Will WWE rectify the "Orton-mistake"?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Opinions are one thing, right? Especially within the realms of the IWC and all. Everything is subjective. However, I don't think it is wrong to say that the outrage being seen across the net today at Orton's win and subsequent 11th time reign (coupled with Bryan's loss) should be taken very seriously by the WWE.

Jim Ross in his blog, wresting critics on many sites (this one included), fans on message boards, etc... All are up in arms about how amazing it is how audience have now spent close to or over 200 dollars waiting to see Daniel Bryan win the championship, only to have them stale, boring, horrid mic-work and lazy wrestling Randy Orton reign for an 11th time.

So, I ask.. could the outrage seen between last night and today cause WWE to get "creative" tonight and do some damage control? At the very least, could they finally make the title switch happen ASAP- if not tonight, at Survivor Series? People are PISSED.

No one thinks this was a good move by any standard.
Orton had not beaten Bryan in a match since Summerslam. Bryan won match after match and if Orton had lost WWE had nowhere to take him. I think Orton needed the win far more than Bryan as Orton had not had a win in a title match since he got HHH's help. Bryan had won at NOC and looked dominant on Raw and SD. Bryan can recover easier from a loss but there was no recovery if Orton had lost. Clap Clap Clap WWE creative great decision
Meh, they will get over it.

Randy Orton winning the WWE Championship gives WWE a shitload to work with compared to Daniel Bryan winning it. If he did, it would be all about Bryan/Triple H and personally I don't really care to see that. Now with Orton holding the gold, there is potential in the anti-authority figure like CM Punk doing something about it, John Cena perhaps wanting to unify the championships, Big Show etc.

I don't see much of a mistake here. Cowardly heel won, just to be dropped by somebody else for a later date.
Well, I am glad to see the differing opinions on here though thank goodness no one disagrees with me about Orton being a boring, no talent with horrible mic skills and inept wrestling abilities. At least most of the net agrees on that one! :)
Came here to see peoples opinions on Orton's win last night. I've been feeling pretty tired of wrestling recently, last nights PPV was enough for me to finally decide to take a break from it for a while. I feel like the tag division is the only one worth watching anymore. I don't mind Cena but I was promised 6 months without him. 6 months of drastically different television because of that, but now that he is back it feels like it'll be more of the same. I would like the Wyatt Family if they had a slightly clearer goal, but whenever they come out I feel like I am watching an episode of Lost. They throw mysteries at us that have no clear answer and quite likely have no answer at all.

However the part I find the most annoying, every damn PPV recently ends on a cliffhanger. Last night they wanted us to be thinking "Why did HBK kick DB?" All I could think was "Why can't they just give us an end to this angle already?" I don't want to pay money to see a PPV end with a "tune in for answers tomorrow" ending. I want to see some stories conclude at least.

If you enjoyed the PPV last night then good for you. However I need a break for now.
It's difficult to say where they go from here. In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if WWE tried to extend Bryan vs. Orton through the rest of 2013. Unless they seriously plan to just jump straight into a title unification with Cena vs. Orton, there are only a few viable opponents for Orton. I'm assuming WWE won't just gloss over Del Rio's rematch against Cena. They always could, but they usually don't go the route of skipping title rematches. The only three left are Punk, Bryan & Big Show.

Punk vs. Heyman should have ended last night, but it won't be at all surprising if they try to squeeze even more juice out of it somehow. He's beaten the snot out of Heyman, he's handily defeated Ryback & Curtis Axel, so what else is left?

Big Show is a logical choice but, personally, I'm not at all excited about Show vs. Orton for the WWE Championship. There's just no flash to it, quite frankly. Like Cena vs. Orton, we've seen Big Show go up against Randy Orton numerous times over the years. It's true that Big Show has been really over, but I just don't see any money in Show vs. Orton.

What happens tonight on Raw could be telling about Bryan's future. I think that WWE has squandered an opportunity with Bryan to put him at a level rivaling Cena. In city after city, ppv after ppv , TV broadcast after TV broadcast, and house show after house show; WWE viewers love watching Daniel Bryan. Bryan has his share of detractors like every other wrestler does, but unless you've been both blind & deaf over the course of the summer, it can't be denied that Bryan is extremely over. I'll be surprised if he hasn't lost some momentum, however.

As I said, I could see WWE milking Bryan vs. Orton for Survivor Series and TLC. If that is what's intended, then Bryan has to win the title & keep it. At the same time, however, there's the possibility that interest in this program is really waning after all the screwjob endings Bryan's endured. It's kept him looking strong in the eyes of fans but, at the same time, you've got to eventually give fans the happy payoff or move onto something else. If they're moving both guys on then, in my opinion, they've left a lot of money on the table. The only programs that I could see Bryan heading into that won't damage him as a potential main eventer would be a feud against either Triple H or Shawn Michaels, feuds that Bryan would NEED to win in order to salvage him for a possible title feud later on. Michaels has allegedly stated backstage that he's not returning to action despite screwing over Bryan and Triple H looks to have his hands full with Big Show. So when it's all said & done, Daniel Bryan might be left out in the cold.
Well, I am glad to see the differing opinions on here though thank goodness no one disagrees with me about Orton being a boring, no talent with horrible mic skills and inept wrestling abilities. At least most of the net agrees on that one! :)

Everybody has ignore your stupid narrowminded comment. When it comes to Randy Orton is currently in the Top of his game, with portraying his character to perfection and He has been, is and will be a Great Main-Eventer for a longer time.. Rather you like it or not, Randy Orton is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and currently is one of the best wrestlers on the roster today.And he elevates almost everybody he's in the ring with.if not the best seller. Unlike most others which just get up instantly after a high impact move.

I will take Bret Hart, Triple H, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, John Cena,Edge comments over yours 24/7 when it comes to Wrestling and Randy Orton.
A heel won by underhanded tactics and people are mad? Wouldn't that mean the WWE did its job?

I'm not a fan of Orton by any means but he's getting the reaction a heel should be getting so why would the WWE rectify that? Let the crowd boo him and let people bash him. A feud is almost never over when a match is won the way it was last night. Let it play out. Bryan can still end up with the title.
Came here to see peoples opinions on Orton's win last night. I've been feeling pretty tired of wrestling recently, last nights PPV was enough for me to finally decide to take a break from it for a while. I feel like the tag division is the only one worth watching anymore. I don't mind Cena but I was promised 6 months without him. 6 months of drastically different television because of that, but now that he is back it feels like it'll be more of the same. I would like the Wyatt Family if they had a slightly clearer goal, but whenever they come out I feel like I am watching an episode of Lost. They throw mysteries at us that have no clear answer and quite likely have no answer at all.

However the part I find the most annoying, every damn PPV recently ends on a cliffhanger. Last night they wanted us to be thinking "Why did HBK kick DB?" All I could think was "Why can't they just give us an end to this angle already?" I don't want to pay money to see a PPV end with a "tune in for answers tomorrow" ending. I want to see some stories conclude at least.

If you enjoyed the PPV last night then good for you. However I need a break for now.

Hey, at least John Cena can wrestle. Randy Orton... *crickets*
It's difficult to say where they go from here. In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if WWE tried to extend Bryan vs. Orton through the rest of 2013. Unless they seriously plan to just jump straight into a title unification with Cena vs. Orton, there are only a few viable opponents for Orton. I'm assuming WWE won't just gloss over Del Rio's rematch against Cena. They always could, but they usually don't go the route of skipping title rematches. The only three left are Punk, Bryan & Big Show.

Punk vs. Heyman should have ended last night, but it won't be at all surprising if they try to squeeze even more juice out of it somehow. He's beaten the snot out of Heyman, he's handily defeated Ryback & Curtis Axel, so what else is left?

Big Show is a logical choice but, personally, I'm not at all excited about Show vs. Orton for the WWE Championship. There's just no flash to it, quite frankly. Like Cena vs. Orton, we've seen Big Show go up against Randy Orton numerous times over the years. It's true that Big Show has been really over, but I just don't see any money in Show vs. Orton.

What happens tonight on Raw could be telling about Bryan's future. I think that WWE has squandered an opportunity with Bryan to put him at a level rivaling Cena. In city after city, ppv after ppv , TV broadcast after TV broadcast, and house show after house show; WWE viewers love watching Daniel Bryan. Bryan has his share of detractors like every other wrestler does, but unless you've been both blind & deaf over the course of the summer, it can't be denied that Bryan is extremely over. I'll be surprised if he hasn't lost some momentum, however.

As I said, I could see WWE milking Bryan vs. Orton for Survivor Series and TLC. If that is what's intended, then Bryan has to win the title & keep it. At the same time, however, there's the possibility that interest in this program is really waning after all the screwjob endings Bryan's endured. It's kept him looking strong in the eyes of fans but, at the same time, you've got to eventually give fans the happy payoff or move onto something else. If they're moving both guys on then, in my opinion, they've left a lot of money on the table. The only programs that I could see Bryan heading into that won't damage him as a potential main eventer would be a feud against either Triple H or Shawn Michaels, feuds that Bryan would NEED to win in order to salvage him for a possible title feud later on. Michaels has allegedly stated backstage that he's not returning to action despite screwing over Bryan and Triple H looks to have his hands full with Big Show. So when it's all said & done, Daniel Bryan might be left out in the cold.

Good post. They need to do something like an iron-man match (lord help us though with Orton wrestling for an hour) at Survivor Series and have Bryan win and end the feud for good. And yes, Bryan needs a clean and decisive win and needs to hold the strap for many, many months.
The only way they could fix it in my eyes is to fire him. That's not going to happen so I'm not to worried about it if D-Bry would have won the belt it would have just been an "eh" moment IMO. But hopefully something will happen to rectify the wrong doings here.
A heel won by underhanded tactics and people are mad? Wouldn't that mean the WWE did its job?

Legitimate heat is far different from heel heat.

Some people are saying that this needed to happen and that this is going somewhere but the only realistic way to judge where something is going is to look where it's been. Orton won the title via screwjob, lost the title to DB but DB was stripped of the title, non-decision at battleground and back to Orton wins via screwjob again. This isn't natural progression, it's WWE's version of Groundhog Day. We're all stuck in a miserable loop and Triple H is the only one laughing. He's WWE's Andy Kaufman, fucking with the vertical hold on the TV.

That being said I'm going to follow Lord Frish's example and take a break. I did the same thing around this time last year and came back at MITB. I have problems with depression and can't justify the time investment in something that is making me unhappy. This time around I have NXT to keep me somewhat invested. 1 hour of awesomeness a week is better than 5 hours of bullshit. I have twitter, facebook, youtube and the obtrusive WWE app to keep updated so there's no need to watch a show that is about 1 hour of mostly sub par content and 2 or more hours of commercials, recaps, and people talking about nothing.
I think there are more storyline possibilities with Orton as champ, plus Bryan can still engage the fans in his chase. Doesn't mean Bryan cant (or wont) prevail in the end but I think in the interim, right now, looking at S-Series in the near future and R-Rumble in two months, there are more ways to go with Orton, more plausible challengers, and it continues the "Evil COO" story a while longer.
Everybody has ignore your stupid narrowminded comment. When it comes to Randy Orton is currently in the Top of his game, with portraying his character to perfection and He has been, is and will be a Great Main-Eventer for a longer time.. Rather you like it or not, Randy Orton is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and currently is one of the best wrestlers on the roster today.And he elevates almost everybody he's in the ring with.if not the best seller. Unlike most others which just get up instantly after a high impact move.

I will take Bret Hart, Triple H, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, John Cena,Edge comments over yours 24/7 when it comes to Wrestling and Randy Orton.

Yeah, it's really not a secret that Randy Orton is terrible. He's a mediocre wrestler, he is HORRIBLE on the mic(I've literally fallen asleep during multiple Randy Orton promos - seriously), and he has no ability to play a character...he "portrays" a character that has no portrayal. You could stick a robot in front of a camera and it could portray that character. That's why they gave it to him, because he can't do anything else. It's pure brilliance from the writing team to give him a gimmick that requires no effort.

Does he have the talent to be a good wrestler? Sure. We've seen the kind of great matches he can have when he's in there with great wrestlers like HBK, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, etc. But you'll notice it's usually them doing most of the work, and Orton will certainly never get a good match out of somebody of lesser talent than him. (ie his terrible matches with Hulk Hogan, Triple H, etc) But that (largely unfulfilled) potential, combined with the "movie star" good looks as they say, and the great gimmick he lucked - not to mention his last name - have created the perfect storm of meh that the WWE loves to push no matter what. But, hey, not everybody can be John Cena or Daniel Bryan and fight and scratch and claw for everything they get.

Anyway, as to the original topic, this is what's called good booking. Just because the vocal minority doesn't like it, that doesn't mean it was actually a bad decision. In fact, people are supposed to not like it. That means they accomplished what they set out to. It's just going to make the ultimate payoff that much sweeter.

Legitimate heat is far different from heel heat.

Some people are saying that this needed to happen and that this is going somewhere but the only realistic way to judge where something is going is to look where it's been. Orton won the title via screwjob, lost the title to DB but DB was stripped of the title, non-decision at battleground and back to Orton wins via screwjob again. This isn't natural progression, it's WWE's version of Groundhog Day. We're all stuck in a miserable loop and Triple H is the only one laughing. He's WWE's Andy Kaufman, fucking with the vertical hold on the TV.

That being said I'm going to follow Lord Frish's example and take a break. I did the same thing around this time last year and came back at MITB. I have problems with depression and can't justify the time investment in something that is making me unhappy. This time around I have NXT to keep me somewhat invested. 1 hour of awesomeness a week is better than 5 hours of bullshit. I have twitter, facebook, youtube and the obtrusive WWE app to keep updated so there's no need to watch a show that is about 1 hour of mostly sub par content and 2 or more hours of commercials, recaps, and people talking about nothing.

Yes, there is a difference between legitimate heat and heel heat, and this is what's called heel heat. It's what the WWE wants and, in fact, needs. Randy Orton needed this win to maintain any sort of relevance. When Daniel Bryan beats him and wins the title, that's the end of the chase. And, right now, Daniel Bryan isn't done chasing Randy Orton. That chase still has a lot of legs left. It's called progression. It's ok for the same thing to happen twice when you're progressing. And no, you most certainly do not judge where something is going by where it's been. You judge where something is going by waiting until it gets there. This Triple H/Orton/Bryan storyline is wonderful television. It's great storytelling from every aspect. You can tell there's a long term vision here, and there's going to be a payoff at the end. But if you're unhappy with the journey, and don't want to wait for the payoff, don't watch. That's OK. It's not for everybody. I mean, I hate Lifetime movies. You know how I deal with it? I sure as hell don't go on their website and complain about it! I don't watch! Disney movies bore me. You think I've ever been to the Disney website? Of course not! WWE are what they are. They don't make it a secret. If you don't like the way they tell stories, find another outlet that you do enjoy. There's nothing wrong with that.
Everybody has ignore your stupid narrowminded comment. When it comes to Randy Orton is currently in the Top of his game, with portraying his character to perfection and He has been, is and will be a Great Main-Eventer for a longer time.. Rather you like it or not, Randy Orton is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and currently is one of the best wrestlers on the roster today.And he elevates almost everybody he's in the ring with.if not the best seller. Unlike most others which just get up instantly after a high impact move.

I will take Bret Hart, Triple H, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, John Cena,Edge comments over yours 24/7 when it comes to Wrestling and Randy Orton.

Now bob, you need to be less obvious in your promotion of your son.

You can not seriously think that Orton is one of the best of all times. He's sloppy, botches more often then the entire NXT roster, incredibly boring on the mic, has a bland moveset and sells less then Hogan Hulking up. The only person he elevates is himself, unless he's in the ring with someone that he knows would legitimately kick his ass if he fucked around with them. It's more that every one else has to work down to his level to make him seem better then he is, than that he elevates others.
In an objective analysis, he's barely in the top 15 current WWE wrestlers, never mind currently active around the world, and forget about him even being in top 30 of all time.
Yeah, it's really not a secret that Randy Orton is terrible. He's a mediocre wrestler, he is HORRIBLE on the mic(I've literally fallen asleep during multiple Randy Orton promos - seriously), and he has no ability to play a character...he "portrays" a character that has no portrayal. You could stick a robot in front of a camera and it could portray that character. That's why they gave it to him, because he can't do anything else. It's pure brilliance from the writing team to give him a gimmick that requires no effort.

Let me Discredit you right here so fast, three of My Favorite Wrestlers of all time had Horrible Mic Skills. Bret Hart, Chris Benoit and AJ Styles''. Bret was never a great talker; he got criticized for that. He was never an over-the-top character like HBK or The Rock; he got criticized for that, too. Bret always let his in-ring performances do his talking. Or he let Jim Neidhart or Jimmy Hart do the promos. Bret just said what he needed to say, nothing more. Kinda like Chris Benoit.

Same with AJ Styles, He lets his in-ring performances do his talking for him.Just like Randy Orton, who by the way already was named #1 in PWI 500, if Orton is so boring then why did Kurt Angle say Orton is his favorite Wrestler? Why does Kurt have so much respect for in-ring performances lol.Again, I will take the word of Bret Hart who called Randy Orton"The Excellence of Execution" and says he would have loved to face him, if Goldberg didn't forced him into early retirement..

You are acting like every main eventer had great Mic Skills'', yet alone WWE Roster, not everybody,can be The Rock or John Cena,Jericho, Aries, CM Punk. Orton has never had a bad match in his career, his matches with,Cena,Punk,Christian,Swagger, Bryan,Undertaker have been great..

I Can name 50 of Orton's Greatest matches.

Edit: I can go on and say CM Punk puts me to sleep or he's overrated -_-
Yeah, it's really not a secret that Randy Orton is terrible. He's a mediocre wrestler, he is HORRIBLE on the mic(I've literally fallen asleep during multiple Randy Orton promos - seriously), and he has no ability to play a character...he "portrays" a character that has no portrayal. You could stick a robot in front of a camera and it could portray that character. That's why they gave it to him, because he can't do anything else. It's pure brilliance from the writing team to give him a gimmick that requires no effort.

Not only that, I could say CM Punk is dull and boring, those would be facts,Bryan & Punk are only over with a small minority of fans (IWC) everybody else could care less, just look at how bad ratings were with the show focused on Bryan or last year when it was focused on Punk. Then look at ratings from 06-11 when Cena & Orton were on top. The ratings during those years were so much better. The IWC thinks they are bigger then they really are but you guys are just a drop in the bucket

CM Punk is Good, I will leave it at that, but he can't draw the same way Cena or Randy Orton can..
Yeah, it's really not a secret that Randy Orton is terrible. He's a mediocre wrestler, he is HORRIBLE on the mic(I've literally fallen asleep during multiple Randy Orton promos - seriously), and he has no ability to play a character...he "portrays" a character that has no portrayal. You could stick a robot in front of a camera and it could portray that character. That's why they gave it to him, because he can't do anything else. It's pure brilliance from the writing team to give him a gimmick that requires no effort.

Let me Discredit you right here so fast, three of My Favorite Wrestlers of all time had Horrible Mic Skills. Bret Hart, Chris Benoit and AJ Styles''. Bret was never a great talker; he got criticized for that. He was never an over-the-top character like HBK or The Rock; he got criticized for that, too. Bret always let his in-ring performances do his talking. Or he let Jim Neidhart or Jimmy Hart do the promos. Bret just said what he needed to say, nothing more. Kinda like Chris Benoit.

Same with AJ Styles, He lets his in-ring performances do his talking for him.Just like Randy Orton, who by the way already was named #1 in PWI 500, if Orton is so boring then why did Kurt Angle say Orton is his favorite Wrestler? Why does Kurt have so much respect for in-ring performances lol.Again, I will take the word of Bret Hart who called Randy Orton"The Excellence of Execution" and says he would have loved to face him, if Goldberg didn't forced him into early retirement..

You are acting like every main eventer had great Mic Skills'', yet alone WWE Roster, not everybody,can be The Rock or John Cena,Jericho, Aries, CM Punk. Orton has never had a bad match in his career, his matches with,Cena,Punk,Christian,Swagger, Bryan,Undertaker have been great..

I Can name 50 of Orton's Greatest matches.

Edit: I can go on and say CM Punk puts me to sleep or he's overrated -_-

50? I coulnd't even list 50 of his matches, period, they have had so little impact. Aside from his Taker series of matches, his minu feud with Kofi, I can't rightly recall any real matches. I know, since I vaguely remember his runs, that he's likely had matches with Cena, Big Show, and HHH, there was of course hte idiotic 'legend' killer, but honestly, he's had so little impact on my memories of wrestling, that I could literally name 10 of his matches, let alone 50.
Wow. I am loving this. About two years ago (and last year as well, I think), I posted a thread pointing out all of Orton's flaws and his supporters were out in droves on here. Those talking about how he is so talented in the ring, a nearly flawless wrestler, able to elevate matches, sells well, puts over talent, etc...

And now, a year later, it seems those supporters have greatly waned. That's really awesome to see. It is good to know that if you keep at it, eventually, people will come around and see that what you said all along was on point.
Now bob, you need to be less obvious in your promotion of your son.

You can not seriously think that Orton is one of the best of all times. He's sloppy, botches more often then the entire NXT roster, incredibly boring on the mic, has a bland moveset and sells less then Hogan Hulking up. The only person he elevates is himself, unless he's in the ring with someone that he knows would legitimately kick his ass if he fucked around with them. It's more that every one else has to work down to his level to make him seem better then he is, than that he elevates others.
In an objective analysis, he's barely in the top 15 current WWE wrestlers, never mind currently active around the world, and forget about him even being in top 30 of all time.

Now I hate Randy Orton more than the next guy he makes me so angry with most everything he does. I wish he was fired from WWE but first buried and humiliated and he is exactly the kind of person I do not want in the wrestling business. With that being said he is a good wrestler he's very fluid in the ring and has had some great matches and not very many bad ones. If I hate a person but i'll say it but I'll also give credit where it is due and Randy is a good wrestler. He's not so good that we'd be missing anything if he was fired the whole WWE would be better for it. Other than the bad wrestler thing I completely agree.
People complain a lot about Orton's in ring ability and charisma but I remember a time when he was the best in the business. I think he's just not motivated and it shows in his work. Bryan will win the belt eventually (I hope) but maybe this is an oppurtunity for Orton to get some of the heat back he seemed to just kind of lose a few years ago.
People complain a lot about Orton's in ring ability and charisma but I remember a time when he was the best in the business. I think he's just not motivated and it shows in his work. Bryan will win the belt eventually (I hope) but maybe this is an oppurtunity for Orton to get some of the heat back he seemed to just kind of lose a few years ago.

He was never the best in the business. And why isn't he motivated now? I can buy that excuse last year when he was in meaningless feuds but aside from the McMahon story, he is involved in the main title picture, so why the lack of motivation?

Let's face it... many folks on the internet are finally coming to a realization folks like me have known for years...

- horrible worker (in-ring)
- doesn't put over talent
- political backstage where he hasn't earned that right
- no charisma
- doesn't work as a face or a heel
- boring

And he has been that way...forever.
Opinions are one thing, right? Especially within the realms of the IWC and all. Everything is subjective. However, I don't think it is wrong to say that the outrage being seen across the net today at Orton's win and subsequent 11th time reign (coupled with Bryan's loss) should be taken very seriously by the WWE.

Jim Ross in his blog, wresting critics on many sites (this one included), fans on message boards, etc... All are up in arms about how amazing it is how audience have now spent close to or over 200 dollars waiting to see Daniel Bryan win the championship, only to have them stale, boring, horrid mic-work and lazy wrestling Randy Orton reign for an 11th time.

So, I ask.. could the outrage seen between last night and today cause WWE to get "creative" tonight and do some damage control? At the very least, could they finally make the title switch happen ASAP- if not tonight, at Survivor Series? People are PISSED.

No one thinks this was a good move by any standard.

"Opinions are one thing, right? Especially within the realms of the IWC and all. Everything is subjective. However, I don't think it is wrong to say that the outrage being seen across the net today at Cena's win and subsequent 11th time reign (coupled with *add name here*'s loss) should be taken very seriously by the WWE.

Jim Ross in his blog, wresting critics on many sites (this one included), fans on message boards, etc... All are up in arms about how amazing it is how audience have now spent close to or over 200 dollars waiting to see *add name here* win the championship, only to have them stale, boring, horrid mic-work and lazy wrestling John Cena reign for an 11th time.

So, I ask.. could the outrage seen between last night and today cause WWE to get "creative" tonight and do some damage control? At the very least, could they finally make the title switch happen ASAP- if not tonight, at Survivor Series? People are PISSED.

No one thinks this was a good move by any standard.
" Fixed.

In all seriousness though, and I'm not trying to start a flame war, but I find it a bit ironic that when Orton wins the championship for the 11th time it's..."The people are pissed...WWE fucked up". But when John Cena wins his 14th world title and people boo him it's..."You people are just haters and need to seriously get the fuck over it".

Full disclosure; I actually like Orton. I do not like Cena though. I never have. I respect the man. I just don't like the character. I just get a little tired of the double standard coming from these people with the "It's okay if you're John Cena" attitude.
Can anyone please close this thread? It's not even for a debate, it's a rant and a stupid one I might add.

WWE has not made a mistake by putting the strap on Randy Orton, it's the best move in a storyline point of view. Orton is simply put one of the best, if not the best of his generation in every sense of the term "professional wrestler". The way he did it was smart, he never won fair and square and the babyface was screwed to the point he doesn't get anymore opportunities and thank god - WWE established Daniel Bryan without giving him a full year title reign and now moved on. The heels win sometimes for the better, storyline and business wise and this is one prime example of that.

Randy Orton is once again a main event guy, Daniel Bryan is a main event guy, Big Show is a main event guy, Triple H, CM Punk, John Cena... I don't know about you, but before SummerSlam you had HHH, Punk and Cena and now you have three other top guys - Randy Orton is just the only full time wrestler who is a villain and can feud with any other top babyface main eventers - ence the reason: "best for business".
He was never the best in the business. And why isn't he motivated now? I can buy that excuse last year when he was in meaningless feuds but aside from the McMahon story, he is involved in the main title picture, so why the lack of motivation?

Let's face it... many folks on the internet are finally coming to a realization folks like me have known for years...

- horrible worker (in-ring)
- doesn't put over talent
- political backstage where he hasn't earned that right
- no charisma
- doesn't work as a face or a heel
- boring

And he has been that way...forever.

Well, he was motivated when he could use the money he made to feed his drug habits. But since they cracked down the last time on him hard, he realised that his name isn't enough to protect him, and with Bryan and Punk finally being given the chance to shine both as heels and faces and in Bryan's case, one of the best tag teams in recent years, he's seen that he isn't automatically exempt from obeying the rules. Cena's lasted longer as the main guy then Orton figured and with his assorted injuries and suspensions, he knows now that he'll never be the number one guy as he's shown he's not reliable enough for the company to be centered on him.
Without that hope for future slot in the company, he's lost what little motivation he had to begin with.

he has his skills and talents, and is a good foil or stooge for others, but he's not got the personality to be that go to guy, the guy every one else is chasing to either beat or become. He can get a reaction but it's rarely a sustained reaction and only works in short term before his weaknesses start showing again and he has to be returned to a lower spot on the card to allow some time to pass for people to let memory play off and forget those issues and be pushed back up, usually when there's an injury or other temporary absence of those who are more capable to be entrenched as the top tier of guys. he makes a good transitional guy while waiting for the real stars to return or as a temporary way to shake things up and do something different with those guys. He has value for that alone and shouldn't be relegated to permanent midcard, but he's not a long term champ or long term main event guy. A lot like Christian in that regard, or Henry.

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