Ideal WrestleMania 29 Cards - You know, if WWE knew how to use 4 hours...

The Rock vs, Cena II - WWE Championship

Undertaker vs. Lesnar

Ryback vs. CM Punk

Sheamus Vs. Wade Barrett

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

Mysterio & Sin Cara vs. International Airstrike vs. Rhodes Scholars vs. PTP - Tag Titles TLC

Dolph Ziggler vs Mick Foley

Randy Orton vs. Big Show vs. The Miz vs. Christian - World Heavyweight Championship

Kingston vs. Del Rio - Intercontinental Championship

Antonio Cesaro vs. Mark Henry - US Championship

Some shit women's match.
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker

The Rock vs. John Cena

- I couldn't decide where to put the WWE Title. The Taker match doesn't need a championship to sell, and neither would Rocky v. Cena II. So, it could go either way.

Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton

Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals

World Title- Ryback (Rumble Winner) vs. Ziggler (c)

Many a midcard matches involving people like Christian, Rey, Sin Cara, Sheamus, Henry, Show, Barret, Bryan, Kane etc etc.
Oh, ideal? As in, anything I want?

Rock vs. Cena II - WWE Title
Austin vs. heel Orton
Brock vs. Taker
CM Punk vs. HHH (a real brawl this time)
heel Sheamus vs. Ryback - WHC
Sin Cara vs. Mysterio
Daniel Bryan and Kane vs. Mark Henry and The Big Show (Show has to be on the card, unfortunately)
Alberto vs. Christian vs. Kofi vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett vs. Antonio Cesaro - MITB
Random Diva's Battle Royal

What I think will probably happen?

Rock vs. Cena II - WWE Title
Brock vs. Undertaker
heel Orton vs. Sheamus - WHC
CM Punk vs. HHH
-the rest doesn't mean much.
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Championship
The Rock vs. Cena II
Ryback vs. Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar Hell in a Cell
Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz for the US Title
Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus for the number one contendership to the World Title
Some type of tag team battle royal or something
Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara
WWE Championship
CM Punk © vs. The Rock vs. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar

Lesnar gets involved in Punk and Rock’s match at the Rumble, either costing Rock the match or giving Rock the win but by DQ. Cena of course makes the save despite having his own problems with Rock. Punk and Heyman think they have outsmarted everyone but in the end Punk ends up having to put his title on the line against both Cena and Rock. To really show Punk and Heyman who is in control, Vince or whoever adds Lesnar to the match. Now you have two teams, somewhat, yet everyone is on their own and Heyman is put in a compromising situation. I would say the best possible ending to this match for the WWE moving forward would either be have Punk win or have Punk lose but by Heyman screwing him and siding with Lesnar.​

Winner: Punk or Lesnar

World Heavyweight Championship
Big Show © vs. Ryback

Even though I don’t like either of them myself, having Ryback win the Rumble and then go on to pick Show up over his head, drop him and win the title would be a cool moment. The Rumble doesn’t really mean as much as it used to but it is still a guaranteed title match at Mania and Ryback winning could be just what he needs to give him some legitimacy.​

Winner: Ryback

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

These two are too big of names not to be on the card, even though the card will be stacked. So since Orton really wants to turn heel, have him turn by beating the shit out of Sheamus and reminding everyone that although Sheamus and others might have held the title and main evented shows this year, Orton is still the man and has been for the last ten years or so. I hate Orton so I would have Sheamus boot his fucking head off and pin his ass clean.​

Winner: Sheamus

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett

I don’t know if Taker could keep up with Barrett or if Barrett is ready for Taker at Mania, but I think if they did go up against one another they could probably put on a good match. In building to this match I would have Barrett be runner up in the Rumble, maybe after being in there quite a bit of time. After being screwed out of Mania last year with an injury and just coming up short at winning the Rumble, Barrett is pissed and in a final effort to main event Mania, he starts talking shit about Taker. Come Mania, Barrett ends up eating his words.​

Winner: Undertaker

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan

They are going to wrestle each other again inevitably, despite their tag team being awesome. I would drag out the tag team thing until the Rumble or the Elimination Chamber or something, have them lose and then fail at regaining the belts, build shit up between them with each of them saying how they are the better half of the team and then they decide to have one more match to settle the score. I don’t even think it would matter who won, as long as they hug after before going their separate ways. Maybe have Bryan lose and have people harass him that at least it wasn’t 18 seconds.​

Winner: Kane

Dolph Ziggler vs. Zach Ryder

Ziggler fails to cash in his briefcase and win the Rumble. Ryder beaks Ziggler about it unmercifully and the two of them go back and forth with one another, stirring up shit from a while back. Have Ryder win the match and after all the failures, Ziggler takes some time off to re-evaluate his situation. Then have Ziggler return and tear it up.​

Winner: Ryder

WWE Tag Team Championship
Del Rio & Rodriguez © vs. Sin Cara & Mysterio vs. Rhode Scholars vs. Santino & Brodus

I was thinking having Del Rio and Rodriguez team up might freshen up Del Rio’s character a bit which has been pretty stagnant for a while. Have the two of them find their way in to a tag team match with Kane and Bryan and somehow, someway Rodriguez ends up getting the upset victory for his team. Play it off like Del Rio isn’t really interested because he wants to go after the heavyweight title, but to Rodriguez it’s the greatest thing ever and he is super proud of it. I would have Rodriguez again steal the win in this match for his team.

Winners: Del Rio and Rodriguez

WWE Divas Championship
Eve © vs. AJ

This is really the only woman’s match that would make sense this year I think. After Vickie turns out to be full or shit about the AJ/Cena scandal, AJ is offered her job back as general manager. She turns it down and instead asks for a title shot. AJ wins capping off her year. The next night maybe have it be revealed that AJ was actually Kaitlyn’s attacker from a few months back. They’re best friends, but bitches be crazy and AJ is a known schizo.​

Winner: AJ

Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston

The US champ takes on the Intercontinental champ but with nothing but respect and honor on the line. Having said all that, Cesaro ends up getting the cheap win.​

Winner: Cesaro

Pre-Show Dance Off

Miz takes on the Gangnam Style guy.​
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Reactions: TLC
CM Punk (C) vs The Rock - WWE Championship
Lesnar vs Undertaker
Cena vs Austin
Heel Sheamus (C) vs Ryback - World Heavyweight Championship

Wrestlemania 29:

Sting vs The Undertaker - say Sting dosent resign with TNA next month and finally gives the people the match they always wanted. Awesome promos and build up segments. Taker wins barely. Respect shown on both parts after the match.

SCSA vs CM Punk - Austins hinted that hes gonna be plenty fit enough in the time span of wrestlemania. They both have teased it. Punk wins. An opportunity to concrete Punk as the top guy within the company (ok,maybe joint with Cena)

Lesnar vs Rock(c) - obviously Lesnar isnt going to win. Rock wins and drops the title at the next PPV to a FULL TIME DEDICATED WWE Performer.

John Cena vs Ryback - Ryback as big a Face as ever. have Cena tease switching to Heel by winning by a dodgy decsion. This will make the IWC explode again. But Cena never offically switches so keeps 7 year old fans still happy cheering for him.

Ziggles vs Mick Foley - have Mick put Ziggles over. Prefebly a No DQ match. Ziggles is the future. Make a true Wrestlemania moment happen. (Dont let him drop of a cell again but something people will remember while letting ziggles shine)

The Sheild vs Team Hell No. (3 vs 2 Elimination Match) - sheild wins after team hell no officially breaks up causing the loss.

WHC: Fatal For Way Ladder Match
Big Show(c) vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Del Rio - Randy wins . Then ziggles goes and cashes in winning the title. The start of a very long run being champ

Kofi(c) vs Wade Barett - Barett wins

Cesaro(c)vs Jack Swagger Cesaro retains
The Rock vs John Cena - WWE Title Match
Randy Orton vs Sheamus - World Title Match
Undertaker vs CM Punk
Triple H vs Brock Lesnar

You have your two title matches and your two special attraction WM Matches. I think those will be the 4 main matches that they build around.

I rather see Brock vs Taker, Punk vs Triple H and Daniel Bryan vs Orton for the world title.

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