Will TNA ever go head to head with a PPV?


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
So we all know that TNA is moving to Monday nights starting next Monday. Knowing this i started to wonder,Would TNA ever book a Pay Per View the same night as a WWE Pay Per View? It honestly wouldn't surprise me but i don't that they should. So do you guys think that this war could ever turn into a "Sunday and Monday night war"?
No. If you remember back during the "original Monday Night Wars" WCW and WWF never really had dueling PPVs, I do not see them doing it this time.
For one a PPV show cost a whole lot more money to put on than a regular show dose, why risk the chance of no one ordering your show? That could put a real dent in your pocket book. I could see running a replay of your PPV the same day as the other promotion has their PPV, but head to head PPV's sound to risky to me.
If I am correct the old NWA used to have mega shows on TBS the same night as some WWF PPVs. TNA should go that route, put on a great show on the same night as a second rate WWE PPV. Steal viewers like that.
No. I'm not sure exactly how PPVs work in America, but putting both on the same day will be a disaster for both companies. By going head to head on TV, the ratings of both companies would be boosted by people flicking back and forth between the two; putting PPVs on the same night won't do that.

What people often don't realise is that PPV audiences have been comparable for about 15 years, even as TV ratings tanked. What that says is that the PPV audience is essentially the hardcore audience and nobody else will ever watch, except for WrestleMania sized shows. What does that mean? It means that head to head PPVs will do nothing except split the audience, which isn't in anyone's interest.

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