Would Eddie & Chris Still Be In The Business Today?

Big Papa Santo

Ryder? I barely even know her!
I'm not limiting them to the WWE i'm including TNA or over-seas like in Japan, but would they still be in the wrestling business?, Eddie and Chris were both slated to win major titles before they died so that means that WWE had at least something planned for them, but i don't think that neither would still be in the WWE today unless they were agents, i mean they were already near-retirement at the times of their deaths and were getting their last big title run's before they left.
I think Benoit would be long gone. He always talked about wanting to spend time with his family but Eddie? Hmm, maybe he goes the agent route. I wonder if Vicki would still be an on camera character. I love talking about these what if scenarios and what might have been. R.I.P. BENOIT/GUERRERO.
I think Chris would have been ECW Champion for a while then left or retired. I think Eddie would have continued his feud with Batista but coming up short of winning the WHC. I think he would have stayed in the WWE to some capacity after retiring in a couple years.
Of course they would be, it was in their blood. Remember they would only be in their very early 40's. Eddie was going over and regaining the World Title before he died, he still had plenty left to give to the business.
wow would you ppl think benoit and guerrero would be an agent just because they were in late 30?
Angle is a full time wrestler and hes not considering retirement for another 2-3 yrs.
Sting who is in his 50 was competing regularly on impact.
Nash, steniner, hogan and flair... ya

I just could not see these two to retire in their early 40 or even late 40 seeming how they were so passioned about wrestling.

I would still see them competing full time if not part time like what taker is doing. With the current lackluster star power in the wwe, guerrero would easily be the top guy in the main event scene.

Benoit, it is really hard to tell but i couldve see him be a consistent world title contender and won his second title on smackdown because again of the lackluster main eventers in the wwe. Why i think that is because mark henry is the champion. If he is champion, why cant benoit have another reign?
what does henry have to do with benoit jackass? mark henry is not proof that anyone can be world champion. mark henry came into the WWF under the same circumstances that Drew Mac did with more money spent. He cost too much money to not be put on the top before he retired and he was too strong to not be champion. thats the danger of letting strong men stagnate in a pro wrestling company, when people start to notice it it highlights the fake in fake sport..

Benoit would had reigned as ECW champ then left either for reasons like Angle or for a lighter work load. He would had left on good terms. Orland is closer to ATL also.

Eddie would probably still be wrestling but he would had taken a few sabaticals. He just wouldn't be seen as much.

Eddie stcking around as a wrestler or even being alive would change everything we see because of Vicki and her influance and the paths of the guys in her stable. Benoit would effect guys like Henry, Christian, and CM Punk because of his dominance on ECW. I would think if we had knowledge of how things would had been even if they didn't go down like that we would be displeased because it would effect everything involving those effected by their departures negatively.
Eddie yes, because he could be in a similar situation as Chris Jericho, he wouldn't need to be full time, or he could be involved in the tag division while helping elevate younger stars. Eddie had the total package, charisma, talent, in ring ability, the crowd loved or hated him. He could do it all. I really wish he was still around, and I honestly tear up when I think about how amazing of a performer he was.

Benoit, no. I was never a fan of his work, in WCW or WWE. Something about him never clicked, the lack of charisma, the finisher, the tights, the inability to cut a promo. I don't know exactly what it was but I just never cared for him. Yes he was a great in ring talent, he could wrestle his ass off, but he wasn't entertaining. My thoughts for Benoit were before the entire situation with him and his family.
They probably would still be a part of the business. Both of them were immensely talented and put on great matches frequently. If they were alive, both of them would have had a few more championship reigns and the mid-card titles would be more meaningful. They would probably on the same level as Christian is today.
I think Eddie Guerrero would've certainly been involved in the business to some extent if not still wrestling and I'd put enough faith in him to say he'd even still be in wwe. He was multi talented enough to have non wrestling roles if it got to that point.
Benoit would not be in the business anymore. His mental health problems were always going to get the better of him eventually.
Frankly I think its a joke that Eddie Guerrero often gets put in the same class as Chris Benoit.
Eddie Guerrero was in a class of his own greatness and Chris Benoit doesn't deserve to be put into that class.
In the end Benoit's true colors came out as he proved to be a selfish and mindless murderer.
Chris Benoit is no more than an ingrained skid mark on the tighty whities of sports entertainment.
Are wrestlers ever really gone? :D No doubt in my mind they both would be in the business and in most likely wrestling regularly. They both had it in their blood. You always hear of wrestlers wanting to walk away. Few wrestlers with mainstream names like Eddie and Benoit actually do that.
No. Both of them were in horrible physical shape. Eddie was rarely doing house shows anyway and was getting up there in age. If he didn't die that one day, he probably would have died later.

Benoit's brain was really messed up and had many personal issues which Chris Jericho actually points out well in his 2nd book.

Quite sad.
I think both would be, Benoit in particular, and both would have held the Smackdown world title again.

The more interesting question could be what would the WWE be like now if both had not died. Those two deaths really changed the landscape of the company, and hopefully the industry in time, when it comes to drug taking and moves that can be done. In my opinion it's been a big silver lining in the cloud of what happened to Benoit and Guerrero
I think they both would still be around WWE. Both would have held the title again. I also don't think Vickie would of started because I believe the only reason she did is because Eddie didn't leave them much money.
They would both absolutely still be involved with the business today. I think they would have remained main eventers through 2008 or so at the least, winning a couple of world titles each. Benoit was going to be a top guy on ECW, much like the role Christian ended up playing there. He might have had a final run on Raw or something after that. Eddie I could see being a top guy on Smackdown for a few more years. Eventually they'd both transition into the role of putting over future guys, before hanging up the boots and becoming trainer or something by this point. They'd be involved behind the scenes somehow still today because they loved doing what they did and I don't see anything but their tragic deaths having ended their respective involvements with wrestling.
Both could and probably would still be on the roster. If Big Show, Kane and others still have spots they would as well. Eddie Guerrero could be in so many feuds. Consider that Shawn Michaels post 2006 really wasn't involved in any title shots often Eddie Guerrero would be that guy at least. Also if he was around, Vicki wouldn't be.
I think Eddie could've potentially still have been around, but Benoit would've went the "Edge" route....his body would've just given out after all of the neck injuries and he couldn't physically do it anymore.
No. Both of them were in horrible physical shape. Eddie was rarely doing house shows anyway and was getting up there in age. If he didn't die that one day, he probably would have died later.

Benoit's brain was really messed up and had many personal issues which Chris Jericho actually points out well in his 2nd book.

Quite sad.


Not to sound like an ass...but Eddie would've died eventually. His heart gave out on him. He may have been clean and sober, but the damage had been done from all the years of drugs and alcohol.

NOW...lets flip this. Had Eddie not spent his years jacking his body up with drugs and alcohol, YES HE WOULD STILL BE WRESTLING. On a limited schedule though, kinda like Shawn Michaels did before he retired. Some said he would do what Jericho is doing now, but I dont think so. Eddie would still be doing PPVs and TV, just not house shows. Vickie wouldn't be on TV either cause I could see Eddie being a manager at some point. Soon after he becomes an agent and stays with WWE.

Benoit on the other hand would not be wrestling. Studies have shown that his brain was too messed up, so (again, not trying to be an ass) either he would've had a brain aneurism and died or he would've retired to be with his family. Either way I still think he would've died anyway.

Dont mistake my words...I loved LOVED them and still do to this day. As hard as it is for me to hate Benopit for what he did to Nancy and the kids...I dont think HE knew what he was doing. His brain was so scattered its hard to imagine what went through his head that day. I respect him as a wrestler, but as a man...scattered brain or not, I think he took the cheap, easy way out. Despite his actions, WWE are wrong to ignore his legacy (but I understand why the do it).

R.I.P. Eddie and Chris.
Eddie would probably be retired. He was already pretty late in his career and I can't imagine his body holding up this long. I think he'd probably come back every now and then like some of the other retired guys do. The other guy... If he were alive today he'd be in prison for the rest of his life.

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