Worst Moment #2-Undertaker


Pre-Show Stalwart
Inspired by a member of WZF whose name escapes me. What is that one undertaker moment, match, storyline, promo, or feud that made you facepalm, say wtf, dislike, etc.
To me, the whole vegetative state thing. Seriously, they could have had him come on the one show, get attacked, or whatever.
I found the Abduction of Paul Bearer thing kind of dumb. It original plot was cool, getting another to control the Undertaker, somewhat making him a heel, but the whole concrete crypt thing was kind of, ugh. i also didn't exactly enjoy his Mark Henry feud. If it was Booker, it might've been different. For whatever reason, I didn't NOT want henry to get a push, but all that for him to lose in the worst casket match ever at Wrestlemania?
The American Badass phase pissed me off, many of you may think it was necessary for a brief change of character as they had pretty much worn out all deadman angles. That seems very reasonable, but for me anyway it was awful. Undertaker had become my absolute favorite during the Ministry, I already liked him but the Ministry of Darkness was like the coolest thing I'd ever seen, but then he gets injured and is gone for almost a year. So when I find out he's coming back I'm goin ape shit, but when he returns he's a biker? I no longer looked forward to the Undertaker's matches and promos cuz I knew I'd hear that stupid ass music and see him riding his bike around the ring.
That whole thing with DDP stalking his wife was pretty lame too.
Speaking of returns, I thought his return at WrestleMania XX was very anti-climactic. The angle was awesome but I thought the execution was lacking... Kane, the supposed most bad-ass thing since, well... the UnderTaker is scared out of his mind that his brother is returning. It's like, finally, the return of the "DeadMan" gimmick. He's back! But he's back with the boring music and sombrero UnderTaker and not the ministry music evil I'll kill you UnderTaker. And then for all that build up he beats Kane in a 10 min squash, no where near as good as the WrestleMania 14 match.
Let down
The worst Undertaker storyline in my opinion was one that he did very well in. He played his part perfectly, but the story was so fucked up and stupid that it makes me cringe everytime it's mentioned. The Diamond Dallas Page stalker storyline. I think of it as a close second to the Katy Vick storyline in terms of distasteful, unrealistic, and so-stupid-its-funny. We're suppose to believe that this guy is stalking another guy's wife for weeks and weeks at their house, admits it and continues to do it, and the police are never involved?
When he "hung" the Big Bossman in the hell in a cell match was pretty low. I also think Giant Gonzalez should have never been in the same ring with Undertaker also. But the absolute worst had to be when he feuded with Mabel and was wearing the Phantom of the Opera mask. He was wearing the mask because Mabel and Yokozuna crushed his face with leg drops. I know when he returned it was a big deal and he was dominant again after being stagnant for a while but I just thought the mask made him look ridiculous personally.
Some of the worst ever was when he disappeared in the mid 90's and the search was on "Where is the Undertaker?" They searched everywhere from graveyards to Subway. And I think it ended up where Ted Dibiase debuted his new Undertaker and then Paul Bearer brought back the original for a good ol fashioned Undertaker vs Undertaker match. How ******ed.

It may have been two completely different storylines but either way they both sucked. Then on top of that years later there were two Kanes. very original.

Also The American Badass and later Big Evil characters sucked too BUT a huge upside was the Last Ride which is the greatest powerbomb in history

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