Worst Physical Pain You Have Ever Been In?

Lower back contusion five years ago when I was pushed off a stage while on tour with a friends band and landed on a stage-speaker which ended up with me tearing a muscle in my back when I snapped over it, leaving me with internal bleeding and a bad back for the rest of my life.

Second worst was a hyper-extended left knee playing hockey. The pain after the initial "pop" is much worse – especially having to get the cavity behind your knee drained with a giant needle.
Lower back contusion five years ago when I was pushed off a stage while on tour with a friends band and landed on a stage-speaker which ended up with me tearing a muscle in my back when I snapped over it, leaving me with internal bleeding and a bad back for the rest of my life.

Second worst was a hyper-extended left knee playing hockey. The pain after the initial "pop" is much worse – especially having to get the cavity behind your knee drained with a giant needle.

yeeeeeeeeeeaaaa THAT shit sucks, I can attest to that
Slicing the tip of my thumb off was no fun, but having the gauze that dried to it over night torn off at the hospital the next day was much, much worse.
NorCal's talk of toenails reminded me of another one that was absolutly horrible. My little brother was warming up to pitch in game, so I put on a catcher's mit to warm him up, he threw a low pitch and it hit my toenail and ripped it off. That hurt for awhile. Another baseball injury was when I had braces, I hit the ball and it went straight down hit the plate and came back up and hit me in the mouth. I had my lip stuck in my braces with blood everywhere. That shit sucked.
Dropped a sledge-hammer on my right foot when I was six or seven years old and broke all but my big toe. Don't really remember the pain, but I'm reminded of the fact it probably hurt like a bitch when I look down at my mangled feet.
When I was a freshman in High School I broke my ankle, odd fucking thing really. It was wrestling practice and we were going over bear hug take downs. Somehow when my partner went to take me down, my foot stayed planted and my leg twisted in a strange way and snap there went my ankle. That was pretty effin' painful.

Or in football in 8th grade. My pants were pushed up a little on my right leg, didn't notice, took a helmet directly on the kneecap, fractured it, man that fucking hurt like a bitch too. The ankle injury was my right leg too, so I have a bad right leg.
I think it was the time I managed to lean my stomach against an open toaster that had just been turned off 20 seconds earlier when I was reaching for some salt and pepper.
When I was 2 my mother accidentally smacked me against a metal post. Then they took pictures. Fucking asshole. That could've led to possible brain damage and you take pictures to remember the idiocy.
I got stabbed multiple times. None of those times hurt as much as that time when my dick got bitten by that dog.
Oh fuck. Easily the quadruple hernia I had when I was 6. Of course those badass Power Rangers sleeping bags made you King of the Playground. I had one, and was playing on it. Did a complete, like.. flat split. Gymnasts couldn't have performed a better one. I had sugery on my um, manhood to repair the damage and walked around with a cane for about a month. I was 6, so it was awesome then.
Oh fuck. Easily the quadruple hernia I had when I was 6. Of course those badass Power Rangers sleeping bags made you King of the Playground. I had one, and was playing on it. Did a complete, like.. flat split. Gymnasts couldn't have performed a better one. I had sugery on my um, manhood to repair the damage and walked around with a cane for about a month. I was 6, so it was awesome then.

Dude, that is pretty f'n hardcore. Manhood injury at age 6, complete with a walking cane. I'm pretty sure you should have been upgraded to hanging out with the older kids immediately.
Oh fuck. Easily the quadruple hernia I had when I was 6. Of course those badass Power Rangers sleeping bags made you King of the Playground. I had one, and was playing on it. Did a complete, like.. flat split. Gymnasts couldn't have performed a better one. I had sugery on my um, manhood to repair the damage and walked around with a cane for about a month. I was 6, so it was awesome then.

Tell me you just made that up.
I have no clue which hurt worse because I haven't been really hurt in years but:

Dislocated my Shoulder.

Someone dropped a jackhammer on my foot

Cousin stabbed my hand with a knife once

Tree limb swung into my chest, still have a dent.

I think that's it. But as I remember they are all about even.
While I've already said my most painful one, I remember one painful shit as well, lying down eating a ham sandwich with melted cheese, got a firm drop of cheese down on my chest, still got a scar from it.

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