Wm X-8: Would You Rather Have Had Austin?

Austin Vs. Hogan at X-8?



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I've mentioned something similar to this on my RRR.

@SS #OLE is trending Worldwide…

If I could change a few things around:


Vince McMahon vs. The Rock would have taken place at WM XIX. After everything the Rock accomplished, he should have been given one match with the Boss at WM. With WM X-Seven vs. Shane, WM XIX vs. Hulk, WM 22 vs. HBK, and WM XXVI vs. the Hitman, it seems like Rocky is the only one who didn’t get a WM match against VKM that should have.

Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin would have taken place at WM XIX. Icon vs. Icon II. After going one on one with the Icon of Smackdown, the Immortal, Hollywood Hulk Hogan faces the Icon of Raw. Back to Back Dream Matches at WMs, Hogan’s run would have been a little more memorable.


Evolution, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Batista and Eugene vs. Mick Foley, Terry Funk, Al Snow, and Mikey Whipwreck (or Tommy Dreamer, if Mikey is unavailable). This would have been more acceptable, even in defeat, than the Rock N Sock Handicap match. I think Orton should have defended the Intercontinental Title against Foley, but oh well.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock III should have taken place at WM XX. Madison Square Garden. Austin / Rock III. This should have been both Superstars’ “final” match. Philadelphia to Houston to New York (instead of Seattle) would have sounded just a little bit better in the history books.

Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon should have taken place at WM XX. Madison Square Garden. Where It All Began…but who created WrestleMania?? HulkAMania vs. McMahonIa. HulkAManiacs vs. McMahonIacs. This should have been Hogan’s final match, win, lose, or draw. Rowdy Roddy Piper making an appearance at this particular venue would have been a step better than the one at XIX. Add “Cowboy” Bob Orton, “Mr. Wonderful”, Paul Orndorff, “Superfly”, Jimmy Snuka, and Mr. T., and we would have had a WM moment we would never forget.

This would make the debate of which WM was the greatest a little bit closer.

If Hogan vs. Austin took place at WM X8, and the Rock faced the Outsiders, I think the results would have been the same with the New World Order going 0 for 2. That of course would change what I would have liked to have seen at WM XIX and WM XX, but that’s neither here nor there.

I would have rather seen:
Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock vs. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall
Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair in the Undertaker WM Streak Triple Threat match

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