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Would Bobby Lashley Go To TNA?

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TNA is over crowded with big names for one show that's 2 hours per week TNA seriously needs to consider adding another show maybe a 1 hour one to let some of there other talent work or get more work and also TNA needs to create a mid card title belt cause they only have tna championship, x division , and world tag titles
I think that Lashley would go to TNA if the money was right. If they gave him a salary that was comparable to ex WWE guys on their roster he would go, but I think that his goal is to compete in MMA. Most likely Lashley would not go to TNA and either end back in WWE or enter MMA. I do not think that Lashley would fit well in TNA since he isn't good on the mic, and his style of wrestling does not match TNA's. I do not think he would bring in ratings either because he's not a guy that can sell merchandise or carry a promotion.
I think losing Bobby Lashley is big for WWE. He was the reason ECW was able to stqay afloat. I think he will enter MMA and like Brock Lesnar, will come back to negotiate with the WWE. Unfortunately WWE and Lesnar didn't come to terms and Lesnar stayed with MMA but if and when the WWE gets a chance to do things over, they will get it right. I bet he will be back with the WWE within a year. He won't get the money from TNA and he said he would be a MMA if he wasn't a wrestler, but I think wrestling is whats in his blood. I don't see him as a MMA for too long.
Bobby Lashley could easily be the next Goldberg if he is used correctly. Sure, I hear all of the people saying that Bobby is not good on the mic and he is too soft spoken but how good was Goldberg on the mic or even Bret Hart? All you need is a clever catch phrase that shows you mean business. A, "Who's Next" or a nice "I'm the best there is, was, or ever will be" would be more than enough for Lashley. Maybe some nice shades to hide his nervousness in his eyes the way Bret Hart started out as well.

I would really like to see both Bobby Lashley and his girlfriend Kristal Marshall in TNA. They both have the look to make it in this business and unlike a lot of WWE jumpers they also have age on their side. The sky is the limit for Bobby Lashley whether it be in TNA or the UFC. He'll land somewhere and be successful because the kid has skills.
lashley's a former 4 time all-american wrestler, and 3 time national champion, successfully defending this title twice, who has a runner up place in the world military championships. batista's an ex-bouncer... i think it's unfair to say his skills are no different from batista, especially when he's been national champion more than shelton benjamin.

mic skills... yeah, he's a quiet guy. so what? benjamin is awful on the mic, but that doesnt mean they won't get better.

i think with the right motivation, lashley could be a dominant superstar in TNA, like Brock Lesnar in WWE and i think, provided as Spawn has said, WWE dont do the same thing they did to Lesnar, TNA could be good for him.

he's not going to go straight into main event level. let's be real... booker didnt so y would lashley?

good points...i agree with most of your post...but i think that WWE didnt do enough with Lashley to establish him as a Batista or a HHH or Randy Orton...my point being that he wasnt an established main event guy yet for WWE. with the quality of TNA booking I highly doubt they would do a talent acquisition like Lashley justice. He would come in but once the novelty wore off he would be mid-card status. It just boggles my mind how TNA is booking lately....7 words for ya..........Mr. Curry and Stone Cold Shark Boy...anybody else just shaking their heads too? If TNA makes this addition it will do exactly what the additions of Christian Cage, Kurt Angle and Booker T did....push younger TNA talent down the ladder....at least thats my opinion.
Hi Guys,
It's funny how WWE was building Lashley in the same sort of way that they were building Brock's character and the fact that they both will be remembered for the same thing, Big guys with lots of talent, ability, and athleticism, but they never TRULY had a passion for the business.
when i saw lashley he kind of makes me remember goldberg and lesnar cause the move set he has. i wasnt expected that he leaving wwe so early i thought he was going to be a leyend or something like that
sorry for the ortography i just learn english
Well if Bobby Lashley were like Brock Lesnar, hed train his ass off for MMA and mayb hell join TNA wen hes finished

Its the beginning of Brock Lesnars career as a MMA star so we cant rly compare Lashley to him, or decide whether Lesnar is good or not at it or if Lashley will stay in MMA for a long time.

If Lashley were to go to TNA then TNA is probably gonna use his military and "former world champion" status and probably make him into a newer version of the "Alpha Male" Monty Brown
I dont think he's going to TNA because I think WWE is going to do the same thing that they did to Brock Lesnar when he left WWE & try to keep Lashley from wrestling in TNA.
I think he might compete in MMA because according to the reports he wants to train for MMA but I can see him going to TNA if MMA doesnt work out for him or if he leaves WWE in good terms he could go back to WWE.
if Lashley was smart he would sign with TNA as soon as possible to make a shocking huge return there. I wouldnt wait around and gamble in MMA for the main fact being it is not a pre determined sport, you do not know how many fights you are actually gonna win,plus if he were to sign to TNA later he wouldnt have that same momentum going in.plain and simple.. I would stick to what I know and go with that. Bobby Lashley definitley has the star power at the moment to bring in ratings so this is what I suggest to TNA management...GET OUT YOUR F*CKING CHECK BOOK!
Bobby wants to go to MMA
so he wont go to TNA

does TNA need bobby NO
he isnt exactly going to be a big draw or a big asset to TNA
he isnt World Champ material and they already have a lot of mid carders
Bobby is a mid carder they dont need mid carders

TNA can focus on more of their other talent rather than bringing in new talent
Bobby wants to go to MMA

Im really getting burnt out on this MMA craze everyone is on.15 years ago when UFC had real fighters in it no one cared, now you have 135 pound kids who study Brazillian Jui Jitsu for six months headlining fights, its total garbage. If Lashley wants to jump on this band wagon so be it but Im not gonna watch it

oh yeah one more thing kieran, mid carders dont headline wrestlemania!
bobby wants to go to MMA

i think if bobby is like brock lesnar he wont go back to wrestleing ever it sounds like hes made up his mind and bobby is asking for too much TNA would not be able to pay him as much as he wants so no bobby would not go 2 TNA
I can see Lashley going to TNA, i mean if he did it would be like Angle or Booker going over. He's a rookie so has got plenty to give in any company he was in, but has also got fuel in his blood to go over to TNA.

Although i cant see it happening anytime soon, Lashley could posibly go over to TNA.
I could see him going to TNA, but only to stick it to Vince. It's not like he'd be going for the storylines, 'cause they basically suck. I just don't see what TNA would do with him once they get him there.
I think Lashley is being too unreasonable. I'll bet within the next year we will see Lashley back in a WWE ring. Vince is probably going to be kicking himself soon enough for letting one of the most electrifying superstars in WWE slip away. I'm sure he'll make Lashley a massive offer and an apology. He'll be back.
He won't be able to go to TNA, he'll have the same clause in his contract that Lesnar did. If he cuts and runs early, the no compete clause will remain in effect until the end of what his contract would have been. So he won't be able to go to TNA even if he wanted to and they wanted him, because his contract was a multi-year deal, which he had barely scraped the tip of. So no wrestling in the U.S.A for Lashley for a while. However I think Lashley will like so many others have stated, either quit and return to the WWE after realizing, he won't make as much money anywhere else. Now he will quit, because even if he changed his mind, he is smart enough to know, that he has still really pissed off the powers to be, and we all know what happens to the ones who really piss off the powers to be... they get jobbed, buried, humilated. Lashley won't want that happening, so the only option the poor bastard has open for him right now, is to quit.

Now on the off chance, that TNA is an option, I think for starters and I agree with others, than TNA needs another show to spread out their talent and they need another title. Now back on track, I think both TNA and Lashley would be good for eachother. TNA would give Lashley the chance to truly hone his skills and become the well rounded superstar that lies within, while not dealing with all the pressure that comes with being a WWE superstar, and TNA will get, well lets face it, a animal, Lashley is tough, he is explosive, and would be good at the mid-card level to help elevate the whole mid-card status. But unfortunately for both TNA and Lashley, I don't see that happening.
I think it's the best thing for Lashley to do right now, because the WWE like totally destroyed his character and nobody cared about him any more. Now I think if he goes to TNA, I'm pretty sure that they will be able to make him more interesting.
I don't see why Lashley couldn't participate in MMA and TNA concurrently. I think that the TNA schedule is flexible enough to accommodate some MMA fights throughout the year. This kind of dual schedule has been possible in Japan for years with wrestlers participating in PRIDE or K1 events and then fighters would come in and work feuds and angles in puroresu promotions. Obviously if a participant gets extra hot in either discipline they may have to stop and focus on one, but I think it is good for both businesses. For pro wrestling, you have the chance to bring in proven guys that can add legitimacy to your promotion, and for the fighters it's a chance to earn a paycheck and some other marketing opportunities without getting your face caved in. TNA is teasing this cross promotional thing with the UFC and I think they are the better organization to become involved with MMA. I think WWE probably sees UFC more as competition for PPV dollars and the WWE schedule is probably too heavy to allow fighters to fight and train and be involved with tv tapings.
lashley wont be able to go to tna for at least 3 years...he did not get fired, he wanted to not only leave wwe, but pro wrestling all together, but even if he wanted to go to tna he will have to wait cuz he had over 3 years on his contract with wwe b4 leaving..so tna fans an fanboys give it up it aint going to happen
I think that Lashley is mad because of his infury taking him out for a while and probably he was going to come back with a small push at first and no real shoot at a title for a while. Also with the way his girlfreind was released. There is also the possibility he was going to become a JOKE for a while(its what vince does best waste good talent)much like chuck palumbo is now. He came back strong but later forced into a pathetic grudge with another wasted talent jamie noble. He knew the WWE was going to do something like that due to the popularity of Cena, Triple H, Orton, Hardy, CM Punk, Batista, Edge, Mysterio, and Undertaker, (all of which are in the title picture) and the return of Jericho and Mr Kenedys push. Then about 6mths to a year before it came time to renew his contract they would give him a semi major push promising a title, but not get it because they ruined his charcter and he isnt as well liked because of the stupid stuff they had him doing. So actually all he did was preempt WWE from runing his charcter and in about 7 to 13 mths they will be begging him to come back and finish his contract out and give him the title just so he will come back. So now lashley is back, top of the WWE as champion, and his contract is about to expire now he can chose to go where he wants and start at the top of that buissness. Wouldnt that be interesting WWE's champion and top star because of a major push, because WWE needed the ratings, and now he's open game for tna to make offers and bring him to their promotion. So WWE has to offer more money and more spotlight time to keep him. a perfect plan maybe.
Lashley going to TNA would make guys like AJ Styles leave whom reminds so much of RVD in his wrestling style. I would personally like to see AJ Styles come to WWE they would use him right and his talents. TNA is making AJ look like a d-bag.
the only thing i dont understand is that why was this man so hated. everywhere he went he got his ass bood. he was worse then cena. look at him at wm23 the crowd hated him. no one really liked him. wwe tried to make him like brock, and lets not forget there is only one legendary brock lesnar. It was similar to muhammad hussan. they hated him because of his gimmic, but everyone knew he was the best in the business and legend in the making. he was about 5 months away from getting world title run before he got released cause vince dropped his balls. hassan and lashley suffered both the same fate.
is also the possibility he was going to become a JOKE for a while(its what vince does best waste good talent)much like chuck palumbo is now.

What are you talking about? Chuck Palumbo isn't being made to look like a joke. He's in a major angle with Jamie Noble and Michelle McCool, and being made to look like a badass heel. This biker gimmick he has going isn't enough over and he doesn't have enough charisma to be in the World Heavyweight Championship spot, but he has a good chance of becoming the one who beats MVP for the US Championship so he can get a main event push.

About Bobby Lashley, I actually liked this guy a lot. He may have had less mic skill than some other main eventers, but he could actually wrestle. He was good. Although he says right now that he's attempting to start a career in MMA, I'm pretty sure he'll go to TNA eventually. He would be a HUGE acquisition for the company and would bring more fans from WWE over to them.
I was never big on Lashley, probably because I never saw him as a legit face. That's why I don't really care whether he shows up or not anywhere. He had a large muscular build and had non existent mic skills, so he was just begging to be a heel with a mouthpiece manager.

As for TNA, I don't really care whether he does or not to be honest. I would much rather see the in ring excitement of the X-Division and the likes of Cage and Samoa Joe plus the much older wrestlers who are entertaining in backstage skits such as as Nash & Angle. So I don't really know where Lashley fits into it all unless he was to replace Tomko (who is growing on me) because he's certainly not a Tag-Team wrestler so they can't put him there anywhere.
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