Would WWE Take Hogan Back?

Why wouldnt Vince want to bring in Hogan?

Hogan was brought back to the WWE after he was in WCW , the real competitor trying to bury the WWE. So why should I believe Vince would never take him back after being in TNA.

Tna has never and will never be a threat to WWE , so why would Vince ever care.

I see him coming back sooner or later.
WHY in the hell would the WWE want this old crippled dried up prune back .He's done , D U N , done! He was the best thing that ever happened to the modern era and he was the worse thing that ever happened . He already had his "Kiss Hogan's Ass " farewell tour , when he could still stand up straight for 15 minutes. I know anything is possible but only if McMahon thinks that he could sell some merchandise and put fannies in the seats for a couple of PPV's
Why wouldnt Vince want to bring in Hogan?

Hogan was brought back to the WWE after he was in WCW , the real competitor trying to bury the WWE. So why should I believe Vince would never take him back after being in TNA.

Tna has never and will never be a threat to WWE , so why would Vince ever care.
I see him coming back sooner or later.

I agree TNA is not a threat, but that doesn't mean they don't exist and Hogan hasn't essentially backstabbed Vince several times now. and it's common knowledge that he would want preferential treatment and more money then he is now worth. Hogan was still relevent when WCW folded and they also brought in alot of other WCW talent and why? BECAUSE THEY WERE STILL UNDER CONTRACT, they let them work off the remainder of the WCW contracts that WWE had to pay for as soon as those contracts expired half the talent was dumped.

I think the WWE would offer him a legend's contract nothing more and nothing less. He would have a few occasionall apperances or maybe a GM type role but nothing that involves any active inring work.

IF they did, i say a big IF.
I'd too say he makes appearances and does promotions but no way in hell would they have him wrestle since he's essentially a cripple, Really WWE doesn't need him anymore, those days are long gone.
Just let it die. Legends contract and nothing more, i'm sick of seeing him now which is sad because he was an Icon and I was a Hulkamaniac from the start :*(
I wouldn't mind seeing Hogan in a stable as a leader. Hell, the guy has done nothing too me personally. What goes on his person life, at the employment level is not my business. He entertains me as a performer. One thing I would have a problem with is him wrestling a match. The occasional scuffle is fine. I think Hogan needs to go out with the WWE.
I would like to see Hogan in the WWE. I would not be disapointed to him see revealed as the Raw GM somewhere along the line. I don't pay any attention to what wrestlers do outside of wrestling so reality TV shows or personal lives mean nothing to me. He was my first wrestling hero as a child and having him back in the WWE would only be a positive in my eyes.
I see were on page 4 so I don't expect anyone to read this but here goes:

Of course WWE would take him back. The hardest part is finding the right role and agreeing on the right price. Also, until it is confirmed that Hogan is really done with TNA I would not circle my calendar for a Hogan return.

However, WWE has a new network they want to kick off. I would love to see Hogan be some type of ambassador or commentator for the different shows. Imagine how much easier it would be to sell the network to cable providers if you could say Hulk Hogan was going to introduce and discuss the programs or Hulk Hogan is going to host a talk show where he discusses old matches and angles with the guys that were took part in them as we watched the old matches.

Fuck! I love this idea and I have been so critical of Hogan's work over the past two years. He's not a one more match guy or a writer or a backstage guy or a mystery GM or a manager or power struggle owner. He's a brand, a legend and a link that can bring wrestling's past to the present. His biggest value is providing the fans with insight (true or not) in to the past that we love him for and we shared with him over the past 30 years.

Who gives a shit, no one is going to read this since we are already on page 4. If you do happen to read this I would like to know your thoughts. If someone else already came up with this idea I apologize.
Take him on! He may have said a few things about WWE but really even vince knows that Hogan just wanted to make a business and seem serious about it.

Vince knows he is an asshole, plenty of people say it and I bet people have said shit about vince in the past and he still puts ratings and money before his own pride when it comes to giving the likes of HULK HOGAN! a shot as a WWE Legend.

Make him the host of wrestlemania, nothing more. With The Rock, Stone Cold, CM Punk, HHH, John Cena, Jericho, undertaker and Hulk Hogan all making at the very least an appearance this could be one of, if not THE biggest WrestleMania of all time. And I dont mean personally I just mean financially.
Not to mention possible appearances from Edge and Rey Mysterio, just to show their faces.
(Sorry for Typing and puncutation errors, currently drunk but thinking straight...I think)
i dont know if vince would do it... hogan may still draw somewhat but he is a disaster and he didnt do any good for tna at all... i was interested to see what would happen at tna when they signed him. he ruined that company and the company ruined him to
When it comes to pro wrestling, you never say never. If Vince McMahon & Hulk Hogan can broker a deal that's mutually satisfactory, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Hogan back at some point in time.

As others have said, I think the best thing would be to sign Hogan to a Legend's Deal and use him sparingly. Have him pop up every once in a blue moon for a nostalgia pop, make some public appearances sometimes to promote a big upcoming event or ppv, do some merchendising with t-shirts & posters & action figures, etc. Aside from that, a Legend's Deal frees Hogan up to do whatever other projects or interests he might have. In my opinion, it's just simply the best use of him. We've seen him a LOT in TNA and the nostalgia has long since worn off and he hasn't been drawing viewers for them.

What I have NO interest in whatsoever is to see WWE bring Hogan in and, essentially, do the same thing that TNA has done with him. I don't want Hogan as the center of attention in WWE. I don't want entire shows & storylines to be woven around Hogan as the centerpiece of everything that's going on. I don't want to see Hogan getting in brawls with guys 25 and 30 years younger than he is, and especially getting the better of them. I don't want to see Hulk Hogan wrestle nor am I at all interested in an angle in which it's even hinted that he's going to wrestle. Just like Bret Hart, I have ZERO interest in watching Hulk Hogan participate in a wrestling match if the man can't wrestle.

I might be wrong here but I think a Legend's Deal with WWE, if he's even at all interested in working with WWE again & vice versa, is the only deal that can ultimately work. If Hogan wanted a deal in which he was a regular or if that's what WWE wanted, then I honestly think Hogan would want to be right in the middle of the spotlight and for everyone else in the company to play second fiddle to him. Just have him come on occassionally to help Raw or SD! maybe pop a rating, let him to radio & internet interviews to hype big WWE events, make some money with Hogan merchendise and leave it at that. I think it's the best WWE could hope for because I just don't see Hogan putting anyone over.
If there is money to be made, yeah they'll take him back. A legends deal as many have commented would be ideal in my mind as well
George Steele's Barber has the best idea yet. Hogan as a host or commentator on the network is perfect. It leverages his strengths - name recognition, mainstream cross-over appeal, and voice. It also minimizes his weaknesses - namely his inability to work a match and difficulty working into a story line on Raw/SD. He could still make appearances on Raw/SD/PPVs to promote the network. You get the pop without the grief.

He could work 'shoot' shows or 'worked' shows on the network.

Awesome idea.
I could see Hogan coming back. They mention him enough on WWE TV to still mean something to Vince. Hogan could really help someone if he just were to focus on being a manager and NOT on creative idea's.

I'm not sure Hogan's ego would allow him to come back without some creative control over his character though.

Hogan if he came back as the cripple he is and Hulkamania could be the exact thing to get Cena to turn heel IF IT really ever was to happen (I'M NOT ANOTHER "I HOPE CENA TURNS HEEL" POSTER EITHER! JUST SAYING!). Cena attacking a defenseless icon is the only person or way I could see Cena being able to turn heel again. I mean I guess someone like Randy Orton could be the way Cena turns heel but WWE doesn't have enough strong faces to make fans really care that Cena did anything Heelish.

Cena vs The Rock will only turn fan's on Cena for one night much like The Money in The Bank match in Chicago vs CM Punk. So point being Vince signs Hogan to a legends contract if the day ever was to come that Cena turns heel or Hogan Becomes a manager for someone is the only way I see Hogan ever coming back to WWE.
Vince will take pretty much anybody back. He took Bret Hart back after Montreal, he took Steve Austin back after he walked out, he took Rock back after he "sold out" and left for seven years. If Hogan wanted to be back, he'd be back. Hopefully he opts against it, though, because I really don't want to suffer through any more Hogan matches. The guy needs to learn when to call it a day.
legends deal EASY, why? Even in TNA, and after hogan knows best the bastard is still recognized as THE man who put wrestling on the map (wether he did is indeed debatable but he still has the power) plus lets be honest wwe 12 downloadable content either hulking out or shitting on the hulk which ever side you wish to choose both sound appealing
Hogan is a huge name
He's marketable.
He'd draw fans, just from being affiliated.

Just don't use him in the ring, at all. Please :(
Whatever is best for business will be done by VInce McMahon. I think no matter the bad blood for going to TNA and his little Australian tour thing, if Hulk Hogan could sell an event they'd bring him back. But I wonder what he could possibly offer at this point... He can't walk. He can't wrestle a match. He can barely cut a promo anymore without sounding like a complete fool. I can't imagine that at this point Hulk Hogan is a useful name for the WWE.
In the end, the WWE is a business, and if they could increase business, sure they'd bring him back.

But would hogan be a draw anymore? They'd have to consider...if the casual fan is flipping through the channels and sees Hogan on WWE, is he/she going to get excited and keep watching, or roll their eyes and change the channel? Probably the latter. I seriously doubt he is going to be a draw anymore. The man has more or less prostituted himself so much that he is now more of a joke than an icon. I do not think the WWE would want to taint themselves at this point by hiring him back.
Of course the WWE would take Hogan back, but I think it would only be several months after his imminent TNA departure. It would be in a very limited capacity, possibly a one off appearance at a major event such as Wrestlemania, for the pop value only. He would sign some sort of a legends contract, but would see extremely limited on screen time.

You can be guaranteed that he would not be competing in a match, and certainly not at the biggest PPV of the season. He would not be main eventing Westlemania against some other old and no longer relevant guy. He would not be a pivotal character in a faction which would be front and centre in the organization for months on end. He would be brought out to cut a promo putting someone over, and I expect he would make some thinly veiled jabs at TNA along the way, something along the lines of, "it's nice to be back in a wrestling ring in front of an audience again".

Personally I would be just as content to see him never back in WWE again. He had his send off, he has his induction into the Hall of Fame, and they certainly don't need him anymore. But I guess a one time dose of nostalgia would be OK, just as long as nostalgia doesn't dominate the company as it does elsewhere.
Hogan being a draw might be debatable. People always argue that the nostalgia factor is going to draw fans. I can see a minimal impact but I cant picture any significant surge in ratings or attendance.

The reason being is (a) most PG era targeted fans werent even around during Hogan's peak. Basically, for us longtime fans, the way we precieve Bruno Smmartino is the way they precieve Hulk Hogan. and (b) for fans that grew up with Hogan, like most of us here, would you pay $40 if the only reason to order the PPV is because of Hogan? Keep in mind we are still hardcore fans and try asking a wrestling fan in the 90's that doesn't watch it anymore.
Hogan isn't the draw he once was even as late as 2002. Between all of his personal problems going public and his failed attempt to ONCE AGAIN take down WWE, the fans he used to have are now sick of seeing him on TV telling everyone how we slammed Andre the Giant before (insert Superstar here) was out of his diapers. I don't think the WWE takes him back if that is the case because of the factors listed above. The juice is not worth the squeeze.
Hogan being a draw might be debatable. People always argue that the nostalgia factor is going to draw fans. I can see a minimal impact but I cant picture any significant surge in ratings or attendance.

The reason being is (a) most PG era targeted fans werent even around during Hogan's peak. Basically, for us longtime fans, the way we precieve Bruno Smmartino is the way they precieve Hulk Hogan. and (b) for fans that grew up with Hogan, like most of us here, would you pay $40 if the only reason to order the PPV is because of Hogan? Keep in mind we are still hardcore fans and try asking a wrestling fan in the 90's that doesn't watch it anymore.
Hogan to Sammartino is not a good comparison. WWE was a MUCH smaller company when Sammartino was around; its biggest nationwide exposure started during the Hogan era. If you ask any average person on the street who Hulk Hogan is, they'll probably be able to tell you. Sure, maybe the kids don't know him so well, but they also might not know Bret Hart or Stone Cold Steve Austin or even The Rock. That doesn't mean that you don't bring those guys back to pop ratings or buyrates for the audiences who DO know them.
I think the problem with Hogan is the kids that used to love him turned into teenagers that used to hate him and eventually into grown ups that don't really care about him anymore. He's already in the HOF and can't get in the ring without breaking something. Bringing him back isn't gonna make any more money that it would with him over in TNA. With all his personal problems made public, the mystique on "Hulkamania" is diminished greatly.
Vince has been able to put aside differences and grudges many times in the past if he feels there's money to be made. Many of those times were with Hogan himself. Those saying he wont be because he kicked Vince in the balls by going to TNA. Must not be old enough to remember him leaving for WCW where he had a big hand in almost putting Vince out of business. Yet Vince still brought him back and paid him quite well and made tons of money by doing so.

So I think there is a chance he could be brought in for a limited time. Most likely under a legends deal with a few appearances here and there. The fact that his run in TNA didn't bring in huge ratings or help TNA that much. Will probably hurt his chances as far as getting as big of a payday he would of gotten back before he went to TNA. But after his divorce and legal and financial troubles I wouldn't be surprised if he was willing to accept a lower offer. Which I'm sure would be higher than what he's making in TNA.
Whilst I agree Hogan has no business being back in the WWE as a performer, I really do like the concept of him being the RAW GM this whole time. Remember back to when Vince first hired the GM. He knew him very well. However, his stint in TNA has taught us his mic skills are just as bad as his in ring work is. I've noticed the GM podium is still there (NoC)... perhaps they're waiting to install someone (current bet is on Foley) to start questioning HHH's authority. Would be pretty cool idea that he was controlling both companies at the same time. But WWE would never acknowledge TNA's existence.
No draw? Worthless? Perhaps. But then again, does he have to be? Dibiase, Rhodes, Snuka, Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, etc. all get regular run outs, and they are nothing compared to Hogan.

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