AJ Styles - A Face Turn Looming Just Ahead?


I think that the writing is on the wall for Styles to turn face before long. Given that they've shown some tension between Eric Bischoff & AJ Styles on iMPACT! since Styles dropped the TV title to Douglas Williams, it's only a matter of time.

If Styles doesn't regain the TNA Television Championship, which I'm guessing he'll challenge Williams for at Genesis, I have a feeling that Styles' future within the Fortune/Immortal alliance will be pretty much over. When you consider how unevenly the deck seems to be stacked, as most of the major talent in TNA at this point are part of the alliance, there's a noticable lack of strong faces to oppose them right now.

I don't think that Styles should be the one leading the charge exactly, I think Anderson needs to be the one doing that as he simply needs it much more at this time, but it just seems to make sense to me that the "heart & soul of TNA" should be right in the thick of things against Immortal.
To me it's too early in the story to turn AJ, especially considering he's the most tenured TNA "Original" in the group, as well as the most accomplished to boot. Frankly, turning him this quickly smells awfully like someone didn't do their homework well enough backstage in making sure the company had enough faces to combat the group, because a heel group like that needs to dominate for a good year plus before they're taken down IMO (see Main Event Mafia).

If you ask me, turning AJ after Genesis would be doing a disservice to both AJ as well as Fortune/Immortal.
I think it is just too early for him to turn face. TNA needs to tease the tension between AJ and the Immortals more leading upto his face turn. There need to be more dissensions between the two parties leading upto the face turn. Right now his turn would just feel a bit half baked. Also I feel that Anderson and Morgan are more charismatic than AJ and with them leading the charge against Immortal, AJ might get lost in the shuffle as a face.

There is little doubt that AJ works better as a face but the time is just not right for him to turn. His face turn should be built up as something huge and epic, something like TNA's prodigial son realising that he was wrong and turning back on his evil ways.
Absolutely, and being an enormous AJ mark I could not be more excited about it.

I allowed myself the luxury of reading the spoilers up to the last show before Genesis, and trust me, the tension you're looking for IS there.

As far as being too soon to turn him face - it's not too soon to turn him face. He's been a heel for a year. Considering the fact that people in TNA just come back as faces/heels without any explanation, and everyone turns every 4-5 months ... yeah it's about time.

Is it too soon to turn on Fourtune - I'd have to say yes. Honestly, AJ made Fourtune. Every group must have one guy that shines above all and that was AJ. Once he's gone, who is it going to be? Rob Terry? It's funny that the group called FOURtune had more than four members before, and if AJ turns face they'll have less than four members, unless TNA has something up their sleeve and they bring in an unknown face. Maybe Flair's son or something.

But, I'd like to see AJ turn face and be the one to take down Immortal. I love Anderson, I'm a huge fan, but if TNA has a Cena, a poster-boy, a top baby face, a top guy, a face -- it has to be AJ Styles. I think he brushed up his mic skills and charisma with this heel turn and I bet he learned a lot from Flair. The guy became an awesome heel when in his first month or two he sucked donkey balls. AJ's got talent pouring out of his pores and I can't wait to see what he'll be like as a face. He could be as bland as before [charisma wise], but you never know, maybe he learned a trick or too.

All I know is that I want AJ to turn face so he'd get to kick some ass and take down Immortal. It makes perfect sense and nobody hates AJ.
After last night's episode of iMPACT, I think it is pretty obvious to everyone watching that there is a face turn coming for AJ Styles in the not too distant future. The only real question is how soon, and if it ends up being too soon.

Personally, I am 100% behind a AJ Styles face turn. He should be the face of the company, their John Cena so to speak, and should be the main go-to guy to oppose the Immortals/Fourtune. That's not to say it necessarily has to happen right now, but I thing the wheels need to go into motion now to make it happen relatively early in 2011. It should start off with frustration from guys like Bischoff and Flair, ultimately leading to frustration from Styles himself, and the inevitable parting of ways.

Styles has never worked for me as a heel, and he cannot turn face quickly enough for me. He has benefitted from his heel run, under the wing of such guys as Ric Flair, but it's time for him to emerge from their shadows now. He's considered by many the best wrestler in the business at this time. He's been around for years. No need him to be competing for mid-card titles and being lost in the shuffle behind other guys. His mic work has improved (not that that was too big of an accomplishment) and continuing his affiliation with the faction he's in will not improve them any further in my opinion.

AJ Styles should be synonymous with TNA. As I said, he should be to TNA what Cena is to WWE. I say let him do it. Let a homegrown guy lead the company and show the world that he is deserving of all of the accolades he's given, as opposed to dropping mid-card belts to other mid-carders while being lost in the shadows of talent from yesterday.
It's too soon. Fortune just became what it should be, the core four and Flair. But of course they screwed that up bringing Terry in. Hopefully Terry's run is just for the European tour and hes gone after that. The faction needs a long run with established members, if you keep changing the group it becomes meaningless. Leave it to Morgan and Anderson to fight evil, I'm enjoying AJ as a heel and his association with Flair. I'm a heel mark but like AJ in any role because he has it in the ring.

I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it. A lot of people seem to lean towards the "It's too soon" however he's been a heel for a fairly long time, albeit a good / great heel, it has still been a while.

It's obvious that A.J is still on a roll as a heel, and can make the heel alignment work for a fair while to go. But I don't think it should be the automatic thing that stops the turn from happening if it does. TNA doesn't need A.J to turn face right now, but it's not something I wouldn't welcome. A.J is a great face, and he could probably work greatly alongside Matt and against Jeff and Immortal.
I don’t believe he will be turning face anytime soon. I think this is a way to bring some of the spot light back on to AJ and in turn help Williams became more of a semi-main eventer. I see it as AJ being push to become the next Ric Flair(not in words and clothers, but in acation) and in doing so, the leader. Since they can’t put the World Title on him, this is the next best way to make him be the leader of Fortune/Immortal from a wrestler stance. He will become ruthless “dirty” and really cement himself as a force to be reconed with, now that he is aggressive. This also allows him to be the man w/out a belt. Eventually, he will take the belt back from Williams. So I think AJ stays a heel for the foreseeable future.
I would love to see an AJ face turn, but I think it is going to take some building time. We all believe it is on the horizon and I don't think he'll be winning the title from Douglas Williams, but I do believe a member of Immortal will eventually dethrone Williams as champ. As for who that will be I have no clue. This could slow ease AJ into becoming a face. Continue with him struggling and keep it that Immortal/Fortune is frustrated with him. Sooner or later the time will be right and maybe around April at Lockdown it'll be the perfect time to execute AJ's face turn. That or Destination X in March.
Here's a thought, they are basicly redoing the NWO. The NWO had two factions Black and White and the Wolfpack. AJ could be the one to break away and start his own group. Not saying I want this to happen and I hope it doesn't but........
I honestly see Fortune as a whole turning face. AJ showing tension between himself and Bischoff is only the beginning. I believe that at Genesis, Beer Money will capture the tag titles and Kazarian will win the X-Division title. Then, Bischoff will come down during the AJ/Williams fight and cost AJ the match and reveal that Doug Williams is actually still a member of Immortal, thus turning Doug Williams heel and AJ Styles face. On the next iMPACT, AJ will come out and apologize to the fans bla bla bla and Immortal (Hardy, Jarrett, Abyss, Williams, Terry) will come down and gang up on him until Fortune (Beer Money, Kaz) and Matt Morgan will come down for the save, thus turning Fortune face.

The new leading fued will be Fortune (AJ, Kaz, Beer Money, Morgan) vs Immortal (Hardy, Abyss, Jarrett, Terry, Williams)
AJ Styles has been a heel for about a year now. He originally turned at Genesis last January if I'm not mistaken. AJ is the leader of Fortune though, so it would be hard to find a replacement of his caliber in the group. Of course I guess it doesn't matter when the real leaders of the Immortal group are Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair. I could easily see AJ becoming a face within the next month or two. It will even the deck against heels and faces, but there aren't too many main event faces right now besides Hardy.

You could put Jarrett in Abyss in that category I guess, but they are midcarders. AJ isn't really being used to his best potential as a heel, so I will welcome a face turn soon.
I'm thinking along the same lines as nbieclkl91 - I believe we're heading for a FOURtune/ Immortal feud along the lines of the 4Horsemen/ nWo feud in WCW - but I think this'll (God help me) be built on the back of Flair/ Hogan. I think Kaz'll jump to Immortal, as he just cannot get over as a face. Rob Terry'll then become FOURtune's Sid Vicious (to AJ's Flair, Roode's Windham and Storm's double AA). With this lineup and Ric 'JJ Dillon' Flair - FOURtune then have a future as a tweener faction. IMO, long term, I'd prefer the Blueprint to Big Rob as he brings better pomposity to compliment the dirtiest player in the game, PWI no1 Styles and the egotastic Beer Money.
The mistake people may be making is that just being against Immortal or even just Bischoff may not necessarily make AJ a face. Fortune could break away and be there own heel faction. They could even attempt to take powerf from immortal and be even bigger heels. AJ could break away and be his own heel character that would be a tweener, face vs fortune and heel vs others. Plenty of options that are not just a face turn. If they go for a face turn I am fine with that because it seems to be the popular choice and arguably a better way to showcase his in-ring talents. I do hope if they turn him they keep some of the charisma he has been showing lately alive. Personally, I would like to see him ride this character a little further but in a different way. So yes to a change but no to a full face turn.
I'm not sure about this one. As for the writing being on the wall, the next thing AJ did was go and beat Doug Williams until he was virtually unconscious after the tension between he and Bischoff. Both figuratively, and literally, Aj has a lot of fight in him left as a heel.

AJ had definitely grown on me as a heel. I was disapointed when he turned in the first place, but I think he's really found his stride as of late. The best example I can give of this is when Tommy Dreamer was talking up the members of Fourtune, and it was AJ, not Flair, who fired back at Dreamer, and lead the subsequent beatdown. From that moment forward, I felt the "heel" AJ was the right way to go. He had really stepped out from under Flair's shadow and become the true leader of Fourtune.

I think the best way for AJ to turn is for all of the members of Fourtune to turn at the same time. They don't need to remain faces, but unite for the common cause of bringing down Immortal. Right now, they appear awe-struck as a unit by Jeff Hardy, as if he's a "God-like figure to them. The best route to go would be for them to get screwed over by Hardy for his own ends, them to stop reverring him as a "god", and unite under the purpose of getting the tite off of him.

AJ really has what it takes to be a heel or a face. I like him as both, honestly, which took a lot of convincing on the heel side. So when he turns face, Ill be ready, but he's fine here as a heel until the time is right.
I think it is too soon to turn AJ face,i think it would be perfect if he were to turn at say BFG,i know that's almost a year from now but i believe by then AJ will be ready to become the biggest face in the company and deservingly so and also what a way to do so at Tna biggest event of the year.
AJ going back to a face? Im not sure if I really like this idea or not. AJ as a heel, has been great. I just don't think that now, or anytime in the near future, would be a good time for this.

With AJ in Immortal/Fortune, he brings legitimancy to it. I am not saying that the others dont, but AJ is a TNA original. He does have influence.

Alas, it would not suprise me that AJ goes face soon, and possibly have him fued with Jeff Hardy. That would be a great set of matches. But, I don't see it happening soon. Jeff still has either Anderson or Morgan to deal with, plus RVD. Kurt could be put in that equation as could Sting.

So for the time being, I dont think it would be a good idea to turn AJ face. They could make a long drawn out storyline, where his turn is gradual. Say, in mid-summer it finally happens. Who knows.
aj has been fantastic as a heel. he is one of the reasons the immortal storyline works & a big reason tna has any fans left. tna= styles, face or heel.

he has plenty of time to go back to the 'tna saviour' styles isnt going anywhere & needs to see the storyline though b4 creative makes any changes.

the constant flip flop of alignment is making my head spin lately. seems no one can just enjoy where things are goin anymore. imo, styles stays heel bc it benefits tna storylines at the moment.
I think a face turn is looming in the near future. Bischoff keeps pushing AJ's buttons, and I don't think Styles will take the TV Championship off of Williams, so Bischoff will continue to be frustrated with AJ. AJ could join Morgan, Anderson, and others as they fight the good fight against Immortal. I would like to see AJ take on mentorship role as he guides these men, because Morgan and Anderson need the boost more than AJ does.
The face turn has been teased as early as June when he lost to Jay Lethal and Ric told him to just back off from wrestling. However, I do see the concerns over turning him face now. For one, that adds yet another guy to oppose Immortal. Which adds to the likes of Samoa Joe, The Pope, Matt Morgan, Doug Williams, RVD and Mr. Anderson. One more would be a bit too much right now.
If this happens to be the case then better late than never I suppose. I still can't understand why he turned heel in the first place, and while I don't deny that his heel run has been good I think that it has run it's course and it is time for him to return to the position he is best suited to, face. I mean, he wrestles like a face with all of his high flying, he is being cheered even though he is supposedly a heel a tell tale sign that the crowd love him and want to cheer him, why not let them have their wish?

With that being said I can see the concerns people would have with him turning. There are already more than enough people to oppose Immortal and with such a high profile name like AJ joining them some of them are sure to be pushed out of the way to make room. Also it would make Immortal significantly weaker, losing their second biggest actual wrestler behind Hardy.

Still though I feel the positives of the fact that he is the FACE of the company and that the crowd adore him far outweigh the negatives.
After seeing Impact I think if anything it's going to make AJ become more heel-ish than turn face. It seemed Bischoff was trying to get AJ's blood up and get him motivated to regain the gold rather than push him out of the group.
I really hope they keep this AJ - Williams feud going for a while to be honest and it doesn't just end at Genesis because both of these guys are 2 of the most skilled in-ring performers in TNA just now, and I'd love to see AJ resort to some of his older X Division style moves from his matches with Daniels and Joe.
What would be best in this feud is if AJ can keep playing the heel, even crank it up a notch, so that he elevates Doug a bit more.
Final thought; as Doug used the Styles Clash, I really hope this means AJ's going to rock a Chaos Theory suplex. Would absolutely love it
Personally, I like the idea of AJ Styles kicking people's ass and gaining respect that way. A face turn could be in the future and might make sense. However, right now seems too soon.

But, out of the current Fortune/Immortal line up, he seems to be the guy that would get the biggest response turning face and challenging the group.
AJ Styles should be synonymous with TNA. As I said, he should be to TNA what Cena is to WWE. I say let him do it. Let a homegrown guy lead the company and show the world that he is deserving of all of the accolades he's given, as opposed to dropping mid-card belts to other mid-carders while being lost in the shadows of talent from yesterday.

He has no charisma, he has no gimmick that people can relate too, he has no sort of presence. There is never going to be a time when you can relate AJ Styles to Cena in terms of top face of a company.

AJ is a generic as they come. His Heel turn is the only thing that gave him some sort of life. God knows how many times TNA has tried to get him to develop a personality by paring him with Flair, Sting, etc. It hasn't worked once.

Most importantly, he is not a draw. His 6 month title reign drew low numbers whenever he had an in-ring segment promoting a PPV match. People really need to get over this homegrown crap. It doesn't do anything financially for a company.
He has no charisma, he has no gimmick that people can relate too, he has no sort of presence. There is never going to be a time when you can relate AJ Styles to Cena in terms of top face of a company.

AJ is a generic as they come. His Heel turn is the only thing that gave him some sort of life. God knows how many times TNA has tried to get him to develop a personality by paring him with Flair, Sting, etc. It hasn't worked once.

Most importantly, he is not a draw. His 6 month title reign drew low numbers whenever he had an in-ring segment promoting a PPV match. People really need to get over this homegrown crap. It doesn't do anything financially for a company.

Exactly thats why if the man was in the WWE he be a midcarder or jobber at best...because he has no personality, charisma or mic work....which in the WWE matters over wrestling cause the majority fans only care for those kinda superstars.

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