Without Austin, would you still watch TE?

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Long Island Iced D

Dedicated Zack Ryder Nut-hugger
Austin has been one of if not the main attraction of TE this season. It's no surprise WWE went all out this season with all the special guests and I wouldn't be surprised if the next season is a little watered down like what happened to NXT after season 1. The thing is, do u think stone cold will return for season 2 if they make one and if not would you still watch remember to please hit that rep button if you like this post and remember to take care and spike your hair. WWWYKI
i do think SCSA will return for the next season, but if he didnt i would still watch. the show is interesting enough on its own but austin makes it alot more entertaining especially before an elimination when he talks with the bottom 3 lol.

but bottom line i'll still watch if he doesnt return
Depending on who they replaced him with, I might be even more fond of the show. I like it, don't get me wrong, and I'll be watching it no matter what since I have to do coverage for my website, but frankly I find it kind of annoying how Austin is so hypocritical and thinks he's running boot camp for the military. One minute, he yells at someone because they're not yelling back at him and they're too soft spoken. The next time he sees them, they stand up for themselves and he calls them an asshole. That kind of thing irks me while watching it.

I think if they want to go with new people for this next go-around, a possible lineup I'd be interested in watching would be Michelle McCool replacing Trish, William Regal replacing Booker (though I'd rather that be on commentary haha), maybe keep Demott because he doesn't have much else to do and plays the big tough jerk role rather well, and if they were to go with anyone replacing Austin for top dog in charge, I think your #1 pick has to be HBK.

That being said, if they didn't have Austin, the viewership might drop. I would rather have another season with Austin and the potential for a third season than to have one without him and the ratings take them off the air, know what I mean?
i will because he is not the main reason i te its for the wrestler i mean superstar
i find it fun to watch bill and booker pissing them off
but hopefully they will better wrestler that cant get a shot
I'd watch it because it's been awesome. I'd leave DeMott because he's hilarious, but I'd definitely replace Booker just because he's almost never actually there. I'd like to see Lita brought back for the show.
Absolutely, Austin is undoubtely the star off the show but I never started watching it because of him.

I love the show itself, it's just so much fun and usually better than other WWE programming.
let me put this nice and sweet that I rather watch this than that boring NXT because this feel the real deal and the real training. I will watch this show no matter what but you do indeed need to replace Booker T with somebody else maybe like Edge or Jericho if they're willing to do it and as of Trish, I would replace her with Lita instead of Michelle McCool.
To be honest, I was an Austin-hater back in the late 90s (blasphemy, I know!). I first got (back) into pro-wrestling in 1997, and almost exclusively watched Nitro. I guess I didn't like him for a number of reasons; - when I would flip to Raw, I would only see him stunning people...not wrestling (it must have been after he broke his neck, unbeknownst to me at the time). He just seemed over-rated to me at the time, maybe it also had a lot to do with how many Austin-marks there were. Again, that was back when I was a WWF "outsider", and I considered Raw to be "the other show". At the time, I didn't appreciate what he was doing/had done. Over the years, Austin grew on me...especially after WCW folded.

To be honest, I wasn't too excited to hear that Austin was going to be the host for this season of Tough Enough. After I watched the first episode, my mind was immediately changed. I remember watching early episodes of TE back in the day (I remember Taz being a big name on the show), but never was a big fan. I think I watched a few episodes of the first season, but didn't even know they did more seasons later on.

This season, Austin's eliminations are my favorite part of the show. I couldn't imagine another host/wrestler/judge doing a better job than he's currently doing. I would probably give TE a chance with another host, but probably wouldn't enjoy it as much as I do with Austin at the helm.

I don't know how many people would agree with me, but I don't watch the show for the aspiring performers. I watch it to see Austin rip them new assholes at the end of each episode!

Like I already said, I think Austin is a perfect fit for Tough Enough. I hope he returns for the next season, but I'd still give the show a chance if he's replaced (just not sure I'd stick around to watch them all).
The only other possible name to be there if Austin wasn't?.....Jericho!

He's a prime example of what a future TE contestant needs to do to get ahead in the WWE,

He wasn't the biggest guy in the locker room,but his charisma and mic work made up for it,worked his ass off in alot of matches I've seen him in...dating back to his ECW days.
It may not be as entertaining without him but I would definitely still watch. Considering that I watched the original version with Al Snow. I would probably watch it with anyone on it. It's really the only reality show I watch anymore and I watch because it's about wrestling. Not because of whose on it.
i hope austin stays but i have a feeling he wont. too much cliche

i thnk theyll have the rock come in and do the hosting. if not maybe someone like triple h or jericho

as for trainers. according to all the contestants. booker t and trish were never really there except for the days they were taping. bill was always there and scsa showed up almost everyday for an hour or two but booker and trish only came when the cameras strted rolling. IMO booker has smackdown commitments and trish well i dont know y she cant take the time out but they shud have someone whos dedicated and has the time. like for women maybe michelle mccool who probably has all the time in the world now. and maybe lita because i dont thnk shes doing anythng. for the men maybe a still in shape veteran like jericho (who says the host cant coach as well. scsa did it the entire season) william regal or someone like tht.
without austin i would still watch but he def makes it better so i hope he returns if they do another season. trainers i would like to see is bill demott, michelle mccool and xpac
Dont get it in Canada, but probably wouldnt watch it anyways. Only John Morrison is the only TE winner to be successful. Miz was a finalist but took him a few years to be on TV.

It took Morrison a little while to get to WWE as well, so you can't think that he went right into WWE after winning Tough enough. I would still watch the show, even if Austin didn't come back. Bill will be back, if they do another season. He has always been partial to the Tough enough thing.
I think Austin playing the 'Drill Seargeant' is great. I would definately have him back as Host. Bill Demott aswell, another great trainer who makes the show what it is.

Booker T is never there so needs replacing. You need someone with a mean personality who isnt active. How about D-Lo Brown? Trish is ok but another who could be replaced in order to freshen up. Lita would be interesting, better than McCool anyway.

Also to that Mango kid. You do realise TE is scripted in parts in order to dramatize? Austin acts like that for the cameras, he probably doesnt mean half of the stuff he says.
if they went with new season:
, here's my candidates for replacements:

Steve Austin - Someone Who Has Came up through the territories and trained in some of the greatest trainers. Will put you in bottom 3 to get in your face to motivate you to improve

Roddy Piper - will get in your face and wont hand it to you, have to earn it
Shawn Michaels - He has been in that role when he had his wrestling academy that boasts students like Daniel Bryan, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, and Lance Cade
Michael Hayes - He's came through the top territories in the history of the business and still instrumental in the creative of WWE
Undertaker - Came through the territories, a long storied career, a locker room leader and will see you come in the biz the right way, as well as will get in your face to motivate you
Chris Jericho - Originally slated to host season one, one of the last to come through territories as well as Japan & Mexico
Bill DeMott - I'd Keep him
Trish Stratus - Diva Rep

Beth Phoenix - Came through the territories, trained at same school that trained Val Venis, Edge, Christian, Gail Kim & Trish
Lita - started in Lucha Libre, trained under Dory Funk Jr & Dr Tom Prichard in WWE's Funkin' Dojo, Has had a long storied WWE run
Melina Trained in The School Of Hard Knocks, worked the territories
Molly - Came through territories, trained "Gorgeous George" Stephanie Bellars, mentored "Victoria/Tara" Lisa Marie Varon
Natalya - Trained in the Hart Dungeon, Worked Japan & England
Michelle McCool - She is a teacher by trade prior to wrestling, has endured during time in WWE Developmental the Bill DeMott style of training
Booker T

Chavo Guerrero - was trained by Gory, Mando, Chavo Classic & Hector Guerrero, is a former Tough Enough Trainer
Christian - did the territories, multi time champ, worked in the ring for 17+ years
CM Punk - territories, brings a different school of technique with his Muay Tai & Kickboxing
Daniel Bryan - Worked territories plus Japan, Was trained by HBK, mentored in developmental years ago by William Regal, recently in last year or so training at Extreme Couture(Randy Couture's school) to learn MMA grappling and submissions
Dustin "Goldust" Rhodes - Trained by Skandor Akbar, worked for Eddie Graham, Worked every major promotion
William Regal 20+ yr career, Technically as sound as you can get, has mentored a young Daniel Bryan

Dont get it in Canada, but probably wouldnt watch it anyways. Only John Morrison is the only TE winner to be successful. Miz was a finalist but took him a few years to be on TV.

actually this week they started airing it on The Fight Network from 7pm-9pm EST monday nights they aired episodes 1 & 2...next week will be 3&4
I watched it because of Austin. If he don`t return, I`ll still give it a chance. Much will depend on the replacement but I do hope he returns. Bill Demott is also one of the main reason I watch, don`t see why he won`t be back.
I prefer the presentation of this series of Tough Enough over the over seasons, Austin is great, but if he for some reason decided not to return, as long as they kept DeMott that would give me enough reason to tune in. I like the guest spots but hate how they don't hang around a lot, i think the only one's who really did so far, have been John Morrison and The Rock, and it was great to see Rock back in the ring, maybe he hasn;t got as much ring rust as some thought.

Overall though as long as they didn't drastically change the format, and if not Austin, got HBK or some other big name to fill his shoes i'd still watch.
I think i would still watch i might stop watching if they add Michelle McCool as a trainer. I dont think she has any right to be a trainer she has done nothing special in the WWE apart from get hitched to taker. Tough Enough will work best useing Vetrans wrestlers that people respect and are "Superstars"
Personally I think Bill makes the show not Austin so if they keep him in I'll keep watching.
This is a NO BRAINER! Of Course Most Watch Only Cause of Steve Austin! He is Smart, and Runs the Show with an Iron Fist! Very, Very Entertaining!

Chris Jericho? Really? Really! Really!

I can tell when people have Natural Charisma, Jericho is so Monotone, and fakes his little Charisma! Charisma can be faked a bit! Jericho is not that Entertaining! Bill Demott, Booker and Trish are doing a great job! The Show is awesome!

I dont want to see Edge, Jericho, Malenko, all boring! WWE is Lucky Steve Austin is doing it!
I'd still watch it but I don't think it'd be quite as good. Stone Cold Steve Austin is superb in the role he has on Tough Enough. He's very comfortable with it, he's not there to baby the contestants, he says exactly how he feels about things, what's on his mind and says it exactly the way he wants to say it.

I'd like to see a different couple of trainers for the second season, but Austin needs to stay where he's at in my opinion. He's just too good to simply be let go or switched out.
I haven't watched Tough Enough because Austin is on the show. I don't care much for Austin and his stumping of mud holes in asses, and reliving of his exact same gimmick from 10 years ago.

Austin's always portrayed as such a tough guy, but when it comes down to charisma, technical skill and all around ability in the ring, Jericho surpasses Austin. I think Jericho would have been a much better head coach/host for the show than Austin.

If Jericho was the person running the show than it would of been more entertaining. At least with Jericho it would of been a mix of his different styles spanning his career.
Thing is without Austin I probably wouldn't have watched it in the first place. Austin as a host was perfect to kickstart the whole thing. And he is doing an excellent job. Couldn't think of anyone better.
But by now I'm interested enough in the show to watch with or without him.
I would still watch TE even if SCSA isn't the host of it. I like to see what all the contestants go through on a week to week basis. All the life lessons and skills challenges are awesome. Seeing someone come from nothing to actually know what he/she is doing in the ring is interesting to me. Im sure if it's not SCSA, whoever they put in that spot will make it worth watching.
Honestly.... no. I don't think I would have made it through more than a couple of episodes of the new TE without Stone Cold because his input is what I've been tuning in for. Booker's cool but he's no Stone Cold, and I absolutely HATE Bill. The contestants have been alright, but I'll see whoever wins on Raw or Smackdown either way. Stone Cold is the only reason I watch it at the moment.
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