These "end the brand split" threads come around every so often and they're never any more sensible than they were the last time. WWE has a tremendously large talent pool right now, of guys who could be considered upper midcarders or main eventers. Cena, Orton, Miz, Punk, Sheamus, Mysterio, Kane, Big Show, Christian, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, and Sin Cara are just some of the names that leap out at you. (Edge too until last week, which was obviously not a planned thing. Chris Jericho will be returning soon, once Dancing With the Stars ends.) Many of those guys probably don't get enough time to shine as it is. The main event scenes are just now becoming fresh and entertaining, allowing for more room for newer stars to be made. If WWE were to end the brand extension, everyone not named Cena, Orton, Mysterio, Miz, Punk, and maybe Del Rio would have an even lower place on the card. The main event scene would become even more stagnant, as it would be the same few guys every week on both shows, and the other guys would have their careers on life support. What they have now allows for a far greater variety, and the building of the next generation so that when the top guys now leave, there will be other guys who can carry the company for the next couple of years. Merging the brands would be counter productive to this cause and just isn't necessary in any way at this point in time.