Williams Face Turn; Turns on Fortune

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Was bound to happen if you've been even remotely paying attention to the story line regarding his status within the group over the last few weeks, especially after the rest of the "Core 4" helped Kaz pick up a win over him a week or two ago, but Williams as a face is something we've never seen in TNA. From his work in the World X tournaments to the British Invasion to his singles competition, he's always been a heel.

It's likely he'll team up with Morgan, and potentially Anderson, Joe and Pope as a makeshift anti-Immortal/anti-Fortune group, but what I'm most concerned with is his immediate feud. As far as I'm concerned, AJ v. Williams over the TV title needs to happen and it needs to happen now. Don't even bother wasting time elsewhere. Both AJ and Williams are fantastic wrestlers, and come Final Resolution I'd hope we get a quality mid-card match out of it.

Thoughts on the turn and his future?
He wasn't getting stale as a heel, he could still do well as a heel. I am glad that he gets a chance to show what he can do as a face. What TNA's new Frontline need is a leader, like Angle or Sting, to come help out and take it to Hogan and Bischoff. Flair serving as Hogan's bitch, though, kinda irks me. Doesn't make sense for the self proclaimed 'wrestling god' to play second banana to Hogan.
I'm glad that Doug turned he really did not fit with Fourtune and its good that Fortune is down to the Core 4 as AJ said jn ReAction. A AJ Doug feud for the TV should happen these Two could have Great Matches and I hope they Face each other at Final Resolution
On one hand, Williams didn't exactly mesh well in general with Fortune. On the other, I like the guy as a heel and I do feel that TNA may have messed up there. I might be wrong, but it's just the sense I get. Maybe it's due to the fact that Williams has never been a face in TNA more than anything else, but there wasn't anything wrong with the guy.

I'm with IDR on a potential Styles/Williams situation. Both of them are quite good in the ring and I'd love to see a quality match out of them. Styles has been kind of watered down in the ring for quite a while now, so I'd love to the leash taken off for something against Williams.
I'm actually excited to see how Williams can do as a face. He didn't really fit with Fortune and a Styles/Williams fued is great to think about. This can be a great fued for the TV and bring a lot of importance to it. I can't wait to see the future matches b/w the two.
Flair serving as Hogan's bitch, though, kinda irks me. Doesn't make sense for the self proclaimed 'wrestling god' to play second banana to Hogan.

Flair is working Hogan. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Fortune will eventually make a run at Immortal to seize power. Remember you are talking about the dirtiest player in the game, a wrestling god.

Turning Morgan and Williams face was the only way to thin out Fortune, bringing it to the "core four", which was really needed. The other thing to consider is that with the events surrounding BFG TNA was really heel heavy and needed to turn some guys to even things out. I liked Williams as a heel, but think he will also do well as a face. The best thing to come out of all of this is it looks like we are going to get some 5 star matches out of AJ & Williams.

I cant wait to see these matches. This will be a series of matches that you show wrestling students. Williams is one of those tweeners, like a Joe, Sting, Nash, and Angle. I will also want to see a Williams/Morgan vs Beer Money. Great move TNA
Since AJ was personally saying he was going to take care of Williams and being the only one he has had specific contact with. The others was more of an all group on Williams thing. I see this being the perfect but only direction to go with. Morgan and Pope have their specific feuds, so Williams would have to find someone else to partner with him if he were to have some angle with Beer Money.

I don't see a great feud with Williams and Kaz. I think Kaz will be great inner feud matches in between Williams' matches with Styles. I would assume his matches with AJ would be some pretty good matches. Maybe even great if they push the angle hard and give the storyline some relevance.

I am glad Fourtune is down to 4 now. That is the way I thought it should be. The only difference in how the 4 ended up is I would have kept Morgan in and turned Kaz. But other than that Beer Money, Styles and whoever the 4th member would have been, would have worked for me.
On subject of Williams, I believe he'll fall flat on his face, as a face.

He's great as a cocky & arrogant heel, but I don't see him being good. It's like *********ing with razorblades, it don't go.
On subject of Williams, I believe he'll fall flat on his face, as a face.

He's great as a cocky & arrogant heel, but I don't see him being good. It's like *********ing with razorblades, it don't go.

I wouldn't judge before I saw what the guy could do. Granted, he's never been a guy that strikes me as charismatic or much of an actor, he's a great wrestler, but I never thought AJ would make a good heel and he did. Who knows, maybe there's more to Doug that we think we know. It's not like TNA has ever given him a lot of room to shine. I hope that once this storyline is over with Doug would've had enough good matches and would be able to come up with a personality and a gimmick which will then elevate him to top mid-card to Main Event status.

I'm not expecting a lot from him as a face but you never know.
This was a good move. Williams is a good enough talker that he can pull off the face gimmick as well as he can the heel. I think we saw a small glimpse of this last night on Reaction.

I'd like to see Williams have to "work" his way through Fourtune to get to Styles. That match should be saved for something special, and shouldn't be thrown on free TV. He should have to beat Kaz and both members of Beer Money to get a shot at "Fourtune's leader." This is a match that has PPV written all over it, and shouldnt be given up easily.

I like the removal of Williams because it trims Fourtune down to the original four. The thinning out of the group should allow them to be emphasized more, rather then being background players as they have been. This was all around well booked and well done by TNA. Here's hoping they do the right thing in having Williams "fighting" to get to AJ.
Yeah it had to happen to make fortune a neat stable, and doug fit least well into the group out of anybody. I would be dissapointed that morgan had left if he had not been rather impressive since his face turn honestly so it was inevitable williams would be next and I'm fine with that. I also like the way he turned, him coming out with fortune but not doing anything thena attacking AJ after he confronted him. It made sense with him and morgan being able to fend off fortune from inside th ring so no problems by me in that sense.

But all the people who have raised concerns about him being face? Well It goes back to movies. British guys have played bad guys in americans films for decades just like russians and americans have apre-emptive idea of british guys before they know anything about them. And if you don't believe me...... lets look at them all. I mean in WWE as well. Drew mcintyre, heel. Sheamus, heel. Wade Barrett, heel. Desmond wolfe, heel. Brutus magnus, heel. Doug willims until the other night, heel. Rob terry, turned face, was global champion, now dissapeared. Another one, layla, heel. Regal, heel.

And it isn't just british people as well it is foreigners in general. Maryse, french, heel. Aksana, european, heel. The only exception to this are mexican guys and canadians and some japanese because of the rich wrestling heritige where they live. There are two exceptions that pop into mind, santino and kozlov and they are comedy jobbers, no threat to anyone so they are allowed to be face, but when kozlov was a threat, heel.

But anyway after that whole crazy list. What I'm trying to say is that doug williams would find it very hard to ever get over as a face because of the natural stigma people have. It's not their fault, its just life.
Adalam I'm going to have to disagree with you man. Angle or/and Sting should not be apart of the new stable that will most likely form to take down Imortal. If Angle or Sting becomes the leader of this new TNA stable all the atention will again be put on the older guys. It will be Team Hogan vs Team Sting why not have have Team Hogan vs Team Anderson. Then once Team Anderson finally wins the company back for Dixie, He will be the guy who gets the most credit instead of Sting or Angle.

I am happy Fortune can once again be Fourtune. I really hope Styles will fued with Williams a classic fued like that might give the TV Title some prestige.
Fortune now looks better as a faction, i like the mention of the core4 and nobody looks out of place which is good. TNA needs to avoid overcrowding the factions or else it becomes tedious ask WCW.

Williams as a face i don't really know what to expect, cocky arrogant heel suited him very much and i really can't picture portraying anything else. Here is hoping to an excellent match with AJ Styles as suggested by IDR.
I'm wondering if this will be the swerve, Morgan gets to pick the ref for his PPV match and he seems to be getting friendly with Williams now. He picks Williams as the ref to "watch his back" and suddenly he reverts back to Fourtune/Immortal by giving Hardy the tainted win.
Doug Williams is / was a great heel and definitely was teh break out star of the British Invasion. I don't understand why they turned him face. I can't buy him as a face but who knows maybe he will surprise us.
I have been waiting for this match ever since it was first teased. Who says Doug Williams has to be a face forever? Who says he is even for sure one now? He just has to play one for a feud with AJ. I think Doug Williams could be a decent face despite being a "foreigner." Rob Terry was just doing it. Williams tends to be better when he does his "talking" in the ring opposed to on the mic, which is usually a better fit for a face. He is a good wrestler and he has a pop worthy finisher. That is a good enough base to build a midcard face around IMO.

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