Does anybody want TNA to suceed?

I am not a TNA fan but I would love for them to succeed so I will be a fan. Like it or not WWE has a monopoly for the most part on "sports entertainment" which is neve a good thing in an circumstance. Unfofortunately for all the other promotions especially TNA they don't have the money to get their names out there and to be able to travel like WWE does. TNA could start by pulling its collective head out of its ass and actually give fans what they wanna see. Sorry its not ECW or old WWE has beens that people want. People want a real alternative not a rehash. WWE can afford to not listen to what people want becuz in the end they will make u want what they want. TNA doesn't have that privelage. TNA please use yer own guys and quit payin ridiculous ammounts of money to has been wannabes and drug addicts so u can afford to travel. I'm sure the millions that they drop on these WWE rejects and hasbeens would be more than enough to pay for a better/bigger venue so they can start to charge to see them live. Fuck even if its 20 dollars a ticket along with advertising and merchandise they would turn enough profit to be something in a few years.
Well its weird.... I'm like a football fan when it comes to WWE(its either WWE OR DIE) like I DON'T want any promotion to ever succeed WWE because I've watched it so long and have always preferred over any other promotion, even the days they were rivaling WCW.

I never really wanted TNA to succeed that badly because they never really grasped my interest to where I think everybody should watch it. I mean I like watching TNA sometimes to see certain wrestlers because they do have good matches. But I won't lie I'm a WWE mark and I will not lie about it. I wouldn't get mad if they started building success but I wouldn't care some people prefer TNA over WWE and some the other way around.

And to be honest I REALLY don't ever see them being a legit rival...... EVER.
I'm not sure the OP was asking if YOU'D like TNA to succeed. If you're a fan that should be damn obvious. I think he's asking about other companies investing in TNA.
In this thread i'd say no. TNA doesn't generate ratings. Ratings is what brings in advertising dollars, which is what allows your company to prosper. Why would I as company sink millions, or many thousands of dollars into a medium that isn't increasing the viewership. Hmmm...let that marinate for a bit.....
I think wrestlers, TNA fans, and employees of TNA certainly want TNA to suceed and flourish. I'd just like them to put out decent shows. Live was great, tv..not so much.
i'll really want TNA to suceed, because is a different product, have more "crusierweithgs" action, i mean, X division. the have the wrestlers to be a very good company, including the "old schools" wrestlers and the "new schools" wrestlers. in my opinion, they have the road and the car, just they need someone really good for drive it.
I personally can't get in to TNA I try to watch almost every week, but I usually lose interest and turn it. However I really do want them to succeed and put on better shows. I miss the old days when there were two major companies. It was exciting as a fan when someone would jump from WWf to WCW or vice versa.
TNA isn't something entirely different and brand new to the market.

Sorry to butt in.. I must say though.. isn't THAT what an alternative is? XFL was/is/can be defined as an alternative to the NFL. The only problem was is that it sucked, it was confusing, and NFL fans just couldn't get behind it.

Now.. TNA. IN MY OPINION.. it sucks right now, it's confusing, and WWE fans want to get into it, but some can't. New fans want to get into it as well, but there is more questions than answers.. ALL THE TIME. It's okay to have a few questions, but you should have these ironed out and things should be as clear as possible to these new fans.

Imagine a new fan turning on iMPACT last night.. they see the ECW guys in the opening segment talking about one more time. Now, if they haven't watched WWE before or haven't kept track of the WWE in a while, this is cool. That's a SMALL percentage of the target right now though. It seems, and I could be wrong, that TNA wants new fans, as well as WWE fans. A WWE fans turns on iMPACT last night.. one more time with the ECW guys.. WTF? Wasn't that One Night Stand?

That's a bit of a problem, albeit a smaller one in the scheme of things. TNA definitely needs better marketing because they dropped the ball already. They got a pretty big boost and managed to squander it away in the matter of 7 months. It feels like in 7 months they've taken a few steps forward.. a bunch of steps back.. a few steps forward. It's a bad trend. TNA wants to be an alternative instead it seems like sometimes they are panting and sweating from trying to play catch up with WWE.. when they could be on cruise control if they just took a different route.

sorry, that was all over the place. I really like TNA.. the matches they can put together right now can blow away possibly anything WWE has to offer right now.. but it just looks like a mess right now to me.
I definitely want them to succeed and every fan of wrestling should. I see a lot of people saying of course they want them to succeed, but half of you are not watching the show. They can't succeed without viewers. You also have to take the bad shows when they are bad. WWE has bad shows to and people go back to it. Just show support because in the end everything will get better.
Perhaps an interesting question would be, what happens if TNA doesn't succeed?

What happens to their roster and wrestling in general?
My opinion is that, of course I want them to succeed. I'm a fan of professional wrestling, I don't care what the initials of the company are, who owns it, or how much money they have. With that being said, I do agree with what a lot of people have said in regards to them needing to develop their own identity. I understand the need for big stars, but at the same time, they shouldn't forget what got them on TV in the first place. They were considered the alternative because of the X Division, and now that has pretty much been reduced to 2 guys. I love TNA but they definitely need to make some changes if they want to succeed. They need to quit trying to have a pissing contest with a company that isnt even on at the same time they are. Mondays was a bad move and they saw they couldn't compete so they should focus on what they need to do to be successful, and not worry about trying to do in a few months what it took WWE decades to do. No matter what your company does you're not gonna gain a million new fans weekly
Watch me break the mold:

I don't want TNA to succeed.

I often find myself in high agreement with what Mark Madden writes in his columns. And judging by the amount of negative press TNA gets, along with their stupid, punny name, and the way everyone here says "Yeah, I WANT TNA to succeed, BUT" or "DESPITE", and then mention all its negatives that need to be improved or get out of the way.

TNA Is a damaged brand name, like WCW. It's been bad for so long, the best viable option, given the limited brain capacities of their administration, would be to re-name it and give it a different look.

"The best TNA can ever hope for is a well-booked product that piques the interest of its hardcore loyalists [like ECW]. And with its current ownership and administration, TNA can’t even hope for that."

- Mark Madden

To be more optimistic than Madden, my solution would be:

- Close down the company, on a superficial level. Keep the money, the structure, the contracts, the TV deal, etcetera.

- Come up with a new company name, new logo, new arena-layout, new brand new and attitude.

- Eliminate cronyism and do not re-hire the writing and booking staff members just because they're friends or friends of friends or they know Hulk Hogan or they have money or they've been in the business for 30 years.

- Put someone with a good track record in creative control of the company. Paul Heyman is the popular choice out there; Bring him in and agree to all his demands, and hold him financially and creatively responsible. If he tries to run a Crucifixion angle again, hold him responsible for it, but do NOT use him as a scapegoat.

I really agree with your idea. TNA, as a name, is damaged beyond repair, but if they called themselves something else (preferably a name with the world "wrestling" in the acronym)

Also, Dixie Carter needs to realize that sometimes people need to be fired in order, she said she'd rather save everyone and take the ship down, well she's getting her wish there (saw that in an article here on WZ, tho during my quick search I couldn't find it, otherwise I'd put the quote here)

TNA has the tools to succeed, provided they use them the right way, you can't build a boat by taking a hammer and trying to chop down trees and then using the saw to put the nails in.

I am HUGE WWE fan, but I like wrestling, I give TNA a shot every so often (I follow the storylines by reading results/spoilers and if I think an angle has potential, I'll tune into Impact and give it a shot, so far, nothings really made me come back)

I hope TNA succeeds, because then, WWE will change things up and do something different, I don't want attitude 2.0, Attitude happened, it was great, but I want new, not another pathetic attempt at recreating the past.

So yes I want TNA to succeed
I want TNA to succeed along with many wrestling companies. I'm a die hard wrestling fan of all products and if any big company were to go down like WWE, TNA, ROH, etc. Then it would be a huge blow to the industry. I had the biased mentality of other wrestling companies that a lot of people have now. I only watched WWF growing up, and I thought the other wrestling companies and wrestlers were inferior. I watched WWF during the 80's and early 90's in which the 90's were a dark time for WWF.

Even though WWF wasn't as popular as WCW, I wouldn't constantly back them not giving any company the time of the day. Once I actually watched the product from NWA, WCW, and ECW I respected them. There was a lot not to respect about WCW and ECW right before they went bankrupt. I was celebrating their demise and WWE's rise to fame. After a few years though it wasn't fun only watching one wrestling company and the business suffered.

Competition helps drive all businesses. When ROH and TNA started to pop in the scene, I didn't give them the time of the day either. Then I started getting bored with the WWE programming like a lot of people do, and I decided to watch them. There was a lot of good stuff and bad stuff in TNA and ROH just like the other companies.

If any company is out there trying to entertain people while giving employment to wrestlers so they can feed their family, what is wrong with that? Any one that wants TNA or any wrestling company to fail is a heartless prick. There is more then enough room for a little competition in this world. If WCW or ECW didn't come around to give WWF a kick in the ass, then all of the companies would be out of business today.

We all need to stop being critics thinking we know everything about the business, and just enjoy the damn show while there is still is a show to be seen.
I rip apart TNA all the time. I mostly rip them, because it's a lame product. If it wasn't such a bad brand, they I would be happy to applaud them. However it's hard to applaud the kid who is trying a piano solo at the talent show, and just sucks at it. I know this from fact.

We want competition, we want competition! We definitely like to see another Monday night wars. But it takes more then a Hogan endorsement, and some old faces to create this competition.

Would it of been nice seeing TNA give the WWE a good run for the money?!?! Why yes, it would of been very fun. Switching back and fourth, from show to show, to see what happens next. That was a blast when I was a teenager.
But the fact of the matter (Classic wrestling line I might add) what was TNA before the Hogan endorsement and some old faces came to this company.

If I'm wrong, the company was only created, because Jeff Jarrett couldn't get a job in the WWE. It wasn't created to fulfill a vision of a promoter, or a manager. But simple because Jarrett was out of job. Then some other guys who were out of a job came a long, and some more guys, then before we know it, it was has been central. Never really had a vision, never really had a shape, never really had an identity.

If TNA started from scratch and found some good young talent, and market the product better, I think we would be hoping for the stars with them. Instead, it's just old faces that just want to bad mouth their former employer.
Everybody wanted for TNA to succeed. Jeff Jarrett, Dixie Carter and all of the former WWE superstars who jumped ship. However, it seems too late for this promotion to turn the ship around and compete with WWE.

When TNA first started their Monday Night War, they were banking on guys like Hogan, Flair, Anderson, Hardy, etc. to be the momentum shifters. That failed.

TNA now thinks that bringing in many of the former ECW superstars for a PPV appearance will spark interest in their product. It will fail.

Ring of Honor has more of a chance of becoming WWE competition especially if WWE brings some type of recognition to ROH. TNA is looked at as being where Vince and Hunter empty the broken toys and those broken toys bury the youthful talent. Christopher Daniels and others got the right idea by exiting TNA and before long, others will be joining.
I don't want TNA to fail but it would be really great if the people there would recognize that this bullshit with Hogan, Bischoff and Russo failed a long time ago.

Until they do, TNA will continue to fail. It doesn't help that the name of the fed is TNA lol...

Good luck growing a wrestling company using letters that 100% of the world recognizes as Tits N' Ass.

Worst name for a fed ever.
As many have said, no-one wants to TNA to fail. We all want to have some competition in the ranks going against the mega-giant known as the WWE. My opinion on TNA has changed quite frequently over the years, for better and for worse... but none of them involved failure for the company. Personally, anyone who thinks any company trying to rise in a monopoly should fail is an idiot... save for Vince and the boys. Hell, I'm inclined to believe that Vince wouldn't want a company like Vince to fail. He needs a feeder promotion other than FCW with a lot of exposure.

TNA have an interesting product and the names they have are people would enjoy watching, on paper that is. When it comes time to get everything into fruition, there are a lot of people who change the channel for other programming because it doesn't tickle their fancy. Despite this, you can't deny they have the essential tools to succeed... something a lot of people admire. If your that little train that thinks it can, no-one will discount you.
Sure I can help you out with that, it's called that is your fucking opinion. You run around here acting like everyone must think like you. They don't. In fact, based on the ratings and buy rates of both TNA and WWE shows, very few people think like you.
You are a fucking idiot, like literally you must've been huffing paint for the majority of your life. How often do you need it explained that buyrates are unavailable to the public? That's not opinion, it's fact. Also 1.1 is just over a million people. I don't see that number as being "very few", not to mention that TNA recieves higher ratings internationally than the WWE oh but wait international audiences don't mean anything right? Yeah, go fuck yourself.

It's amazing to see TNA marks living in a world full of kids with ADD actually bitch about seeing John Cena vs. Sheamus, Batista, Orton, Jericho yeah, those are the best wrestlers in the world.
Ahahahaha, so you spend the entire time knocking Optimist for having an opinion and now you're trying to say that John Cena, Sheamus, Batista and Orton are the best in the world? That's your opinion. And on a global scale one held by the minority.

And when they fight each other people pay to see it. Until WWE gets 8,000 buys for a PPV or draws a .5 rating, try to wake up from your pill and weed coma long enough to realize you have an opinion - as shitty and misguided as it is - and that's it.

There you go quoting PPV buyrates that don't exist again. Good job, hey I've got one for you. How about this, when the WWE no longer has to have it's flagship television show broadcast at 1-30 pm on a Wednesday outside of the USA, come talk to me. You've spent this whole time bitching about Optimist having an opinion and you've gone about posting nothing but your opinion, the difference is that you've tried passing it off as fact, which it clearly isn't.

Good luck growing a wrestling company using letters that 100% of the world recognizes as Tits N' Ass.

Worst name for a fed ever.

100% of the world? Does this include people who don't speak english? It must because you said 100%. Seriously, if your posts get any dumber, I'm going to have to email your parents and tell them to make sure you wear a helmet at all times when you're near a keyboard.

I want TNA to succeed, to me TNA is succeeding. They're maintaining solid ratings, turning a profit and expanding on an international and national level. Success.
Absolutely, wrestling is at its best when the companies try to out do each other. TNA being down on the floor isnt what anyone wants. Dixie being bled dry and taken advantage of in public isnt what anyone wants, despite how often she will allow it to happen and never learn from it.

They consistently make the same mistakes with hiring Scott Hall, Waltman, other people who are past it, making characters look like jokes and then try to rehabilitate them, just to do it again. They do not help themselves at all with what they do but people want them to succeed, or i suppose any rival product really.
Sure, i want TNA to Suceed, but the bigger question is, does TNA want TNA to suceed because lately, i'm not so sure about this. They said they are listening to the fans but are they really. The fans have been saying for years that they are tired of watching the old WWE guys show up on T.V. and steal t.v time from the younger talent, yet everyweek, you get star like Nash, Sting and Hogan on t.v. Know they give most of the t.v time the the ECW stars. Most of them are over the hills and should even be in the ring, others like Team 3d, RVD and Rhino are more known for what they did outside ECW then in ECW.

The fans i've been asking for more Desmond Wolfe, A.J. Style, Samoa Joe and less of the mainstreams guys. They got and x-division that is just sitting on the sidelines when they should be a main focus of the company. The buyrates proves it that when the x-division was the focus of the company way back in 2004-2005, the fans were buying the PPV'S because they knew they were getting something different. Now it'S just the same old stuff that being done better in the past. TNA is becoming the nostalgia company and that's never good for any wrestling company.

TNA got a great roster of young talents just waiting to get a chance and that was they motto of TNA in the beginning, to suceed, they need to realise the potential of what they were doing in the beginning and stop hiding behind the quick fix and big name guys. If they confidence on guys like Samoa Joe, A.j. Styles, Hernandez, Matt morgan, jay Lethal and others guys just wating to get a chance to help the company grow, they had more sucess and wouldn'T be in the red right now. Sure it'S good to have a couple of big name guys, but having guys like Sting, Nash and others like them who are past their prime don't help because most fan don't even remember them when they were in their prime.

TNA need to distance themselves from the nostalgia factor and go back to their roots of being the place where young guys get a chance to become superstars.
There are alot of people who want TNA to fail, not on Wrestlezone but on sites like 411mania if you ever read the comments section.

I remember back in 2002-2003 when all the "critics" wrote countless articles on why WWF/E was struggling with ratings and the one thing each and everyone mentioned was "need competition"

Thats what wrestling fans have been yelling and screaming for, yet when it came around everyone turn their backs on TNA, and not only that but they wanted TNA to fail, to go bankrupt, so many wanted WWE to buy TNA out and make Styles, Joe and Angle into jobbers because it would be "lol".

And this is the problem with majority of wrestling fans, and people in general: its one thing what they say, but another what they actually do. Actions speak much louder than words and none of them are interested in supporting TNA, ROH etc.

The biggest wish for all WWE fanatics, even the rabid insane ones, should be that TNA succeeds that would push WWE to become better.

It is no coincidence that quality of WWE went down after ECW and WCW were bought out.

I understand offering criticism but to outright wish the company would die just to see Dixie, Hogan, Eric fail is sad, never forget all the wrestlers who make a living there trying to offer you something other than Santino, Hornswaggle and Bella Twins.
I know I'm a bit late to the party on this thread...I haven't read all the posts, but I've skimmed through. I'm not sure I completely understand the original the discussion about whether or not another company will merge with TNA (like you mentioned, how ECW and WWF did in the late nineties)? ...or is it about fans that hate TNA and want to see them fail? I suppose I'll address both ideas.

As far as another company "throwing TNA a bone" or whatever, I don't know what other company would/could. If it was just a financial-thing, I suppose it could be any company (kind of like how Ted Turner got involved with wrestling) that wanted to see them thrive. I mean hell, Bill Gates could decide he wants to "get in the wrestling game" and provide them with an unlimited budget.

If the discussion is leaning more towards whether or not the fans want TNA to succeed, I'd have to think that most fans DO want to see TNA become bigger and better than they currently are. Even the fans that are vocal about how much they hate TNA (there seems to be a lot of them) must really want an alternative to the WWE, don't you think? I think the majority of fans that are outspoken about how much TNA sucks are just frustrated because they (TNA) have made so many mistakes in the past. I don't necessarily think that all of them want TNA to fail.

How can you be a wrestling fan, and NOT want a second "big" promotion? That would only mean that we'd be getting a better product from both companies. If the WWE wasn't around, TNA would be a lot worse than it is, and vice versa. Competition is, and always will be good for business. It makes both parties try harder to succeed.

There are so many people clamoring for the WWE to get out of the PG-era, but some of those same people are so anti-TNA. Don't they realize that TNA has a chance to give us an "adult" wrestling show? I'm not saying that TNA is rehashing an old idea or whatever...but given that most of the IWC seems to hate the WWE's PG-era, why wouldn't they want to see a more adult-themed wrestling show? TNA seems to be leaning that way lately, but people still like to bitch.

Some people just aren't happy unless they're complaining, and that's just sad. Obviously -- if you're complaining all the time, when do you have time to enjoy what's going on? These shows are supposed to be entertaining, not your idea of a "perfect" show. Hell, most of these people could get everything they want from a wrestling program, or even book the show THEMSELVES...and they'd still find a reason to complain.

I feel bad for those people that just want TNA to go out of business. Being so full of hate that you want to see that many people out of work must be exhausting. Bitching up a storm and not having it change a damn thing must be frustrating as well. I understand "brand loyalty" and all that, but lighten up! In what way would TNA becoming more successful be a bad thing? Seriously, how?
I want TNA to succeed, to me TNA is succeeding. They're maintaining solid ratings, turning a profit and expanding on an international and national level. Success.

That's just because you don't know what the word "succeed" means. Solid ratings? Put down the Kool-Aid kid. Chris Jericho's lame game show got better ratings than TNA and it was only around for a few weeks - and it got canceled - because it wasn't succeeding.

TNA is not succeeding. You are absolutely bat shit crazy if you seriously believe that.
That's just because you don't know what the word "succeed" means. Solid ratings? Put down the Kool-Aid kid. Chris Jericho's lame game show got better ratings than TNA and it was only around for a few weeks - and it got canceled - because it wasn't succeeding.

TNA is not succeeding. You are absolutely bat shit crazy if you seriously believe that.

Today we're going to play a role-playing game, are you ready? Ok.

My name is Jeff Jarrett, that's J-E-Double-F J-A-Double-R-E-Double-T. It's 2002 and with the small amount of money I have, I, along with my father Jerry Jarrett decide to create Total Non-Stop Action. First I manage to have my upstart company accepted into the NWA the historical organisation that founded professional wrestling in the United States, not only are we accepted we become their front running group laying claim to the historic NWA World Title and the NWA World Tag Team Titles. I also broker a deal with Panda Energy to finance my fledgling company, not only that but my company is able to broker another deal that gives us a weekly show on PPV charging $10 per show.

At this point our show is broadcast from the Nashville Tennesse Fairgrounds, we have an entrance ramp and some cheap lasers-lights. Nevertheless we manage to achieve enough PPV buys and high revenue so that Fox Sports Net offers us a 1 hour time slot on their television station, no more weekly PPV's, we also secure a deal with Universal Studios in Orlando Florida, allowing us to film at our new location the iMPACT Zone, this greatly raises our production values and lowers expense as we no longer need to rent out the fairgrounds.

Unfortunately this deal falls through, but a year later The Nashville Network now under the name Spike TV agrees to give us a 1 hour timeslot every thursday night to run our show TNA iMPACT. We also continue running monthly PPV's and are able to increase our overrall viewership. Not only that but we manage to sign former WWE world champion Kurt Angle and former WWE star Christian Cage. In 2006 we began running TNA house shows, which turned out to be so popular that we eventually began running international tours in 2008, including tours of the UK and Germany. We also began broadcasting in multiple countries outside of the US. Currently TNA iMPACT is broadcast in 27 countries, including Australia, India, the UK, Italy and Israel.

We still run monthly PPV's, some of which are held outside of Orlando, generally these are our bigger shows like Bound For Glory and Lockdown. We also offer merchandise on sale at TNA's official website, we have an action figure deal, have released video games and have numerous forms of apparel, posters and other accessories for our fans. We also have an on-demand TNA video-vault service that allows fans to watch previous PPV's online and we have an exclusive content deal with youtube that allows us to broadcast matches and segments from previous episodes of TNA iMPACT, Xplosion and our former weekly PPV's for free.

So thanks for listening this has been Jeff Jarrett, remember J-E-Double-F J-A-Double-R-E-Double-T.

Now that we're done roleplaying, have think about all of that stuff I've just listed. And remind me again as to how TNA are unsuccessful?
I have never come across anyone who wanted TNA to die and go away. The most of the bad talk of them seems to come from unrealistic opinions of the company and what most people are looking for is fact over opinion. Is TNA good yes they are, some people cant leave it at that though. They have to be called great or the best which simply isn't true. I do want TNA to come up personally and make the WWE try again. Right now WWE is taking in well more viewers for a far more childish product. You can argue its all kids watching their shows but a viewer is a viewer in the end. You shouldn't be worried about a small target audience go after every bit of fans out their because it just furthers you progress. More people watching, more fans in the stands, more money, good stuff all around.
And remind me again as to how TNA are unsuccessful?

Well, for starters TNA has the same or worse ratings now than they did 8 years ago. They also lost half their fan base to the WWE during their awesome attempt to take over Monday Nights...

I mean, if a .5 rating was successful they would have stayed on Monday's. But it's not. It's a failure. So they didn't. I don't know how you can call a company who blatantly said they were going to rule Monday Nights - and got destroyed trying - successful. That's the opposite of success.

Everything TNA has done has failed. Everything.

Get Kurt Angle. Fail.

Get Russo. Fail.

get Hogan and Bishcoff. Fail.

Get Hardy and RVD. Fail.

Move to Monday's. Fail.

You simply cannot fail at all those things and consider yourself successful.
Well, for starters TNA has the same or worse ratings now than they did 8 years ago.
Umm, 8 years ago they were on PPV, they didn't get ratings. They got buys. Actually learn something about the company before you speak on the subject. Also during 06-08 they were averaging 0.5-0.8, which upped in 09 to 1's and they're doing 1's again this year. Seems pretty stable to me.

They also lost half their fan base to the WWE during their awesome attempt to take over Monday Nights...
Really? Cos last I checked they've been getting 1.1's the last few weeks. And the WWE's ratings haven't exactly gone up.

I mean, if a .5 rating was successful they would have stayed on Monday's. But it's not. It's a failure. So they didn't.
The drew a 0.5 once, the week before they drew a 1.1. One random occasion. That's all you've got, congrats.

I don't know how you can call a company who blatantly said they were going to rule Monday Nights - and got destroyed trying - successful. That's the opposite of success.
Got any source on when they said that? Because I remember Bischoff stating that it was an attempt to expand TNA and that they knew they wouldn't beat RAW but that they wanted to see how TNA would fair. But please provide a source on your info.

Everything TNA has done has failed. Everything.
Really? Got any proof? Oh so I suppose the fact that TNA running their 3rd UK tour next year means their UK tours have failed huh? Or that the fact that Spike has run iMPACT for 5 years means it's failing. Ok then. If TNA has failed at everything, why are they making money? More to the point how come they keep expanding their product and reaching new audiences? How on Earth do they keep managing to purchase even bigger stars? I mean surely one would assume they couldn't do all that if the weren't making money? But let's see what you've got;

Get Kurt Angle. Fail.
So Kurt Angle isn't employd by TNA Wrestling? I could've sworn I saw him on iMPACT this week.

Get Russo. Fail.
Are you saying Vince Russo doesn't work there anymore? I thought he did. :shrug:

get Hogan and Bishcoff. Fail.
Now hang on a second, I know for a fact Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were on iMPACT this week, you sir are a liar.

Get Hardy and RVD. Fail.
Yep, pretty sure those guys are in TNA as well, why do you keep saying they aren't?

Move to Monday's. Fail.
They did move to Monday and it didn't work out, so they moved back to Thursday, but you're saying they didn't move to Mondays and that isn't true.

You simply cannot fail at all those things and consider yourself successful.
Aside from your terrible understanding of the English language, I'll put it nice an simply, if you can show me two examples of a company who've managed to go from nothing to all the things TNA has accomplished in 8 years, I'd love to here it.

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