo the Lex/Bret finish or some variation of... that sets up your two main events... Hell Austin could be the one to ref the thing and it would work better than him wrestling anyone who isn't Punk... that gives the match the "star power"... If Reigns is gonna be the guy, then he wins at Mania... but if either Ambrose or Rollins impress enough then they do so and Reigns chases. Imagine the ending, Austin thinks he's gonna stun the winner but gets taken out first... If it's Ambrose then it's a proper torch passing, if it's Reigns then he gets "Speared" or Superman Punched out... or he stuns Trips when he goes crazy that Reigns or Ambrose has beaten Rollins.

Short runs do work when there is logic behind them... they only fail if they are hotshots... Ambrose beating Brock would be "out of leftfield" and get them back to the "anything can happen" mantra that made it exciting... of course Rollins would cash in so it wouldn't be a "proper reign" but they can certainly judge the pop when he wins. Think Jericho beating Trips back in 2000... it could be that kind of moment.
I'm pretty sure this exact thread as been made multiple times and my opinion doesn't change, this year we shouldn't pass the belt around. This belt is supposed to be more prestigious than it has for decades, so why hand someone the belt for less than a month? I know we all want to see it but there's easy ways to do it for later. If it happened now, take the world title out of it. I do agree that the Shield is still fresh on peoples minds so I agree with that but there's a simple remedy.

Say in 2-3 years there's a faction running rampant on Raw, they injure Rollins. Then they target then champion Ambrose. Ambrose escapes the impending doom for weeks until they finally corner him(probably a steel cage match or something to that effect). Then right as the beatdown starts Reigns runs out to help his buddy[I assume they still remain buddies throughout]. Well the two men aren't enough and things are going poorly when Rollins runs in from the audience with a chair evening the odds. The Shield reunite for one night only to take out the new faction. After they win(or lose), Rollins wins the Rumble. Then the next night Ambrose is cutting a promo(I don't know if Ambrose can cut a promo without a purpose but it'd be desired), then Rollins comes out and says he's gonna take the belt at Mania. All the fans are excited but then Reigns comes out and says if he hadn't been there Ambrose would have been injured and had to vacate the belt.

Or you could go with a similar story except instead of Rollins winning the Rumble, Reigns does. That way he can cash in at EC and lose because of Rollins interference

I just think it's too early for this WM ME now

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