Worst Stable/Faction In WWE History?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay this may have been done before but i couldn't find it in here anywhere. So forgive me if i have been mistaken...

Anyways onto the topic! So i was thinking just a minute ago about the worst stable i could possibly think of that has actually existed in WWE. Now there have been a lot of bad stables such as X-Factor, (McMahon,Shane,Umaga), Oddities, PMS, and so on....

But the worst stable in my honest opinion is the Coach, Vader and Goldust faction that happened in late 2005. It was Batista vs. Coach (with Vader and Goldust) at Taboo Tuesday! Seriously awful team. First of all, Goldust and Vader really? I mean seriously that is the best you can get to help coach? And then the obviousness of Vader being WAY out of shape. And of course the unbelievability of Batista getting beat up by a largely out of shape Vader and Goldust! IMO the worst ever!

So my question to you, is this the worst ever? OR what is the worst ever? Please explain!!!!!!!
RTC - Right to Censor. They were poking fun at the Parents TV Council for their constant protests against the WWE and the attitude era. It was a good idea but it became annoying. Steven Richards was never leadership material.
At first, it was funny to see the Godfather turn into the Goodfather and Val Venis renounce his 'adult entertainment' history but it got old really fast.
Perhaps it was their entrance 'music'... and I use that term loosely.
RTC - Right to Censor. They were poking fun at the Parents TV Council for their constant protests against the WWE and the attitude era. It was a good idea but it became annoying. Steven Richards was never leadership material.
At first, it was funny to see the Godfather turn into the Goodfather and Val Venis renounce his 'adult entertainment' history but it got old really fast.
Perhaps it was their entrance 'music'... and I use that term loosely.

Pretty much what he said....Also probably ruined the Godfathers carreer....certainly ruined a Gimmick I enjoyed....and it really did bore me and the Music pissed me off.

But Coach, Vader & Goldust? Are they still considered a stable even though it was a one off match ?
Pretty much what he said....Also probably ruined the Godfathers carreer....certainly ruined a Gimmick I enjoyed....and it really did bore me and the Music pissed me off.

But Coach, Vader & Goldust? Are they still considered a stable even though it was a one off match ?

I would consider them a stable that massively flopped in a one match setting. I think it was suppose to last longer than one match if i remember correctly. But yes RTC did really suck!!! I agree completely it has to be one of the worst of all time.
I forget the name of the stable but I am thinking of the stable that Savio Vega led in the "gang war" with the Nation and DOA. They were only around to be a stereotype and ruined Savio's career.
Wouldn't classify X-Factor as a stable, that was just a Tag Team, like the 3 man Demolition team

back to the OQ
Oddities would be high on my list
any description needed?

Literally a bunch of sideshow freaks managed by the Insane Clown Possie

RTC was pretty annoying too but they did get alot of exposure and created controversy so one could argue they were effective.

and Union well enough said, that didn't last long.

But my vote goes with The Oddities
If there was worse than The Unionthen I can't thnk of them. You had some main event level guys here who had clearly slipped down the card and had no place in the minds of creative. They were basically the no squad, but without the humour and irony. I know they were high on Mick Foley's list of worst faction ever nf they have to top mine. People have mentioned The Oddities, but frankly, these guys were great. They got the crowd on their feet and really made good use of oversized guys in an era when oversized guys were out.
I actually enjoyed The Oddities! Weird as hell, but it made the careers of those involved (for the most part) ...

Without going too far, I'd say The Corre. What a waste! How half of that team is even employed still is beyond me. I'd say The Union was pretty worthless too.
The worst stable, IMO, was one that was so bad that I can't even remember what they were called.
They were a bunch of militant white guys sometime in the mid-nineties, think Nation of Domination except white. I don't think they lasted 2 months. All I remember is them entering the scene, beating up some scrubs, cutting some really boring promos, and then, without anyone noticing, disappearing into the abyss.

That's all I remember of them. Other abortions like the X-Factor or the Union I can at least name one member.
X Factor was X-Pac, A-Train, and Justin Credible....not X-Pac, Shane, and Umaga.

But, anyway, my vote would be a tie for the Union(Ken Shamrock, Mick Foley, Test, Big Show)...or either of the Los Boricuas(sp), or the Disciples of Apocalypse

The Union was just a group of singles guys that they had nothing for, and just never clicked, and the other two were just groups that no one cared about, and because of that, they flopped
I got 3 words for you. MEAN STREET POSSE. This was literally a stable of rich kids, who couldn't take a bump and couldn't do a move more complicated than a clothesline. I will rep up anybody who can name a member of this craptastic group.
My vote is for the SES with Punk, Luke Gallows, Serena, and Joey Mercury. Served no purpose and it was terribly booked. Turned out to be CM Punk and a bunch of goons. Not believable and went nowhere in the end.
You forgot Joey Abs.

I went to school in CT and I've been to Greenwich, and I'm sorry, but NO. Greenwich does not have mean streets. If they were from Bridgeport, maybe, but not Greenwich.

I think that is what they were going for. Of course there are no "mean streets" in Greenwich. That's why they rolled out in sweater vets and t-shirts.
Can't believe I am the first one to mention this bur I believe it was Shane, Rodney, and Pete Gas

Joey Abs, Pete Gas and Rodney briefly siding with Shane-o-mac
they were to Shane what Brisco and Patterson were to Vince lol
but yeah damn, i forgot about them :) and ofcourse the Spirit Squad, though that did spawn Dolph Ziggler

I still stand by my pick of the Oddities, they were revolting and only redeeming value was the Hands like This chant.
But damn, Mean Street Possie were pretty useless too

as for Mean Streets. That's just a wrestling thing, the majority of "Superstars" come from Broken Homes, Mean Streets of any area or started fighting at an early age
I wish more people would hail from Parts Unknown (why don't they use this place anymore) or make there seasonal residence in <pick a wealthy area>
The worst stable, IMO, was one that was so bad that I can't even remember what they were called.
They were a bunch of militant white guys sometime in the mid-nineties, think Nation of Domination except white. I don't think they lasted 2 months. All I remember is them entering the scene, beating up some scrubs, cutting some really boring promos, and then, without anyone noticing, disappearing into the abyss.

I'm betting you are thinking about The Truth Commission. Sniper, Recon, The Interrogator and I want to say Tank or something military related. They were lead by The Jackyl formally Cyrus in ECW. The Interrogator was then only one that would really hang around after this joke crashed. He would go on to be Kurgan and pair with the Oddities. Go figure one crappy stable then moved to another.
I actually enjoyed the J.O.B. Squad and SES. But all the other ones mentioned, dear God what were they thinking?

I'm actually going to go a little off base here and say the Corporate Ministry. The MInistry of Darkness and Vince's Corporation were 2 great stables that could've existed seperately for a (relatively) long time. However, once Vince was revealed to be the "Higher Power", that completely ruined it for me.
Worst faction in history has to be the JOB Squad. I mean, you have Al Snow of all people leading a faction. It was an all jobber faction that served no purpose except that to be squashed by everybody.
How about the WWE/F version of the nWo. In my opinion it was awesome when it first began and the storyline leading to them in the WWF was good as well. But as soon as Hogan got in he was almost turned. Hall got in trouble so we were left with Nash, and he brings in Michaels, Show, X-pac, and Booker. This lead to a feud (sort of) with Goldust. but IMO this version of them sucked.

If that doesn't count then I have to say the Mexicools. MExicans on lawnmowers. Yeah!!!!
I'm betting you are thinking about The Truth Commission. Sniper, Recon, The Interrogator and I want to say Tank or something military related. They were lead by The Jackyl formally Cyrus in ECW. The Interrogator was the only one that would really hang around after this joke crashed. He would go on to be Kurgan and pair with the Oddities. Go figure one crappy stable then moved to another.

Not to be anal, but Bull Buchanan (Recon) probably had the most success within the WWE than the rest of them, Although Kurrgan (Interrogator) had moderate success as well.

Personally, if I had to pick the worst stable in WWE history, I'd have to go with X-Factor. It totally bombed. As talented a performer as X-Pac is, he's much better as a sidekick and just didn't have what it took to lead a faction and make it go over. Hence the emergence of the infamous "X-Pac heat". Of course, it doesn't help when your team consists of one guy named after a penis piercing and that other guy who used to be Aldo Montoya.
Yeah, I think the Vader/Goldust thing is pretty high up there on the list of worst decisions ever made at a PPV, but I can't really consider them a faction or stable. I think some longevity is required to carry that title. That being said, imma go with the Spirit Squad. They may have been remotely entertaining, and everyone loved that segment where DX sent them back to OVW, and AT LEAST it was something relatively creative and unique. But it killed the wrestling careers of 4 guys, and held back the man who would become Dolph Ziggler for years... They also allowed for the juvenile antics of Triple H and Shawn Michaels to continue, turning the awesome DX reunion into a complete joke.
The worst stable ever in WWE was probably The Spirit Squad because they were SO annoying. They were a group of incredibly annoying male cheerleaders. DX humiliated them on more than one occassion, but that was really all this stable were good for. They won the tag titles and under the Freebird rule all of them were champions. That's the only reason they ever won a match, the two closest to 100% would defend the belts. The group did give us Kenny Dykstra, and later on Dolph Ziggler.... but they were so annoying that most people probably prefer to forget that this stable ever existed.
The faction led by Yamaguchi was pretty awful. . .not because they were bad wrestlers or not entertaining, but purely because they were basically just a bunch of jobbers with the exception of Taka Michinoku who was eventually turned into a jobber too.

I even remember they did a "gauntlet match", where Val Venis beat 3 of the 4 wrestlers in that stable all in a row then barely lost to Taka Michinoku at the end. That really killed any rep that group had a chance of attaining.
By some of these responses the stable did exactly what is was supposed to - annoy, false advertise, pump up the crowd but there are two factions here that have not even been mentioned yet. I don't post here a lot but I do read posts but I had to chime in here.

First Pretty Mean Sisters (yes PMS) with Jaqueline, Terri, Ryan Shamrock, and Meat. He never won, he had three chicks yelling at him and no one cared....ever.

Also Lo-Down....many of you might say it was just a tag team of D-Lo Brown and Chaz (formerly Mosh and Beaver Cleavage) but if you remember they also had a manager/3rd member when they started - yep you guessed it Tiger Ali Singh. What a bad combo. Needless to say we know what happened there....nothing.
Of all time? For me i'd have to say RTC. Holy moses, I've never heard theme 'music' that annoying! Especially at WM, it lasted forever!!

In recent history though, i'd have to say...

The Corre (Great idea, horrible execution)


La Familia. I don't mind La Familia when I look back on it, but it was right after Edge broke up with Lita, so the whole Edge n Vickie angle made it seem stupid (hard to believe Edge would jump on Vickie after having someone as fine as Lita). Looking back on it now, it seems like an awesome faction (Edge, Vickie, Ryder, Chavo, etc), but at the time it all seemed really stupid because half of the members were underdeveloped. Anyone remember Bam Neely? Didn't think so.

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