Will there ever be a chance for...


a superstar to be a top guy in the company and be openly gay? Not that this is something I am hoping for, but the subject just kind of popped into my head and think it would make for good discussion.

Now aside from Pat Patterson who is open about it but doesn't exactly wrestle anymore, I think this poses a very interesting arguement. Now I don't know much abotu wrestling back in the day so I'm not exactly sure myself when Pat Patterson was open about his sexuality. Was it in the early stages of his career, middle, or after he retired? And while I'm on older superstars... Adrian Adonis doesn't count.

I guess an easier way to state this would be what if someone the calibur of a John Cena admitted he was gay tomorrow? Now I'm not gay myself nor do I believe Cena is any way gay (other than his moveset which needs a facelift because it's borrrrrrrring but that's another issue), but what do you think would happen to a certain superstar who climbed to the top of the game, and said "I'm openly gay." ?????????

I think this would be something that would grab worldwide media attention. In a form of entertainment that is prodominantly males being within contact of each other, what percentage of the guys in the back would you believe to be homophobic and refuse to work with such a superstar? I would like to believe that the guys in the back would look past that and still go on everyday as they would any other time in the ring. But I don't believe that would be the case. With the media attention it would receive and the fact that it seems like the WWE is really serious about this PG rating now, I don't think Vince would let it fly. Especially now with the internet and the way news travels, I don't think said superstar could even go to Vince and tell him because it would only be a matter of time before everybody finds out. It would just end up being a bad image for the company in my eyes and I don't believe Vince would let it fly... or would he? I mean you have admit that Vince does what is good for business and a star that's openly gay could be a huge step for the WWE. But you hafta remember, Vince is also the guy that's pitched incest angles for his shows on numerous occasions. Even though everybody is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the world, how would a situation like this play out?
This is a very interesting topic and something I have never really thought about. I really don't think that we will see an openly gay male as the top guy in any major wrestling company in our lifetime. The average wrestling fan is a working class, white, male between the ages of 18-36. Generally, homosexuality is not well received in this demographic. While there are plenty of female fans, wrestling is still regarded as a "man's sport". In general, men are not as accepting of male homosexuality. Not to say that an openly gay male wouldn't be accepted, I just don't believe that Vince would even take the chance of alienating his largest fan demographic.
Can't imagine it. While it's sad that it's still viewed this way, being gay is often looked down upon by society. Can you imagine the jokes that would start? Think about it: wrestling is often times two grown men in more or less underwear grappling with each other. The jokes would go through the roof and sadly enough, people would be more concerned with that aspect of things then they would be of what was going on in the ring. I wouldn't really mind at all, but a large number of people would. Sadly enough, it's never going to happen, at least not for a very long time.
I don't know how the wrestlers would act i would they could see past it and still do there job but i dunno if they would. I agree I would hope they would though. But I honestly I think it would be rattings graper because people would be more interested even none wrestling fans.
Well I know its doesn't quite suit your point of an overall "top guy" but weren't Billy and Chuck portrayed as fairly affectionate to eachother as tag team champs in the WWE? I know they later revealed the marriage proposal as a fake but it did seem like they were gay for quite a while and they were fairly high in the tag team division. I don't remember that much of a fuss being created about that.

In any case to go back to your overall point I would probably disagree with most of the other posters here. In todays modern wrestling where the lines between a shoot and a promo are so blurred- to the extent that some people refuse to believe that Jericho really hit a fan, would anyone really believe or care about it? How could a wrestler come out and not have, half the fans believe it to be some kind of publicity stunt or angle?

My point is that modern fans are prepared to put up with quite a lot for the sake of storylines, incest, necrophaelia, people killing their managers..... Would something as ordinary as homosexuality really raise a stir after this? Would the fans even believe it anyway?
I know he didn't exactly set the WWE on fire, but wasn't Orlando Jordan open about being bisexual while he was there? I don't think he ever got held back because of it, after all he is a former United States Champiion.
I didn't know about Orlando Jordan. Was he openly bi? Can anyone else confirm this or add that they also heard the same thing? I myself liked Orlando Jordan and thought he was a great star. He had arguably the one of the best teachers in the world in JBL when they were together. Orlando had a lot of potential but if he was openly bi, would you think that attributed to his downfall and eventual termination from the company? After he lost that US Title and his feud with Benoit was over, he really just disappeared from the company.

I would hate to think that if he really was openly bisexual that it led to his not being used, but sadly I don't think it's something I would put past someone in charge that may see bisexuality as a horror or a problem or an illness or something stupid like that.
Google him and you can see for yourself. He did several interviews discussing it. There were actually plans to repackage him with a bisexual gimmick, which Vince McMahon apparently liked. I don't think it contributed to his release in any way. That had something to do with him travelling with an unauthorised individual or something
Orlando Jordan and Chris Kanyon are both openly gay wrestlers. As for a homosexual man headlining WWE, never say never. Talent makes fans blind to many things. However, I will add that someone being flamboyant with their homosexuality would not help them at all. But, if you have an extremely talented superstar whose sexual preferences you never questioned and who admits that he is gay, then I don't think anyone is going to care.
Ok, from what I know.. Pat Patterson was openly gay to "the boys in the back" but never on tv/in public.. same for steve lombardi/the brooklyn brawler (he is supposedly pattersons boyfriend), and sylvan grenier was rumoured to be pattersons one time "boy toy" (tho they say that grenier and patterson are "just friends") the ultimate warrior was rumoured to have been a gay for pay male escort before getting into wrestling and everyone in the back knew it.. orlando jordan was openly bi-sexual and everyone in the lockerrooms knew it.. an older wrestler named robbie.. something (he was the oldest wrestler to ever have been listed on the pwi 500)... is openly gay and i spoke to him once online and he said that theres a LOT more gay wrestlers than you can imagine but he never said who.. tho he didnt believe that jeff hardy was gay at all... simon sermon is an independent wrestler who is openly gay.. rob feinstein, the ORIGINAL owner of ROH is gay and i am assuming that the guys who worked for him knew it... and my own personal speculation is that ROMEO from the HEARTTHROBS tag team from a few years back in the WWE is closeted.. tho i am fairly sure that if he IS indeed gay then at LEAST his tag team partner ANTONIO would know (my speculation is that they are BOTH gay and are "an item".. and i have reasons for that).. and chris kanyon is openly gay as well. there was an independent wrestler from back in the 80's or early 90's from a tag team called the "american express" named THE ZEBRA KID who was openly gay, and in fact posed for some "raunchy gay website"

so i guess to sort of answwer your question.. if you mean an "openly gay TO THE FANS wrestler" would ever happen.. i doubt it for the simple fact that theres too many narrow minded bigots out there with something to prove who would more than likely try and jump those wrestlers when they werent expecting it in public and try to beat them down... as far as being "openly gay in the backstage area and having your co-workers know about it" then thats already been done.
Is it me or were they trying to show a more homosexual/ Metro sexual side to santino with his tag partner Ziggler on monday? I looks like they may being turning Santino that way, he shaved the unibrow and now he was wearing diamond stud ear rings. And all he was doing was commenting on Zigglers body?
I am 110% straight and engaged to a wonderful girl and also a lifelong fan of this business. It is my absolute favorite program on television and I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to totally accept an openly gay wrestler as a top guy. It wouldn't change my opinion of anyone in any career and I think it is sad that there are people in this world who are so close minded that something as ridiculous as sexuality would prevent someone from achieving the level of success they deserve. So if Cena, HHH, Jericho or Randy Orton came out of the closet 2morrow I would still cheer for them as much as I do now and I would actually like the WWE even more for being accepting and still giving them the same opportunity. So in this day and age of our 1st Black President and gay marriages being legalized, I would say that it is absolutely possible for a gay person to be a champion.
Is it me or were they trying to show a more homosexual/ Metro sexual side to santino with his tag partner Ziggler on monday? I looks like they may being turning Santino that way, he shaved the unibrow and now he was wearing diamond stud ear rings. And all he was doing was commenting on Zigglers body?

I recently thought exact same thing a couple weeks ago on Raw when Santino & Beth were walking in the backstage area before a commercial break. He was strutting down hall like a run-way model with his hands on hips and he was puckering his lips and peering oddly with his eyes. I thought to myself then "Santino looks gay". Does anyone remember that? and then with last week and his comments and display with Ziggler certainly hints that his character could head that direction. I wouldn't be surprised this person Santino talks about being his secret admirer is in fact a guy.
Im sure they dont like it but uh Pat Patterson was gay. Chris Kanyon, gay. Orlando Jordan, also gay. And probably plenty of others. Im straight as hell, got a 4 year old son. But hell, if they can work a match throw em in the ring.
You never know. There could be some wrestlers backstage who are gay, but openly gay? I don't know. WWE gets a lot of publicity from the media as it is and having an openly gay superstar would bring some unwanted publicity into the WWE. Being gay is not a problem, but there are certain people who get a little uncomfortable when they are around gay people. Homosexuality plays a major role is the media and having an openly gay superstar will cause a mahor buzz. If the gay superstar (if there is any) wanted to come out of the closet and reveal their homosexuality, it could cause problems for them and for WWE, just for the simple fact that lots of people have problems with them, even though they are still humans.
Well even though they never said they we're gay, for real or for a storyline, what about the tag team of Billy & Chuck with Rico as there manager? they were over the top flamboyant, and had many gay spots throughout there run, but eventually WWE creative dropped them.

I think the stigma of homosexuality would not work in pro wrestling, at least not right now. But i wouldnt doubt that eventually it will be introduced much like the introduction of women's wrestling and eventually be overlooked just like an armbar
I dont think this is what creative is going for...for no other reason then the fact that the wwe is pushing for a PG kid friendly atmosphere...
I dont think it would happen now since the PG rating the wwe is doing. because if u remember back before the wwe was 14 they had a gay wrestler in Rico. he was kissing other wrestlers and became popular with the fans. I just think that now with the PG rating it will hurt the wwe if they have an openly gay wrestler. But u never know with the wwe.
I dont think this is what creative is going for...for no other reason then the fact that the wwe is pushing for a PG kid friendly atmosphere...

What better way to teach kids tolerance to homosexuality. Have half-naked men grab, fondle and prod at each other in the ring! Santino can open up a beauty salon and give wrestlers manicures before their matches. Hell, Jack Swagger has a lisp and already sounds gay on the mic. DJ "Gay"briel can lead karoake music and dancing at a disco and The Brian Kendrick can open up a new store with the latest in sequined rhinestones & leopard print wrestling gear! I mean the WWE soooooooooo many possibilities to run with here!!! (sarcasm intended)


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