4/9/12...Now WWE is Crossing the Limit Against TNA...A WAR

WWE SHOULD be disrespecting TNA. Impact Wrestling is a joke and deserves to be mocked. It should be a cue to them to get their act together. Vince has mocked Hogan over and over since he originally left WWE in 1993, nothing new there.
I disagree. If I read your post correctly, you were incorrect on 2 points:

"there is one reason i like him and thats he used the same tactics of Vince to defeat Vince during the war."

#1 - Eric didn't defeat Vince in the Monday night wars. That's why WWE owns WCW now.

"During WCW Bischoff had issues with Vince, but TNA never showed any disrespect to WWE. THEN WHY?"

You mention his time in WCW first, so I'm guessing that is what you mean. With that being said:

#2 - Eric / WCW didn't disrespect Vince/WWE during the Monday night wars? What about preemptively giving away Raw results during a live WCW broadcast? That isn't blatant disrespect? What about having Mark Madden dress up as, and make fun of Jim Ross and his bells palsy?

this is what I was going to say. during the nWo time when WCW was constantly beating WWE in ratings, Bischoff would do whateer he could to "disrespect" WWE.

whether WCW won any Monday night "WAR" is depending on when you consider the war to have ended. in the end with WCW buying out WWE I guess you could say WWE won the final war, but there were numerous times when WCW was owning RAW in the ratings.

I don't watch WWE so I never saw this last night. I don't think it's a big deal or really any deal at all. nothing different really than when WWE had the Hukster and the Nacho Man. or when WWE brought back "Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" as different wrestlers than Nash and Hall.

as far as Hogan vs McMahon, I think Hogan is the one who made WWF, not McMahon. the WWF never would have become what they were without someone to be the front, someone recognizable to play that role. I don't think there was anyone else in wrestling who could have played that as well as Hogan. Hulk Hogan was the name everyone knew, even non wrestling fans. not many people knew who Vince McMahon was.
Considering WWE own that music and (though I'm not sure on this) that image, they can do whatever they like to it, there is no defamation that the WWE could actually place on Hulk Hogan that would make anyone with a slight knowledge of the industry think any less of him. As far as TNA is concerned there are wrestling fans who like as another company and another option and then there's a lot of guys who see that it technically is an inferior product. WWE is not going to change anyone's mind about TNA or Hulk in anyway by having a guest host do yet another nostalgic satire of Hulk Hogan. (Remember that time the Big Show did it. Eugh.) Point is, it wasn't an attempt at trying to damage TNA it was just a bit of fun, if WWE wanted to damage TNA they'd buy them out, scrap them for parts and sell all the spit back to anyone who'd take it.
Last nights Monday Night RAW showed us the company's immense ego and disrespect to both Hulk Hogan and TNA.

Curly came with HOGAN Music and wearing Hogan Gear, only to get a chokeslam from kane and show disrespect to Hogan and TNA.

HOGAN is in a respectable post in TNA, so mocking him means disrespecting the TNA. Probably that gave WWE some cheap publicity.

During WCW Bischoff had issues with Vince, but TNA never showed any disrespect to WWE. THEN WHY?

even during the Monday Night Wars WWF mocked Hulk Hogan and Randy savage as Hukstar and Nacho man respectively. But now its not war time. THEN WHY?

out of many reasons for which i hate bischoff, there is one reason i like him and thats he used the same tactics of Vince to defeat Vince during the war. But the situation is different now.
Somebody needs to whoop Vince's ass..!!!..

Uhh, Ok, lets see. TNA had Billy Gun and Road Dog on tv bashing WWE and DX for several weeks. And if you remember there was a wrestlemania, the Big Show came out to the hogan theme too. Look, Vince is NOT worried one bit about TNA. SHould he be? NO, as they tried there hand on Monday nights, and got railed. TNA tried to start the Monday Night wars again and lost, due to hogan and co thinking they had a chance. I guess you forgot about that
What does "crossing the limit" mean?

Jeff Hardy and his friends made that up.

Something about how the human body has limits as to what it can do and how much abuse it can take whether its wrestling or rampant drug use. It suits the company.

Kurt Angle loved the tagline because he crosses the drinking limit before every time he drives and posts on twitter.
This wasn't a shot at Hogan or TNA. Just like the attitude era everybody is always clamoring for some sort of Monday night wars rehashment but its not coming. Hell in all honesty even if TNA somehow found 10 John Cenas, 5 Goldbergs, and 7 HBKs they still wouldn't be able to compete with WWE becuz everything WWE does wrong TNA seems to find a way to do it 10x worse. Before we take the Sasso skit as a Hogan diss lets first remember that Will was a long time member of the MadTv cast and he's most like done a Hogan impersonation before. This was just Vince booking a celebrity comedy act
Ok, I'll say that it was a shot at Hogan, and as a fan who's loathed Hogan's existence since like 1986, I couldn't have been happier. Was it a shot at TNA, no, as so many others have mention, the WWE really doesn't care, this week alone they mentioned UFC (who Brock claimed to self promoted to where it is today), and the Japanese market more than a few times. I'm surprised that we didn't have an angry Hogan response this morning, but, it is early.
For 1. I don't think Hogan feels disrespected at all. He knows it's all part of the business and it certainly didnt bother me and I'm a huge Hogan fan. 2. The term Hulkamania started in the AWA. Vince brought Hogan in at the last part of 83 after he had been on national tv ( Johnny Carson) explaining what Hulkamania is in 1982. Now Hulk and Vince both benefited from Hogan being in wwe. So Yes Hulkamania was around before he went to WWE I don't think anyone can say Hogan made WWE or WWE made Hogan. It was a partnership that made both Hogan and WWE huge. I would Love to see Hogan back with WWE as an on screen role some how.
let me sum this up as eloquently as the topic creator. *clears throat*


Seriously, are we seriously having this discussion? First of all, for there to be a "war" there has to be...oh, I don't know. Serious competition? Right now, comparing TNA to WWE is like comparing the local high school team to the new york yankees

Hogan and TNA DESERVE disrespect, because they're a joke. I'll be honest here, I've tried to struggle through impact as of late. Never made it that far in before I had to go "lol, fuck this." (do watch ring ka king, though) and went to do something meaningful.

TNA has done nothing BUT take shots at WWE, as stated. Team 3D ripped up a contract on live TV. Rhino burned it on live TV. Every Former WWE reject that crawls their way to florida bitches about that "other company" Fortune tried (and failed, miserably) to take a shot at nexus. Eric Bitchoff has taken his fair shots at WWE. the fucking Voodoo Kin Mafia, who's name relied solely on the fact it was VKM so they could declare war on Triple H, Michaels and McMahon

So, in shot You're a moron. This was a jab at Hogan, not Tna and this thread was just a pathetic attempt to get shit stirred up.
Bullshit. TNA and Hogan especially have been taking pot shots at WWE for years now and nobody says boo about it. But God forbid that WWE take a few shots of their own. After all, it's not as if Hogan hasn't said anything derogatory about WWE the past few years. :rolleyes: It's not as if he hasn't publicly stated that he taught Vince McMahon everything he knows. :rolleyes:

I remember back when Hogan came to TNA and shots towards WWE were more common. Lots of TNA fans were lapping it up as if the shots were some sort of major victory against WWE. All in all, I don't see this as being anything that won't roll off Hogan's back. If TNA and/or Hogan does take issue with it, then maybe they shouldn't dish it out if they can't take it.
WWE has some regard for Hogan. Though they may be keeping an eye on them, WWE has very little regard for TNA at this stage in the game. I think extremely few and far between is the case where WWE actually responds to anything TNA does. Vince and company see TNA as a pro-wrestling company at best. Vince sees the WWE as an entertainment juggernaut, a media empire whose crown jewel is a sports entertainment product that borrows from traditional professional wrestling.

In other words, a knock against Hogan (if this was even what that segment on RAW was) does not translate into a shot against TNA. WWE cares about Hogan because he was a former WWF/E performer who is instantly recognizable. WWE would love to have ties with Hogan based on this, as evidenced by his recent appearance in several WWE branded video games. WWE couldn't care less that Hogan is in TNA. They have no regard for what he has done while affiliated with TNA. Hogan sitting on the couch doing nothing is tantamount to Hogan's involvement in TNA as far as WWE is concerned. That's to say, it's a total non-issue.

The segment on RAW was at the very worst, a rib against Hogan. WWE isn't trying to start a war with TNA. Why on earth would they? What would they possibly have to gain? If TNA were to go out of business tomorrow, how does that affect WWE in any measurable or even tangible way?
Wasn't a TNA star just honoured by the WWE HOF? Ric Flair just appeared on WWE TV and is now the only two time inductee, and I believe the first person inducted while under contract with a rival promotion. If anything, I would hope that VKM would feed the competition a bit and see if he can elevate the WWE even more by having strong competition as he was forced to do during the Monday Night Wars. The post WM RAW showed that there are still very passionate fans who will respond if the product is good, but I fear that TNA has a track record of messing things up when they get the ball rolling (Hulk Hogan is back...again...sigh) and WWE doesn't have the new creative ideas that were evident during the WCW War. A TNA-WWE war doesn't seem likely at all.
I really don't think there's anything WWE can do to disrespect Hogan at this point that he hasn't done to himself. And if memory serves me, Hogan ended his last run in WWE (Mr. America) by walking out because he wasn't the top star in the match or something.

Whatever, screw Hogan. I'm glad they made fun of him. It's no worse than years ago when Big Show was coming out as different characters and one of them was Hogan.

Calm down.
Will Sasso executed it perfectly last night, down to the movements, the voice, and he sold the chokeslam better.

Do I feel as though you have a legitimate point? Yeah, sure, but it doesn't matter to be honest. WWE created the character and Hogan did bring it to life. Jabs will always happen and at least Sasso didn't disrespect the Hogan character during the bit. I could do armchair analysis on the segment all day but it doesn't matter to be honest. It was good. That's the bottom line.
You're making a federal case out of nothing. This isn't the first time Vince has taken a shot at Hogan and probably won't be the last. Vince only spoofed Hogan here, not a whole promotion like he did back in the day with the Huckster skits. Like mentioned before, quite a few former WWE stars have taken shots at the company, from Kurt and Anderson to the Dudleys, and that was more of a direct insult. Its true that TNA isn't anywhere near WWE's level in terms of competition and ratings. But I do think that Vince is very aware that they have a big following. But this whole spoof is nothing to get amped up over.
LOL this has gotta be a troll. Hogan disrespects himself when he 'leaks' his own sex tape, and then claims he cant rememeber who she was. He disrespects himself....oh, you know what. Just take a look at him...enough said.
let me sum this up as eloquently as the topic creator. *clears throat*


Seriously, are we seriously having this discussion? First of all, for there to be a "war" there has to be...oh, I don't know. Serious competition? Right now, comparing TNA to WWE is like comparing the local high school team to the new york yankees

Hogan and TNA DESERVE disrespect, because they're a joke. I'll be honest here, I've tried to struggle through impact as of late. Never made it that far in before I had to go "lol, fuck this." (do watch ring ka king, though) and went to do something meaningful.

TNA has done nothing BUT take shots at WWE, as stated. Team 3D ripped up a contract on live TV. Rhino burned it on live TV. Every Former WWE reject that crawls their way to florida bitches about that "other company" Fortune tried (and failed, miserably) to take a shot at nexus. Eric Bitchoff has taken his fair shots at WWE. the fucking Voodoo Kin Mafia, who's name relied solely on the fact it was VKM so they could declare war on Triple H, Michaels and McMahon

So, in shot You're a moron. This was a jab at Hogan, not Tna and this thread was just a pathetic attempt to get shit stirred up.

You sir are amazing. And dead on correct.

Don't forget their beating of a dead horse ECW thing...
Bullshit. TNA and Hogan especially have been taking pot shots at WWE for years now and nobody says boo about it. But God forbid that WWE take a few shots of their own. After all, it's not as if Hogan hasn't said anything derogatory about WWE the past few years. :rolleyes: It's not as if he hasn't publicly stated that he taught Vince McMahon everything he knows. :rolleyes:

I remember back when Hogan came to TNA and shots towards WWE were more common. Lots of TNA fans were lapping it up as if the shots were some sort of major victory against WWE. All in all, I don't see this as being anything that won't roll off Hogan's back. If TNA and/or Hogan does take issue with it, then maybe they shouldn't dish it out if they can't take it.

Pretty much this. Jack Hammer hit it right on the head, as usual. When TNA did it, it was edgy, it was cool...but if the WWE does anything, TNA fans act all offended by it. Someone brought it up earlier, but, did any of you butthurt TNA fans remember Shark Boy? Why is a TNA wrestler imitating Austin cutting edge, while a GUEST HOST doing a Hulk Hogan impersonation because he is a COMEDIAN WHO DOES THINGS LIKE THAT ALL THE DAMN TIME is suddenly a sign of the apocalypse? Seriously, get your panties unwedged from your buttcracks already. If TNA wants to take shots at the WWE constantly, then it's extremely hypocritical to bitch about the WWE "crossing the line". (even though they didn't)
If anything, this gave TNA & Hogan a hot in the arm. How many people thought about Hogan & TNA after that segment?

If the rating on the next episode of Impact goes up, they have VKM and Will Sasso to thank.
I thought it was a little tasteless simply because TNA just let Flair go to the H.O.F. TNA has taken plenty of shots at WWE so its not like WWE fired the first shot. I don't think its as big of a deal as you seem to, but I did think it was pointless. Then again the whole three stooges bit was pointless.
I don't think it was a shot at anybody. People are overly sensitive sometimes.

Will Sasso is known for impersonations. He's also known for being a huge wrestling fan. Hell, he used to do a "Stone Cold" impression on MAD TV. It was a good impression, used actual Hogan mannerisms, and didn't take any personal shots (despite the numerous obvious jokes that could've been made). It's not like he buried anyone.

At best, one could consider it an homage to a classic wrestling personality who made his name in WWE and just happens to currently work for TNA. At worst, it was just a bit of time to promote a new movie.
It wasn't a shot at Hogan. Will Sasso is a huge wrestling fan and does very good impersonations of wrestlers. He was probably having the time of his life out there. I didn't see any way the whole thing was a shot at Hogan.

The only "shot" at Hogan was Jerry Lawler's remark "Hogan lost weight."

And this whole topic is a huge sham. TNA has been taking pot-shot, and usless jabs at WWE. Voodoo Kin Mafia was stupid, every superstar that comes to TNA from WWE shots on the WWE. It's like they don't understand that Vince McMahon doesn't give a damn about them, like he for some reason watches TNA. Having billboards outside of Titan Towers in Stanford Connecticut just to try and get his attention, having a failed Monday Night Wars. They think their competition, they think WWE and more importantly Vince McMahon gives a damn about them.

TNA is like some small market store on the corner trying to compete with Walmart and Target. They don't have enough costumers, but they insist on trying to get the managers of Walmart and Target attention to hopefully start a "war." You know, because that's the only way they'll get any costumers if they were competing with big market places.

Hell, I don't even watch TNA anymore because it wasn't entertaining me and the whole show was jab after jab at WWE.
Wow just wow, Will Sasso as been a wrestling fan forever and have you all forgotten about his feud with Bret Hart in WCW. Also most likely Will, came up with the idea, and told the WWE he would take the bump. My god, some people are just trying there best to think the WWE cares about TNA. When the WWE, speak of TNA on Raw or anything, then the war is on, other then that stop trying. Also just youtube Will Sasso wrestling, and shit ton of stuff will come out.
Yea. I've watched TNA Impact maybe 2-3 times ever, and even I can think of a few times when TNA blatantly knocked the WWE.

1) Voodoo Kin Mafia. Seriously. That name doesn't even make sense ... except for the fact that the initials are VKM. The group's purpose? To declare war on Paul Leveseque, Michael Hickenbottom and Vince McMahon.

2) The Dudley Boys tore up a WWE contract in the middle of the ring back in 2008.

3) Jay Lethal. Black Machismo? Ring a bell?

I think the nonsense name was intentional lol as for Back Machismo I think that was more of a tribute than taking a shot at Savage.

I can recall an impact where "Vince" actually appeared lol

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