Would WWE induct someone in their HOF if they are already in TNA's??


Pre-Show Stalwart
I had trouble envisioning the WWE inducting Sting into the HOF due to the fact that he has never stepped foot in an E' ring. Now that he is the first TNA HOF inductee there is little to no possibility of it happening. Thought since they own the WCW material and his appearance on the alumni page on WWE.com that it COULD be possible , but now , nope.

The bigger question would be, would vince induct anyone who ended their careers in TNA or will likely be TNA for life ?

sure , mick foley, flair, booker t are recent examples of post TNA career inductions, BUT they had come back to the WWE in some capacity or another before their inductions. Flair may be an exception due to the controversy of him leaving TNA and being inducted with the horseman.

Will we ever see Kurt Angle in the WWE HOF ???
Will we ever see Jeff hardy in the WWE HOF ?? - some would debate this even if he never left WWE to begin with.
Will we ever see
They would without question. They've inducted people who were in WCW's HOF so why not TNA's? Verne Gagne, Eddie Graham, Harley Race, Ernie Ladd, Dusty Rhodes, Antonio Inoki, Terry Funk, Gordon Solie & Big John Studd were all inducted in WCW's prior to WWE's.
No, not as an active wrestler with that lawsuit flying around.

After he's done in TNA and retires, definitely. He doesn't need to do as much as Booker T or Mick Foley IMO, just a guest appearance on a Raw would suffice I'd imagine. For the HOF, he's be a huge draw. If they also release a Best of Sting DVD, they could count on huge sales as well.
WWE would jump at the chance to work with Sting and induct him into the HOF. No doubts about it.
Not while they are competing for another company. It would make no sense. However, once said wrestler retires than it is in the interest of the WWE to at least make contact.

Kurt Angle has to be. When he retires from TNA than I'm sure they will jump at the chance. He is a very big name of the WWE's past.

Jeff Hardy is interesting. He should have been massive but issues in his personal life stopped that. I can see the Hardy boys being inducted together. That would be a nice moment. Team 3D likewise.
They would without question. They've inducted people who were in WCW's HOF so why not TNA's? Verne Gagne, Eddie Graham, Harley Race, Ernie Ladd, Dusty Rhodes, Antonio Inoki, Terry Funk, Gordon Solie & Big John Studd were all inducted in WCW's prior to WWE's.
You learn something everyday, I didn't know WCW had a hall off fame.:shrug:

Anyway, I don't see why you wouldn't see Angle, Hardy or Sting in the WWE hall of fame. It seems to me the only people that don't get in there are people that Vince has a personal beef with (cue the Macho Man music). Angle left on good terms and so did Hardy (more or less). Granted it will be many years before either would get in. Sting should get in a few years after he officially retires almost for sure.
Originally Posted by donfryeismyhero
They would without question. They've inducted people who were in WCW's HOF so why not TNA's? Verne Gagne, Eddie Graham, Harley Race, Ernie Ladd, Dusty Rhodes, Antonio Inoki, Terry Funk, Gordon Solie & Big John Studd were all inducted in WCW's prior to WWE's.

yes but this is a defunct company whose HOF either is, or should be defunct. WWE owns all of WCW intellectual property so inducting them would only be benefitting them. you dont see them rushing to put wrestlers in who made that jump to wcw with the exception of a few. But wheres Razor and Diesel ?
I don't see why they wouldn't. Angle and Hardy are both big parts of WWE's history and if their contract expired tomorrow they could return at the top of the card . As for Sting i'm not so sure he should get in seeing as how he has nothing to do with the WWE, like at all.
Originally Posted by donfryeismyhero
They would without question. They've inducted people who were in WCW's HOF so why not TNA's? Verne Gagne, Eddie Graham, Harley Race, Ernie Ladd, Dusty Rhodes, Antonio Inoki, Terry Funk, Gordon Solie & Big John Studd were all inducted in WCW's prior to WWE's.

yes but this is a defunct company whose HOF either is, or should be defunct. WWE owns all of WCW intellectual property so inducting them would only be benefitting them. you dont see them rushing to put wrestlers in who made that jump to wcw with the exception of a few. But wheres Razor and Diesel ?

The WWE inducted Ernie Ladd in 95. WCW did it in 94. TNA no longer being in business & WWE owning it's intellectual rights/property won't play a factor. They won't consider Razor until after he gets cleaned up & he can be trusted to make it to the HOF without falling off the wagon as with Jake Roberts one would believe. There was talks of inducting Nash just this year so they're still in play. Just give it time.
Yep, Angle and the Hardy Boys are definitely getting inducted, but not while they wrestle for TNA. Although, they wouldn't be getting inducted immediately anyway so it doesn't hurt their chances.

Not sure about Sting though, since they only have a link to him through WCW. That would also be after he stops with TNA, if ever. I only wonder if they'd any of his work after WCW (TNA) in his hypothetical induction video.
Yep, Angle and the Hardy Boys are definitely getting inducted, but not while they wrestle for TNA. Although, they wouldn't be getting inducted immediately anyway so it doesn't hurt their chances.

Not sure about Sting though, since they only have a link to him through WCW. That would also be after he stops with TNA, if ever. I only wonder if they'd any of his work after WCW (TNA) in his hypothetical induction video.

Matt Hardy should not get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Jeff MAYBE but certainly not Matt. What has Matt done to have ANY sort of Hall of Fame career? If winning Tag Team championship gold is all it takes then hell Kofi Kingston is a sure fire Hall of Famer already. He's provided us more memorable moments in ROYAL RUMBLE matches alone than Matt has in his entire career.

I don't even give a damn if I take heat for saying that. Hell X-Pac deserves HoF inductions well before Matt should ever be considered.

As far as Sting goes as has been stated: once he is retired and away from the sport for a while I think WWE will reach out to him. HHH/WWE brass are no morons as much as we like to think they are. They know there is huge potential revenue by working with the Stinger. The man is a GLOBAL ICON without ever having set foot in the WWF/E! Hell the very mention of him working WM with the Undertaker set the world on fire with excitement. Nobody else in wrestling today is as big an ICON as Sting AND has yet to step foot in the WWE. If WWE doesn't induct the likes of Sting they are missing a Green and Golden opportunity.
Of course they will but i am a 100% sure they will not recognise the TNA HOF when they do .

Its always been said Vince will always do what best for Business. Hell think of the things the likes of Hogan,Sable & Lesnar did and Vince still brought them back
If they are still competing in TNA? No.

If they are in TNA's HOF? Yes, because it would most likely only be Kurt Angle or Sting if they ever did that WCW themed HOF year they were talking about.

Angle and Hardy will be in the WWE HOF one day, I believe Jeff will go in twice (As a singles competitor and w/ Matt as the Hardy Boyz)

Who knows, TNA let Flair jump ship for one night. Maybe they could agree to another.
I think it's more of a TNA-anomaly than a WWE-puzzle. I know that TNA is trying to reach the next level as a promotion, so I'm sure they felt that they needed the HoF, but now their only member is an active wrestler? I makes little sense to me.

TNA certainly isn't "bush league" as another poster so horridly put it (I forgot who, but you know who you are) and I'm sure they could have delayed their HoF for a little longer or at least until Sting called it quits.

As for Sting, he's a shoo-in for WWE's HoF. As are Angle, Hardy and maybe even RVD. They'll just wait until these guys are retired. In the meantime, they have loads of other guys that they can induct.
It would have to be after the TNA contracts expired but I don't know why they wouldn't. What matters to WWE is revenue and they would get alot of money in from ticket and dvd sales of former TNA talents like Angle, the Hardy's and Sting.
Ultimately both the TNA and WWE Halls are jokes though. There is no Hall of fame from either company, just a touring exhibit.
Vince McMahon only inducted Verne Gagne because he was another promoter Vince left talent less when he stole away all the best he had. Same with Bill Watts. Both had absolutely nothing to do with WWE whatsoever save for Watts doing guest appearances at house shows.

Its a known fact that Vince will induct damn near anyone so it stands to reason he would induct the face of WCW the greatest rival he ever had. Not to mention he still makes hundreds of thousands off the guy's name anyway with all the Nitro, Clash of the Champions and any other WCW dvd they've released.

Personally, I think TNA inducted Sting first over anyone else just so they can say the did before WWE. Furthermore, TNA doesn't need a hall of fame yet considering they've barely been around that long!
WWE will more than likely -- hate to say definitely since there's no way to know for sure -- induct the names listed in the OP: Sting, Jeff Hardy and Angle. whether all three of those guys go in the TNA HOF or not, they will all be in the WWE HOF before the end.

one poster nailed it perfectly when stating that WWE already uses Sting's name, image and matches in numerous of their DVD products, so why not wait till he leaves TNA/retires and then have him headline or co-headline a HOF ceremony? he's earned it. what's that? he's not done anything for WWE ever? never even stepped in a WWE ring? turns out that's not necessary. Abdullah the Butcher just breathed a sigh of relief.

Angle will be in the WWE HOF too. might even work one last program or match with WWE. he's too competitive to not consider it at least. either way, he'll be in. too many great feuds and matches. plus the only Olympic gold medalist thing.

Jeff Hardy will likely be in. singles star or tag team? tough call. maybe both. there's no denying the success of the Hardy Boyz along with the Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian. their matches together were thrilling. and Jeff was successful as a singles star for sure. my biggest concern here? without being too mean, the acceptance speech. he's never been very good with a mic.

all in all, i seriously doubt that TNA HOF inductions put a barrier on potential future WWE HOF inductions. TNA contracts that have yet to expire? 'nother story.
Matt Hardy should not get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Jeff MAYBE but certainly not Matt. What has Matt done to have ANY sort of Hall of Fame career? If winning Tag Team championship gold is all it takes then hell Kofi Kingston is a sure fire Hall of Famer already. He's provided us more memorable moments in ROYAL RUMBLE matches alone than Matt has in his entire career.

I don't even give a damn if I take heat for saying that. Hell X-Pac deserves HoF inductions well before Matt should ever be considered.

As far as Sting goes as has been stated: once he is retired and away from the sport for a while I think WWE will reach out to him. HHH/WWE brass are no morons as much as we like to think they are. They know there is huge potential revenue by working with the Stinger. The man is a GLOBAL ICON without ever having set foot in the WWF/E! Hell the very mention of him working WM with the Undertaker set the world on fire with excitement. Nobody else in wrestling today is as big an ICON as Sting AND has yet to step foot in the WWE. If WWE doesn't induct the likes of Sting they are missing a Green and Golden opportunity.

How are you picking these guys who "shouldn't go in"? Cos logic and their actual career doesn't seem to be part of it. Some guys are Icons - they are the kind of guys who headline a HOF class, others are part of one. Not giving a damn is fine, but not knowing your stuff when comparing two careers side by side isn't.

At one time Matt was the most decorated champion in WWE history, with all his combined Hardcore, tag and Euro/IC/Cruiser and ECW titles combined. JR mentioned it regularly on his blog and in commentary - he has also an equal claim to the HOF for being involved in the TLC's and his body of work which includes a win over his brother at Mania, a memorable cage match with Edge at Summerslam and again holding EVERY WWF title bar one of the top 2 or the Diva's. Also remember how young he was when he got into the WWF - 19 in Matt's case, so by the time he left he already had over 10 years served and has plenty of scope to return one day (although it is not likely he will get one of those World titles - he was closer than many). All of this of course is solo before you count his work as part of one of the most over teams WWE has ever had.

So whatever his "demons", his WWF career is 10x that of what Kofi Kingston has ever achieved or is likely to. That is not to say KK isn't a future Hall Of Famer himself.

By the same token why would X-Pac not get one? ahead of Hardy or not? He too was part of the 2 biggest factions of an era, played a role in getting Scott Hall and Kane over and was a a big part of the WWF before 1995's ruin. Again, issues backstage but he never got busted while working for Vince - and was always pushed.

Now as to the actual thread - It's a tough one in Sting's case because he has chosen not to work with WWE to date, even when the opportunities have been there. That makes it hard for them to honor him as there is no match or moment for THEM that can be honored, it's all about WCW and their "buried after acquisition" attitude towards it, the only way it ever works is if they revive WCW itself and Sting is part of it, be it Commish or GM etc... THEN they have something they can point to and say he is part of our history and future.

Christian was a different case, he had a strong - near HOF level career before being TNA World Champ and then winning the World belt later - even if WWE skate over the gaps, he is a "classic" HOF competitor, someone who has shown upwards growth his whole career, not gotten in trouble and most importantly, shown class in how he has behaved over TNA - that TNA honored him already won't come into it, he made clear he didn't really want to show up on their show but he did it, even dropped the IC belt so he could, he even showed up to the PPV AND following RAW when his deal was expired and was clearly off to TNA... look at that, then look at Jeff Jarrett and you get an idea as to why Christian is a lock for the HOF...eventually and Jarrett is never getting near the WWE HOF, even if he buys a ticket.

Yes guys like Christian will have to wait, but that they are inducting guys like Booker now shows they are moving away from the traditional slots in the HOF class, there was always a Tag Team, a Promoter, a Celeb, A Diva a headliner and some lesser guys and of course the dreaded "dead wrestler slot". This year it's all about great workers, I was a little surprised that Harlem Heat as a team didn't go in but that Booker is going in can only bode well for guys who have been in TNA or made mistakes - remember Booker did nearly 10 years for Armed Robbery, so his induction is a triumphant one in many ways. Both Booker and Foley left under clouds but returned and are being honored. Both HOF's will eventually include many of the same people - Flair, Angle, Foley, Christian, RVD (he will be next back into the fold), Eric Bischoff, Truth, D-Lo Brown (another very decorated worker for WWE) Nash and the Dudleyz have all got the likelyhood of going into both in their lifetimes, should they beat the curse of the wrestler.
Matt Hardy should not get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Jeff MAYBE but certainly not Matt. What has Matt done to have ANY sort of Hall of Fame career? If winning Tag Team championship gold is all it takes then hell Kofi Kingston is a sure fire Hall of Famer already. He's provided us more memorable moments in ROYAL RUMBLE matches alone than Matt has in his entire career.

I don't even give a damn if I take heat for saying that. Hell X-Pac deserves HoF inductions well before Matt should ever be considered.

As far as Sting goes as has been stated: once he is retired and away from the sport for a while I think WWE will reach out to him. HHH/WWE brass are no morons as much as we like to think they are. They know there is huge potential revenue by working with the Stinger. The man is a GLOBAL ICON without ever having set foot in the WWF/E! Hell the very mention of him working WM with the Undertaker set the world on fire with excitement. Nobody else in wrestling today is as big an ICON as Sting AND has yet to step foot in the WWE. If WWE doesn't induct the likes of Sting they are missing a Green and Golden opportunity.

Sting while deserving of the hall of fame is not nearly as big of an icon as you say he is. Sting had a good hot streak of 2 years and also was a good main eventer before, but hes not a name like piper, austin, hogan, rock, taker, savage, or cena.
remember Booker did nearly 10 years for Armed Robbery,

i don't mean to be that guy but booker only was in jail for like 6 months. Remember he got into the wrestling in his early 20's. I think your mixing him up with mvp. But yes even still it is a wonderful story of success.
Yes, provided this person made their mark on the industry primarily in either WWE or WCW, not a TNA only or TNA mainly talent. Also, this person for obvious business reasons would have to be done with TNA contractually and be signed to some sort of Legends Deal for merchandising, etc by WWE.

If TNA puts Kurt Angle in it's HOF (deserving since he has had great success there) he would still be able to come back and be inducted into WWE's Pro Wrestling HOF provided he met the above criteria. Sting, already in TNA's Hall, would certainly be inducted as well by WWE based solely on his tenure in WCW.

I'm not sure how many other guys who appeared in TNA but made their mark elsewhere would even have contributed enough to the company to a TNA HOFer, Nash, Foley, & Flair really didnt do enough there to TNA HOF although you can make a strong argument that Foley & Nash are worthy of a Pro Wrestling HOF Designation based on their WWE & WCW careers while Flair obviously is in twice already counting The Horsemen induction.

I do not think guys like Samoa Joe, etc that have been primarily TNA guys will ever get the recognition from WWE that ex WCW, AWA, & World Class guys get. That could change however if one important thing happened...WWE bought out TNA, or at least the company died and WWE bought their tape library.
Sting while deserving of the hall of fame is not nearly as big of an icon as you say he is. Sting had a good hot streak of 2 years and also was a good main eventer before, but hes not a name like piper, austin, hogan, rock, taker, savage, or cena.

Sting never would have had the run he did if he wasnt already established with wrestling audience as a huge star prior to 1997. If you were a wrestling fan in GA, NC, SC, KY, WVA, VA, PA, Ohio, FLA, Miss, Missouri, Sting was about as big a star as anyone if not bigger that WWE had at the same time (Hart, Hall, HBK, Nash). Plus, the ratings for WCW even in down times nationally were just below what average numbers for RAW are right now.

Also remember how many millions of dollars in lost revenue did WWE suffer when WCW Clash Of Champions I aired free on TBS vs WrestleMania IV on PPV, severaly depressing PPV buys. Sting, although a young star at the time, was the main event of that show (vs Flair). That event drew higher ratings than any of the regular sports programming on the netwroks at the same time. Believe me, if Vince hadnt lost a lot of potential money that day he never would have pressured cable operators to persuade Ted Turner never to air to one of those specials against a WWE PPV again (Vince threatened cable operators that if they didnt try to stop Turner from doing that in the future WWE would not let them run their PPVs).

Sting was very popular and very well known to a huge audience even without Starrcade 97.
Matt Hardy should not get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Jeff MAYBE but certainly not Matt. What has Matt done to have ANY sort of Hall of Fame career? If winning Tag Team championship gold is all it takes then hell Kofi Kingston is a sure fire Hall of Famer already. He's provided us more memorable moments in ROYAL RUMBLE matches alone than Matt has in his entire career.

I don't even give a damn if I take heat for saying that. Hell X-Pac deserves HoF inductions well before Matt should ever be considered.

As far as Sting goes as has been stated: once he is retired and away from the sport for a while I think WWE will reach out to him. HHH/WWE brass are no morons as much as we like to think they are. They know there is huge potential revenue by working with the Stinger. The man is a GLOBAL ICON without ever having set foot in the WWF/E! Hell the very mention of him working WM with the Undertaker set the world on fire with excitement. Nobody else in wrestling today is as big an ICON as Sting AND has yet to step foot in the WWE. If WWE doesn't induct the likes of Sting they are missing a Green and Golden opportunity.

Look, i'm not really a fan of either Hardy but they are easily getting in the HoF, the idea that they won't is absurd. They'll get in as the Hardy Boys and not as singles competitors, because thats how they were best known. They were really over, won many titles together and separately, were actively involved in the Attitude era and they put on many classic matches. What more does someone have to do to get in the HoF?

X-Pac probably will get in, because he's already out of either company, was involved with DX and has a good relationship with Triple H. Doesn't mean Matt won't get in.
In other words would they induct the following?
3D- yes
Jeff Hardy- probably who is to say he may never go back to wwe, but yes.
Kurt Angle- as long as he doesn’t pull a Chris Benoit, defiantly, yes.
Sting- without a doubt. Yes.

there may be even more down the years to come, who knows.
Sting while deserving of the hall of fame is not nearly as big of an icon as you say he is. Sting had a good hot streak of 2 years and also was a good main eventer before, but hes not a name like piper, austin, hogan, rock, taker, savage, or cena.

You are correct Sting isn't as big a name as those other guys. He's BIGGER in a sense because he didn't NEED the WWF/WWE to acquire his name. When did you start watching professional wrestling anyways? He had a 2 year hot streak? 2 YEARS!? :wtf::banghead::disappointed:

Sting isn't as big an Icon as I say he is? Ok name someone who HAS NEVER BEEN IN THE WWE who is more universally known. Give me 1 name. Then give me 2 names. Then give me 3 names if you can. I'm guessing you can't. Everyone else NEEDED the WWF/E platform to get where they are today. Hogan wouldn't be as big without WWF/E. Flair MIGHT but it's a valid argument in his case either way. Piper- No chance in hell because with out WWF there wouldn't have been Hogan/Piper, Hogan/Warrior, Hogan/Andre.

Yet Sting has wrestled the likes of:
Hulk Hogan
Bret Hart
Randy Savage
The Giant
Kevin Nash
Lex Luger
Ric Flair

AND he has become a household name without utilizing the main-stage of WWF/WWE. His involvement in an angle immediately gives it legitimacy. Yet to you that doesn't make him as big an icon as I say? Again then give me more than 5 names that NEVER STEPPED FOOT in the WWF/WWE that are as universally known as Sting.

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