WORST Stable in Wrestling History?


Stables the word these days mean very little with a useless Nexus and broken up Corre.

But throughout WWE/ECW/WCW History stables ran wild within what is known as The Attitude era and drew fans in and creating Legends in the process. Groups such as Degeneration X, nWo, 4 Horseman, Hart Foundation, The Nation of Domination & Evolution. But not every group can be a success or even close to the definition.

So my question is what was in your opinion the WORST stable in Wrestling history & why?
Mean street posse. that was literally a bunch of preppy guys in sweaters and nothing ever became of any of the people in that stable. I don't even think any of them wrestle anymore. I totally forgot they even existed until about a week ago.
Three words...

Mean. Street. Posse.

Do I even need to explain this one? Two of Shane-O-Mac's closest buddies and a jobber they hired so that they at least had one person in the group who could sorta wrestle.

Damn I hated those guys, but not in the good heel heat kinda way, it was more like, "Urgh! Spin on!"


Honourable mention to the No Limit Soldiers.


Feckin' Ninjas.
I’m going to go with A.P.P.L.E. as the worst stable in history. Like Ted DiBiase’s and Chris Jericho’s 1st WWE Title reign, it only lasted for less than an hour.

If we’re not counting A.P.P.L.E. as a “real” Stable, then I’m going to have to go with any Stable that didn’t win a Championship of any kind. There are way too many to name.
The Corre, a step down for all involved. Barrett went from main eventing SummerSlam & Survivor Series to being in a 30 second Mania match. Ezekiel Jackson wasn't any bigger in The Corre than he was when he was feuding with Christian the year before. Jackson has only become a marginally bigger star because he left The Corre.

The two guys, the tag team, at this moment there names escape me, lost more with The Corre than they did in the Nexus. The name of the stable is also spelt wrong, unless I missed something.

Mean Street Posse, The Oddities, etc. Were all low level acts, The Corre seemingly involved two stars who are supposed to play a large part in the future of WWE.
Hmmmm let's see, shall we?

B.W.O- Really? (in Miz voice)

Right To Censor- The only thing more annoying than them, was there entrance music. It had a good concept, just very annoying.

Mexicools - as a kid i thought it was cool. But now, i realize it's just a racist stereotype of mexicans doing yard work. not cool. And the name is stupid. Awesome talent in that group though

Immortal - IMO, just a bunch of old guys coming out talking about the "network", or dixie, or blah blah blah! It's just very frustrating to see Hogan( one of my favs as a kid) coming out week after week destroying his legacy.

APPLE- i rest my case

The Spirit Squad- ummm, Bring It On called, and they want their cheerleaders back. Did WWE really align these guys up with the Mcmahons to go against DX? The only success to come out of this group was Kenny (sort of) and Nicky (Dolph Ziggler).

I could go on and on, but I've done enough damage, let me stop now! Peace out!
The Oddities

What a pointless, useless stable just made up of the "freak show" typ acts that were in the WWE at the time. They achieved absolutely nothing, as a stable or as singles wrestlers. This was definitely a low point in WWE history, there was absolutely nothing good about any of the group.

Kurrgan? He was tall. Wow. Giant Silva? Even taller, and even worse to watch. Golga? He was just a fat mess with a stupid mask to look deformed. What was the point?

However, anything in wrestling that involves the Insane Clown Posse is bound to be dreadful. Those ICP morons should not be allowed within a mile of any wrestling ring. Although their theme music for the Oddities was strangely listenable in a painful way, despite it being shit.
Spirit Squad.

How the hell did they get cheerleaders on the show? But it was damn funny when shit fell from the heavens landed on them. Ahaha. But atleast we got Dolph Ziggler out of it.
All three of my picks have already been mentioned by others. The Corre were pretty pointless, as they disbanded too soon and did absolutely nothing from a storyline perspective but show up then feud with their own members. Whoever came up with that spelling should be fired, too. Then there's the Spirit Squad. They gave us a memorable feud with DX, then Kenny Dykstra and later on Dolph Ziggler would see some singles success away from the Squad. However we had to put up with a team made up of cheerleaders. The same guy who came up with The Corre probably came up with the "brilliance" of the Spirit Squad.

The one that really takes the cake for me is Immortal. This is by far the most useless stable in wrestling history. It could have been huge in its beginning when Abyss kept saying THEY are coming. Then Abyss, Hogan, Jarrett, Jeff Hardy, and Bischoff all turned together to form Immortal. Hardy got a very weird looking belt, and then the confusion began. Fortune were secretly part of Immortal! No, wait, they are now feuding with them instead! The stable has been proof of how TNA/Impact Wrestling's booking makes one rip hairs out in frustration sometimes. Take some guys way past their prime trying to avoid sharing the spotlight (Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett, Flair, Steiner) and guys who suck that will never amount to anything above tag teaming or the midcard (Bully Ray, Gunner, Matt Hardy) then randomly throw in Anderson and Abyss, you've got yourself the worst stable in the history of wrestling.
I can think some that were real stinkers that haven't been mentioned:

The Corporate Ministry: Let the red rep flow like the blood of a hundred virgins. This was the forerunner of Immortal/Fortune merging into one stable. You have the Corporation, led by Vince and Shane McMahon, a well-executed stable on its own. You have the Ministry of Darkness, led by the Undertaker and Paul Bearer, well-executed on its own. Then with one "IT'S ME AUSTIN!!!" you get quite possibly the biggest clusterfuck of the attitude era. Yeah they had a stranglehold on the WWF, but a group that large just cannot subsist and keep its power/popularity. Ask the nWo about that eh?

Disciples of Apocalypse/ Los Boricuas: Brought in after the Nation of Domination, these two groups (and later stables like the Mexicools) just really didn't get the job done. The Nation, at least, did what they had to do to get established. DoA and Boricuas were biker pride/Puerto Rican pride respectively but couldn't get over with the crowd, but these stable wars kept being shoved down the throat of the fans. Of course when one of the Boricuas (Jose I think..) got his neck broken during a match with Edge, that was it for the stable for the most part.
Los Boricuas as mentioned above certainly deserves to be on the list, considering no one could recognise any of their names bar Savio Vega. At least with DOA, they each vaguely had their own identity.

i would go with Pretty Mean Sisters (PMS) for their lack of impact. Like what has been mentioned about the Corre but in women's wrestling, it had a negative impact on all those involved. It was pretty much a stable of left over women with nothing to do, so they tried to make them seem mean but never really affected the one title you'd think they would be after. You would have much more expected a storyline like Laycool had, dominating the title.
the 4 horsmen circa 1996-1999 was dumb, nWo took shit over so they were meaningless, they had mongo mcmichael and jeff jarret for christ sake...arn retiring didnt help and malenko just didnt belong, all in all the whole thing just seemed pointless...nWo in WWF sucked too...just brought in to satisfy vinces craving to shit all over anything he didnt have a hand in creating...
Spirt Squad- Worst stable ever

Note: I don't get why all the hate on the Oddities. That was one of my favorite stables in the Attitude Era. Sure, they didn't win any titled but they were fun to watch and had a good theme song.
Spirit Squad by far I think had to be the worse. I think what made it so bad was not only was it a stupid idea, but it was such a large group and it was a stupid idea. I can see the WWE maybe having a 3 person spirit squad and then going "oh, that didn't work" and disbanding it. No they went all out. They decided that they should have 5 guys playing the roles of cheerleaders...so dumb.

And actually for everyone who is saying Corre. The stable wasn't that bad, it was just a poorly timed stable. If there was never the Nexus then if they started the Corre it most likely would have been pretty good...but timing is everything.

I am surprised I haven't heard anybody say X-Factor yet.
While people are talking about the Corre/Nexus, I just want to say that, while I have nothing against CM Punk,I think that the Nexus was way more over while Barret was in charge. I also think that towards the end of their run, they were poorly booked and people knew the end was coming way ahead of time.

With that said, my pick for worst is the Mexicools. While they were exciting in there own right, they were set up to fail from the begining. And it didn't take long for the group to implode, with Psychosis and Juventud getting "future endevored" and Super Crazy getting relegated to Curtain Jerker matches.
nWo Black & White under the heroic leadership of Stevie Ray...

Seriously while the Wolfpac had Hogan, Nash, Sting, Steiner, Hall and all the names, the nWo B&W had such legends as Stevie Ray, Horace Hogan and Vincent...Nothing but jobbers that did nothing but jobs and muddied the already tarnished name of the nWo by that point (only way it could've got worse is if they included Paul Roma in the stable to bolster its power)
My pick will be for the spirit squad.

wretling + cheerleades = me changing the channel.

I know Ziggler came out of the group but nicky definately wasnt dolph ziggler at that point.he was just another developmental talent at the time.

they were extremly annoying andf hadnt paid the dues that some1 working against DX should of.

the Corre was bad because of the timing,i think they would of been better if they could of had skip instead of turning jackson heel after he had just turned face.
The Cabinet- This was a stable led by JBL during his championship reign and it included Orlando Jordan, the Basham Brothers, Jillian Hall, and Amy Weber. This was obviously meant to be a serious, somewhat dominant stable based on the fact that they were led by the WWE champion JBL. The only problem with that was Orlando Jordan and the Basham's were probably the worst possible choices of who to put in that stable. They were just random guys with absolutely no heat and no business being in a stable of that magnitude. Jordan was given a US title run and the Basham's a tag title run but it still did nothing for them. The premise behind the stable idea made a lot of sense but the execution and choice of members was extremely poor.

For all of those saying The Oddities you could not be anymore wrong. They weren't meant to be some serious stable that achieved a lot of success. They were a comedy act meant to be entertaining and over, and nothing more. They were perfect for what they were supposed to be. They were certainly entertaining and they were arguably the second most over stable during the Attitude Era next to DX. That's saying a lot considering how many stables the Attitude Era had. The crowd absolutely loved the Oddities and that in itself is more then enough to make them a success as a stable. Not all successes in pro wrestling are measured in wins/losses and championships.
In wrestling history?

Then that would have to be the No Limit Soldiers.

I love Master P and all, but WTF was he think'in by going to WCW and let Eric Bischoff run shot on the so-called faction? Who were in the WCW No Limit Soldiers again? Rey Mysterio (Jr), Konnan, Brad Armstrong, and after them I forget.

Just like everybody else forgot about the No Limit Soldiers of WCW. Just whack and a waste of TV time.
Remember T&A? Test and Albert with Stacy Keibler and P.M.S? Pretty Mean Sisters. I think that was Terri Runnels, Jackie Moore, and Meat. Meat was in a ton of bad gimmicks and stables, along with Test and Albert. The Oddities were bad, but for some reason they were over. I think the top honor goes to WCW's M.I.A. Misfits in Action that included Booker T as G.I. Bro, Bill Demott as General Rection, Chavo Guerrero as Lt. Loco, Lash Leroux as Corporal Cajun, Van Hammer as Major Stash, and Tylene Buck as Major Gunns. The Corre is pretty pointless too.
Most of the recent stables. There's just no thought process in them, just random induviduals thrown together for no reason.

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