Would WWE Take Hogan Back?

Hogan is more important in WWE than TNA. TNA's audience is more along the lines of ROH/Indy fans. In WWE it's Hogan's home and fans will give him a reaction/love him or hate him. I think he could still be an asset to WWE if used properly in the right storylines.
Vince and WWE know how much money they would make off a Hogan return even if it's only for a Wrestlemania nostalgia angle. Hogan was on rather bad terms with them from what I last recall, but the federation would do anything when it comes to earning a large amount of money. The fans might get to see Hogan again in a WWE ring coming out to everyone's favorite theme, Real American. I just hope they do not put any titles on him and give him absolutely NO creative control. He could be useful in a GM role or maybe as someone's manager, but he should NOT be working any matches. He's too old and the injuries could lead to awful results, according to reports I have read. I think they'd bring him in and possibly have him put over tomorrow's stars as well as guys like Cena or Orton due to having legends say good things about you always makes you look better. Imagine Cena and Hogan in the same ring. If it's for a promo it'd be amazing. No matches, please! Other than Nash, Hogan is the last person who needs to be working matches.
Of course he will be brought back. But I dont think he would be appearing weekly. It would be similar to how they bring back other legends (piper, hitman, austin etc) just really for nostalgic purposes.
He'll probably be back in one form or another.

I may be in the minority on this, but I'd like to see an in-ring shoot between Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. After all of Hellwig's slanderous comments on youtube this could make for very interesting tv. Of course the kids wouldn't care or understand it as much so the chances of that happening are slim to none.

If he came back for anything more than a Legends contract, I'd hope it would either be in commentary or a training role. I don't want him in any creative sense and it would be horrible to see him back in the ring wrestling. He was a horrible wrestler in his day and is a walking cripple now. Does anyone remember the old storyline with Huck Hogan and the Nacho Man? It would be just as bad now.
If Hogan were to come back to WWE, it would have to be under a Legends contract and he can make the usual appearance or two just like how Nash is doing now
I think there is a possibility of WWE signing Hogan back for one more match, I think this for the following reasons:

1. If Hogan finishes with TNA in the next 6 months/1 year, Hogan will still be relevant to the wrestling community having been with a company for so long. And also if they were to do this it would be a mark out moment from seeing him in TNA to hearing his "real American" music play to the crowd.

2. A "One more match" at a PPV would create fantastic buys. It doesn't matter how old he is, I wish people would stop going on about that - It would be nostalgic for the older wrestling fan.

3. Everyone including Vince knows that "Hulkamania" will never truely die. I would personally love to see him back in the WWE as a wrestler/backstage role/Gm anything.

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