Worst Week(s) Ever?


[This Space for Rent]
So, it seems if someone were really suicidal and needed a reason to be.. I just got mine. NO, this does NOT mean I'm starting a dumb ass suicide thread. Just saying.. with the combined week I've had, from last Tuesday to Today, I could put together a far more convincing argument than something to do with some random girl not loving me. (Monkey, I'm looking your way)

Last Tuesday: My Father had a heart-attack, was rushed to the Hospital and was put on breathing machines for most of the night.

Last Wednesday: While being with my Father, Erin & I discovered her Grandmother's body has shut down and her stomach is no longer allowing food or medicine into her system. Thus, her body is more or less starving her to death.

Last Thursday: Edge lost the WZ Tourney. :lmao: I kid, thats the least of my major actual issues. But it still sucked, slightly. lol

Last Friday: Skip day, I worked but nothing of major importance (to my knowledge) happened.

Last Saturday: Fourth of July, I woke up sick - having the throw-up feeling throughout the entire day, and caught a 24 hour bug. Had a fever for the entire day, and NO energy what-so-ever.

This Past Sunday/Yesterday: I opened the Store, still recovering from having no energy and a fever. Felt sick throughout the day at work. Didn't begin feeling better until roughly 2-3 hours before I was due to be off.

Today/Monday: Found out that Corp. is shutting down the Store I work at, in favor of keeping the Alternative Store across town. While its still up in the air whether I'll be capable of jumping to the Alt. Store, more or less as it stands.. after next Monday - I'll once again be unemployed, with 2 Children and a Wife to care for, a Sick Father, and a beyond all stressed out Mother.

This Wednesday: Erin's Grandmother is set to have thyroid surgery. After which they'll then have to set another time/date to have stomach surgery, to open a hole to her stomach so she can get food into her system.

All in All: I'd say that beats some random chic not wanting me. And yet, I still don't have the slightest urge to wanna kill myself, or even hurt myself in the slightest. But if I did, I'm doubtful anyone could argue me doing it. :lmao:
Battlez is sitting next to me and he says he feels for you but you better not kill yourself because if he ever gets stuck in prison again he will have noone to help him out if you do...lol
When the fuck did Michael Jordan sign up to the forums?? And more importantly, why is he sporting a Kobe signature? Thats like A Red Sox fans sporting a New York Yankees banner.

everything is going to be okay
I hope everything gets better for you Will. I will pray that you get a job in the other store or somewhere else, that your dad gets better, and that your wifes grandmother recovers from surgery.
When the fuck did Michael Jordan sign up to the forums?? And more importantly, why is he sporting a Kobe signature? Thats like A Red Sox fans sporting a New York Yankees banner.

Thats my real name lol. I get that all the time. I'm a Jordan fan no doubt but my team is the Lakers. I wouldn't say its as bad as Yankees/Red Sox. I don't hate the Bulls. My two favorite teams just happen to be the Lakers and the Knicks.
Dude, your trouble has nothing on mine. This past Thursday, I think I had the worst day in the history of the world. First, it turns out that my law firm just lost a major client, and so my bonus will more than likely be cut in half this year...now, I'm only going to get $10,000! Second, my asshole of a mom calls and tells me that she's broken her arm, when I am playing point-and-click adventure games and watching plushie porn. What nerve!!! But, being the nice and generous guy that I am, I drop her off at the hospital's highway exit. Third, my on-and-off girlfriend comes over for some fun, and she gives me a hell of a BJ. But, then she tells me how much she loves me and kisses me right after she just finished polishing my knob! What the fuck is her problem? Oh, you know her ass got the boot right out my front door!

So, brother man, please, always remember that others have it much worse off than you!
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Battlez, I swear if you've made another Alt. I'm going to perma-ban you myself.

No No No. I'm staying at Christians house for the next few months and we already told KB about the situation with us having only one computer and me wanting an account and not wanting him to get in trouble for making an alt when he didn't. No ALt completely different person. lol
Hope everything works out for you Will. I'll put your wifes grandmother in my prayer tonight as I did for TY's grandfather.
Will, any one of those events would suck, but in such a short space of time it's just beyond wrong and unfair.

I'm sure it will work itself out.

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