Ideal WrestleMania 29 Cards - You know, if WWE knew how to use 4 hours...

Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, and Kane vs Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns
What in the fuck is this shit? I like your tag team idea of Punk/Lesnar against HHH/Taker. There's a lot going on there, that they could minimalism Lesnar and Taker's appearances and still sell one hell of a main event.

WrestleMania XXIX
Metlife Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
April 7, 2013

WWE Championship
The Rock vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk

I Quit Match
Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship
Big Show (c) vs. **Mark Henry

Randy Orton vs. Ryback

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Seth Rollins, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto del Rio, Dean Ambrose, Jack Swagger

WWE Tag Team Championship
Team Hell No (c) vs. Prime Time Players

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara

WWE Divas Championship
Eve Torres (c) vs. AJ Lee

YouTube Exclusive Pre-Show
Champion vs. Champion - Winner Take All

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Antonio Cesaro (c)

**winner of the 2013 WWE Royal Rumble match

I'll be honest, I'm not sure about 1/2 of these matches, but on the whole I thought it would be a very entertaining card. After thinking about it, I decided because I don't give a damn about Brock Lesnar anymore, I would rather see him and Triple H beat the hell out of each other again than have either guy get involved with Punk, Rock, Undertaker or Cena.

Everyone is always asking: who is the Rock going to face at Mania? Will he be Champion? Where does that leave Cena? Is Punk going to get screwed over again? Well, here it put them in a 3-way match and nobody can bitch about nothin'. Nobody can say "ugh, not Rock/Cena again". And nobody can say "why is Punk/Cena not in the main event?" Everyone shut up, and watch the three biggest draws in wrestling today go to town.

Mark Henry goes over Big Show after he wins the Rumble. Ziggler cashes in immediately after, and wins.

Speaking of which, that is not an error having Ziggler in the Money in the Bank match. He's just the kind of cocky sum'bitch to want to win two of them at the same time. Insurance policy, baby! Maybe even let him... And speaking of MITB...why the hell not? I can't think of any other reason to get 8 guys on the card without scrapping something else.

Orton and Ryback. Because I don't know what the fuck else to do with them. There are problems. I know. Sheamus is missing. Most because I don't give a fuck.
What the hell, here goes:

WWE Championship: The Rock (c) versus John Cena

After the Rock takes the title from Punk at the Royal Rumble, he faces off with Cena in the second consecutive Once In A Lifetime match, with a different winner this time around. Punk shouldn't be too disappointed, though, because:

CM Punk versus Stone Cold Steve Austin

Not as far fetched as you might think. Austin has said he wouldn't be opposed to a match with Punk, they have exchanged banter over twitter for quite some time now. Austin has said he is in shape enough to compete in the ring, and Punk has referenced Austin on RAW on multiple occasions. This would be the true barometer in terms of how serious WWE is about investing in Punk on a long time basis.

Brock Lesnar versus Ryback

Battle of the big men. Again, let's see if Ryback is truly in the big picture for WWE, or is he going to go the way of the Funkasaurus- extinct.

US Championship: Daniel Bryan versus Antonio Cesaro

If Cesaro has established himself by then, put him over Bryan who is solid enough to not be hurt by the loss. If Cesaro is still unimpressive (my prediction), Bryan takes the title from him.

Tag Team: Rhodes Scholars (c) versus Mysterio and Sin Cara

Rhodes Scholars gain even more respectability by going over the luchadores. And if some reason they cannot do so, no harm in putting the belts on the masked guys.

Dolph Ziggler versus Randy Orton (c): WHC Championship

Ziggler wins the 2013 Royal Rumble, so now he has both the MITB Briefcase and the title shot at WM. He uses his title shot to face Orton at WM after Orton captures this belt somewhere between then and now. He loses to Orton, but still has the Briefcase to use at a later day, at which point he wins to finally capture a major title belt.

Big Show versus Mark Henry

No real reason, just a battle of two huge veterans. Could be a loser leaves WWE match, after which Henry retires, but not necessarily.

IC Championship: Wade Barrett (c) versus Sheamus

After giving Barrett a short run with this mid card title, WWE finally realizes he's not championship material. Sheamus regains a belt. Or if I'm wrong and Barrett has been impressive, putting him over Sheamus would be significant. Regal could figure in here somehow as well.

The Miz versus Kofi Kingston

No real reason. Could be to solidify a Miz face turn with a simultaneous Kingston heel turn.

Triple H versus HBK

Got to be involved in Wrestlemania somehow, so why not?

And what about the Undertaker? Physically unable to compete this year, so he appears and cuts a promo announcing that WM 30 will be his last Wrestlemania before he retires. Opponent to be announced at a later date. Will fuel the inevitable Sting/Undertaker annual rumours, but his opponent will turn out to be the one and only John Cena.

Book it.
Is this supposed to be moderately realistic, or just whatever?

Judging by some of the nonsense im seeing so far, im guessing the latter. Just finding out before I go.
Streak Vs Streak, WWE Title

CM Punk Vs The Undertaker

Grudge match (via intereference at RR)

The Rock Vs Cena

No Holds Barred

Triple H Vs Brock Lesnar


(C) Dolph Ziggler Vs Randy Orton

US title

(C) Big Show Vs Ryback

IC title Fatal 4 way

(C) Wade Barrett Vs The Miz Vs Cody Rhodes Vs Daniel Bryan

Tag Titles

Sin Carastyrio Vs PTP

Kane vs Sheamus

Ten man tag of the heels and faces who should be on mania but arent intruiging enough for their own matches -

Kofi Kingston
Zack Ryder
International Airstrike


Alberto Del Rio
Damien Sandow
Bray Wyatt w/ Harper
Mark Henry
Here's a somewhat realistic card, with just a dash of nonsense:

WWE Championship
The Rock (C) vs. CM Punk (with Paul Heyman) vs. John Cena

Last Man Standing Match
Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs. Triple H

The Streak
The Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett (, seriously, what?)

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler (C) vs. Ryback

Undercard Main Event
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Clusterfuck Tag Match
The Miz, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger vs. The Big Show, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, Antonio Cesaro

Hell NO! Graduation Match
Hell NO! (Kane & Bryan) & AJ Lee (with Shelby) vs. The Primetime Players (Young & O'Neil) & Eve Torres

N(XT)ew School vs. Old School
Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns (with Paul Heyman) vs. Christian, Mark Henry, Booker T

Ricardo's Coming Out Party
Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez

¡Cuando Luchas Collide!
Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara​
The Streak
The Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett (, seriously, what?)

I'd prefer that for WM 30. Give Barrett a long IC reign, making him and the title look good (I'm talking beating guys like Sheamus and Orton to defend and being in multi man MEs and shit). Bring out 'Taker slightly early with Barrett interrupting his big ol' return party and cutting a promo where he insults 'Taker and insinuates that the only reason 'Taker's been successful at Wrestlemania is because he gets into people's heads. Makes them think that he can't be beaten, makes them doubt their own abilities. But Barrett, he's not going to doubt himself because he sees a ghost in the mirror. He's buried 'Taker alive and fought for his life more times than 'Taker's had wives/surgeries/hot dinners. Finishing off with calling 'Taker nothing but a broken old man who Barrett's going to put down

Cue the two of them having a few more exchanges in the ring (mostly on Raw) with 'Taker trying to get into Barrett's head and Barrett borderline mocking 'Taker's usual stuff (video promos in graveyards, using some of his trademark moves while 'Taker's watching). The two have a brawl at 'Mania. If Vince or 'Taker thinks he's likely to have another in him, he wins. If he wants to hang up the boots, Barrett ends the streak (it's more use ended than it is present if 'Taker's done).
Even time slotted out

(including entrances)

Punk - Taker - 30 mins

Trips - lesnar - 30 mins

Rock - Cena - 25 mins

Orton - Ziggler - 35 mins

Ic title - 20 mins

US title - 15 Mins

All others - 10 minutes

give or take 5 mins per for entrances and the like.
I'd prefer that for WM 30. Give Barrett a long IC reign, making him and the title look good (I'm talking beating guys like Sheamus and Orton to defend and being in multi man MEs and shit). Bring out 'Taker slightly early with Barrett interrupting his big ol' return party and cutting a promo where he insults 'Taker and insinuates that the only reason 'Taker's been successful at Wrestlemania is because he gets into people's heads. Makes them think that he can't be beaten, makes them doubt their own abilities. But Barrett, he's not going to doubt himself because he sees a ghost in the mirror. He's buried 'Taker alive and fought for his life more times than 'Taker's had wives/surgeries/hot dinners. Finishing off with calling 'Taker nothing but a broken old man who Barrett's going to put down

Cue the two of them having a few more exchanges in the ring (mostly on Raw) with 'Taker trying to get into Barrett's head and Barrett borderline mocking 'Taker's usual stuff (video promos in graveyards, using some of his trademark moves while 'Taker's watching). The two have a brawl at 'Mania. If Vince or 'Taker thinks he's likely to have another in him, he wins. If he wants to hang up the boots, Barrett ends the streak (it's more use ended than it is present if 'Taker's done).

Yea, except for not one single person on planet earth would give Barret a snow balls chance in hell of ending the streak, nor would he be worthy of ending it over
WWE Championship match
Cm Punk(c) vs John Cena(W) Vs The Rock

Brock Lesnar Vs The Undertaker(W)

Divas Championship
A.J Vs Eve(c)(W)

World Heavyweight Championship-Hardcore Match
Dolph Ziggler(c)(W) Vs Mick Foley

Ryback(W) Vs Big Show

Tag Team Championship match

Daniel Bryan(c),Kane(c) Vs 2 of the 3 NXT rookies- Amborse and Rollins(W) Perhaps

Return of the MITB Ladder match

Wade Barrett(W)
Del Rio
Rey Mysterio
Sin Cara
Kofi Kingston
Antonio Cesaro
The Miz

World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton(heel) Vs Sheamus(c)(w)​

Now the reason I have two world title matches is for this reason. How big would it be for Ziggler to cash in MITB on Wrestlemania day only then to have his hardcore match turned into his first title defense and then to knock off Mick Foley all in the same night. Not only has it yet to be done but I think it would be a fantastic way to start off a long championship run and make you an instant star.
WWE Championship
The Rock (c) vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Big Show vs. Ryback

Triple H vs. Wade Barrett

The Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara

IC Championship Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Seth Rollins

Tag Team Championship Match
Kane & Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose

US Championship Match
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. Christian

AJ, Kaitlyn & some ****e celebrity vs. Eve Torres, Tamina & Vickie Guerrero​
oo one of these.

Undertaker vs John Cena

World Title - Sheamus (c) vs Daniel Bryan. DB wins the rumble and goes on to face Sheamus in a rematch from last year.

WWE Title - Rock (c) vs Brock II - 10 years in the making.

Big Show vs Ryback

Triple H vs Dolph Ziggler

Tag Titles - Miz and Kane vs Rhode Scholars

Punk, Rollins, Ambrose, Caesaro vs Orton, Kingston, Rey, Sin Cara because i can't think of anything else for them.

Some Diva's match.
Coming from someone who is as high on Barrett as anyone on this forum, mind.

He just hasnt single handedly dominated enough top guys. Ended up being just another piece of Cena fodder, unfortunately.

That can be fixed if we're booking the match for WM 30 if they decided to go that route (SPOILER: they won't). Give him the IC title (which they're going to anyway) and have him defend it against the top guys, giving the impression that the IC title's worth fighting for and that Barrett can beat the Ortons and Sheamuses of the world. After a few months of that put him in an extended programme with Cena which blows off in the Cell before he drops it to build up his match against 'Taker.
With the current roster and everything

World title: Rock/Punk/Cena

WHC title: Sheamus/Orton/Ziggler

IC title: Kofi/ Barret

US title: Cesaro/ Swagger

Divas title: Eve/AJ

Tag team title: Hell No/PTP/Rhodes Scholars/Mysterio and SinCara


Too many high profile matches and didn't include lot of guys that will probably be included for sure ( Del Rio, Miz, Show, Ryback) but what the hell. :)
Pre Show


Voted on by the WWE Universe, Paul Heyman is announced as the winner beating out Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole


Antonio Cesaro (c) -vs- Bray Wyatt



Dolph Ziggler (c) {w\Ric Flair} -vs- Randy Orton -vs- Miz (Royal Rumble winner)

Tag Match for Control of Del Rio's Fortune

Alberto Del Rio & Tensai -vs- Ricardo Rodriguez & ???
(After all 3 men are in the ring, Mark Henry's music hits as he makes his return to the WWE)​


Trish Stratus, Lita & Stacy Keibler -vs- Eve, AJ & Natalya

Hall of Fame Class of 2013

Announcements and Stage Ceremony

WWE Attitude Era Tag Match

Degeneration X (HHH & HBK) -vs- The APA
(Match lasts about 10 minutes before DX starts to break apart & fight, the APA decides to sit back and enjoy a few beers as we lead into....)

HHH -vs- HBK


Wade Barrett (c) -vs- Christian


Hell No! (c) -vs- Rey Mysterio\Evan Bourne -vs- Rhodes Scholars -vs- International Airstrike


The Undertaker -vs- Ryback


The Rock (c) -vs- John Cena
(Heyman uses his new GM powers to make Lesnar part of the match, but he gets taken out immediately by Rock & Cena)


CM Punk -vs- Stone Cold Steve Austin

My dream card:
WWE Championship: The Rock (c) vs John Cena vs CM Punk
Streak Match: The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho
World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler (c)
Brock Lesner (with Paul Heyman) vs Ryback (with Triple H)
Kane vs Daniel Bryan
IC Championship: Kofi Kingston (c) vs Christian vs Wade Barrett vs The Miz
US Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs Evan Bourne
Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio
Mark Henry vs Big Show
Divas Championship: Eve (c) vs AJ Lee
Pre Show​

Ascension (debut) versus 3MB

Rest of the Roster Battle Royal, won by Jack Swagger

Main Show​

Zack Ryder, Brodus Clay & Santino Marella versus Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose

Team Hell No (c) versus Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara versus Rhodes Scholars versus International Airstrike for the WWE Tag Team Championships

Eve (c) w/ Vickie Guerrero versus AJ for the Divas Championship

The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro (c) for the United States Championship

Big Show versus Mark Henry

Kofi Kingston (c) versus Alberto Del Rio for the Intercontinental Championship

Sheamus versus Wade Barrett

Dolph Ziggler (c) versus Ryback versus Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship

The Undertaker versus Brock Lesnar versus Triple H

The Rock (c) versus John Cena versus CM Punk for the WWE Championship
WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. The Rock

Undertaker's Streak
The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton

WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match
Team Hell No
Team Rhodes Scholars
Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara
Prime Time Players
International Airstrike
<insert more teams here>

Intercontinental Championship
Wade Barrett vs. Christian vs. Alberto del Rio

United States Championship
Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz

Diva's Championship
Eve Torres vs. AJ Lee

Filler Matches
Ryback vs. Big Show
Sheamus vs. John Cena (Sheamus heel turn because he can't win back the championship)

PTP vs. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder
Heath Slater vs. Broadus Clay

Main Card

World Heavyweight Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback

Big Show vs. Randy Orton

Intercontinental Championship vs. US Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Cesaro

Battle royal for Divas Championship
AJ Lee

Mark Henry vs. The Miz

WWE Tag Team Championship
Rhodes Scholars vs. Team Hell No

Some random mini-concert

Hell in a Cell
Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

CMPunk vs. The Undertaker by DQ.

WWE Championship
The Rock vs. John Cena

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