Would the it be a sucess for the WWE to Create a Third Brand?

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GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
Seeing the rise and then the fall of the WWE owned ECW brand really turned a few wheels in my head. Why did they close down ECW? Sure the ratings were not the best but it's not like WWE creative really cared about the program.

And now seeing as so many of the IWC believe the main event crowd is "Too crowded" Main eventers like Sheamus are having a hard time finding a spot and fell to the upper-mid card. The WWE should make a third brand.

I believe if they E were to give a real shot at making a third brand, call it WCW, and place a majority of the upper-mid carders and a main eventer or two in there.

For one, it can open up chances for guy's like Christian, John Morrison, (Who can rehash his old Johnny Nitro gimmick) Finlay. And for making the third brand at least attempt to have a legit title, place a few main eventers like Jericho and Sheamus to lead the Roaster.
sometime I think VKM ruins shows that aren't MADE by him from the start on purpose...(see: ECW, WCW)...

So this COULD work the only thing I find that it may be difficult for them to build a new brand or a new show when the TV stations weren't tryna air SD and dropped NXT...
Seeing the rise and then the fall of the WWE owned ECW brand really turned a few wheels in my head. Why did they close down ECW? Sure the ratings were not the best but it's not like WWE creative really cared about the program.

And now seeing as so many of the IWC believe the main event crowd is "Too crowded" Main eventers like Sheamus are having a hard time finding a spot and fell to the upper-mid card. The WWE should make a third brand.

I believe if they E were to give a real shot at making a third brand, call it WCW, and place a majority of the upper-mid carders and a main eventer or two in there.

For one, it can open up chances for guy's like Christian, John Morrison, (Who can rehash his old Johnny Nitro gimmick) Finlay. And for making the third brand at least attempt to have a legit title, place a few main eventers like Jericho and Sheamus to lead the Roaster.

Dude, this is the third thread about making a third brand called WCW.

WWE made a third brand called ECW in 2006 and it sucked major arse until it closed last year. WCW was around 10 years ago and the current fans WWE are targetting wouldn't even remember anything from WCW.

If they made a third brand they would have to stretch out their talent aswell too. That's one of the major reasons ECW closed as you asked, the talent there wasn't very good except maybe Christian and Ezekiel. It would just be WWECW 2.0.

People should just let this go, third time in a week.
No. The main event spots are getting pretty scarce on Raw and Smackdown with the older guys retiring. The roster couldn't support a third brand that could be successful.

2 brands is one more than they should have anyway.
RAW and SmackDown are enough.

Here are the main eventers now:
Edge [Retiring soon]
Mysterio [Also retiring]
Undertaker [leaving very soon]
Triple H [retiring also]

So we basically have 2 top top stars. Then we have the list of people who are under these guys:

Del Rio, Ziggler, McIntyre, Bryan, Shaemus, Morrison, Miz, CM, Swagger, Barrett, Gabriel, Slater, McGillicutty, Ryan, etc.

I think when those retiring guys leave, these guys are gonna rise to the top, besides Miz and CM who are already there.
It wouldn't work in my opinion the amount of top stars in WWE has been getting smaller over the last year. Batista, Jericho, and HBK are gone and HHH is about to retire. Edge and Undertaker wont be around much longer either. With all them gone younger guys and guys like Christian who haven't had a huge main event push will/should move to the main event. If they did have a third brand I doubt the would use the WCW name it has been tarnished greatly by the horrible product they put on before WWE bought it.Plus the whole invasion angle didn't help much either.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! WWE needs to stop the brand extension as it is, much less make a third one. They are already too watered down for their own good so making a third brand would just make the issue worse. WWE needs to combine the brands to make for some fresh matchups, lower the amount of titles so they could bring some prestige back to the ones they keep, and having the shows combined would allow them to combine angles and have more time for some actual wrestling on their god damned shows. Top stars are at a minimum right now and a third brand, in absolutely no way, would help that matter.
I see what you are saying, and i agree, its no lie that the main event scene is too crowded, guys like Sheamus, Swagger, and yeah even guys who are still main eventing like Mysterio, Big Show, they are all taking back seat to the guys like Cena, Orton, and Edge, who get multiple title shots and title runs. Creating a new brand, (nt WCW because they would just ruin it more) from scratch, and placing top stars, upper/lower mid carders, and new talent, would be a great investment. Get a top notch creatives writer on the case and you might have yourself a new Raw..find a time slot on Wednesday night, and make it live. WWE would have something great going for them, they could move, or even create, the brands own title. They would be able to bring back the cruiser-weight division, and have more innovative main events, being able to utilize more wrestlers, and their abilities. John Morrison, WWE is impressed as of late with him, but he still gets the short end of the stick when it comes to main event status. Give him a good (new brand) title run, while still keeping the old guys like Cena and Orton (plus all their fans) happy with them remaining in the title picture, while also keeping us who are tired of the same guys getting the shot, interested with new faces and new chances to watch someone who doesnt really get television time; and to think of the possibility that the draft would have, making an impact would be so much easier with more main event guys. Think about a guy like Swagger, who has a ton of ability and potential, going from mid-card status to main event status in the new brand, then getting drafted to Raw and becoming a main eventer against Cena and Orton and all of them. Makes for some good drama, talent and most importantly....WRESTLING, which is why we are all here in the first place.
yes they should to make it tv 14 for us older fans who are tired of no blood at ppv. we want blood and glory. it would help keep the older fans instead of chasing us a way with this kiddy crap the call raw
I see what you are saying, and i agree, its no lie that the main event scene is too crowded, guys like Sheamus, Swagger, and yeah even guys who are still main eventing like Mysterio, Big Show, they are all taking back seat to the guys like Cena, Orton, and Edge, who get multiple title shots and title runs. Creating a new brand, (nt WCW because they would just ruin it more) from scratch, and placing top stars, upper/lower mid carders, and new talent, would be a great investment. Get a top notch creatives writer on the case and you might have yourself a new Raw..find a time slot on Wednesday night, and make it live. WWE would have something great going for them, they could move, or even create, the brands own title. They would be able to bring back the cruiser-weight division, and have more innovative main events, being able to utilize more wrestlers, and their abilities. John Morrison, WWE is impressed as of late with him, but he still gets the short end of the stick when it comes to main event status. Give him a good (new brand) title run, while still keeping the old guys like Cena and Orton (plus all their fans) happy with them remaining in the title picture, while also keeping us who are tired of the same guys getting the shot, interested with new faces and new chances to watch someone who doesnt really get television time; and to think of the possibility that the draft would have, making an impact would be so much easier with more main event guys. Think about a guy like Swagger, who has a ton of ability and potential, going from mid-card status to main event status in the new brand, then getting drafted to Raw and becoming a main eventer against Cena and Orton and all of them. Makes for some good drama, talent and most importantly....WRESTLING, which is why we are all here in the first place.

How do you figure? WWE had potential with the ECW brand, but they screwed it up because well nobody expected WWE's ECW to be any good in the first place. By creating a new brand it gives more talent a chance at super-stardom, a chance need i remind you can't and WON'T happen with a combined WWE roster, and combined titles, sure the WWE can still get rid of their useless titles like the US and the WWE titles, but when it comes down to it, the more the better, sure the way things are going right now, the prestige is gone, titles are either carried too long or passed around like a drunken ****e at a party, but if managed right, (key word is right) then the title prestige isnt an issue, the real issue is, the WWE has too much talent, and much like TNA they don't know what to do with it, roles and gimmicks arent able to develop and we are wondering why half of these guys are even here if they are going to just get punted in the head by Orton. With a third brand, the WWE would still be able to showcase older talent, but would be able to promote new talent and the chance at something truly great. The title picture can still change, having one world title isnt a bad thing, but they can benefit from bringing back the cruiser-weight, light-heavy weight, or hell even make a new belt up, the tag team division would also improve with a new show, more of a chance for tag teams to actually develop.
I've gone back and forth with this same issue. It this was back in 2007-2008 I would completely agree with the concept of a third brand. However at this current time I don't think it would really benefit anybody.

The WWE simply put is in a rebuilding stage although they wouldn't really like to admit that right now. Most of their stars in the past have either left or are on their way out. Guys like Jericho, Batista, HBK, HHH, Undertaker, Edge and Rey Mysterio have either left or are going to leave very soon. This leaves the WWE with very little "now" star power. Outside of Cena and Orton you have a large list of talent that needs time to grow. This list includes Del Rio, Miz, Barrett, Morrison, Ziggler, Rhodes, Kofi, Punk and so much more.

That being said you need as much as you can as far as good matches and star powers on both shows. Really it would be smart to combine both shows right now, but Vince will never do that. A third brand will only hurt the product more. Besides you have NXT and Tough Enough starting up, really other than star power, thats all you need and can afford to have right now.
Seeing the rise and then the fall of the WWE owned ECW brand really turned a few wheels in my head. Why did they close down ECW? Sure the ratings were not the best but it's not like WWE creative really cared about the program.

And now seeing as so many of the IWC believe the main event crowd is "Too crowded" Main eventers like Sheamus are having a hard time finding a spot and fell to the upper-mid card. The WWE should make a third brand.

I believe if they E were to give a real shot at making a third brand, call it WCW, and place a majority of the upper-mid carders and a main eventer or two in there.

For one, it can open up chances for guy's like Christian, John Morrison, (Who can rehash his old Johnny Nitro gimmick) Finlay. And for making the third brand at least attempt to have a legit title, place a few main eventers like Jericho and Sheamus to lead the Roaster.

A third brand would never have the ratings that Raw and SmackDown have but it could be somewhat successful, maybe getting ratings comparable to TNA. The thing I liked about WWECW is it gave new stars some spotlight, and veterans who weren't getting any on Raw or SD. It wasn't much more than a developmental show with a TV spot but it did what it was supposed to do, and probably would have stayed around longer if NXT didn't replace it.
A third show won't work. There are too few performers that are close to main event quality. The problem wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't foolishly release performers. To see guys like Kennedy, Elijah Burke (Pope), Benjamin, Haas, MVP, Matt Hardy, Carlito etc be let go and then see what's left, it makes you scratch your head. The guys they let go could work a match and speak on the mike.

Add to that Jericho, Batista, HBK, are gone. Taker, Mysterio, Edge and Triple H aren't going to be around for too much longer, how could it be a good time to take on a third show. It takes a lot longer than they are willing to wait to develop performers into the kind of stars that will create the impact they really need. They have:

John Cena -(bankable but not some one the audience wants to see with the
belt consistently)
The Miz - (too soon to tell but so far it doesn't look good)
Swagger -(failed as a main event)
Sheamus - (has improved, capable but was not main event ready as soon as they pushed him)
Punk- (good but needs a big match to put him over)
Orton- (solid but not great in the ring or on the mike)
DelRio- (hasn't shown much so far),
Ziggler- (good in the ring not so much on the mike)

They do have some they could take a risk on
Kingston, Christian, Daniel Bryan (not interesting on the mike but can work in the ring), Ziggler, Punk, Ezekiel Jackson,
Dibiase, Rhodes and who knows who will be good in the future. But WWE can in no way start a third brand.
i never understood why the wwe ended ecw for nxt. ecw was perfect. it gave guys who deserve tv time and the spot light to get it: christian, matt hardy, chavo, kane. and helped build young guys to a new level: bourne, punk, morrison, miz, kofi. to me ecw was 1000000 times better than nxt. only about 8 of the wrestlers who have ever been on any of the 4 nxt seasons are now regularly used on the main roster. nxt just gives you a quick glimpse. ecw actually had feuds a built characters. it helped sheamus with his 1st feud against goldust. it helped miz and morrison who were a tagteam in ecw. morrison, punk, christian, matt hardy, and kane are all former ecw champs. some like punk have been able to move to the ME but most are just lost in the midcard. ecw gave an chance for these guys to perform and work storyies. superstars in just random matches. nxt isnt even on tv.

ecw gave a title to go after and lower card guys a place to shine. get rid of superstars and nxt, bring back a 3rd hour long show like ecw and have the youth movement begin there. then once fans get to know the characters and wrestlers move them to raw/smackdown. just like they did with swagger, miz, morrison, bourne, sheamus, and kofi. and this is all just of the top of my head.

why does it have to have a ME group? just put the ic or us title on the show. its not like they are used on raw or smackdown to really prompt feuds. the ecw title was a mid card title, and it worked fine as the focal point of the show.
In my opinion, yes. Some of the current WWE Divas & Superstars NEED more television time, improve their mic skills, etc..

The name of this 3rd WWE Brand would be called . . . WWE N.X.T. (That's currently used by the WWE to determine the next breakout star, future star, future champion!)

These are the Divas & Superstars that would appear on this 3rd WWE Brand:
April Lee
Naomi Night
Raquel Diaz
Alex Riley
Darren Young
Curt Hawkins
Heath Slater
Trent Barreta
Tyler Reks
Johnny Curtis
Bo Rotundo
Brett Dibiase
Tito Colon
Xavier Woods
Wes Brisco
Seth Rollins
Roman Leakee
Richie Steamboat
Kenny Li
Jinder Mahal
Jarrod Locke
Russell Walker
Brodus Clay
Damien Sandow
Jackson Andrews

The goal for the female future WWE Divas is to WIN the Divas Television title (newly created).


The goal for the male future WWE Superstars is to WIN the WWE Television title (newly created).
ECW failed because it used the ECW moniker. I'd definitely like to see a new brand under a brand new name.
WWE already has (somewhat) of a third brand and it is called Superstars. It's not the best name but its still somewhat of a brand. Although I get what your saying and could see the reasons for it (so more talent can be utilized) I have to disagree. I think the WWE needs to build these current mid-card stars into main-eventers so that one day they can main event the main brands, RAW and SmackDown. Adding a third brand would not instantly make guys like Morrison, DiBiase, Rhodes, Ziggler, ect. into main-eventers over night. It takes time and the WWE knows that. Thats why they have mid-card matches, titles, and feuds. To build them into superstars. So to answer your question, no the WWE does not need a third brand and if they did, no way should they name is WCW. That would be a shot on the men who made WCW what it was a decade ago and with all of Vince McMahan's genius, he does not need to rehash an old, failed company name for a brand, he can make an original name all his own.
Let's please stop with these threads. They've been done to death. If WWE thought a third brand would be beneficial they would not have closed ECW last year. More and more guys are appearing on both brands lately so I doubt a third one is going to be created.
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