Will we ever see the Godfather again?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The Godfather charactor was born in the atittude era when the Godfather aka Kama was in the Rock's Nation of Domination faction. How he got the gimmick & who gave it to him, I don't know?

But now in the WWE-PG era the Godfather has been seen very little to none at all ever since the RAW 15 year anniversary a couple of years ago. But I guess as long as the Godfather has his Hoe's, he won't be on WWE TV for a long time on less the WWE go's back in the direction of the atittude era in the future?

And wasn't the Godfather suppose to be a RAW guest host the RAW boxer Floyd "Money" Mayweather was the host of RAW in Las Vegas? The Godfather was booked as that guest host for RAW that week.

So the question is, will we ever see the Godfather again on WWE TV?
I highly doubt it man. Seriously, everything the Godfather character stands for is completely against what WWE is trying to portray itself these days. Is it the last time we will ever see him? I wont go that far, as I personally think he will he will get a HOF induction once they start weeding through the guys that were in the Attitude Era. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the Hoe Train on track one more time, but I really don't think it's gonna happen during the PG-Era (which I think will be going on for a long time).
So true ... GodFather would not work in the current state of WWE. Even if he did somehow get another shot with VKM, it would be so toned down I personally wouldn't even want to see that abomination again. In saying that, he was in RTC w Stevie richards, so in essence he wouldn't have to be "godfather" to make a come back.

Don't really know what's he's doing now adays but if he wanted to get back in the ring, it definitly would have happened already.

If not going back to the E, we would have seen him in TNA. I wonder if Dixie ever contacted him for a gig seeing as she is trying to get every unemployed wrestler under the sun to work for her company.

Never say never my dude ..
Well in theory he could return to the WWE, he's not on bad terms but he has 2 things going against him.

1) He's older and the WWE seems to be avoiding anyone over 30ish nowadays

2) Since his time in the RTC he has renounced pimping and hoes so he'd be coming out alone, which kiiiiinda kills the whole Godfather gimmick.
Despite what some of the previous posters have been saying, I believe he's bound to. Godfather always provides some good laughs.

I'm sure that in a fail segment that is slowly dying, the music will play throughout the arena and he'll walk out with some of the Divas and just say "You know what you need, brotha? You need to take a ride on the...HOOOO TRAIN!" and that will appeal to the audience as most of the current senior PG Era fans will be starting to go through puberty and Godfather merchandise will start selling again. In my opinion, Godfather can be used in any situation you want, so I'm sure he'll make appearances, maybe even wrestle a match.
He was a great character and I never had any problem watching him, but this era is not fit for his type of character. The Godfather's character was a full on pimp who had a huge group of ladies who he referred to as the "Ho Train" come and join him around the ring. That type of character is not fit for the family friendly material the WWE is giving off in it's product today. So I don't think we will ever see Charles Wright under The Godfather gimmick ever again. Also since he retired I don't think we may ever see him again, unless he gets very lucky to gain a HOF nod but I doubt it.
I highly doubt it man. Seriously, everything the Godfather character stands for is completely against what WWE is trying to portray itself these days. Is it the last time we will ever see him? I wont go that far, as I personally think he will he will get a HOF induction once they start weeding through the guys that were in the Attitude Era. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the Hoe Train on track one more time, but I really don't think it's gonna happen during the PG-Era (which I think will be going on for a long time).

This is my thought too. He was all about prostitution as the Godfather and form all reports he still runs a brothel er.. escort agency :p.

only thing that wasn't adult related was his run as Papa Shango that was still in the end of PG era sorta.

Everything else he did was during the leadup or full fledged attitude era.
i personally think hes going to be in the hof. He was in a great faction and was loved by the fans. but he won't be back on raw anytime soon. but since its pg maybe a return of the goodfather is in order.
I've got 6 words that explain exactly why he won't be coming back any time soon. "Come get on the hooooooooooooooo train". That sort of thing could fly when HHH is fucking a corpse, Stone cold is giving two fingered salutes, and pornstars are getting cheered for making sexual innuendos, but not now. Times have changed and The Godfather just doesn't fit in with WWE any more.

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