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William Regal


Championship Contender
This has probably been discussed before but I really feel William Regal should have of been made World Champion at least once during his WWE career. I feel it is more than likely too late nowdays and he has a certain role in the company other than chasing gold and other than the fact I for one would love it, I don't see what making him Champion would bring to the current Era which is ashame (unless of course they gave him a run out of respect/appreciation).

Being World Champion is not the be all and end all (some wrestlers do not need belts as they possess other aspects and I feel he is one of those) I am aware of this and I am aware of the respect he gets from wrestlers and fans based on his in ring ability and mic work but it would have been nice to see him go down in history as the first British WWE Champion or just be nice to see him with the belt for a while (he deserved it).

Do you feel William Regal should have been made Champion at some point?
Would you have liked to see him/like to see him as Champ?
Do you feel that after his KOTR win he would have been pushed into maybe becoming World Champion if he was not suspended at the time?
To be honest I am a brit myself, and Regal was never WHC material, he was always lower/midcard at best. He put on some brilliant fueds but I dont think he was ever that over apart from being the commisioner and when he came back to the UK.

The future British WHC will be Wade Barrett...that guy is extremely talented
I think William Regal had everything needed to be World Heavyweight Champion. He was a brilliant in-ring worker, and has always been over has a heel. I don't think he would have been pushed to the championship though, suspension or not. At least not immediately. KOTR rarely leads to that. I think he could have made it there eventually had it not been for the suspension. Maybe a year or two, had he stayed active. I don't mind like I used to though. William Regal holds the distinct title of being the best wrestler to never be World Champion. I think there's some mystique to that.
William Regal had everything it took to become a World Champion. But sadly, he debuted around the time Austin, Rock, Foley and Triple H ran the game which made him obsolete in the main event. Now, being a lower/midcarder for so long, somewhat ruined his image and made it impossible to take him seriously as a main eventer. Do I think he deserves a shot? Hell yeah. Unlike Mark Henry and other lifetime mid carders, William Regal has put over a huge amount off talent and worked his ass of doing so.

William Regal is a veteran who has everything it takes to hold a world title. His mic ability is on par with the likes of Chris Jericho or Miz, his wrestling ability is some of the best technical work in the WWE. He has the look of a World Champion and is phenomenally talented. In 2008 after King of the Ring and his general manager role, it was a perfect time to give him a run with the heavyweight title. But he got suspended and all that momentum simply went away.

Now I don't believe would be the best time for him to hold the title. He's over 40 and I'm pretty sure he's already contemplated retirement. It would just be a huge waste of time for the WWE to put that much effort into making him world champion material. Why waste that time when they could spend that time on someone younger?

Anyway, give a Intercontinental or United States Championship reign and have him defend and put over some young technical guys like Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan or Wade Barrett. But a world title reign would be out of the question right now.
Like I mentioned I also think it may be too late for any World Championship reigns..pretty much certain infact but it would be nice as he holds everything it takes and only his age goes against him. As far as "wrestling" goes I personally think he is still one of if not the best in the company and he is priceless on an entertainment level with his mic work and promos. I would like to see him capture the Intercontinental Title once more before he retires.

I think he could bring some credibility back to the belt if he is allowed to have a bit of a run and a bit of creative freedom. A feud with Barrett interests me more than seeing them team up. If such a thing were to happen I would like both to remain heels because I think it would work seeing as Regal is the sort of heel that you just want to cheer nomatter what. As Champion he could really help get some of the Smackdown midcard talent over with good solid matches (his stiff match with Goldberg made Goldberg look the best he ever did in my opinion).
Definately agree that Regal is super talented in ring ability and great character base, but also being a Brit myself, I don't think he was championship material. At his best, he was mid card (IC title) standard at best, which is not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of guys who spent most of their careers at that level were still regarded as being very successful and Regal is no different, he has done a lot and achieved a lot.

One Brit I would love to have seen achieve the World Title would've been the British Bulldog, he in my opinion is without a doubt the best British wrestler/character that the UK has ever had representing them. However, I do believe that Wade Barrett currently will reach that status in the near future, I really don't see him getting stuck at mid-card level for much longer.

Will be interesting to see how it all works out...
Regal was on his way, or so I believe.

In 2008, they had plans for Regal, beyond being the GM. He had a mini-feud with HHH, and won The King of the Ring. I don't know if he was supposed to win the title that year, or anything near that level, but he was definitely receiving a huge push.

He has the talent, there's no questioning that. And if you are questioning that, you don't know what you're talking about. He has a technical, yet ruthless approach inside of the ring. Regal made bums look like gold, on a regular basis. On the mic, forget about it. Maybe the most underrated talker in the history of the business. He could have carried a main event feud on character and mic skills alone. Too bad he failed a drug test and got himself suspended, ending any chance at becoming a big deal. He has no one to blame but himself.

I would love to see him as a commentator, or even in the GM role once again. I have no idea they have planned for Regal, but I say he's far too talented to sit on the bench forever.
Yeah I rememeber Regal back in 2008 after he won the King of the Ring tournamentand was the GM of Raw and he Super Push was done perfectly, he was getting Heat that Vickie Guerrero could only dream of and it was such a shame he got suspended because he was heading towards a World Championship without a doubt

And I guess after he did get suspended Vince just lost asll trust in him, it wasn't the first time he got suspended and Vince was all but aware of his past drug problems.
Yeah definitely no doubt that Regal was on his way to a WWE title after he won the King of the Ring in 2008 but he has no one else to blame but himself for getting suspended.

He was the King and GM and people were definitely giving him great heat. Especially when he would cut the power to matches and what not. Regal was on his way and I amoungst other people were definitely excited to see what would be next for him. If anything he definitely was going to get a feud with Triple H and I think after that Vince was going to see if he was ready for the strap of not. Which by all means he definitely was.

What is great about foreign stars is no matter how hated they are in the US they are GODS in their country and Regal was no exception. I remember when he beat Santino in the UK for the IC title and gave a speech right after the crowd was eating out of the palm of his hands and it seemed like an emotional moment for him and the crowd when he once again claimed the IC Championship. Not to mention with Layla being his manager around then they were a UK power couple.

Not only that Regal as a heel made you care about people you normally wouldn't. With his angle with Jamie Noble he had people loving Noble to hopefully get his revenge on Regal and Layla. Yeah Regal is always going to be a valuable asset and here's hoping he'll always do something of relevance for years to come.

P.S. I do agree that Barrett will be the Brit to make history and claim a World or WWE title.
William Regal was in the driver seat after he won the 2008 King of the Ring torney. But he play'd himself by getting suspended for violating the WWE wellness policy. Regal is a classy vet, and he's one of the few wrestler's that's on Vince McMahon's good side. But at 43 years-old, I don't think that we will ever see a world champion in William Regal. Atlease in the WWE.

Maybe in TNA/Impact wrestling he would have a better chance. A place where middle-aged wrestlers as world champion are common.
2008 was the last time William Regal looked serious. 2008 was the last time William Regal looked prepared for the World Heavyweight Championship and had he not been suspended, I think he would have gotten a shot. He has always been entertaining on the mic and his in-ring work has been top tier. He had a great arsenal of moves, which I miss seeing since he's busy jobbing in two minutes now. It's a shame that he hasn't been able to regain any kind of worth. It would have been better to retire shortly after his suspension rather than fading into obscurity at this point.
As much as I agree with you I don't see it. He's older and this era is all about youth that's why you didn't see shawn michaels get one more run with the world title. But its okay there are a lot of wrestlers who's great that never won the big one. I only see William regal being a manager for daniel bryan or mason ryan.
I do not think Regal had what it took to be a World Champion. Maybe for a brief run on Smackdown or something but I just don't think he would be believable as a top tier guy. His best moments came from when he was abusing his Raw GM powers to turn off the lights or end the show during a match. None of those happened in the ring. I would not really have wanted to see him as a world champion on either brand because there are others who would be more believable in the role and deserve such a push more. His King of the Ring win could perhaps have led to it, but I doubt it. His time as an evil GM was the best he ever would have gotten.

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