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Would Bobby Lashley Go To TNA?

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Randolph H

Pre-Show Stalwart
There was a story on the front page about Lashley being done with the WWE. I think that it would be a lot bigger than anyone else that jumped ship. He is young and established, has a big base of fans, is a former world champion, and it would be a major shock. I think a world championship feud between him and joe would be huge and more exciting that Angle or Christian.
I think he would. I think TNA would see it in two ways.

1. obviously they now they'll have signed a talented young wrestler who will only get better.
2. i think they will see it as they've acquired a big WWE star, regardless of the terms of his release, just like Angle.

I know Lashley isn't as established as Angle was when he joined TNA but before he was injured he got a major push, and was on the way up up and up. TNA will see it as a scalp.
It's always intriguing to think about a jump or a return, but as Y2J has shown, a month or two down the line tells the truth. If Lashley goes to TNA, that's just another bump down the ladder for AJ Styles, Abyss, and alot of other talents. I say go to Japan, get a mean streak, then go back to WWE. He fit their style very well. With his athleticism, a good booker could do alot with him, but they still have Morgan being built, Booker working his way towards the title hunt, Abyss waiting in the wings, Tomko on the verge of a push. I'm all for a crowded title picture, which makes the belt look more prestigious, but what about Roode, AJ and other homegrown guys? I say no to Lashley in TNA...but who am I, right?
The thing about this story is that you can only take it with a grain of salt until you receive confirmations from the WWE website. If you will all remember, the internet was abuzz with the news that Carlito and Flair had asked for their releases, only for them to end up signing extensions that kept them in the fold.

Now with that said, this would be both a big blow to WWE and a big acquisition for TNA if he signed. The most damaging thing is that this would be the second BIG NAMED minority wrestler who would have asked for his release in the last year, citing backstage politics. And if that is the case, then TNA could always have Booker T negotiate with Lashley on their behalf as I am sure that feeling very welcomed by TNA and they talent around would still be fresh in his mind.

The bottom line is this. Lashley is what good ol JR used to always call a "blue chipper". He is young and has a tremendous upside. He can practically write his own ticket wherever he goes. Will he sign with TNA? Well if he feels treated badly by the WWE and truly wants to keep wrestling on a big stage, then he just might sign with TNA, even if they can't offer him as much as WWE. Will he sign? Is this story even valid? Only time will tell.
If it is valid, I don't think that Abyss Gimmick would get hurt for the time being. I mean basically Sting is retired. Nash doesn't do much and has become a Ric Flair Type Character. Angle could be looking at doing some jail time and perhaps rehab. Christian is good but his character seems to have hit its ceiling, while others like Tomko and Styles are sky rocketing. I mean if TNA does get Lashley, it would ad a new dynamic to everything. WWE gets a very Talented young guy in Ron Killings (kind of like Jericho when he left WCW). and TNA gets a guy that was having a Goldberg (Mega Star) Type of Push before he was injuried.
He would be a great acquisition for TNA. Another talented piece who was starting to make a name for himself. He could steal viewers from WWE and bring them to TNA. Even more important for TNA is WWE talents are willing to go to TNA. Angle, Christian, Lashley and Booker T. Could they ever take a BIG name from the WWE. Get Jeff Hardy back or Edge, you never know. With a few moves they could be the next big wrestling organization Maybe they don't get killed like WCW and ECW.
I think Bobby Lashely will go to TNA. TNA will capatilize off WWE building Lasley up. He will join TNA soon, as his recovery is almost up. I see a bright future for Lashley in TNA, perhaps the world title. TNA will always push a "big guy" from WWE. I agree with an above poster who said that a Lashley/Joe feud would be good. I personally thin this will be a great aquisition (sp?) for TNA. WWE has already build him up, so TNA won't have to do much, and can throw him in the main event.
it cant be lashley, it just cant be i mean anyone can impersonate someone but if its true i dont think lashley would go to tna i see him in ufc for some reason.
me prsonally dont think lashley has departed with wwe mainly because he has so much talent at a young age i've just got to say wait and see what happens . i think someone has hacked his site and posted the message .
i say this beacause i wwe aint stupid enough to let someone go and know they will go to tna
I hope TNA does not hire Bobby Lashley, he lacks so much to be a really popular wrestler. He can't do promos, and he can hardly even look mean. TNA has so many other ex WWE guys that are 50x more popular than Lashley will ever be, focus on them and the wrestlers they already have.

I bet Lashleys MMA career will stink and he goes to TNA eventally though, sadly.

Altough I would pay money to see Scott Steiner verbally kill Lashley in a promo
I am kind of torn on Lashley's future. Part of me wants to think that this situation is similar to the Carlito situation and another part thinks that he is done for a while in the WWE, with a possible future return.

On Lashley going to TNA, why the hell not. He has the talent to be a main event superstar, but is lacking on the mic skills. TNA has a good product with its homegrown stars, but the WWE stars in TNA have been taking over the main event circuit, Cage, Angle, Booker T, Tomko, etc. Lashley would put another powerhouse in the picture and can be used as face or heel in my opinion. This whole MMA thing would be interesting, but I dont see it being long lasting. I would actually like to see a Lashley v. Abyss feud or a Lashley v. Angle feud. I hope he does go to TNA and boosts his career for a possible return to the WWE in the future.
If, and that is a big "IF" Lashley has departed the WWE, then we have to take a few factors into consideration before we salivate about seeing him in a 6 sided ring.

1. Lashley is not 100% polished as a wrestler. He can put on a good match, but he often has akward moments where he is just standing there, which leaves you wondering if he can remember what comes next.

2. Lashley may have a poor backstage attitude. Not saying that he does, but you have to remember WHY Lashley ended up on ECW in the first place. It was because he wanted a push sooner than was beign booked for him and didn't see himself getting one on Smackdown. So he demanded to go to a lesser show rather than waiting for his opportunity.

3. The Brock Lesnar Scenario. Now while WWE had gotten all of the use that they good out of Angle and Booker T, Lashley is still in the early prime of his career. Just like Brock Lesnar was when he wanted to leave the WWE, and is under a long contract, I'm sure that they would take him to court to block him from going to the competition while he was still hot. By the time Brock's was through serving out the court ordered length of the contract that he had signed with the WWE, people remembered him more as being a Vikings wannabee that never made it than a powerhouse heel wrestler who used to curl stage scaffolding backstage. "IF" Lashley is under a long termed contract, then WWE may do the same thing to keep him from jumping over to the conpetition and TNA being able to feed off of what WWE built up to make their investment look good.

So any number of things can keep Lashley from being able to make this move, "if" he is truly leaving WWE. But can you just imagine if TNA were able to sign him and then contract Lesnar for a few matches. I would pay good ppv and even money to see these two amatuer acredited bulls lock horns in the six sided ring, or anywhere else for that matter.
I can see Lashley going to TNA yes. He has a lot of talent, and deserves more recognition. Saying that, he has a huge fan base in the WWE so that may be a big enough incentive to stay. However it could also make him more ambitious and want to move to TNA to see what he can do there.

As for the companies, I think TNA would benefit from having Lashley on their roster. He's skilled enough, and looks the part. They could have some interesting Angles with him, especially with Angle and maybe Storm.

WWE would be the losers in this. They need people like Lashley to carry on the WWE when people such as Shawn, Undertaker and HHH have left. Yes they have MVP and Kennedy as well as others, but you can never have too much talent. However I don't think it would be a huge loss for them, they have plenty more people to continue the WWE.

In my opinion Lashley should stay put. WWE is a good place for him and I think he will get pushed quite a bit in the near future. Also he hasn't reached his potential in the WWE yet. There are still feuds to be had and matches to be won. If he was ever going to jump ship, I think it should be when he's accomplished everything he can in WWE and needs new challenges.
He'd probably fit in well at TNA. As a young heavyweight, maybe they can push him up the ladder quickly, and take time away from washed up strokes lile the Steiners and Nash, and less TV time for Tomko, which is always a good thing
I still feel that this is just like what happened to carlito and flair. Give Lashley some time, he may come around, as it was noted that someone must have really pissed him off, and sometimes you say things you dont mean just on account of being angry, so if you give him some time, let cooler heads prevail, he may come back. If not, I could see him in TNA.
I Don't Think Yhat Lashley Will Go To Tna Because Its Money Won't Match At What He Was Making At The Wwe. They Will Have To Many Guys Getting Push Down The Ladder Like A.j. Style,abbsy,rude And Other Oringals. Let See What Happens?
It would be interesting to see why he left, if in fact he has, before speculating on any destination for Lashley.

If it was WWE's decision (for such things as steroids, bad attitude, etc.,) why would TNA want him? I'm not accusing him of any of these things, I'm simply speculating. In the days of steroid controversy and new drug testing programs, you have to wonder if TNA would want to sign someone who appears to be the poster boy for steroids.

If it was Lashley's decision, what happened? If it was a heat of the moment, pissed off situation, he shouldn't leave as he will be burning his bridges back to WWE if he wishes. If it was a well thought out decision, he may want to leave and not be worried about coming back.

I can't help but wonder if he was supposed to be HHH's mystery opponent at Raw this week, and creative wanted him to job to HHH like everyone else, and he didn't want to do it upon returning after a injury break of several months, so he got pissed off and walked. That's another discussion for another day.

I think jumping to TNA would be a bad move for both sides. It would be career suicide for Lashley, as he'll ultimately go down with the sinking ship, as will Angle, Cage, Booker, and all the others. Bad for TNA as well. To have any chance to survive and prosper, TNA has to distance itself from WWE, not directly compete with it. TNA will have a hard time competing head to head, regardless of the product, because of money. Talent, storylines, mic skills all aside, money is what drives the business, and TNA cannot go head to head with WWE for this reason. People here always praised TNA as being a viable, better, and unique alternative to WWE. But TNA has recently become a watered down poor copy of WWE, recycling WWE rejects and following equally poor storylines. This is not to criticize TNA, I'm not bashing their product. But if you look at TNA these days, it's not different from WWE, it's just a cheaper rip-off of them, and if this continues, it will fail. Instead of pushing Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and others as true wrestlers not bogged down by a lousy creative team, TNA has fallen into the same trap as WWE. Signing Lashley will just perpetuate this, pushing home grown guys farther down the ladder, and bringing in yet another WWE reject. Bad move for either side IMO.
Firstly its a massive assumption to make that one, he has actually left the WWE and that WWE will give him his release, however with that aside my goodness if TNA would sign Lashley, this would be massive, although I think they would need to bring in a mid-card belt for all the Abyss's Tomko's and other waiting in the wings to get to the top, otherwsie being pushed down again by someone like Lashley would probs spark another WCW but hey!

Onto the question would he sign? Well depends on if he stil wants to wrestle and what TNA offer him but fingers crossed and only time will tell!
Firstly its a massive assumption to make that one, he has actually left the WWE and that WWE will give him his release, however with that aside my goodness if TNA would sign Lashley, this would be massive, although I think they would need to bring in a mid-card belt for all the Abyss's Tomko's and other waiting in the wings to get to the top, otherwsie being pushed down again by someone like Lashley would probs spark another WCW but hey!

Onto the question would he sign? Well depends on if he stil wants to wrestle and what TNA offer him but fingers crossed and only time will tell!

Abyss isn't being held back. He has been Heavy Weight Champion Before and has headlined pay views. I think that the whole monster verses monster storyline is getting old. WWF did it, until people started laughing at it... WCW did it, until people started laughing at it... The undertaker gimmick had to be totally revamped a few times (Deadman, American Badass). The Abyss gimmick needs to be completely evil and stop feuding with people with similar gimmicks. James Mitchell is basically the new version of Paul Bearer. Its time for him to go off camera.
3. The Brock Lesnar Scenario. Now while WWE had gotten all of the use that they good out of Angle and Booker T, Lashley is still in the early prime of his career. Just like Brock Lesnar was when he wanted to leave the WWE, and is under a long contract, I'm sure that they would take him to court to block him from going to the competition while he was still hot. By the time Brock's was through serving out the court ordered length of the contract that he had signed with the WWE, people remembered him more as being a Vikings wannabee that never made it than a powerhouse heel wrestler who used to curl stage scaffolding backstage. "IF" Lashley is under a long termed contract, then WWE may do the same thing to keep him from jumping over to the conpetition and TNA being able to feed off of what WWE built up to make their investment look good.

Bingo. It really isn't a question of whether or not he'd go to TNA, but more of a question of how long would it be before he COULD go.

Even now, being off for as long as he has, Lashley has lost a lot of momentum. Imagine another 6 months, or a year, or two. The main asset that Lashley has right now was the momentum he had from the monster push WWE gave him. He's an average wrestler with ZERO mic skills, who could possibly be coming in off a VERY long time away from the spotlight.

Point is, as Spawn said, if they grant his release, it's a guarantee that he'll have to stay away from TNA for whatever the duration of his contract would have been. I could see him doing MMA, but even if he did end up in TNA, I doubt he'll have the impact, no pun intended, that most of you seem to be preaching.
I probably have a different view on this, but my opinion is that Lashley wouldn't make an impact in TNA that most think he would. You seem to forget that it's Bobby fricking Lashley we're talking about here. This guy's in-ring skills are no different than Batista in my opinion and he has the charisma and mic skills of a tree stump. Let's face it. He makes Don West sound like Joey Styles (during the days of the REAL ECW ). My opinion for TNA, Let this WWE talent pass.
lashley's a former 4 time all-american wrestler, and 3 time national champion, successfully defending this title twice, who has a runner up place in the world military championships. batista's an ex-bouncer... i think it's unfair to say his skills are no different from batista, especially when he's been national champion more than shelton benjamin.

mic skills... yeah, he's a quiet guy. so what? benjamin is awful on the mic, but that doesnt mean they won't get better.

i think with the right motivation, lashley could be a dominant superstar in TNA, like Brock Lesnar in WWE and i think, provided as Spawn has said, WWE dont do the same thing they did to Lesnar, TNA could be good for him.

he's not going to go straight into main event level. let's be real... booker didnt so y would lashley?
I can't say I disagree on the mic skills, but really, we're fooling ourselves by thinking that he's coming back, no? He struck me as a Lesnar type of talent. Get in, get out(with minor damage), have the cash on hand to finance something plausible e.g. MMA.(not that either could earn you enough money for the damage you do to yourself).

I think Lashley would be better suited for something that doesn't require him to have great promos(not that he was terrible...Who am I kidding).

I just think he's in good shape and young enough to try other things. For anyone out there who doesn't think so, you should try it. Very empowering to know what you want.

P.S. I come from a town of 900 in Northern Saskatchewan(and no, we don't live in igloos)
The simple fact is however much you Lashley fans may not wnat to hear it, is that TNA don't need Lashley.

They have Big guys in Tomko, and Abyss so they don't need another one. Lashley is ok, but there are about a dozen guys that would be ahead of him in TNA so it wouldnt be worth it both for him, and for TNA. You have to look at it from TNA's point of view, and when you factor in his mic skills he would notbe a worthwhile investment for them. They would also have to repackage him, which will take resources away from other guys.

He is more suited to something like MMA, I am not saying he couldnt go to TNA in the future, but at this moment in time I would say its unlikely. The only guy I can see him fueding with and potentialy have a great match with is Joe, but then again who couldnt?!
It's very true that TNA doesn't need Lashley. But that doesn't mean they don't want him. TNA would love another angry former WWE superstar to come over to thier promotion and cut shoot promos on WWE. It's what they think will bring in ratings. They have done nothing Booker T, literally nothing, except put him in a fued with Robert Roode that, to be honest, is holding both men farther down the card than these men deserve. Roode is now a Kurt Angle flunkie, Booker is... I don't know what, but definately not as well off as he was in WWE. Hell, Kaz and SHARK BOY are getting bigger pushes than these guys!! The simple fact of the matter is, no matter how raw Lashley may still be, he is the new hot free agent on the market. Lashley has a fanbase, however... strange as that may sound. Lashley could potentially bring more viewers to TNA. That's not to say they'll use him right. I could see him in a Matt Morgan type role for awhile. But TNA will try anything, and I mean ANYTHING to get ahead of ECW right now. They've gotten a small taste of victory a week here and there, and they want more. There short term goal is to move ahead of ECW in the weekly ratings. How better than to bring in the guy who was on top of the ECW brand for 8 months?
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