Will the WWE induct Mike Tyson into the Hall of Fame?

CM Steel

A REAL American
At the beginning of 1998 around the time of that year's Royal Rumble, the WWF/E brought in "Iron" Mike Tyson as a special guess enforcer for the main event for Wrestlemania 14. Which led to a huge media storyline build going into WM 14 with Stone Cold Steve Austin, DX, and WWF/E chairman Vince McMahon as the ringmaster (no pun intended).

Mike Tyson gave Stone Cold a little rub that night at Wrestlemania 14 in Boston after Austin won the WWF/E title from Shawn Michaels. As "the baddest man in the WWF/E"! Starting the "Austin Era" from then on. But the attitude era didn't start with Stone Cold Steve Austin. It really started with Shawn Michaels, taking Triple H & Chyna along for the ride. And Mike Tyson was apart of D-Generation X leading into Wrestlemania 14.

With that being said, will the WWE induct Mike Tyson into the celebrity wing of the WWE Hall of Fame? Mike Tyson isn't as famous like he was back then. But his WWF/E appearence made one of the most impacts in wrestling at that time (unless you include Dennis Rodman & Karl Malone into that?).

And Mike Tyson made a one night return to the WWE on the second RAW of 2010 as a special guess host. So why not?
I would say they would definately have to induct him, I mean come on they've got Pete Rose and Drew Carey in there already, personally I would of put Tyson in there before those guys.
Let's get one thing straight. I loved wcw as much as the next guy, but comparing Tysons participation in wwf in 1998 to that of Malone and Rodman is a laugh. Rod/Malone made no where near the impact to the business as Tyson did. Tyson/Austin/McMahon/hbk set the wwe into the attitude era that would take wrestling to a whole new level. With that being said, Tyson has more than earned his spot into the hof. I'd like to think that it will happen soon. I mean I was not enthused about this year's hof. Except for Michaels and the Road Warriors. I hope wwe does the right thing soon and inducts iron mike along with others who truly deserve that spot.
Good question to ask and I would have to say absolutely, Mike Tyson should be in the celebrity wing of the hall. I just wish they made it clear that they actually do have a "celebrity wing," not there is an actual building yet but still. If Drew Carey and Pete Rose can be in the wing then Tyson absolutely should. I'm ok with WWE putting celebs into the hall as long as they make it more obvious that they are in a separate "wing" from the superstars. I would also put in 1 celeb in a year to further emphasis the distinction. I'd love to see what kind of crazy story Tyson would tell at an induction speech as I'm sure he has at least 1 good one for an acceptance although I can't imagine it being very PG, especially considering how he was at that time and that he was rolling with DX, at least on camera anyway.

As for Malone and Rodman...simply not nearly the same. Tyson was involved in the main event of WrestleMania and actually played some significance in the WWE in terms of publicity. Sure Malone is a basketball hall of famer but he was never on the level in terms of the media as Tyson was. Rodman, on the other hand was a media magnet but for the wrong reasons. Not the same at all. Tyson actually played an integral role in helping add to the Attitude Era where as Malone, Rodman, Leno, Arquette and all the other WCW random insertions were just for a quick cheap pop.
i think that tyson goes in...only reason they inducted pete rose was so he could get into "A" hall of fame since he is banned from the Baseball hof. As for rodman and Malone they will not make it in neither Leno. David Arquette might due to his WCW title run but Tyson for sure. As for other candidates I would say Shaq, and Donald Trump. Now Shaq should return to WWE in some way in the future leading up to his induction. As for Trump, battle of the billionaires, buying Monday night raw and bring the 1st commercial free Raw, bring in the Guest GM or Raw, he is more worthy then Drew Carey, and Rose.
Eh, why not? They inducted Drew Carey into the Hall of Fame, and he did a hell of a lot less than Iron Mike.

I suppose you can argue Mike Tyson helped usher in the Attitude Era, and he certainly was a part of the event that helped it began, but kicking off the era was definitely Stone Cold's doing. However, Mike Tyson turning on Dx to show his allegiance to Austin is one of the most memorable moments in the history of both Stone Cold, Dx, and WrestleMania in general.

The WWE likes to have a few high profile inductees for the Hall of Fame every year, and having a boxing great like Mike Tyson would certainly be a good guy to induct.
Definitely. I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Mr. T. Is he already in the HOF? Mr. T had two WrestleMania appearances in which he actually performed, and a boxing match with Cowboy Bob Orton on Saturday Night's Main Event.
Man, he better. IMO, Mike Tyson was one of the three elements that helped lead to the beloved Attitude Era, the greatest in history. The other two, of course, being Austin and Michaels. Now, if Drew Carey can get in by eliminating himself, why can't Tyson? Hopefully they can find a spot for him in 2012!
Why wouldn't they? They have Drew Carey in there, like many others have said.

And I look forward to if and when the WWE has an actual building for the Hall of fame, and I like the fact they are willing to induct wrestlers that never worked for the WWE.
Yes, yes, yes and a millions times yes. Everybody gets into the WWE hall of fame, if Drew Carey and Pete Rose are in you can bet that Mike Tyson will be in. The only person that will never go to the WWE hall of fame is Chris Benoit, and we all know the story why he will never get in.
If Donald Trump wasn't trying to set himself up as a serious figure above wrestling, I would have argued that he should have been inducted in before Mike Tyson, seeing as he contributed to one of the eminently more memorable Wrestlemania moments, at least from a more casual fans point of view. Trump could still get inducted in, but I'd say Tyson has more of a chance at being asked at the very least; and why not? He could possibly be drawn in to appear at the show itself in the eventuality that he does get inducted. Really, it's only a matter of time, if not next year it'll probably happen the year after that. Help draw in some boxing fans and all that.
Absoultely yes!! Why the hell not Tyson as far as celebrities did the most. He helped with the attitude era did alot!! For fucks sake if that piece of human waste drew carey can get in (I really hate that guy) Tyson better get in!!! And please someone explain why isnt Mr T in??
Absoultely yes!! Why the hell not Tyson as far as celebrities did the most. He helped with the attitude era did alot!! For fucks sake if that piece of human waste drew carey can get in (I really hate that guy) Tyson better get in!!! And please someone explain why isnt Mr T in??

They have offered Mr T a place but he turned it down because he was insulted they put Pete Rose in before him, which is fair seeing as he was a major part of the first 2 Manias.

Tyson's a cert for the HOF. He's a fan, his kid is a fan, nice little payday, how could he turn it down!
I'm sure Tyson will get in within the next few years... I remember reading on this site awhile ago that the WWE was planning on having a celeb and a diva inducted every year along with different superstars, so sooner than later, Tyson will have to come up
i think that tyson goes in...only reason they inducted pete rose was so he could get into "A" hall of fame since he is banned from the Baseball hof. As for rodman and Malone they will not make it in neither Leno. David Arquette might due to his WCW title run but Tyson for sure. As for other candidates I would say Shaq, and Donald Trump. Now Shaq should return to WWE in some way in the future leading up to his induction. As for Trump, battle of the billionaires, buying Monday night raw and bring the 1st commercial free Raw, bring in the Guest GM or Raw, he is more worthy then Drew Carey, and Rose.

You obviously are either a young fan or just forgetful but Trump also hosted both WM3 and WM4, two of the better WM's in my opinion. Maybe because I loved Savage so much and he was a big deal in both events, I dont know but I agree that Trump should on that alone and as for Tyson, if Rose and Carey are in it then Tyson should be too. As for Rodman being in the media for the wrong reasons, sure he had some downs but he was defensive player of the year a couple times, like a 10 time rebounding champ and won the NBA title a few times so that was an unfair statement.
Yes, I can see Mike Tyson being inducted into the WWE HOF. He deserves it more than Drew Carey and William "Refrigerator" Perry did.

However, the ones who really deserve it are Mr. T and Cyndi Lauper. I've heard that Cyndi was asked and declined because she doesn't want anything to do with wrestling anymore.
Considering what the standards are for this "celebrity wing," Tyson is more than deserving. When you think about the rise of Stone Cold Steve Austin towards becoming one of the most popular WWE superstars in history, you can't help but think of Tyson. His role in the whole Austin vs. Michaels/McMahon rivalry leading into WrestleMania that year really helped to convince the fans that this guy Austin was the real deal as a complete badass, who wouldn't back down from anybody. And his face turn at Mania was just the cherry on top, and while Austin deserves most of the credit, he certainly did his part in helping to usher in the "Austin era." Guys like Rose and Carey had very minor roles in comparison, so if they're in, Tyson should be too.
ok my post got deleted for some reason....

tyson should get in because he was part of a big storyline. but since drew carey and william perry are in, then dont be surprised when k-fed (britney's ex) gets in too. he was htere for a few weeks at least unlike carey and perry.
As much as I would love to see Mike Tyson in there, there is only one issue. That is:
- He has to share the Hall of Fame Celebrity Wing with Pete Rose
- He has to share the Hall of Fame Celebrity Wing with Drew Carey.

Other than that. Great! Bob Uecker I kinda get, he was there in the early WrestleMania days, and I suppose his involvment was just as big as Tyson during the event itself, so. Hell Yeah.

Mike Tyson will be the first Celebrity Inductee who has a damn good reason to be there. He was the punch start of the Attitude Era. He drew numbers for WrestleMania XIV and was involved in the main event between Stone Cold and, be honest, DX.

Every other ass (except Benoit's) will be placed in the WWE Hall of Fame one day. So, Miami 2012. WWE. Think. For once. Please think.
Yeah, I think hes one of the obvious people from outside WWE that will make it. Hes done too much with DX to not be inducted. Maybe they'll even save him for a special Kliq induction night.
Very likely, inducting Tyson into the Hall of Fame does a lot, it gets positive attention from the Mainstream and there's a great moment if you have Austin, Micheal or Triple H induct Tyson. It would be an all around win for WWE.
Mike Tyson should definitely be in the hall of fame. He's had an bigger impact than other celebrity inductees. He fitted right in to storylines and could hold his own for short periods of time in the ring, so yes he deserves it way more than other celebrities.
I guess im the only one with thinks its wrong to let a convicted rapist in the so-called HOF. It sickens me that they even do buisness with that animal, especially since they wont even mention Chris Benoit.
I guess im the only one with thinks its wrong to let a convicted rapist in the so-called HOF. It sickens me that they even do buisness with that animal, especially since they wont even mention Chris Benoit.

Well the difference between Tyson and Chris "I went insane, killed my wife, my kid and then offed myself" Benoit, is that Tyson will be in the celebrity wing of tha WWE hall of fame. Don't get me wrong Rape is wrong, but honoring Benoit at the WWE Hall of fame would open a shit-storm so bad that you would have to call CNN quick, because Vince Mcmahon would try to jump off a bridge.
If Drew Carey can be inducted, Tyson should be too. He played a large role at Wrestlemania 14 and other random appearances.

He'll probably be inducted when he has something to plug like Drew did (his crappy improv show).

That's one speech I would want to hear. It's always funny to hear Tyson speak... of course, I'd never say that too him. He could still kill a normal person with a punch lol.

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