I have never been in so much pain in my life.

Bud Shight.

Armbar, don't worry. I was given the joint from a friend of my friend, who was the one taking me on this trip. It was all responsibly done. And anyway, I'm probably never going to do it again considering I don't like the taste of burning death on my lips.

Doug, shut up. As someone who has had multiple suregeries for smashed fingers, hernias, burst blood vessels in the eye, and tons and tons of other issues, I was clearly being hyperbolic with the thread title. Go baawww somewhere else.

And this may be a normal university student's weekend, but this was my first time doing it and may be my last, at least for a while. Not my preferred lifestyle, no matter how much fun it was.

Also something I forgot to mention in the original post: Almost everyone at the bar I went to on Saturday was drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon. EVERYONE. It became a running joke.
Lulz i bet Docs mum checks up on him via WZ, you gonna be grounded when you go home for the holidays mister.
Also something I forgot to mention in the original post: Almost everyone at the bar I went to on Saturday was drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon. EVERYONE. It became a running joke.

Pabst is acceptable at a bar where they will likely cost $2 each compared to the $5+ for any other shitty beer. If I'm not sucking back Jack and Cokes, I'm probably drinking Pabst.

Lulz i bet Docs mum checks up on him via WZ, you gonna be grounded when you go home for the holidays mister.

C'mon now, he's not Noah.
My parents trust me. They're great parents. And anyway, if they somehow find out, they'd probably be more proud of me for the fact that I was responsible. Since my brother is home I'll probably talk to him about my weekend when I see him today, and my parents aren't in earshot.

And yeah, I know the whole "Pabst is cheap" thing. It was just funny how much there was.
My parents trust me. They're great parents. And anyway, if they somehow find out, they'd probably be more proud of me for the fact that I was responsible. Since my brother is home I'll probably talk to him about my weekend when I see him today, and my parents aren't in earshot.

Somehow I always got carte blanche from my folks to be as dumb as I wanted to be, but they cracked down on my brother. Oh well.

And yeah, I know the whole "Pabst is cheap" thing. It was just funny how much there was.

'Cause we're broke, *****!

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