Worst Double Team Finisher


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I was watching WM 5 and saw Demolition use their finisher which I always referred to as the Demolisher, and realized how much it truly sucked. For those of you that don't know what it is, Smash would hold the opponent over his knee face up as Ax would walk along the middle rope and drop an elbow on him. It just looked weak compared to what the two big powerhouses could have done. To me, it ranks just above the Hart Foundation's finisher, which wasn't officially called the Hart Attack, as the worse tag team finishing move ever.

What to you is the worst double team finishing move of all time?
I would have to say... That little... Thing, that Priceless tried on Shad a few weeks back. Ted holds his feet up and Cody just dropped him for a DDT? Wtf? Lol, anyways... They've obviously scrapped that shit, because it sucked so bad..
bushwackers head ram i dont see how that can keep someon dwn for so long. highlanders also had a bad finisher. i dont know what it was called but they dident win many matches so we only saw it a few times
Don't know if you want to consider them a "true" tag team....but what about Kane and Undertaker's double chokeslam? Really, what more damage is going to be done to the opponent since only one of the monsters' hands can fit on the throat???

How about another question: Who do you all consider to be the best tag team that DIDN'T have a "tag team" finisher? When u think about it, the Hardy's didnt have one, neither did Edge & Christian (unless u count conchairto in no DQ matches, which I don't consider a true "finisher.").
I think the worst ever was the Collosal Connection, if you remember it. Basically Andre would hold the opponent for Haku to superkick in the face. That was it. Nothing fancy there. The Bushwackers and Nasty Boys both had awful finishers.

I don't really understand how you can bash Demolition or the Hart Foundations finishers. Before teams like those, not many teams even had finishers before them. How can a 300 pound elbow not do some major damage, especially when you are draped over a knee. And the Hart Foundation's finisher WAS officially the Hart Attack.
Ok, So there is a good amount of response to this but some of the teams that need to be on here are.
The rock & roll express, wow a double dropkick!!
Come on!!!
What about the freebirds??? Where the hell was their finisher?
we can go on forever her, the moondogs, the wild somoans ect.ect ect!!!
We need to go with the team that had the best finisher!!
My vote is always gonna be with The Road Warriors or L.O.D.
The are the ones that brought the finisher to tag team wrestling, the doomsday devise was the first real finisher from a tag team.
WTF are you smoking? The Hart Attack is AWESOME and was a catalyst for many tag team finishers today. Just...wow, you sir get the Boneheaded Statement Of The Week award...

I can't really think of any terrible finishers...just awesome ones.

As for teams without tandem finishers, Edge & Christian, the Hardy's, God's Team (Angle and Voldemort), Edge/Mysterio, Los Guerreros...the list goes on and on.

And despite their awesomeness, I hated The World's Greatest Tag Team's finisher, which I believe was the superkick/german suplex combo...just a very unbelievable sequence of moves, especially since the superkick was always like two feet away from connecting...it's just two moves you can't link together properly. I always thought it was dumb looking.
The worst tag finisher i can think of is where mick foley would put the oponet in the mandible claw then edge would spear the person to the mat i dont think they used it many times but i just feel it lacked creativeness an wasnt something special to see
all the teams that had no finisher were the worst tag team finisher, if ur a tag team it should have a team finisher, teams like cryme tyme and jesse and festus should get something together, they never win so they would never use it but they have time to imagine something. as for the more important discussion the best finisher has to be #D by the dudly boys, its the reason they have fans, they are over with the crowd due to how sweet and how it is set up, its not stale like the devastation device where they set up and u wait, ( stale like the consistent setups for mysterios 619) iot comes out of nowhere. but in conclusion wwe needs to think of more finishers and use them for the tag fivison thats suffering.
I just thought of another. While I did love the Hart Attack, the New Foundation (Niedhart and Owen Hart) had a terrible finisher, the Rocket Launcher, where Anvil would toss Owen from the top rope into a splash. A top rope splash in itself is cool, but when the "powerhouse" of the team "throws" the flyer and he gets less hieght and distance than he normally would, it becomes lame. Another Owen one, with High Energy, him and Koko B. Ware used a double flying dropkick. It would have been really cool, but the timing was rarely on and often one or the other (usually Koko) would hardly even hit the guy. It may not even have been a finisher, but it was a sloppy looking move.
the elimanaters from ecw had the worst finisher one would kick the head and other would sweep the leg and the kick to the head hardly ever connected just a leg sweep
We need to go with the team that had the best finisher!!

What about the Brainbusters? Spike piledriver. Arn would get someone up for a piledriver and hold it, Tully would jump from the top rope to push down on the guy's feet. It was a totally sick move.

As for worst: what was the Twin Towers' finisher? Bossman slam followed by a belly flop from Akeem?
Don't know if you want to consider them a "true" tag team....but what about Kane and Undertaker's double chokeslam? Really, what more damage is going to be done to the opponent since only one of the monsters' hands can fit on the throat???

How about another question: Who do you all consider to be the best tag team that DIDN'T have a "tag team" finisher? When u think about it, the Hardy's didnt have one, neither did Edge & Christian (unless u count conchairto in no DQ matches, which I don't consider a true "finisher.").

Well you gotta remember lifting guys like the big show really isnt ez for one person to do lol..But ya to other people that they have done it to, I agree, Its not a creative finisher at all..

But Big Shows Double Chokeslam is sick!
the elimanaters from ecw had the worst finisher one would kick the head and other would sweep the leg and the kick to the head hardly ever connected just a leg sweep

the total elimination was brutal but with any double team move, if the timing is off it looks like ass. 3D for the win though or sabu and rvd's leg drops off opposite turnbuckles
I think the best double team finisher woulr be power and glory with the superplex into a splash that was pretty good stuff back then. They really didnt get to use that often but it was a sweet move. The worst double team finisher would probley be the spike piledriver. Not because it wasnt effective but it was illegal and you would have to somehow get the ref distracted before you could use it.
I would have to say... That little... Thing, that Priceless tried on Shad a few weeks back. Ted holds his feet up and Cody just dropped him for a DDT? Wtf? Lol, anyways... They've obviously scrapped that shit, because it sucked so bad..

i agree completely the move was just a cheap rip off of the snapshot mnm did except priceless ruined it.
Don't know if you want to consider them a "true" tag team....but what about Kane and Undertaker's double chokeslam? Really, what more damage is going to be done to the opponent since only one of the monsters' hands can fit on the throat???

How about another question: Who do you all consider to be the best tag team that DIDN'T have a "tag team" finisher? When u think about it, the Hardy's didnt have one, neither did Edge & Christian (unless u count conchairto in no DQ matches, which I don't consider a true "finisher.").

umm im sorry but i do belive the hardys had 2 tag team finisher. the poetry in motion and matts twist of fate with jeff hitting a swanton after. those were considered finishers.
I think there are two things to consider.
1.) The worst finisher damage-wise
2.) The worst finisher charisma wise
Basically, which finisher probably couldn't finish anybody, and which finisher was boring and stale.

I think, and I know I'm going to get mauled for this, and quite possibly lose my right as a wrestling fan, but Hawk and Animals Doomsday Device. I know everybody loved it, and everybody cheered for it every week, and they are possible the greatest tag team in history, but their finisher looked weak. With everything else they could have done, a closeline from the top rope doesn't really do that much.

And in terms of charisma, I think that Hurricanrana into the power bomb that Miz and Morrison used to do is the worst. It seems like nobody really gives a care about it, even though they are the best tag team in wrestling.
the Hardyz and Edge and Christian didn't really have major double team moves, but that's what made them great. They had alot of individual talent.
On the other end of the spectrum, do the Dudley Boyz have a single individual move or are they just tag team moves?
Um, as for awesome finishers, how come no one has said the Death Sentence? Especially when Harris jumped off the cage at Lockdown one year...just HOLY CRAP.

For the record, Mattsy-Poo and Jeffykins used to do a cross-corner splash/legdrop combo as their finisher. Not too shabby.

Oh, and completely forgot how awesome the Snapshot was!
I think that many of you miss the true extent to which this concept can be discussed. So let me point out what had to be the very worst finisher of all time that was used by a tag team that NEVER held tag team gold in the WWE but could have. And that finisher came from the team of Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson, collectively known as The Brain Busters.

Let's look back at how the massively putrid finisher was delivered, shall we? Arn Anderson would come into ring and run across hitting the tag team partner of the opponent that they would have in their corner. then Tully would rush into the ring and deliver...... the UGLIEST SLINGSHOT SUPLEX EVER IMAGINED! And it wasn't just one match either. They did this for ever match and it never got any better looking. I mean why in the HELL would you need to distract the ref to pull off a fucking suplex? Hell, I could understand the brief couple of times that they utilized the even more pathetic looking spiked piledriver that they would do, as the spiked piledriver was supposedly a banned move, even though Bret Hart and Jerry Lawler used it all the time. But for a fucking suplex? All I can say is, WTF man. WTF!?
The Hardys DID have a tag team finisher when they first started, the opponent would be lying in the middle of the ring, matt and jeff would get on opposite turnbuckles. Matt would hit a legdrop from the top rope while jeff simultaneously hit a splash of the top rope. One of the last times I recall it being used was in the first ladder match they had with edge and christian, shortly after that they started doing their single finishers.
umm im sorry but i do belive the hardys had 2 tag team finisher. the poetry in motion and matts twist of fate with jeff hitting a swanton after. those were considered finishers.

Poetry in motion was not a finisher. And two people hitting THEIR OWN finishers is NOT a "tag team" finisher.
I think that many of you miss the true extent to which this concept can be discussed. So let me point out what had to be the very worst finisher of all time that was used by a tag team that NEVER held tag team gold in the WWE but could have. And that finisher came from the team of Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson, collectively known as The Brain Busters.

Let's look back at how the massively putrid finisher was delivered, shall we? Arn Anderson would come into ring and run across hitting the tag team partner of the opponent that they would have in their corner. then Tully would rush into the ring and deliver...... the UGLIEST SLINGSHOT SUPLEX EVER IMAGINED! And it wasn't just one match either. They did this for ever match and it never got any better looking. I mean why in the HELL would you need to distract the ref to pull off a fucking suplex? Hell, I could understand the brief couple of times that they utilized the even more pathetic looking spiked piledriver that they would do, as the spiked piledriver was supposedly a banned move, even though Bret Hart and Jerry Lawler used it all the time. But for a fucking suplex? All I can say is, WTF man. WTF!?
what are you talking about ? Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson aka the Brain Busters did win the WWF tag team championships . os sir you are totally wrong . also back then the suplexcould finishi people back then . tully invented the SLINGSHOT SUPLEX . so everything you said is wrong & incorrect . get you facts stragiht because you have no idea what you are talking about ,youngster. brain Busters are one of the greatest tag teams ever & there finisher was great.also the spiked piledriver the brainbusters did never looked pathetic . so you are wrong .
Poetry in motion was not a finisher. And two people hitting THEIR OWN finishers is NOT a "tag team" finisher.

I think that it was a finisher. A combo Twist of Fate/Swanton is a pretty effective finisher. Jeff does it by himself and he was world champ. I would disagree with you here.

I can't believe no one has picked what is the worst finisher ever. The Rockers double punch off the ropes. Give me a break. Only one guy would ever actually hit the move. Heenan would always say it was an illegal move because punching wasn't allowed. While playing the heel was what he was doing, Heenan was right to try and get the move banned. Because, you know, it sucked.

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