Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

I have yet to see anyone complain about the season opener. As well they shouldn't, it was perfectly paced and set the rest of the season perfectly in motion.
Yup, no complaints from me about the opener. Served it's purpose of bridging the gap between the first season, introduced new characters, Dinklage had some good moments and the infanticide to end the episode was quite brutal.

Weirdly enough, just before the episode came on, it started snowing and has been off and on since. Fucking weird.
Барбоса;3815788 said:
"A long Summer means an even longer Winter"

If the Thrones world was set in Scotland, they would be continually baffled as to what season it was. Summer last week, winter this week!
If the Thrones world was set in Scotland, they would be continually baffled as to what season it was. Summer last week, winter this week!

If you do not like the weather in Northern Ireland, wait two minutes.

We have have rain, sleet, snow, rain again, sun, wind, rain again, snow again, sleet again, sun again and now it is raining once more in the last 30 mins

"A Long Summer means an even longer Winter"
One night delay for the UK. It's cool though, rewatching the first season at the moment :) Forgot about Ned having to knife Lady cos of the wee lying prick Joffrey. Season 2 needs more Arya.
Caught bits and pieces of episodes from season 1 on HBO,it seemed alright but it just didn't hold my attention for long. It might be because I started watched half way through season 1 and found the story difficult to follow since I didn't start from the beginning.

I then,however decided to give the show a second chance and went out and bought season 1 on blu ray. I just finished watching the whole thing and I must say I was very impressed with the entire show. I loved the characters,I love the story,I just love the who fantasy aspect behind it all. Very compelling show that just seems to increase in drama after every episode. I like the fact that every episode managed to set up some arch for the next episode. It managers to hold the viewers interested from episode to episode,very addicting.

Just watched the episode 1 of season two online and I'm already excited for tonight's episode. Should be great. Winter is indeed coming.
"Iron or gold?"

I'll never use a credit card again. Sure, it'll make internet purchases harder. But I've never been one for doing things the easy way.
So Episode 12 - The Night Lands - contain some departures from the books.

One is relatively minor - the changing of Asha Greyjoy's name to Yara to prevent mixing her up with the wildling Osha that helps Bran. Also the naming of the envoy that goes backward and forward between the Lannisters and Robb Stark as a Lannister is I think different but again unimportant.

Theon's 'welcome' to Pyke is well done (actually in the harbour part owned by a friend of mine) but slightly different as his uncle Aeron 'Damphair' Greyjoy is not present.

Perhaps the most important difference is the nature of the relationship between Stannis and Melisandre. In the book there are only rumours of a sexual relationship between the two that, I think, have yet to be explicitly confirmed, even with Melisandre becoming a POV character in A Dance With Dragons.
Spoiler for Episode 3 if you havent seen it.

Missed the second episode, saw the third. Gutted I missed the second one now, I wasnt expecting Yoren to die quite that soon (although I guess he had to) so I missed any other part he had (if any)

R.I.P Yoren, your part was fairly minor, even in the books, but you managed to cement your status as my favourite character in the series so far.

"But he said he was going to take your head"

"Well as to that, if he can get it off my shoulders he's welcome to it"

For future reference, was that worth putting in Spoilers?
I think so. The spoiler happened towards the end of the episode and while not quite a complete shock, happened a little sooner than I thought would happen.

The tall blonde woman was pretty kick ass too.
Quite a strange episode in that there was no sighting of either Stannis or Daenerys at all - thank god for the latter as her part through the entirety of the second book is cancerously boring

Aside from the excellent casting of Brienne and Theon rightly castigating his father for his hypocrisy towards him, the best part of the episode was Varys' riddle. It is in the book and has yet to be answered
My best mate, who has neither read the books nor seen episodes 2 and 3 of season 2 yet, declared to me today that his favourite character outside of Tywin Lannister was Yoren.

Bearing in mind that his previous favourite characters were Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark and Khal Drogo, I just did not have the heart to tell him anything about the end of episode 3...
never mind the end of A Feast For Crows

He really can pick'em though.
I know how he feels, the only real favourite of mine still standing is Brynden "Blackfish" Tully. I like Tywin as well actually, but thats mainly because of Charles Dance.

Season 2 so far is kind of like The Two Towers, amazing but severely lacking Sean Bean, but Inspector Chisholm as Balon Greyjoy should be interesting.

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