Winter is Coming - The Night is Dark and Full of Spoilers

Барбоса;4546965 said:
I think he is a Feast For Crows introduction.

He is. They slowly foreshadow it with the sparrows on the roads and congregating in the city. Cersei being a crazy bitch offs the "second" High Septon, which leads to the glorious irony of the "third" High Septon that utterly destroys her.

Yeah, that's going to be fun to watch.
I just saw that on Facebook and immediately thought of you punching the air many a time. Perhaps even adding in a 'whoop' or 'FUCK YESSSSS' depending on your mood.
The lady who played Voreneus' wife in ROME has been casted for season four. he was also very good in A world without end.

Indeed. Indira Varma is her name.


She will surely play...

Ellaria Sand, the paramour of Oberyn Martell and mother to four of the Sand Snakes, as I would say she is too old to play Arianne Martell.

EDIT: Actually, it is confirmed that she will be Ellaria.
"Not conventionally beautiful, but there was something striking about her." Seems like a good choice.

Potential tagline for Season 4; They used to say the only guarantees in life were death and taxes, that was until Stannis Baratheon decided to claim the Iron Throne, which is his by rights.

Nicked that from some ASOIAF forum, dunno why I was surprised such a thing existed, but I still don't understand the internet.
Potential tagline for Season 4; They used to say the only guarantees in life were death and taxes, that was until Stannis Baratheon decided to claim the Iron Throne, which is his by rights.

Not sure I get it. What is Stannis going to bring to the kingdoms beyond "death and taxes"? It seems like there is a third section missing such as "Now only death is certain." Or is it suggesting that Stannis obtaining the throne is guaranteed?

By the way, did any one notice this on RAW?


Stannis 3:16 says "you just bent the knee!"
I think it was a point of him winning the Throne is a guarantee or something. I dunno, as I mentioned Stannis has grown on me and I really like him as a character, but little did I realise the HUGE online following he has.

I love that sign, and that catchphrase, Stannis wouldn't be amused.
I think it was a point of him winning the Throne is a guarantee or something. I dunno, as I mentioned Stannis has grown on me and I really like him as a character, but little did I realise the HUGE online following he has.

Him being the rightful king lends a lot of weight.

I love that sign, and that catchphrase, Stannis wouldn't be amused.

Amused? No, he does not seem like the amused type. However, I think he would understand the usefulness of its religious connotations so long as it furthered his attaining of what tradition says is his.
Барбоса;4555583 said:
Not sure I get it. What is Stannis going to bring to the kingdoms beyond "death and taxes"? It seems like there is a third section missing such as "Now only death is certain." Or is it suggesting that Stannis obtaining the throne is guaranteed?

By the way, did any one notice this on RAW?


Stannis 3:16 says "you just bent the knee!"

I mentioned it in the LD, and even said "Stannis 3:16 says the nght is dark and full of terrors"
Барбоса;4555583 said:
Not sure I get it. What is Stannis going to bring to the kingdoms beyond "death and taxes"? It seems like there is a third section missing such as "Now only death is certain." Or is it suggesting that Stannis obtaining the throne is guaranteed?

It could be going for that Stannis believes the throne is guaranteed to him, which is fair, since he never seems to lose any hope given the implacable odds against him.
It could be going for that Stannis believes the throne is guaranteed to him, which is fair, since he never seems to lose any hope given the implacable odds against him.

This is true. Stannis is as relentless as Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology.

I cannot help but remember the fantastic description of the Baratheon brothers by Donal Noye, who I hope appears in Season 4 at Castle Black.

"Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He'll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he's copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day."

However, while that might have been the correct description of Stannis at the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire, I do think the influence of Ser Davos and perhaps even seeing how loved both Robert and Renly were able to make themselves has added some much needed flexibility to Stannis' character.
Determination against the odds, has a new found flexibility doesn't really want the throne and knows that with Kingship comes obligations to the realm, actually wants to save the realm, gelds the rapists in his own ranks (only Randyll Tarly is shown doing that as well) promotes Davos to hand of the King after Davos saves Edric Storm, by contrast Robert strips Ned of that title when he defies him, when Davos says "your Lords wont accept me" Stannis just says "then we'll make new Lords." That's a guy I can get behind, although Davos is a large part of that.

Plus that Winds sample chapter. That seals the deal, if he doesn't make it past that book I might not read the last. Although I'll be nearly retirement age by the time it comes out anyway.
Determination against the odds, has a new found flexibility doesn't really want the throne and knows that with Kingship comes obligations to the realm, actually wants to save the realm, gelds the rapists in his own ranks (only Randyll Tarly is shown doing that as well) promotes Davos to hand of the King after Davos saves Edric Storm, by contrast Robert strips Ned of that title when he defies him, when Davos says "your Lords wont accept me" Stannis just says "then we'll make new Lords." That's a guy I can get behind, although Davos is a large part of that.

Plus that Winds sample chapter. That seals the deal, if he doesn't make it past that book I might not read the last. Although I'll be nearly retirement age by the time it comes out anyway.

Stannis is essentially becoming Ned Stark.

Maybe that is the true story at the heart of the series - a cold-hearted would-be king gradually finds himself becoming more and more like the man he resented for being more of a brother to his own elder sibling.
Can someone remind me where Qyburn left off in book 5? He isn't someone I paid much attention to in my first read of the books but I can imagine his character being beefed up in the show as he seems to bring out a different Cersei than everyone else.
He appears in the fourth book, but it all depends how they introduce the rest of the Dornish contingent. I wouldn't be surprised to see him turn up in the latter half of season 4 though.

Барбоса;4557789 said:
In book 5, he introduced the newest member of the Kingsguard -Ser Robert Strong.

Aye I thought so. I wasn't sure how Cersei's Septonian (should be a word) punishment effected his standing. Just read Cersei's chapter in book 4 where she's arranging an accident for Bronn and learns about the treasonous puppet shows. Qyburn asking her for 2 women to 'practice on' isn't something I'd paid attention to the first time around. Knowing about Robert Strong, I wondered if Qyburn is going to create some variation of White Walkers in the south. Probably a bit of a long-shot however but I was envisioning Snow in the North and Daenarys in the South battling common enemies but not together.

Wouldn't be so keen for the end of Ice and Fire to descend into zombies V dragons though to be honest.
When is Areo Hotah arriving?

Personally, I think the Martell court will not be introduced until Season 5 of the show.

While I would like to see a scene at Sunspear setting up Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand's journey to Kings Landing and the reasons behind it in Season 4, I think they go with the Red Viper arriving somewhat unannounced to take the Martell place at court instead.

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