WM - "Slammy Awards" - Part Two

what is the greatest WM moments ever?

  • Hogan bodyslams Andre - WM III

  • The Mega powers untied - WM IV

  • Bret Hart winning the WWE title - WM X

  • HBK wins the WWE title - WM XII

  • Austin and Tyson celebrating - WM XIV

  • The 20 ft. spear - WM X7

  • Vince and Austin united - WM X7

  • the two generations collide {hogan and Rock} - WM 18

  • Lesnar's shooting star press - WM XIX

  • Guerrero and Benoit together - WM XX

  • Edge spears Foley into the flaming table - WM 22

  • Ric Flair's career ended - WM 24

  • HBK's career ended - WM 26

  • End of an era - WM 28

  • Other {write in comments}

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So in the last part we have asked "what is the best match in WM history" - So continue to vote and comment about that award.

The next award is: "What is the greatest moment in WM history"?

1.Hulk Hogan body slam on Andre - WM 3.
2.The Mega Powers celebrate - WM 4
3.Bret Hart winning the WWE title - WM 10
4.HBK winning the WWE title - wm 12
5.Austin and Tyson celebrate - wm 14
6.the 20 ft. spear - wm 17
7.Vince and Austin united - wm 17
8.the two generations collide - Hogan vs Rock - WM 18
9.Lesnar's shooting star press - wm 19
10.Guerrero and Benoit celebrating - wm 20
11.Shawn Michaels career ends - wm 26
12.Edge spearing Mick Foley to the flaming table - wm 22
13.The end of Ric Flair's career - wm 24
14.End of an era - wm 28
15.Other {write in comments}.

I know that there are a lot of moments missing in that list but I took my 14 favorites.

Vote and Comment....
In my opinion I think the bodyslam at III is the greatest moment in WM history, though it's not my personal favourite. That moment will stand the test of time for as long as the WWE and wrestling in General is still relevant on an big international scale. It was the moment that solidified hogans iconic status.

Where is a bloody Stone Cold refusing to tap out to Bret Hart????

Where is The Ultimate Warrior with the IC and WWF title???

Where is Shawn Michaels splash on Razor Ramon?????

Where is the standing ovation for Austin at WM25???

Where is Rock beating Cena at WM28???

Anyway I'd go with Hogan-Rock especially when Hogan hulks up.

Hogan slamming Andre is a close second but I think Hogan and Rock was the biggest match in wrestling history, no doubt.

Arguably the two most known wrestlers in wrestling history The Rock and The Hulkster.

It's hard to pick and justify one over the others, but for me, it was that snapshot of blood running down "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's face when he refused to give in to Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13. I say this because, like many snapshots over the years, like the body slam, Hogan vs Rock, HBK's final stand, Steamboats title victory, WrestleMania XIV, and so on, these snapshots epitomise why we love wrestling. These moments were definitive. WrestleMania 13 stands out to me as, when watching it, you feel the electricity and the intensity. You knew from this who Austin was going to be, and it was very exciting. Pure drama.
Hulk Hogan slamming Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania 3


The visually impressive slam put a rather significant boom in the spectacle that is professional wrestling and Wrestlemania event in general, thus the reason why Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III is in my opinion the best Wrestlemania moment ever.

I would also put Triple H winning the Undisputed title at Wrestlemania 18 and Batista winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 21 in the list of greatest Wrestlemania moments.
Ones missing from the list:-

WM8 - Randy wins the title/bloodied Flair kisses Liz - Is there a feelgood moment better than this? Where the dastardly heel finally gets his comeuppance but also commits what was tantamount to an atrocity? The pop when Randy won the title, the look on his face was perhaps more emotional than his title win at WM4, that he had now come full circle, back from being forced into retirement one year prior to win the big belt one more time makes this worthy of the list.

Shawn atop the arena - WM12 - Regardless of the match, the outcome etc has there ever been a more spectatular entrance than Shawn coming from the roof of the arena?

Owen pins Bret -WM10 While I can see putting Bret's win and the "shoulder carry" as a moment, it's unfair to discount Owen's moment earlier in the night as perhaps the most shocking upset to that point. The way it happened, with Owen outsmarting his brother rather than cheating as expected made it a very special moment.

Double Doinks WM9 - While many saw the Doink gimmick as a joke, Matt Borne's portrayal was not funny and one of the few highlights of WM9 was the mirror image interference. Interference had been done before in a match but not as well as this at Mania people went from WTF? to That's F***ed Up...partially due to the outright brutality of it with repeated cast shots and also the mime part which was done perfectly... Doink wasn't a joke after that until they made him one intentionally.

Rude beats the Warrior - WM5 - This should be on the list because to that point it was the biggest upset and a major moment in the Warrior's first loss. That it was the first heel to win any singles title at Mania as well was a major moment.

Sid S(p)oils his Wrestlemania moment - WM13 - just for lulz of course but the man who had half the brain we do probably wished he had half the lunch he did during the Taker match. It IS a Wrestlemania moment, whether anyone would vote for it is another matter but it's slightly better than his match at WM8 ;)

The point is there is no way this isn't a generational thing with 29 events someone whose first Mania was say 26 is going to pick something from that time, those of us around for the early ones will invariably pick something from that time... This will be a common theme and is why they don't do "all time Oscars" etc...

For me it is Owen's win... because it was the first time I saw something that genuinely made me happy and stuck with me at a Wrestlemania as it happened. Sure by then I appreciated Rude but I didn't at 5... but Owen's win was a great moment for people who got it was more than about Hogan and his ilk... the first match of the non-Hogan era delivered a result that set the tone and is remembered forever.
Hogan's bodyslam on Andre is overrated. Guys, it was HUGE during its time, but we're talking in general here. When looking at a list like this and choosing what the best moment is, we need to look at the most timeless. Hogan's slam on Andre is completely unimpressive compared to bigger feats like Cena FU'ing Big Show at WM20 or FU'ing both Show and Edge simultaneously at WM25.

Anyway, the most memorable moment to me will always be when Taker asked Shawn to stay down and Shawn slapped Taker in the face setting up the Tombstone that ended his career. Perfect way to go.
Ones missing from the list:-

WM8 - Randy wins the title/bloodied Flair kisses Liz - Is there a feelgood moment better than this? Where the dastardly heel finally gets his comeuppance but also commits what was tantamount to an atrocity? The pop when Randy won the title, the look on his face was perhaps more emotional than his title win at WM4, that he had now come full circle, back from being forced into retirement one year prior to win the big belt one more time makes this worthy of the list.

Shawn atop the arena - WM12 - Regardless of the match, the outcome etc has there ever been a more spectatular entrance than Shawn coming from the roof of the arena?

Owen pins Bret -WM10 While I can see putting Bret's win and the "shoulder carry" as a moment, it's unfair to discount Owen's moment earlier in the night as perhaps the most shocking upset to that point. The way it happened, with Owen outsmarting his brother rather than cheating as expected made it a very special moment.

Double Doinks WM9 - While many saw the Doink gimmick as a joke, Matt Borne's portrayal was not funny and one of the few highlights of WM9 was the mirror image interference. Interference had been done before in a match but not as well as this at Mania people went from WTF? to That's F***ed Up...partially due to the outright brutality of it with repeated cast shots and also the mime part which was done perfectly... Doink wasn't a joke after that until they made him one intentionally.

Rude beats the Warrior - WM5 - This should be on the list because to that point it was the biggest upset and a major moment in the Warrior's first loss. That it was the first heel to win any singles title at Mania as well was a major moment.

Sid S(p)oils his Wrestlemania moment - WM13 - just for lulz of course but the man who had half the brain we do probably wished he had half the lunch he did during the Taker match. It IS a Wrestlemania moment, whether anyone would vote for it is another matter but it's slightly better than his match at WM8 ;)

The point is there is no way this isn't a generational thing with 29 events someone whose first Mania was say 26 is going to pick something from that time, those of us around for the early ones will invariably pick something from that time... This will be a common theme and is why they don't do "all time Oscars" etc...

For me it is Owen's win... because it was the first time I saw something that genuinely made me happy and stuck with me at a Wrestlemania as it happened. Sure by then I appreciated Rude but I didn't at 5... but Owen's win was a great moment for people who got it was more than about Hogan and his ilk... the first match of the non-Hogan era delivered a result that set the tone and is remembered forever.

Look I am indeed seeing this since WM 23 - so this is completely true.
But I told I will put the ones that I remember.As for me:HBK's entrance & Owen's win & Savage's WM 8 win - are all definitely ones that should be considered into this list

Also I forgot to put the "Honorable mentions list" which included:
1.Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan face of at WM 1.
2.Savage after winning the title at WM 8.
3.Owen Hart defeating his brother - WM 10.
4.Shawn Michaels splash from the ladder on Razor - WM 10.
5.HBK's entrance - WM 12.
6.Hart vs Austin - WM 13 {I think that there were lots of great moments in it so I put it as a match}.
7.John Cena FU on Edge and Big Show - WM 25.
8.Cena defeating Michaels in a legendary match - WM 23.
9.The Rock defeating Cena - WM 28
10.Cm Punk winning MITB - WM 24.
This really probably isn't the best wrestlemania moment overall, but for me it's the 20 foot spear at WM 17. I first got interested by casually turning it on 1 day, and I ended up playing the video game as Edge. I thought he was really cool, so I bought the Ladder Match DVD and saw this, which got me hooked on WWE.
The most iconic image in WWE history is Hogan slamming Andre. That match brought a sell out crowd to the Silverdome, effectively legitimising sports-entertainment as an art form. That for me means that there is only one choice in this category.
People make such a big deal about Hogan slamming Andre. Look at Hogan's Anthology when Hogan was with Blassie. He picked him up and slammed Andre like it was nothing. I know Andre was much heavier at WM3, but Hogan had a much more ripped physique later on as well.
People make such a big deal about Hogan slamming Andre. Look at Hogan's Anthology when Hogan was with Blassie. He picked him up and slammed Andre like it was nothing. I know Andre was much heavier at WM3, but Hogan had a much more ripped physique later on as well.

I forget...

Was Hogan slamming Andre when he was with Blassie broadcast around the world, seen by millions of people?

It is true that Andre had been slammed before (and not just by Hogan.) But in the pre-WWF national explosion world of wrestling, Andre being slammed at an event in New York, or on tour dates in Japan, meant nothing in the scheme of things. You couldn't even get that stuff on tape unless you were very enterprising.

Hogan slamming Andre at Wrestlemania III was the first time the world watched Andre get slammed.

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