WM 29: Ryback vs. Mark Henry

The Eighties

Forward Thinking Nostalgist
Tonight on Raw they crossed paths for the first time and eyed each other like two bulls with Henry looking slightly wary.

I think this is the ideal match for Ryback at Mania, it should be a good old fashioned shorty that is all about the power spots with Ryback going over strong when he lifts the massive Henry for the Shell-shock.
It's match would be pretty sweet. I think Mania should have a variety of match styles. This will be 2 big strong guys throwing each other around and it'll be a blast.
Personally I could leave Henry off any future cards WWE may ever have in the future. People, especially on this forum, seem to rate him as a monster heel. Which he is, but I see him more of a near two decade dud. The way Henry goes over people when WWE decide to push him, he should be a lot bigger than he is.

I'd expect this to be relativelely short, around the 6 minute mark, and just an endless procession of power moves by both. It'll be the guilty pleasure of the card and Ryback delivering the Shell-Shock should be an impressive visual.
Personally I could leave Henry off any future cards WWE may ever have in the future. People, especially on this forum, seem to rate him as a monster heel. Which he is, but I see him more of a near two decade dud. The way Henry goes over people when WWE decide to push him, he should be a lot bigger than he is.

Henry got about as big as he's gonna get in the last half of 2011. World Champion, went over Orton CLEAN twice, main evented 5 PPV's for Smackdown. Unfortunately his momentum was killed by a drawn out snooze of a feud with Big Show and an injury that cost him most of 2012. Before leaving though he had a near month long mini feud with CM Punk and even challenged for the WWE Championship. If Ziggler isn't the one to dethrone Del Rio, then I hope it's Mark Henry. He is the man and the perfect monster heel. You say he's a 20 year dud, but I'd argue that it's his first 15 years that were the dud. 2008-2013 has been the best years of Mark Henry's career not only by accomplishments, but match wise and character wise. Assuming he stays healthy, Mark could be on the scene for at least 5 more years. If he wants to.

On to the topic.. THIS is the match I wanted for Ryback all along. I was scared rumors of Henry leaving WWE last year would come true. But thankfully he returned to the ring, and is perhaps more dominant than ever. I popped like a child last night when Henry's music hit and they had their brief staredown. It'll be a great win for Ryback and hopefully will allow him to regain some momentum.
I think this match will be relatively short, though it should be pretty physical. I expect the match to go, if it happens, in the 5 to 7 minute range. It's not going to be a top money match, so I don't see it getting a lot of time.

The point of this match, if it takes place, will probably be to make Ryback look even more like a beast. The crowd will pop big to see Ryback performing some of his power moves on Henry. I have to question Ryback's ability to get Mark Henry in Shellshocked, given the trouble he had with Tensai a while back, though I do think he'll be able to do it.
Should be a nice little undercard match. I agree with others in that it won't be a 30 minute classic; we'll all just be anticipating the Shell Shock spot on the World's Strongest Man.

Furthermore, the feud doesn't need the most comprehensive or complicated of builds, this will merely be a test of strength between the two combatants, though I hope there's some sort of feed me more sexual chocolate pun thrown in somewhere.

It's a sure fix that Ryback will pick up the win to restart the momentum he's lost through consecutive PPV losses (or if we're not counting them as losses, non-wins). No doubt later this year Ryback will saunter back into the title scene and will at some point challenge Cena for the strap.
Awesome. I don't expect this to be a five star match and it won't last long either, but this should be a nice intense, physical match. The decision could go either way here and I wouldn't mind which way it goes. Either Ryback gets the win and regains the momentum he lost in his last PPV matches or Mark Henry gets the win, gaining him more momentum as he tries to get back into the world title picture. I'm gonna go with Mark Henry on this one, but if Henry does win though then we might not get to see Ryback Shell Shock Mark. Then again, maybe we might and Ryback Shell Shock'ing Henry could be what causes him to lose as picking up someone as huge as Henry could take a lot of him, making him weak and vulnerable enough for Henry to take advantage, hit the Worlds Strongest Slam on him and defeat him. A loss to Henry could also be the cause for Ryback to go heel, which would make sense for Ryback especially for when he goes up against Cena in the future.
I would love to see this match. As others already mentioned, Ryback hoisting Henry for Shellshocked would be the awe-inspiring moment of the match. Ryback did struggle with Tensai, but I'm sure he'll gut it out for the big show.

Ryback wins of course, because he DESPERATELY needs the momentum. After constantly losing to Punk and The Shield Ryback needs a spark, and he needs one fast. Ryback still receives a reaction, but there's always the possibility of him fading into the background.
This should be a quick very physical match like other have said. This match I think will really brighten up the undercard. It won't be 5 star, but I sure hope they just beat the hell out of each other for 10 minutes. Ryback will get his moment of Shellshocking Mark Henry, and will hopefully gain back some momentum that he has lost.
I think this match will be relatively short, though it should be pretty physical. I expect the match to go, if it happens, in the 5 to 7 minute range. It's not going to be a top money match, so I don't see it getting a lot of time.

The point of this match, if it takes place, will probably be to make Ryback look even more like a beast. The crowd will pop big to see Ryback performing some of his power moves on Henry. I have to question Ryback's ability to get Mark Henry in Shellshocked, given the trouble he had with Tensai a while back, though I do think he'll be able to do it.

Less is more with this type of match, it's the equivalent of WrestleMania 7's Bulldog vs Warlord.

I imagine they have practiced it before the call was made to start building this match, either that or they plan for Ryback to unveil a secondary finisher.
Must say, I was rather hoping for Ryback vs. Big Show, as I still feel Kane/Undertaker aside, that Big Show is the top big guy in the company, but given the way Henry has been booked, this probably makes more sense. Particularly with Big Shows recent run ins with The Shield.

I'm not a huge Mark Henry fan, but I know many people are, the match will probably draw some attention, but unless something else is booked under it, it will probably be one of my breaks to make food along with The Divas match.

Personally, I would rather see Ryback vs. Cesaro with the US Title on the line.
I'm really hoping this idea becomes a reality. I love both guys (Henry is easily WWE's second best heel) and to see these monsters collide would greatly improve the card.

I know the IWC hates big guys, but this sounds fun. I don't care if it's two minutes or twenty minutes. Let these beasts smash one another as long as they can, and for the love of Christ, don't let Ryback attempt the Shell Shock if he can't do it. People remember shit from WrestleMania (even if they shouldn't), and I doubt he'd live that down. It shouldn't matter to fans (Mark Henry is 400+ plus pounds, people), but it will.
This is now booked for Smackdown this week, I hope it end sin a no contest so they can still face off at Mania, as if this match isn't booked I'm not sure what they will do with either guy for the show.
Tonight on Raw they crossed paths for the first time and eyed each other like two bulls with Henry looking slightly wary.

I think this is the ideal match for Ryback at Mania, it should be a good old fashioned shorty that is all about the power spots with Ryback going over strong when he lifts the massive Henry for the Shell-shock.

Ryback is gunna have something to do with the sheild at mania guranteed. this match is scheduled 4 smackdown tthough
I like this match better than the previously rumored Ryback/Big Show match.

The Mark Henry character makes a better foil to Ryback and their intensities will create a memorable encounter. Cant wait to see Ryback lift Henry in the air. I love those Hogan/Andre feat of strength moments. Just like Cena/Big Show at WM 20 (I believe).
I read that the plan is to have Ryback/Orton/Sheamus vs Shield. Doesnt make any sense but wouldnt be suprised if they go with that route...

Personally I thinks it would be nice "fill in" match that Ryback needs very much. He lost relevance and good match at Mania could bring some of that relevance back...
I think that WWE has set things up nicely here.

On the surface, it looks like Ryback vs. Henry might not happen, since it's advertised for SmackDown! tomorrow night. However, there's no guarantee that the match will even go down. The Shield could always pop up and attack Ryback before the match happens. It wouldn't be the first time that's happened. Ryback could insist on going through with the match, taking Henry on at "far less" than 100%. Henry could attack Ryback before the bell, meaning the match never officially happens, and could just beat Ryback down even more, setting up a match at WM.
It was made official that at Wrestlemania 29 Ryback will face Henry at the big event.

I think it sets up Ryback finally getting a win over a big name star :)

like or dislike the match?

Staredown, power moves, Shellshock. That's all there will be to it. It'll be short, hard hitting and it'll achieve what it is setting out to achieve. Namely making Ryback look like a monster again.

Problem being it'll bury Henry. Unless I'm wrong and Ryback only scrapes a victory.
Problem being it'll bury Henry. Unless I'm wrong and Ryback only scrapes a victory.

That's what makes it an interesting match-up; we're not exactly sure who's being pushed here. Mark Henry came back with a bang, picking up right where he left off before injury. He is once again a monster, blasting his way through the division and my first thought was to wonder if they're going to put the championship on him again. The jury's still out.

Then, there's Ryback. It seemed he became a main eventer because an opponent for C.M. Punk was needed when John Cena couldn't perform, remember? In retrospect, it seems kind of silly to think the company was going to have Ryback win the belt..... in fact, he hasn't been in the title chase since then. Instead, he's wrestling in tag team and 3-way matches at high-profile events.

Because of all this, I'm not sure Ryback is going over Mark Henry at WM29. Their match on Smackdown surprised me because it seemed premature .....plus, the spectacle of two huge guys who were in the midst of individual pushes sounded more like a PPV event, no? Okay, they only tangled for minute and we learned the reason for the whole thing was to give The Shield still another chance to attack in numbers. I did enjoy the slight grin on Mark's face as he stepped out of the way.

I can't call Ryback vs Henry at WM29.....and that's why I like the match-up.
I don't see either guy burying the other. I don't expect it to be a very long match, but I do think it'll be a good, physical power based match.

Given that Henry is the "World's Strongest Man", and is legitimately one of the physically strongest men on the planet to this day, I don't see Ryback just simply plowing through him like he's nothing. After all, they haven't had Ryback simply decimating top level guys, so I don't look for them to start with Henry. Since his return, Henry's been a pretty dominant figure, including getting clean wins over the likes of Randy Orton.

I figure this match will go to about the 7 minute mark and be kind of back & forth. Both guys will nail each other with some impressive displays of power before Ryback, I'm assuming, manages to wow the crowd by putting Henry up on his back to deliver Shellshocked.

At any rate, the primary purpose of this match is to give Ryback a win at a big show over someone that's been pretty dominant in WWE for a little while now.
I feel as though wwe is trying to do a remake of the horrible lesnar vs Goldberg match from wrestlemania xx but this match should be a whole lot better and should give ryback a wrestlmania moment and a strong push for his post wrestlemania plans.
I think this is the most predictable match on the card. Ryback has to win and performing his finisher on Henry at Mania will be a massive WrestleMania moment.
The bench press challenge these two just did was awesome, you could tell they intentionally slowed down and both of them could have kept going. Henry doing what he did is a cardinal sin in weightlifting and anybody who's ever been in a gym knows it. You don't fuck with a guy while he's lifting so this match just got a lot more interesting and it needs to be a fight now with Ryback winning with his finisher.
I feel as though wwe is trying to do a remake of the horrible lesnar vs Goldberg match from wrestlemania xx but this match should be a whole lot better and should give ryback a wrestlmania moment and a strong push for his post wrestlemania plans.

Nah, I see it more of a John Cena/Big Show WM 20 -Feat of strength- match where Ryback will pull off the impossible on Henry, just like Cena did to Show. Ryback will get his WM moment.

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