Will Triple H be regarded as a Legend or Backstabber?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok guys as we all know this is HHH last match at WrestleMania so looking back at his career what will he be remembered for his backstage politics or for his accomplishments.

Lets take a look at his accomplishments.

Independent Wrestling Federation
IWF Heavyweight Championship (1 time)[2]

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI Feud of the Year (2000)[105] vs. Kurt Angle
PWI Feud of the Year (2004)[105] vs. Chris Benoit
PWI Match of the Year (2004)[106] vs. Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit at WrestleMania XX
PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (2003–2005)[107]
PWI ranked him #1 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2000[108] and 2009[109]
PWI ranked him #139 in the PWI Years in 2003]
PWI Wrestler of the Year (2008)
PWI Most Hated of the Decade (2000–2009)
PWI Wrestler of the Decade (2000–2009)

World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
World Heavyweight Championship (5 times)[111]
WWF/E Championship (8 times)[112]
WWF European Championship (2 times)[113]
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)[114]
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Steve Austin (1), and Shawn Michaels (1)[115][116]
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Shawn Michaels[117]
King of the Ring (1997)[3]
Royal Rumble (2002)[118]
Second Grand Slam Championship
Slammy Award for Best Hair (1997)
Seventh Triple Crown Champion
Wrestling Observer Newsletter[119]
Feud of the Year (2000) vs. Mick Foley
Feud of the Year (2004) vs. Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit
Feud of the Year (2005) vs. Batista
Most Overrated (2002–2004, 2009)
Readers' Least Favorite Wrestler (2002, 2003)
Worst Feud of the Year (2002) vs. Kane
Worst Feud of the Year (2006) with Shawn Michaels vs. Vince and Shane McMahon
Worst Worked Match of the Year (2003) vs. Scott Steiner at No Way Out
Worst Worked Match of the Year (2008) vs. Vladimir Kozlov and Edge at Survivor Series
Wrestler of the Year (2000)
Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame (Class of 2005)

all the above are from his Wikipedia but in 2003 he beat all of the old WCW stars Scott Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Goldberg, he has headlined quiet a few Wrestlemania's he has had some legendary feuds with Stone Cold, HBK, The Rock, Vince McMahon, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho for god sake HHH and The Rock w the WWE in 2000. but

his bad points are.......
He has screwed loads of people over backstage, not jobbing when he should of and he has kept himself at the top by doing this,

you all know his bad bits so i look forward to hearing what you think oh yeah my opinion is that he will be always know as a Legend to me!
The same question could be asked for a lot of others.

Will Hulk Hogan be remembered as a legend, or someone who wouldn't job to specific people or work with specific people? Will Shawn Michaels be remembered for someone who played politics backstage? Will Stone Cold be remembered for taking his ball and going home for about a year before he returned? The answer is rather simple, no.

Triple H will be remembered as a legend, because a lot of the fans won't give a damn, or don't even know of the backstage influence Triple H have had on his career. Besides, in the end of the day Triple H, just as Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and many others who have been a little iffy on the backstage material, will be remembered for what they did on screen. On screen, Triple H is one of the greatest superstars WWE have ever managed to present to the crowd, one of the best overall talents in the past 10-15 years.

The only time someone will properly be remembered for anything other than who they were in the ring is when it's taken to the public and revealed to the mainstay of the crowd. Like Chris Benoit for example, who quite sadly will have a large scar on what we will remember him for, due to the murder case. However, Triple H haven't got that to brag about, he doesn't have people walking around publicly yelling out about how he held them down, and how he pulled politics to retain championships and not job. And therefore Triple H will be remembered as a legend.
ok guys as we all know this is HHH last match at WrestleMania so looking back at his career what will he be remembered for his backstage politics or for his accomplishments.

Nobody has mentioned a Career vs. Streak match as the stipulation just yet.

Unfortunately, too many people can not look at Triple H without seeing the marriage to the Boss's daughter and that will forever mar his legacy in the ring.

For me, he's a legend, pure and simple. And as much as I'll miss seeing the Undertaker when he hangs up the boots, I'll be more depressed to see Triple H hang 'em up when he's through.
Exactly why would he be regarded as a backstabber? I didn't catch the point in the OP. Do you mean because of the politics? Doubt it. Through all that, people still respect the man as a wrestler and as a lockerroom leader. Regardless of using his political leverage and being a bit of an attention hog, he is still one of the best. Nobody can deny it. He never turned his back on the company. So why call him a backstabber?

Triple H's career will not be remembered for him being a backstabber. Say what you will about him, he is one of the best ever. I don't think he should be remembered in a negative way. A lot of people will remember him for marrying Stephanie McMahon, but that story hasn't been completed yet.

His in ring career should be remembered for a lot of things. Degeneration X. Evolution. His days as the most Hated Heel in the business. All the title reigns. All the classic matches and feuds. There are many positive things about him. No matter much someone is loved or highly regarded, NO ONE is perfect. Even the most popular or loved guy backstage make mistakes.
It all depends on who you ask because HHH is a lightning rod in WWE. The man has held back numerous superstars and is known for being a total dick backstage. (By the boys)

In latter years he has gotten better at the politics and it rarley gets mentioned if he usues some power because let's face it, he is doing a decent job now backstage in gorilla position.

He has some classic battles and was one of the better WWE "heel' champions ever, but casual fans will regard him highly. While most of the IWC will be split just like the boys are probably split about his legacy, I will regard him as a selfish power player backstage.

Did Batista and Sheamus really need WWE title runs?? I think not...
He won't be remembered for anything negative. Just look at HBK; the Montreal Screwjob was a bigger black mark than ANYTHING on Triple H's resume but Shawn's been forgiven and is now being argued as the G.O.A.T. It takes something pretty huge to override your career (sorry Benoit), and there's been no gross or even CONFIRMED example of Triple H's politics truly screwing anybody. It's all conjecture and speculation. Even if it's entirely true, there's been nothing big enough to take over his legacy.
I'm inclined to think 'No.' Personally, I'm not a fan of HHH. I turned off RAW last night when he beat down Sheamus (HHH can't walk to the ring without burying someone). However, they say that time heals all wounds. Even those of us who despise HHH's very presence in the WWE can't deny that he's an incredibly successful and influential performer. In time, I'm sure the reasons for our dislike will become more obscure, but the familiarity with HHH and his best moments in the WWE will remain. It happens all the time. Hulk Hogan has been despised by the IWC on and off for a long time, yet whenever he pops his head up again I guarantee that many of the same fans will mark out for him, at least for a little while. Another legend, Ric Flair, has done (and continues to do) a lot of questionable crap in his career as well. And it's all been swept under the rug. It's not really a wrestling specific phenomenon; its nostalgia. We usually want to view familiar things from our past in a positive light.

Someone else will come along who manipulates backstage politics just like HHH, and we will all say "well, HHH was never that bad. And he was a much better heel" It already happened with Jeff Jarrett in TNA, to an extent. Or HHH will stay away for a few years, release a book or two revising his history, and come back with all wrongs forgotten. And whenever he gets old, or (hopefully not soon) passes away, even the most cynical IWC poster will be singing his praises.
Triple H will be remembered as Legend, maybe not as fondly in the minds of many as Stone Cold or The Rock are, but will be named along them. His dominance in the WWF/E in the late 90's-mid 00's was around the time where professional wrestling hit its [final?] peak, so you wouldn't expect less but for him to be remembered as one of the greats.

People have been saying a lot in regards to HHH's influence backstage...but with no examples of what he's done or who exactly he's held down to be at the top. Not saying I disagree with what I'm seeing, as I've heard similar stories before, but is there any cases of wrestlers coming out with examples of his actions behind the scenes? Cases of talent being wasted fuels my curiosity :icon_neutral:.
How Triple H will be remembered largely depends, I think, on what he's doing at the time. There was a time when Hulk Hogan was considered in nothing but a positive light, despite his own backstage maneuvering and being a jerk. Nowadays, however, he's often referred to as a delusional, attention-hogging has-been who can't get enough of an undeserved spotlight.

This happens with just about every legend. If Triple H does well for himself and others after his wrestling career is over, the positives of his career will likely be what he's remembered for. If he becomes a media a**hole and mean to fans, former friends and co-workers (ala Charlie Sheen), then his negative aspects will be all anybody talks about.

We'll just have to wait and see.
Triple H will be no legend to me. He made his debut as Hunter Herse Hemsly and like many in today's youth movement, WWE tried to make something big of him, but it never worked with the fans. Basically, he was no one until he teamed with Chyna and Michaels to form DX. Then there was Evolution with Flair. Basically, greats carried Trips his entire career--just like his relationship to the boss' daughter is carrying him now. Don't get me wrong. I know the man has worked hard. Hard pays off, but it doesn't guarantee a legacy.

By the way, Trips lied last night by stating that "everyone" wants to see him face the Undertaker. HHH is a damn lie! Read the blogs; read these forums; everyone wanted Cena to face Taker. Read the blogs; read these forums; many hoped Sting would face Taker. No one said shit about Triple H.

Lately, Vince has been bad about not giving the fans, or "the Universe", what we want. I love Taker, but his streak is becoming worthless by having people get second bites at the apple. Doesn't Vince know that? Sometimes I think Vince is getting too damn old. By the way, what's up with Sheamus?
He's a controversial figure. With that, it's always going to depend on the person you're asking. With me, I'm going to look at him as a good wrestler who helped keep things exciting, gave me some really good matches and was capable in all facets.

I don't know what he did backstage. None of us do. Therefore, I don't judge that. I judge what I see. What I saw was a legend being formed. I'm sure politics had something to do with that, as it does with every wrestler. But I can't make a case REALLY for what degree it played a part in his career. It'd only be speculation.

Multiple time champion, tag champion, Intercontinental and European champion. Was a player in three eras of the sport, while putting on some pretty solid matches as well as a couple classics. Great feuds and a good worker and speaker.

Certified HOF. Enough said.
He will be remembered as the guy who feuded with Alex Wright in WCW. LOL :lmao:

But really, he is a legend. He's going to step away before he turns into a farce (I.E. Flair and Hogan) and will obviously stay involved in the business for many years to come. I can see him making occasional appearances like his father in law as the face of the company and as chairman, but that's about it.
Yes Triple H will deffintitly be remembered as a legend. He is one of the greatest superstars we have ever seen, and i will miss him when he hangs it up. Someone said it earlier, we dont know if its streak vs career match yet, but it looks like its going that route because of the way Triple H was talking yesterday during his promo.

And people will also bring up that he married the bosses daughter. Who cares. Its not like he married her just to get to the top. He was doing just fine when he wasnt with steph, and winning championships.
to me HHH will always be the guy with the awesome entrance...... who only wrestled and destroyed wcw wrestlers for a year,
won matches when it was crap he had won like booker at the hight of his popularity, kane when it was for the title and the mask, vs orton at WM

speakin of orton face or heel when has HHH ever put orton over??? oh yeah there was that one time when they made HHH have 3 matches so he didnt look weak when he lost, oh and at backlash 2009 where they had a 6 man tag so HHH didnt look weak!

hes also refused to ever put jericho over except for when jericho beat him for the title years ago which he was stripped of!

the one guy HHH has realy put over was batista! and cena becouse he was probably told he had to

the 2003 era bugged me the most, all those wcw guys like rvd and booker and soo much talent that year but no they made evolution and let HHH hog the title

HHH=the cancer of the wwe

but to most he will be a legend, cant justify why, good speaker there are better though, not an amazing wrestler just an intence brawler, he pretty much got over on being in staples and just being giving this character of unbeatable bad ass though hes not the biggest guy either, his gimmick and moveset also hasnt changed in the last decade!!
HHH to me is going to always be seen as a very selfish wrestler.
I know he's a 13-14 time World Champion but at the same time it's the manner in which those titles were won that bugs me.
I can't get over his "reign of terror" from 2002/2003 - 2005/2006
Most have agreed/speculated he was behind the relinquishing of the US/IC belts back when he was winning the WHC every few months or so to make sure he was the top star in the business.
I've seen his in-ring work, and I really used to be a big fan of him, but after hearing about so much political pull backstage and watching him bury star after star week after week just ruined it all for me.
God I remember 03 when he fought Scott Steiner in a HORRID match.
While Benoit and Angle stole the show (probably the Royal Rumble if I'm not mistaken). Even though everyone knew Benoit/Angle were miles more entertaining, HHH just HAD to get all the spotlight/titles/glory.

I know he's worked hard, I know he's been here for 15 years and deserves some respect. But after seeing what he did when he was given the ball, after seeing how he abused his spot as a main-eventer and one of the "top" guys in the business. It just ruined it all for me.

I know HBK and Hogan weren't much better back in the day, and trust me I couldn't stand either of them in their political prime. But at least guys like HBK have owned up to what they did and tried to fix their mistakes.

HHH got the opening segment on RAW yesterday, wrecked Sheamus in about 2 minutes, and Sheamus needed about 4 people to help him up? Sheamus has probably never been wrecked that badly that quickly, but who does it? HHH.

I know Sheamus put him out on the shelf, but at least have a match for closure or something. Don't just bury a rising star in 2 minutes flat and rob him of some of his credibility.

All in all, HHH has been around for 15 years, but what he did in most of those 15 years was flat out shameful.
Triple H will be no legend to me. He made his debut as Hunter Herse Hemsly and like many in today's youth movement, WWE tried to make something big of him, but it never worked with the fans. Basically, he was no one until he teamed with Chyna and Michaels to form DX. Then there was Evolution with Flair. Basically, greats carried Trips his entire career--just like his relationship to the boss' daughter is carrying him now. Don't get me wrong. I know the man has worked hard. Hard pays off, but it doesn't guarantee a legacy.

By the way, Trips lied last night by stating that "everyone" wants to see him face the Undertaker. HHH is a damn lie! Read the blogs; read these forums; everyone wanted Cena to face Taker. Read the blogs; read these forums; many hoped Sting would face Taker. No one said shit about Triple H.

Lately, Vince has been bad about not giving the fans, or "the Universe", what we want. I love Taker, but his streak is becoming worthless by having people get second bites at the apple. Doesn't Vince know that? Sometimes I think Vince is getting too damn old. By the way, what's up with Sheamus?

lol. You're an idiot and a complete fool. "It never worked with the fans". Are you freaking delusional? He is one of the most over wrestlers in the business. And him teaming up with Michaels to improve his popularity is a moot point because pretty much every wrestler needs a more established name to help get him over with the audience.

Once again, you're an idiot.
IMGodlyO, HHH desperately wants to be regarded in the same breath as Hogan, The Rock, SCSA and Taker as living legends but he's just not there. He's the guy who keeps saying how great he is and what he's accomplished so that people will think more of him and it just seems forced to me. He'll always be a Backup QB to the above legends mentioned. He'll be remembered as a smart powerplayer to me but not a legend.
I beleive this question is based more off of people's outlooks and opinions then a debate of the actual facts, and his career can be remembered for both. But I'ma be honest with you, and say this, I respect Triple H the Wrestler, but however, I've lost mad respect for his career and legacy because of the politics. Triple H used to be one of my favorites going from the Blue Blood Gimmick to D-X (The First Go Around.) But whenever he married the boss daughter, he accomplished (I Think) 11 title reigns, in which on one occasion he held the belt over a year. He was always in the title picture. And you had other main eventers who could at least gotten one title shot. And some folks talk about HBK's Politics, he was a 3 time WWE Champion, and 1 time heavyweight champion, and first ever Grand Slam Champion. And Hunter was a former multi time European and intercontinental champion, and was an 11 time Champion. The point is, Shawn had fewer reigns and is considered the greatest of all time; while Triple-H spend the prime of his career riding the coattails of the McManhons. Road Dogg confessed to it, Billy Gunn Confessed to it, and Randy Orton called him out on it. For a minute, I've thought he was gonna have more reigns than Ric Flair. But as much as some people may disagree, he will go down as a legend. It may not be the best way to become a legend, but he'll become a legend. Like I said, Hunter always has been a good wrestler, but it would've been good to see what has became of him if it wasn't for the backstage politics. Don't get me wrong, I respect him as a wrestler, but at the same time, his career lacks credibility.
I dont think the same passes are given to HHH like they are with someone like Hogan or Stone Cold because, quite simply, he married the bosses Daughter. With Shane Mcmahon gone, HHH is the second Mcmahon man in command and once Vince fades away he will be number one. For a lot of people its going to be hard to forget that he Married the bosses Daughter then attained most of his success.
I think like a few posters have said, i think it comes down to personal opinion. To the average wrestling fan who doesn't go onto the websites and just watches wrestling he will be regarded as a potential HOF one day. His resume says enough to warrant it as a multi time heavyweight champion, being apart of 2 factions that will be forever remembered by the fans and (my opinion) apart of some fanatastic matches during his career.

But the IWC who knows what we all know he has trodden on people to get where he has, given selective wrestlers who he likes pushes (Sheamus) while more deserving are still waiting.

For me i'm quite mixed on this, but i will remember him for his wrestling more so than his backstage politics and Trips probably will be in the HOF and will possibly be more influential in the next 10 to 20 years out of the ring than he ever was in it.
lol. You're an idiot and a complete fool. "It never worked with the fans". Are you freaking delusional? He is one of the most over wrestlers in the business. And him teaming up with Michaels to improve his popularity is a moot point because pretty much every wrestler needs a more established name to help get him over with the audience.

Once again, you're an idiot.

Damn you fanboys are passionate. Utimate Warrior was a very "over" wrestler, too, yet no one mentions him with the greats. It's always Rock, Austin, Hogan, Flair, Michaels, and a few others. If you're talking about Trips being the type of legend who WWE gives something to do, yeah Trips will be a legend. But if you're talking about Trips being an awe inspiring innovator, then hell no; Trips will be sort of like Bob Backlund--remembered for being good, but not for being great.

I'm not taking anything away from Trips. He'll be up there with a few good wrestlers like Booker T, Mysterio, Edge, Arn Anderson, Eddy, JBL, Million Dollar Man, Randy Savage, Angle, and many more. A WWE legend, yes; a wrestling legend, no.
I think Triple H will go down as one of the GOAT. Sure, he screwed people over, but who didnt do that at some point during there career without being a success? Stonecold walked out on WWE because he didnt want to put Brock Lesnar over. People dont hold that stuff against Austin so there shouldnt be a double standard for Triple H. Personally, I miss the old Triple H from the attitude era wearing that armor shirt and coming out to My Time. I thought he was alot more intense back then with the my time gimmick.
I am going to simplify my position to its fundamental reasoning. All of the things that make HHH a legend are things that have actually happened, accomplishments he got in the ring. The negatives are mostly people's opinions, not based on factual evidence. Did he refuse to job to people? All we have are long held IWC tales that somehow are taken as gospel truth. Rumors and innuendo do not a legacy make. Championships, your body of work in the ring, and your mic skills are.

HHH will be a legend, because his body of work says he will be.
Triple H has had the career that most performers would kill for. He's been at the top of the WWE for a very long time. Will he be in the WWE HoF ? Yes. Does the WWE HoF mean anything ? No, not really. I mean, Pete Rose is there, Bob Uecker is there, no Randy Savage, no Ms. Elizabeth. SO to me the HoF is a sham. Now getting back to HHH, the problem with him is you can't separate his politics from his career. It's not our fault that bookers, behind the scenes staff, former wrestlers are airing his dirty laundry. I mean guys like HBK and HHH want it both ways, they want to use their influence with McMahon against the lockerroom when it suits them, and then get angry when these performers, backstage personnel hate them for it. You can't bully some one into respecting you.

So to be honest, I'll remember him as a legend, below a number of performers (Austin, Rock, Randy Savage etc) and a backstabber.

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