Will you buy WrestleMania?

Sleeping before eleven? You must be part of Smokey Mountain's hot, young party boy tag team!
I'll be watching, but the only thing I'll be buying are some chicken wings at B-Dubs. I enjoy Wrestlemania and make sure to watch it every year, but no way in hell will I spend money on a Mania after what the WWE did to me at Wrestlemania 25. If I didn't buy last years show with that stacked card, I doubt I'll pay top dollar for any Mania.

I'm pro youth movement, but this tentative card does nothing for me as far as purchasing. There are no mega matches, and that's what Wrestlemania needs. Mark my words, the Rock is going to be the biggest distraction possibly in the history of the WWE. I really see no point, as of now, as to why he's involved. He's getting cheap buyrates, nothing more.
I'll buy it anyway, it's $50 for the North Americans but it's only €24 for Ireland, and €14 for me as I'm on a special package which allows me to get every Sky Box Office WWE event during the year, so it's not too bad.

And I'll ehco the statement, if Christian headlines I'd pay double to see him Main Event Wrestlemania.
If I wasn't going to it, I would buy it. I actually like the card so far but that may be from the excitement of seeing it in person.

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