Will WWE rectify the "Orton-mistake"?

By hook or crook, Bryan deserves another shot at the title. HHH has everything at his disposal to screw Bryan out of that title, and he has. Now Bryan has to contend with Orton, HHH, Steph, and HBK. That's an extremely cohesive unit right now, but it was good to see the other superstars finally attack the The Shield. Maybe Bryan will receive more help like that down the road. Obviously having referee Scott Armstrong in his back pocket did not help. HHH caught it. So now, Bryan has got to get creative himself if he really wants that belt. Unfortunately he is not entitled to a rematch like ADR is against Cena. Maybe Cena or Punk can help, but it would be there call. Rigth now, it doesn't look good for Bryan even though we all know he could beat the WWE Champion anytime like he has 3 times this year.

I love posting in kayfabe, but that is how I think this angle should get played.
Alright, so I have my answer to my original post in this thread, they aren't rectifying the Orton mistake at all. They are just continuing to hold back Bryan until his big moment. You know, I fully understand the term "delayed gratification" but if the big day comes with Bryan is finally champion and the audience isn't that into it- WWE only has themselves to blame for how his story played out.

Now, back to Boreton.
I can't believe they are throwing Orton/Big Show at us and trying to call it a legitimate championship feud. Ignoring the fact that the feud is ACTUALLY between Show and The Authority (which is now holding members The Shield and Kane), does anyone really want to see a match between Show and Orton?

Show is actually a decent wrestler (better than Orton) and does some solid storytelling in the ring, so of course he will carry Orton through the match. But nothing about that pairing screams "main event" or even "1 of 2 main events (counting the WHC)" at Survivor Series. Talk about dull. Hopefully the undercard is great and they save the WHC for last, putting Orton/Show on towards the beginning to early middle of the PPV. Let the fans forget as quickly as possible.

And now I have to throw some shade at Orton fans- not that there are many left thankfully but those that are on here. Can anyone give any reasoning behind why you like the guy or think he deserves to be where he is? Let's take away his family and remove backstage politics from the situation as well. Just in terms of a WWE wrestler... so we are talking charisma, mic skills, actual wrestling ability, the look, etc... all of those things that go into making a John Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, etc... Does anyone honestly see any of that in Orton? And if you do, explain.

In a decades time, will any of us look back at his career and be able to point out a dozen matches that are five stars? Will anyone be able to point out a feud that we can say "wow, that feud was one for the ages?" And will anyone even think he merits an eventual spot in a WWE HOF? Of course, all of this could be moot if he ends up being fired for an eventual third strike but seriously...

any takers to any of my questions? I wait... as crickets chirp.
I think it is quite telling that I posted this five days and not a single member has yet to respond. Usually, you get a variation of people either agreeing and adding some points and disagreeing and explaining why. But it seems most people on here simply agree and nothing more needs to be said.

Note- I am not trying to "bump" this thread or flame or troll or anything of the like. I'm not that kind of person. I'm just surprised (happy but surprised) that no one has said anything in response to what I think was a well thought out and written post.

Maybe we really have come to a time where the IWC and the WWE Universe fans mesh in agreement about Mr. Orton. Sounds good to me peeps. :)

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