World Championship: UnderTaker(c) vs CM Punk vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio

This could be a very good match, but I get the feeling that it's going to be cut short like the last few WHC PPV matches have been, once again for Cena and Orton. I imagine Undertaker will likely retain here, either that or we could possibly see Punk get the title back by pinning someone who isn't 'Taker.

I just hope they give these guy more than seven or eight minutes to put on a match, because if they do, this could be very entertaining.
If WWE booking was smart (Which is not a real possibility) they'll do this..

Have Punk win by pinning Rey Mysterio. This happening because Batista and Taker are too busy with eachother in the match.. THIS leads to Taker and Batista feud outside the title picture for a few months, which leads to Batista FINALLY turning heel. (lets face it, the guy doesn't sell merch, hes not a crazy face, they could afford him losing) and then sometime in the FUTURE, him taking the title and having his first heel title run.

THIS would then make Punk even more cocky, and talk about Rey and HIS current suspension (Similar to Jeff Hardy) which then leads to Rey and Punk going at it for a while. (And before you all say Rey shouldn't be in the run, YES he should. He's the next biggest face with the kiddies, draws great, and is a great performer.) Rey and Punk would be great for Smackdown, as well as Taker and Batista.

And if Cena LOSES, then he can feud with Punk and a heel Batista as well.. Well, the Cena going to Smackdown is a BIG maybe, but other than that, I stand by my other prediction.
If WWE booking was smart (Which is not a real possibility) they'll do this..

Have Punk win by pinning Rey Mysterio. This happening because Batista and Taker are too busy with eachother in the match.. THIS leads to Taker and Batista feud outside the title picture for a few months, which leads to Batista FINALLY turning heel. (lets face it, the guy doesn't sell merch, hes not a crazy face, they could afford him losing) and then sometime in the FUTURE, him taking the title and having his first heel title run.

THIS would then make Punk even more cocky, and talk about Rey and HIS current suspension (Similar to Jeff Hardy) which then leads to Rey and Punk going at it for a while. (And before you all say Rey shouldn't be in the run, YES he should. He's the next biggest face with the kiddies, draws great, and is a great performer.) Rey and Punk would be great for Smackdown, as well as Taker and Batista.

And if Cena LOSES, then he can feud with Punk and a heel Batista as well.. Well, the Cena going to Smackdown is a BIG maybe, but other than that, I stand by my other prediction.

This is EXACTLY the scenario that I had envisioned for this match. Like I said in an earlier post, maybe this Fatal 4-way was set up as a way for Punk to regain the belt and not defeat Taker to do it.

I agree that after this match it will be Punk/Mysterio and Batista/Taker, that is a given, but I disagree with the majority of posts in this thread who think Batista/Taker will be the fued for the title.

It makes sense for Punk to win here, especially after he got beaten so soundly by Undertaker on Friday night. The WWE has shown clearly that Punk cannot defeat Taker, and he will not. But that doesn't mean that he still can't win the match by defeating someone else.

His making Mysterio tap to the Anaconda Vice while Batista and Taker are otherwise involved outside the ring builds tension between Batista and Taker and then adds credability to Punk as a heel champion who is strong, but knows he isnt strong enough to pin taker so he goes after the "weak link" in the match. A promo by Punk saying as much about Mysterio being the "weak link" next Friday is a great way to feul the feud with Mysterio.

On a side note...where are all these "Punk has been smack talking Cena lately, so they will feud" comments comming from? Did I miss something? Punk never said anything about Cena ON SCREEN. He supposedly made one comment about him in the discussion about his dress code in the overseas tour. That wasn't mentioned on TV, so why do people think that was a work to engineer a feud between the two? I'm not saying that they wont feud if Cena comes to Smackdown, but I don't see some vague untelevised comment as proof positive that Cena is coming to Smackdown to fight Punk.
I think the most likely outcome is Taker retaining. I think they might keep Punk away from the title for a little while, give him an upper midcard feud where he beats up a beloved face (i.e. Mysterio)

I'm thinking it'll happen like this;
Batista will turn heel during the match or possibly on next week's SD. They're been hinting at Batista and Mysterio turning on each other, they had the match where Batista lost even though his shoulder was up and then this week they were arguing about it. I think Batista might snap and just turn on Mysterio during the match or on SD. This'll make Batista heel so we can have Batista vs Undertaker for a few months until Jericho, Punk or Edge can take the title off Taker.
While that's going on, we'll probably have Mysterio vs Punk. These guys had a match late last year in the IC title tournament that was pretty good, so a feud between the two would be welcomed. Maybe even having a Survivor Series 4 on 4/ 5 on 5 match with both men being captains and the blow off at Armageddon/TLC/Whatever.

So yeah, I'm calling it now, Taker retains. Batista will either turn on Mysterio or Mysterio will accidently cost him the title. Then we'll see Tista vs Taker and Punk vs Mysterio feuds.
This match is going to be really good or pretty bad. I just don't see how Rey and Batista come into this picture with Taker and Punk. Batista should have already turned and this should have been two seperate matches with Punk/Taker and Batista/Rey.

Oh and I think Punk will win. Undertaker can't really defend that much as he is injured. Notice they had him do a promo after he won the title probably so he could get some face time before he drops it. I think Punk steals the win with a cheap pin on Batista or Rey, which sparks the Batista/Rey feud.
I see Punk pinning Rey to win the title after Batista accidentally hits Rey (possibly accidentally spearing Rey after Punk moves out of the way)
This match was surprisingly good and the finish was nice. Undertaker was on and off dominant with CM Punk trying to steal the win at different points. Rey and Batista each tried to keep the other from winning, and although it was nice to see, I was still shocked to see Batista beat up Rey the way he did. The match length wise wasn't too bad and was pretty enjoyable.
About time for a Batista heel turn I actually will watch his matches now and I think that it was the best decision the WWE has made in quite some time.

Smackdown is leaps and bounds ahead of Raw and I can't wait to see what happens on Friday this match was great but the Orton-Cena match was a MOTY candidate and just might win.
I don't understand the logic in Taker retaining. Was this match really just for the Batista heel turn? I don't get it. I haven't seen the match yet so I can't really judge on quality, but just based on what happened.
The logic here was about Batista's turn. If you ask me he had every reason to beat the crap out of Rey, and this come from a Taker fan and a Rey fan since storyline wise, Batista had Taker defeated and Rey cost him the title by more than trying to steal the pin, distracting Batista enough to get anihilated by the Tombstone. I mean Taker had Batista defeated before but it was only logical that Punk interfiered. I think een the crowd was with Batista on this one since they instead of booing, were cheering for most of the beating.

Now with that, Probably Taker will face Batista at/after Survivor Series, after Batista deals with Rey. Punk probably will try again and maybe this tiem he will succeed but I thing they will repackage him for the Rumble or Mania to be a legit contender and next World or WWE Champion.

Any way I am happy Taker took the win, hopefully he is in good health and can keep the belt for a while more, last night he seemed in good shape.
I thought this was a pretty good match. Everyone looked good, the action was fast and exciting and Taker picking up the win, while predictable, was nice. However, it seems the match was only made to turn Batista heel. While I'm glad that he's finally turned, I'm not entirely pleased at how it went down.

First of all, Josh Matthews interviewing them right after the match was terrible. Since when does someone interview the LOSER of match as soon as it ends? They should have either done this backstage or on Smackdown because it pretty much gave away that something was going to go down and I watched in anticipation rather than in surprise.

Another issue with Batista's turn is that it seemed rushed to me. Batista's only been on Smackdown for barely two months and nothing has happened to really justify Batista to just up and turn on Rey.

They team to face Jerishow, they lose, okay. They face each other, Rey wins due to the ref messing up, not really Rey's fault. But they team against Jericho/Kane and WIN, shouldn't that have taken some heat off? Plus in between all that, the segments between them suggested friendly competition with Batista acting a little arrogant, but still friendly. How does it go from that to "YOU STABBED ME IN THE BACK, REY!!" so quickly?

As close as Rey and Batista appear to be, it seems like it should've taken a lot more for Batista to attack Rey like that. For fueds that start between friends, it usually takes weeks before the turner to get as irrational as Batista was in that match (snapping on Rey when he broke his pin, despite the match being a four-way) It was like weeks of potential build up all condensed in that one match, because creative didn't feel like dragging it out.

At least Batista won't be going after the World title anytime soon, and maybe now Taker and Punk can FINALLY have a proper one-on-one match.
Well thankfully this wasn't the cluster fuck some people assumed it'd be. I very much liked the fact that the majority of it was between Taker and Batista, with the odd addition of the other 2 here and there, because to me it just made sense. Taker and Batista could crush Rey and Punk anytime they wanted without even working up a sweat.

Last night's match resembled two guys having a brawl, but stopping every two seconds to bat away a couple of flies that are buzzing around them, before going at it again, which was basically what that match should have been.

Punk breaking up everything and trying to steal the wins here and there was good as was the Rey altercations. Was a bit of a fuck up towards the end, because, and i'm only specualting, that Rey mistimed somewhere. After Taker hit Batista with a 2nd chokeslam and went for the pin, i distinctly heard one of them say 'hurry up Rey'. What didn't help is that my mother who was in the room at the time i was watching said 'this is farcical. He's not even holding him down.' referencing the fact that Taker was putting no body to body during that pin. I chose not to point out that he was probably not supposed to pin Batista at that point and was trying to improvise, but like i said, what do i know?

Only detraction was yet another blatantly obvious heel turn. This one was JUST as obvious as Show's heel turn on Taker last year. It was a great idea, in the fact that these two ME guys who've just rejoined the SD roster, now have something to do, instead of squashing new talent until their next title reign is given to them. It just wasn't executed well. Like Nick P said in his review, when was the last time an interview was comducted in the ring immediately after the match with the losers, and why did no one speak to Punk? Furthermore, as stated by others already, how does a couple of mishaps on SD and Rey doing what he can to win (like they both agreed they'd do the fuckin' night the match was made) suddenly equal Batista feeling betrayed and going on the war path? He also kinda proved how crap he is on the mic in that segment.

"You think i'm playing with you?"
"No Dave, I just don't get it. Why would you think that?
"I'm not playing with you."

(Try and keep up Dave you're now 3 steps behind everyone else).

"i'm going to rip your head off" followed by 30 second pause and THEN attack him? Why not just smack him? Know when he should of smacked him?

"We didn't come close. I came close." SMASH!

Otherwise, great match, just feel the segment at the end could have been done better.

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