WM 28: Christian FINALLY World Champ - Edge Hugs Christian


Dark Match Winner
Well here me out on this one...

I think Christian would not win the World Title UNTIL Wrestlemania 28 against whoever the opponent is.. and Christian WOULD WIN the Royal Rumble..

Christian would win the World Title at Wrestlemania 28 and after a bit of celebration EDGE would come out in the ring, a little stare down and HUGS in front of 70,000 fans.. with fireworks and everything.. THIS WILL BE THE WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT ASIDE FROM THE ROCK VS. JOHN CENA...

this is similar to Chris Benoit winning the title at WM 20 and Eddie Guerrero (then WWE Champ as well) hugs and celebrates in the ring..

what you guys think?

P.S. I just hoped it was in Toronto instead of Miami (I am not from Canada nor the Americas - from the Philippines).. that would create one helluva atmosphere..
:disappointed::wtf:Hey.... WrestleMania 28 is way too far dude. Plus, Cena vs Rock will be so epic nothing like this could ever make the fans content. That way, Extreme Rules is a better place and time to do it. So don't even think about it. And you need to enjoy WM 28 in Miami.
Well here me out on this one...

I think Christian would not win the World Title UNTIL Wrestlemania 28 against whoever the opponent is.. and Christian WOULD WIN the Royal Rumble..

Christian would win the World Title at Wrestlemania 28 and after a bit of celebration EDGE would come out in the ring, a little stare down and HUGS in front of 70,000 fans.. with fireworks and everything.. THIS WILL BE THE WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT ASIDE FROM THE ROCK VS. JOHN CENA...

this is similar to Chris Benoit winning the title at WM 20 and Eddie Guerrero (then WWE Champ as well) hugs and celebrates in the ring..

what you guys think?

P.S. I just hoped it was in Toronto instead of Miami (I am not from Canada nor the Americas - from the Philippines).. that would create one helluva atmosphere..

Bro...I would respectfully say NO. If it takes Christian a whole YEAR to get the title at this point then he's obviously viewed as a pee-on.

Now is Christians time. Plain and simple. Within the next few months I expect Christian to be carrying the WHC belt to the ring. I DO however like your idea of Edge/Christian hugging in the center of the ring. Would be a very emotional moment. It's tragic that Edge won't ever be able to do anything in the ring again. At least according to all the reports we are being fed. I don't think WWE would ever ask Edge to take another bump what-so-ever.

On a side note. Thank goodness for YouTube and everyone that has been posting the old Raws. Got me a good fix of Edge this evening! Kazoos man Kazoos!!!
I just looked over the WWE schedule for the next year and, incredibly, they don't have any pay-per-views in Canada through next year's Wrestlemania. I would've thought they had at least one a year up there. Night of Champions in September is in Buffalo, which is close to Toronto...but still not the same.

When's the next time Smackdown! is in Canada? Or, hell, just do it at a house show like they did with Bret Hart way back when. But I definitely think Christian will be the World Heavyweight Champion - hopefully in Canada - at some point this year.
I hope Christian wins the Vacant World Title but alot sooner than WMXXVIII. Plus Edge could still show up and possibly give the "SPEAR, SPEAR, SPEAR" to someone like Stone Cold gives out Stunners, HBK gives out Sweet Chin Music's, or The Rock gives out Spine busters, Rock Bottoms, and People's Elbow basically every once in a while but not all the time.
That would definetely be an awesome moment. But I think, that opprtunity has been lost. We better see Christian as the World Heavyweight Champion sooner than later. It is needed more now than any other time, as Smackdown has lost its top face.

I am sure that Extreme Rules will be between Alberto Del Rio and Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship. But they may add others in the mix as well, such as Rey Mysterio, Kane and Big Show. If it is Alberto Del Rio vs Christian, I can see Alberto winning the title here. Keeping a good 3-4 month title reign and than losing it to Christian. Or may be we see Christian winning it right there.
I gotta say when they first made the announcement on RAW that Edge had a speech and was "retiring," I was thinking work. Thinking Edge comes out, starts to give this speech, then Alberto Del Rio comes out and interrupts, blah blah...you know, the same old song and dance.

So when he was giving his speech and he finished, I was like "ok this is about when Del Rio comes out," and they went to commercial!! I was like 'um..:wtf:'

That being said, Christian has to win the belt at Extreme Rules. Smackdown just lost their biggest face, and arguably their best star on the brand. Plus Christian's done quite while in WWF/E - he deserves his time.
Why must Christian win the title because smackdown lost it's biggest face? Once he has the title then what? Christian needs to have a few near misses before he finally gets the gold, much like Jeff Hardy. He'll become a huge face simply by being in fueds with del rio, maybe another fued with Swagger (and cole) and cody Rhodes, all generate amazing heat. Yes I want to see Christian win the title, no I don't want to wait till Mania 28, but I do want to be teased for a while, maybe survivor series time. Not extreme rules, that wouldn't be very gratifying. Believe it or not, giving the title to someone doesn't necessarily give them instant no1 babyface status.
Why must Christian win the title because smackdown lost it's biggest face? Once he has the title then what? Christian needs to have a few near misses before he finally gets the gold, much like Jeff Hardy. He'll become a huge face simply by being in fueds with del rio, maybe another fued with Swagger (and cole) and cody Rhodes, all generate amazing heat. Yes I want to see Christian win the title, no I don't want to wait till Mania 28, but I do want to be teased for a while, maybe survivor series time. Not extreme rules, that wouldn't be very gratifying. Believe it or not, giving the title to someone doesn't necessarily give them instant no1 babyface status.

Christian has been waiting too damn long to wait a few months. He never got a shot ONCE, when he got back. Del Rio is a selfish loser, who's being pushed too fast, stealing the spot light from other young guys who has not been pushed in years ETC. Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison

Christian has spent 9 WWE years to wait any longer for this opportunity. He has been FEUDING WITH ALBERTO DEL RIO FOR MONTHS NOW. Isn't that enough for you? He doesn't deserve to take the backseat for the overrated Alberto Del Rio.

And to answer the topic question, Christian should win the VACANT world title at ER. It's as proper as it gets, and I have no clue why people want him to wait another few months for him to win it, it's 100%, Christian doesn't need more feuds, he's already in one important feud.
In my opinion, I don't think Christian is ready for the title yet. Don't get me wrong he definitely deserves it, but WWE just needs to shape up his character a little bit. Oh and change his horrible entrance theme. Plus Christian is the same age as Edge. I'm hoping they give him a good title run.
I agree Christian should not win the belt just yet.
The Edge/Christian moment should happen, just not yet. It would be much more powerfully if it came as Christian defying the odds, not just beating some who he owns so much.

No matter what it will be enjoyable if Christian hoists the WHC.
As much as I like Christian I have to agree that it shouldn't automatically go to him. Del Rio has had all those promo's building him up last year, then the lead up to the Rumble, winning the Rumble, losing at WM it must all amount to something soon. I personally think that even waiting until Extreme Rules to settle it is too long. There is a tour coming here to the UK in the next few days and surely there must be a World Heavyweight champion for that tour. 3 weeks is too long for a vacant championship. IMO it slightly demeans the value and history of the WHC belt.
I'm a big mark for Christian and I've been waiting for YEARS for him to become WHC/WWE champ. I'd love to see him finally carry the strap; he arguably is the most deserving person for it. He's paid his dues, put guys over, no media/twitter rants about being screwed, etc. If an underserving Coke (Jeff) Hardy can get the opportunity, why can't he. The whole ECW and TNA champ thing was a joke; dont get me wrong, I loved seeing him as a world champion finally but it was insulting as a fan of his to see him win a meaningless title from a "B" or "C" level organization/product. Jay Reso deserves the gold; Vinnie Mac has to stop robbing this guy of the opportunity.
I hope Christian wins the Vacant World Title but alot sooner than WMXXVIII. Plus Edge could still show up and possibly give the "SPEAR, SPEAR, SPEAR" to someone like Stone Cold gives out Stunners, HBK gives out Sweet Chin Music's, or The Rock gives out Spine busters, Rock Bottoms, and People's Elbow basically every once in a while but not all the time.

Edge couldn't come back and do a spear because he has a bad neck. If any were paying attention, whenever Edge speared someone, the first thing he'd do after was grab his neck. Even on smackdown when he spear brodus clay he held his neck. Maybe he could do the edgecution, but i don't see him spearing anyone.

But about the topic, they wont wait for christian to win the title at wm28. I see them making the match at er a ladder match between del rio and christian, have christian win and then have edge come out and climb the ladder one last time with his friend.
Forget Wrestlemania 28, If the creative team is smart, which they're not, they'd have the belt on Christian at extreme rules. Talk about "destiny", Christian returns after an injury and faces the man who put him on the bench to win the world title in a ladder match. Plus you have this huge Edge retirement shocker, the unplanned build up for Christian to win his first major wwe title is too good to be true, but knowing how the wwe creative team has handled Christian he might not get that shot. I see either Del Rio or The Undertaker winning at extreme rules. Although I think it would be smart for Taker to take time off before his next and most likely last mania match next year aparantley vince has plans for a Taker HHH rematch at SummerSlam, and being that it is the second or third biggest PPV, they will probabley screw christians momentum and get the belt involved in Taker V.S. HHH. Hopefully I'm wrong and Christians the champ after extreme rules, nobody in the wrestling universe deserves a world title run more than christian
Ok I don't usually post on here, and I am going to get slammed for this...but what is the big deal with Christian? He has never done anything in my mind to warrant anything more then a midcard title. He is almost exactly what most posters call a spot monkey and hate about the buisness. He does have some mat wrestling in him but I don't see anything special. Of course most of the stuff people say about wrestling on here I don't understand but still read.

As to the specific topic on this thread I don't see Christian waiting until wrestlemania to win the title. He is almost like Rey when he won his first title. His good friend died so he got the push. At least Edge is just retiring but it is the same idea...Edge went out while on top so now we need to push his little buddy. I don't want it to happen but it will.
Dordoff everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I don't know how long you have been watching WWE, but this guy deserves to win the WHC. He has been a hard worker, and you never heard about things like Christian getting a DUI, or being arrested. He's kept it very professional for all the years he's been wrestling and on top of that he is a good worker. He can be excellent on the mic if WWE allowed him to and even then he's pretty good now. I think he has been robbed for years and should have became WHC after/during his fued with Cena before he left to TNA. It's long overdue. I hope they wait until WM28 because, he deserves his WM moment. And it would be awesome for Edge to show up at WM and celebrate with his closest friend of 27 years.
Colonel, I do agree with your points about being a hard worker and never in trouble with the law but I don't see him as a WHC. I see him in the range of a Million Dollar Man, Dusty Rhodes, Steamboat type where people will always think he needs to WHC but should never actually get it. (I thought about putting Jake The Snake in there but we know his problems.)

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