WM 29 (Pre-Show): Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz [Intercontinental Title]


Gone but never forgotten.

WWE.com said:
In a WWE.com exclusive announcement, Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett will defend his illustrious title against The Miz at WrestleMania, waging war in a battle for pride and glory that could only be settled at The Showcase of the Immortals.

The announcement of the monumental championship contest came on the tail end of The Awesome One’s huge non-title victory over The Barrett Barrage on the March 25 edition of Raw. Not only was it the first time Miz and Barrett squared off one-on-one, but The Miz also actually made The Bare-Knuckle Brawler tap out to the famous Figure-Four Leglock.

The trouble between the two Superstars, however, began when the reigning champion stole a Triple Threat Intercontinental Match victory on the previous week’s Raw, snatching the pinfall away just seconds after The Miz hit the Skull-Crushing Finale on war-torn nine-time Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho.

Then, as Miz was tending to his commentary duties on WWE Main Event, Barrett deliberately flashed the title in his face. This action pushed The Miz to make a statement of his own on SmackDown. After placing a post-match Figure-Four on United States Champion Antonio Cesaro, the determined Superstar glared at Barrett, who was sitting ringside. The Awesome One was clearly serving notice that he was gunning for the Intercontinental Championship gold, a point that rang loud and clear with his non-title triumph.

In addition to the Intercontinental Championship, Miz has held the WWE Championship, as well as the U.S., WWE Tag Team and World Tag Team Titles. Although he is no stranger to championship success, can he overcome the cunning nature of the brutal English champion who has finally made his way to the top of the mountain and has no intention of surrendering the high ground anytime soon?

Find out who walks off The Grandest Stage of Them All with the Intercontinental Championship around their waist, Sunday, April 7 at 7 p.m. ET/ 4 p.m. PT, only on pay-per-view.

Just made official via WWE.com and Twitter, we have our first (and possibly only) midcard title match at Wrestlemania 29.

There really isn't much buildup for this match. I know Miz and Barrett have had a few exchanges over the past few months but this match is kind of sudden. As for who will win, I honestly couldn't care. But if I had to make a choice, I'd like Barrett to retain. I like his heelish ways as he carries the title.

Discuss the match and feud here.
Honestly, I would much rather have seen Miz take on Cesaro. At least they have some history between each other. I never even knew they stopped feuding with each other.

Miz and Barrett have almost no history. They kind of just started feuding out of nowhere. The IC Title has been irrelevant since Cody Rhodes lost it at last year's Mania, and Wade Barrett has done nothing with it since he won it.

The United States Championship hasn't been defended at WrestleMania in Six Years and I think it's a travesty that Cesaro was left off the card. I understand the IC Title is bigger and more prestigious than the US Title, but still. Cesaro has impressed me and grown on me as one of the best workers in the company.

Anyways, I think these two will still put on a solid match. I hope they keep the title on Barrett and actually do something with him, but I wouldn't be surprised if Miz wins it. I hope they turn Miz back to a heel. His face run has been so disappointing to me.
This match hasn't gotten a ton of build on Raw but I think WWE MIGHT use Main Event to help put more focus on the IC title as we head into WM. Miz is usually commentator on the show, so it'd be easy to work a means of using the show to deliver more focused build for the title.

As for who wins the title, I'm picking Barrett to retain. Barrett is someone whose yet to really have a big moment at WrestleMania and WWE officials are really high on him, with good reason. Had Barrett not gotten injured just a little more than a year ago at this time, he might very well be World Heavyweight Champion by now. An MITB match was penciled in for WM 28 with Barrett scheduled to win, but his injury resulted in those plans being scrapped.

I could see Barrett scoring a win here, evening things up between them, with WWE continuing the feud on into the Extreme Rules ppv. I could see Barrett dropping the title there before, possibly, being moved into the World Heavyweight Championship scene. I expect Del Rio to ultimately get past Swagger both at WM and Extreme Rules. With Ziggler waiting in the wings with the MITB briefcase, pairing him with Del Rio & Barrett could be an interesting program.
I think it's time for Miz to pick up the title here. WWE CONSTANTLY teased a US title win during Miz's feud with Cesaro, and now they're doing the same thing with Barrett. Personally, I think Miz as a face is beyond dreadful, but WWE won't give up on him. I mean, he's still in the midcard title pictures, so why not give him a chance as champion, and see what happens?

Barrett could move on to bigger and better things, possibly the WHC picture. Miz's atrocious face character needs help, and a title win could provide a much needed step in the right direction.
Well this is the designated food break of the show. Neither of these guys are over and I'm not sure why Barrett even has a title when their are much more deserving people on the roster. These guys had a good match with Jericho and everything else that they've done together was extremely boring. This match might get put between whatever big match is before Cena vs Rock
I think the Miz should walk away with a win here. He will benefit from having the title more than Barrett. Barrett hasn't done anything meaningful while having the belt. I actually think its holding him back and after he loses he can be involved in better feuds with main event talent. Plus the Miz is undefeated at mania at 3-0 I believe. He lost a dark match at mania but that isn't counted. Give the win to the Miz. He needs it more and it would make more sense.
If one match get's bumped from the card, it's this. This match really does highlight how far The Miz has fallen since his WWE title reign.

Barrett should win. I suspect WWE have big plans for him this year, and while he should drop the IC title doing so now won't achieve a thing.

As there's been no real build towards this I think they should try and insert somebody else in the match. Kofi Kingston is a lame choice but at least he's over and he'd add a bit of energy to the match.
If one match get's bumped from the card, it's this. This match really does highlight how far The Miz has fallen since his WWE title reign.

Really. Really.

A match like this as an attraction at the biggest PPV of the year is stretching things, for sure. Personally, it doesn't matter to me who wins. I like both guys and they may put on an interesting contest, but at Wrestlemania, I like to be invested in who's going to take the duke.

In some ways, it seems the company is setting Miz up to be a personality rather than featured wrestler. He makes movies, he wears a suit and interviews people, he does some ringside commentary. If that's what they have in mind for him, then okay.....but I can't see him winning championships while handling all these other diversions.

If WWE plans to have him beat Barrett for the IC title, I'd have to think he's up for a major push.....and I don't think he is. He's got plenty to keep him occupied without wearing a belt.
I could see this match going either way, honestly.

I'm wondering if WWE is going to unify the IC and US titles. Miz and Cesaro were feuding then Miz started feuding with Barrett. IF Miz wins IC belt, will they start that feud up again and unify and have two unification matches as the gimmick for Summer Slam? WWE and World title unification and IC and US title unification?
Ah, Miz. Killing my will to live by insisting on existing every week. Now you vome shoving your fucking awfulness into an IC title match that could NOT be flatter. The guy who lost to Antonio Cesaro 100 times, against the guy who loses to everyone, every week. Shit, why not a tag team no dq grudge match, Cesaro and Barrett vs Miz and Kofi? eight man tag, Cesaro, Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Sandow Vs Kofi, Miz, and uuhhh. other people they book like shit whom I cant remember at the moment.

Barret is the only person who can benefit from winning this match, but 1. WWE doesnt seem to be interested in doing anything beneficial for anyone holding that title 2. If he wins, it sorta makes the match itself kind of pointless. How can you have The Miz lose AGAIN? They wont.
I think that they could have put Jericho and Fandango in this match and made an exiting fatal-4-way. This is sadly not the case but it will still be a good match. The build up has been average; however, we know that the Miz and Barrett will put on a high quality match. The viewer will not be disappointed. Moreover, picking the winner is difficult - it could go either way. I think the Miz wins. He is stagnating as a face so this could really help him.
I don't mind this match at all. I had wishful thinking they would do a 3 way adding Cesaro with both belts on the line, but I guess not. Mustang Sally had mentioned Miz doing a lot of other things right now, and for that reason I see Barrett retaining here. Miz has enough going on that I think it is more important to keep the belt on Barrett, and give him a Mania win.
After their interaction just now on Smackdown i finally want to see this match. It was really basic, but, it finally showed their dislike for each other and made the match more than just a thrown together IC title match.
Was stoked to see the IC title match on the Mania card this year. An historic title that seems to slowly becoming more reputable as the days go by.

Then I come to find out its on the pre-show. What kind of horseshit is that? It seemed like they were trying to build Wade up...and I heard rumors of the Miz possibly getting pushed again too. So much for that.

That would have been great to open the show. Guys like Tensai and Brodus should be on the preshow.

Whatever. Just hoping Fandango puts on a great showing. He's the perfect guy to one day carry the IC title. Im thinking his match with Jericho will steal the show.
The thing no one is considering is...what if this is a great match? It will be the first match in front of what will definitely be a hot crowd waiting for action, and each man will have something to prove/an axe to grind since they didn't make the main show. Nothing says "fuck you" like putting on a better match in the pre-show than half the things on the main show. I think this could end up being good.

Whatever the case, I have Miz winning here. My instincts tell me the E has given up on Barrett, at least for the time being, and if they want Miz to eventually become a big player again, he needs the title to remain relevant. I mean, what the hell are they going to do with him if he loses to Barrett in the pre-show at WrestleMania? Besides, it would get the crowd in a good mood heading into the main show. Unless New York turns on Miz. Damnit, booking is hard.
Lord oh Lord does anyone give a shit about this match at all? So basically they are feuding over who was better in their shitty WWE movie? It might be a more ridiculous feud than even two guys feuding over a Japanese Shampoo spot.

The Miz is awful. He had a glimmer of hope as WWE champion, but it turns out Michael Cole was the genius behind the Miz being interesting. I hate the word Try Hard, but that is Mike Mizanin in a nutshell. He's an awful, sloppy professional wrestler. He is a botch machine and is terrible on the microphone.

Wade Barrett isn't getting off any easier. The guy is a dull, charismaless body. He has done nothing for the Intercontinental title since holding that belt. Oh yes, this match does have that Championship on the line, but the WWE has yet again made the belt a worthless prop.

My Pick: The Miz, because what else are they going to do. He's been chasing either the US or IC title for the last 6 months, it's time for him to get the belt, and lose it and fade away as quickly as possible. Thankfully this match is on the pre-show, and we won't have to suffer with it.
It's a shame the Intercontinental Championship is in the pre-show, but I don't care about this match in the slightest. If not for the mixed tag match, this match would take the crown for "match I care least about." Neither guy in the match is bad, but they haven't been good either. Miz is not a great face -- liked him way more as a heel, he's much more of natural heel -- and while I like Barrett, WWE gives me no reason to care about him. He's got the potential to be a main eventer and a world champion (as leader of Nexus he should have been WWE Champion), but WWE always just fizzles with his push. The guy isn't all that exciting, but he doesn't exactly get much to work with either.

Miz is going to win here, only because he's lost so many times competing for a midcard belt that he's due a win. If given the time, this match could be fairly decent, but I wouldn't expect more than a five minute match (potentially a squash win for Miz). This just shows you how little WWE cares about its midcard titles and champions, as one of them is on the pre-show and the other (as of right now) isn't even scheduled to appear.

Miz wins.
I'm glad that they made this the pre-show. It's arguably the match on the card that I am the least interested in. Miz and Barrett both should be higher up on the card than this, but the way they have been booked lately has me scratching my head. Barrett's reign as Intercontinental Champion hasn't been very impressive, so I am hoping WWE make the right decision in having him retain. Otherwise his reign would have felt like a waste of time. He needs a strong defense. What better place to obtain one than Wrestlemania? Sure it's the pre-show match but it's still a Wrestlemania title match.

Miz winning is not something I'm entirely against.... I just hope he gets a decent run with the title this time around if he does win. His last reign with the Intercontinental Championship was very forgettable. Had anything else been bumped to pre-show status, this would have been the opener. I'm still interested in seeing what happens, it's just that WWE has done little to make me anticipate the match itself. Barrett retains and moves on to his next challenger while Miz goes into some random other feud. A year ago I would have predicted both of them would be much further up the card for this show.

Wade Barrett retains the Intercontinental Championship.
The Intercontinental title being bumped to the pre-show makes me sad but since Miz is involved I'll take that as a trade-off.

Honestly this feud has very little going for it and I expect a short match with Barrett getting the win since Miz beat him on Raw the other week and as Sally says Miz seems to be being used more as an all purpose staff member than as purely a wrestler, so much like how he beat Cesaro in non title matches and lost the title matches I see the same happening here.
I think it's a total disgrace that the once prestigious Intercontinental Championship is being defended on the Wrestlemania Pre-Show. What, they felt they had to have the stupid Funkadactyl match, instead of the IC title match? Put the dance-off or whatever it will end up being, on the pre-show. Might as well just drop the IC title altogether if you're going to make it a Wrestlemania afterthought.
Although I could always be wrong I feel like this is one of the easier matches to predict, I see Miz walking away with the title here to kick off Mania with a title change I discuss it in detail in my prediction video
I'm going to go with Wade Barrett retaining his title. I just don't see Miz as I.C champion again. I see him more so thrown into a Tag Team with another performer. Maybe reunite him with Riley (gives Riley something to do) plus they sound alike when they're on the Mic. I don't think a loss here will tarnish Miz's 3-0 "Wrestlemania Streak" as it's on the pre-show.
This match shouldn't be on the pre show, not because it could steal the show (cause it won't), not because Miz is awful and while Barrett is interesting WWE has dropped the ball on him, it should be on the main card because it is A FUCKING TITLE MATCH! Simple as that. There is no respect for the champion and even less for the IC championship, it's prestige and it's legacy.

Once again I don't give a fuck about this match, who wins? Who cares? After the win, either man walking out as champion will still be irrelevant just like the championship they have in their waste.
Miz to win.

I agree that the IC title doesn't have the prestige that it used to have when the likes of Jericho, Guererro and Benoit carried it. I don't even think it's been relevant since the Raw & Smackdown brand split.

As for Barrett, what the hell happened to the momentum he had not so long ago? Sad.
I couldn't care less about this match. The Miz hasn't been the same since the day he cashed in and won the WWE Championship, his rare on-game night is good but then he slips back to being another average wrestler on the roster. Not a fan of his angle with Ric Flair, not totally supportive of him even getting an Intercontinental Championship match and despite Wade being as interesting as a pack of crackers these days just feel hes the better fit for the Intercontinental Championship.

Hoping Wade retains, think Wade will retain, The Miz will continue being sub-par at best.

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