Without Austin, would you still watch TE?

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Absolutely. Tough Enough is just a great show. Austin is brilliant in it, but he's not the be all and end all.

Like I said, Ausin is brilliant in it. He knows how to get the best out of the contestants. Watch the most recent final three and Andy if you don't believe me. I couldn't think of a better man for the job. Apparently Jericho was considered for the role. As much as I love Jericho (I actually prefer him to Austin as a wrestler), it just wouldn't be the same. He seems too nice. Bill DeMott would be a great head trainer, but he doesn't have the star power of Austin.

Credit not only goes to Austin, though. Some credit has to got to the three trainers - Booker T, DeMott and the lovely Trish. All four of them together have a great dynamic. Trish is the nice one. Austin and DeMott are the hard-asses. And Booker is just Booker. They make the show great and make Austin look great, too.
No doubt. I've really enjoyed this series, it's unmissable for me on a Tuesday morning after watching Raw. And whilst Stone Cold is a big part of the show, he isn't the reason I watch it. To be honest, whilst he does make the occasional funny comment during the challenges and training, he doesn't really come alive until he and the 'bottom three' are in the ring at the end. That's when Austin really gets into his stride.

In my opinion, what makes Tough Enough what it is is actually on the contestants. There are some real personalities this series, some likeable and some dislikeable (Luke... I hate the smug prick). It's interesting to watch the show and see who is gonna be the stand-out contestant, infact thats the most interesting part of what is already a very good show. I think you could throw any other top tier WWE superstar into the role Austin's playing and the show would still be brilliant.
Damn right I would. Hell, I just went back and watched Season 1 with Al Snow and Tazz, and eventhough I knew who won, it was entertaining. Especially HHH's comments on a then WCW star Goldberg. SCSA does not make Tough Enough. The guest stars don't make Tough Enough. The cast is what makes the show. While I am a little dissapointed that they went out of the norm on this season (see below), it's been fun to watch. Even my friends who don't watch WWE, still watch this show. They could have Big Show host the show, and I'd still watch it.

What I meant by "went out of the norm" was that in the previous Tough Enough, they were people who had (in most cases) 0 training before the competition. While some of these people have been around for 4-10 years. Some were already employed in FCW before the show. There was also no auditions episode, which was always the funniest episode of the season in the old ones. Besides that though, this season has been great, and the ones I wanted to make the final 3, did. As long as Luke goes home (be in FCW by the end of the month), and Andy wins, then all is good.
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