Will the WWE ever have a younger super star set the bar higher than Randy Orton?


The ideal newb.
Randy Orton was signed to a developmental contract very quickly at a young age like 19 or 20. Sorry but correct me if I am wrong...

Anyways, I believe Orton has set the bar way too high for young talent, ever since Evolution his career has been gold, especially becoming the youngest world heavy weight champion in the history of proffsessional wrestling (excluding Brock Lesnar)....

Now he is The Viper, 28 years old, and the most over guy in the company... All the man has to do is stare blankly and twitch and the crowd goes insane and quite frankly so do I. He has the presence of a long time veteran and I doubt any young WWE wrestler will ever surpass Orton.

So do you think any young WWE wrestler from the age of 20-30 years old set the bar higher than Orton for young rising superstars?
Randy really got somewhat the perfect push. He was put together with 2 legends of the business to be put over in one of the bigger factions of wrestling. He became a long reigning Intercontinental champion and got over through it. He got hated for Evolution, therefore getting over as a heel.

He then went on to feud with said faction. It didn't really do much for him to become a face. It was kinda awful, but he managed to stay on top. He's always been very over in some manner, be it heel or face. He's been at the top. And I don't think anybody has contended with that kind of push.

I do however don't think it sets the bar too high for the others. It's just a great push. If WWE tries to, they could create another Orton in the manner of getting a well build push. WWE has made bigger stars than Randy Orton before, therefore they just need a younger person and reduplicate the push in some manner or another.
hes not more over than cena is.

but he is pretty amazing. he was surely over rated for a large part of his career. people were quick to label him awesome before he really proved himself with the viper gimmick. hes come a long ways all around since then.

im also not even sure if hes peaked yet potential wise.
For the record Randy Orton is 30 but that's still young considering the position he is in. Almost all of the NXT rookies (and Nexus) are the same age, if not older, and aren't even close to where he was 6 years ago. It seems like it's starting to take longer for wrestlers to get good enough to be pushed like Randy was when he was in his early 20s and it's becoming even more rare for WWE to give them a chance.

All of the "young" superstars like The Miz and Sheamus that are starting to make their way into the main event scene are not as young as people think(30), so I think that Randy did set the bar high becoming World Champion at 24 and it's going to take somebody really special to take the recognition of youngest world champ from him and it's not going to happen anytime soon.
"Surpass" on which level? There are different areas where you can surpass someone. Brock for example got his undisputed (!) title at about the same age and Undertaker was two years older, but the world title meant more back then. Drew for example has also the chance to get the title at a very young age.

If the video description is right, Hardy was 17 when he had this match.

I think Orton's buid up was at a very early point of time, but can be repeated again if wanted - and will sometimes in the future I think.

BTW: Where do you get your age from? Orton is 30 right now. Somebody said yesterday Jeff Hardy is 35 while being 32.
hmm.. orton is more over than cena , nobody boo's orton , like every adult male boo cena and he's the face of the wwe .. but umm orton is the ultimate wrestler in my opinion , there hasnt been a wrestler like him & stone cold , orton is on his own level and he's still young , you got people thats like 5 years older and still dream about pushing their careers to a level that orton has , cena's good with children and women but thats simply because he's been face for as long as a 10 year old can remember , i like cena but orton is a all around better wrestler than he is .

orton and jericho are keeping the wwe alive right now , without them half of the viewers would stop watching it .
Randy Orton islucky he got the push that was given to him, I don't think a young wrestler will be able to do what he has done for a very long time...someone mentioned Drew McIntyre?? Drew is nothing special and a lot of people bash him, his heel run isn't really all that special for anyone...

Had he not be paired with Ric and Trips, maybe he wouldn't have gotten to where he is now quicker!!
Ill have to say Cena set the Bar really high for all young wrestlers. Though he cant wrestle he entertains for that part I have to say he makes WWE a lot of money and he puts guys over really well because hes hated. Everyone can complain about his same 5 move sets but in the end we all know that he will be up there if not close to the amount of times Flair won the title. Probably not as many times as tripple H will when its all said and done. All you guys can sit here and hate on Cena so much. Truthfully I like him and I dont. Its just like all sports players though. All those guys make more money than I will ever see in my lifetime. Orton got Lucky ill have to agree with whoever said that above.
I don't believe Orton set the bar that high. Surely Cena has set it higher. However I do believe that there will not be a younger wrestler to win a world title for many years to come. Orton was world champion at age 24 and made his debut several years before that. Nowadays most new talent don't even debut until after they are 24 yet alne become world champion at that age. Orton hasn't set the standard that high in terms of total accomplishment, that's Cena. Orton does hold the record for the youngest World Heavyweight champion and I doubt that record will be broken within the next 20 years.
Randy Orton, what a great example. Really set the bar high, that's for sure.

Randy Orton - a disgraced, DISHONORABLY discharged Marine who spent time in the stockade for desertion.

Great example. If I were a commander of ANY of the bases WWE where puts on a show, I would specifically order that Randy Orton not set foot on my base just for morale purposes.

Way to go, Vince. Why don't you push a pedolphile next.
Orton got a great headstart due to being 2nd generation... the name added an extra 20% recognition to everything at the start... and Orton was not exactly a major player at the start, a vanilla face but the name gave him that "bluechipper" quality...

Thats why the 2nd NXT guys with new names are somewhat odd... McGillicutty as Mike Hennig would immediately have helped him on the road... as would Husky Harris using the Rotunda name... it was the mistake they made with Rocky Maivia... Maivia was not a big enough name to carry the push... had they used Rocky Johnson Jr... I doubt we'd have seen The Rock... but he also wouldn't have been booed so harshly at the start...

Most likely of the 2nd gen to suceeed is going to be Ritchie Steamboat... there is no way they are not gonna use that name and "son of the dragon" gimmick for him... If he is even half what his potential seems to be then he will easily become a top liner at a young age... unless one of Shawn's kids ever gets into the biz...

Harry Smith is just coming to 24 now, it IS possible he could lift a singles world title at 24... though it might come a bit too soon... he could easily be champ by 26 if the current push continues... either could dominate for years to come... in fact, I could see a Steamboat v Smith main event somewhere around WM 32...
Randy Orton, what a great example. Really set the bar high, that's for sure.

Randy Orton - a disgraced, DISHONORABLY discharged Marine who spent time in the stockade for desertion.

Great example. If I were a commander of ANY of the bases WWE where puts on a show, I would specifically order that Randy Orton not set foot on my base just for morale purposes.

Way to go, Vince. Why don't you push a pedolphile next.

Tell me you are not comparing what Orton done to what a paedophile does. If thats the case, you have a warped sense of morality yourself.

Anyway, back on subject, I see Randy orton as a Unique sort of superstar. I don't think anyone else will eclipse what he done at such a young age. For those who are saying "he aint that young"... Bret Hart won his first WWE (then WWF) World Title aged 32, Orton is 30 and has held it 5 times. Does that say Orton is a future legend? No doubt, however the Prestige of the title has dipped to I'd say it's lowest point. Examples I could possibly use; Bruno Sammartino held the belt on 2 occassions and clocked up over 4000 days as champion (combined). Sheamus has held it on 2 occassions and is a little over 100 days? Triple H has held it 8 times, you'd think he'd be well over Sammartino's "combined days" but has only clocked just over 500 days. I really don't think Orton is the greatest wrestler to have lived, I don't even think he is close to the best champion ever, I do however think he deserves his success as he has run with what the company gave him, and lets face it if you have the "machine" behind you, you can pretty much achieve anything.

Of course that's just my opinion.
he Rock was a waaaaaaay bigger star at 30 than Orton is not even close. The Rock was a waaaaay bigger star than Orton is now. The Rock was de facto out of wrestling at 32 and is arguably in the top 5 biggest stars of US/Canadaian wrestling in the past 25 years with Flair, Hogan, Savage, and Austin and definitely top seven with the Undertaker and Bret Hart. Orton isn't close to top ten and probably not top twenty in the same amount of years at pro.
I think the WWE need to do more vignettes to build up wrestlers. Think about the pops CM Punk and even Val Venis got for their debuts. Randy Orton debuted as a face and flopped. I remember a handicap match vs Christian and someone, maybe Jericho, in which he tried to nail the Overdrive and it looked horrible! He got injured shorty after that. It was during the Randy News Network vignettes when he was updating his injury status that I think the build for him really began. He then returned and aligned with Evolution and really started to get over.
I dont think Randy Orton has set the bar "too high". I've been a fan of Randy since his days in Evolution and I've pretty much followed his career all throughout the WWE so, I feel as though unlike many of the superstars now, Randy Orton has earned his accomplishments and they are well deserved.

If you look in the record books, sure Randy was the youngest world champion, but he lost the title in less than a month and didn't win it back for about 2 whole years. This just shows he didn't just become champion overnight every other night, and really worked for where he is. He is creative in the ring and definitely one of the most talented right now in his in ring capabilities. A part of the reason why I feel Randy Orton is so over right now is because he is a mix of what is going on with superstars now in the WWE, but also a reflection of the WWE's past superstars and how they were delivered to the audience. And the best part about this is that if you look in Randy Orton's past... he has feuded with the Rock [WrestleMania XX] had many interactions with Stone Cold Steve Austin. He has feuded with Undertaker and Shawn Michaels... Randy Orton has been around the block and truly worked for everything he has accomplished.

But then again, back then things like being the Sole Survivor on your Survivor Series team 3 years in a row or holding the Intercontinental Championship for 8 months really mattered :p
Randy was lucky enough to be picked for Evolution which being with Flair and HHH certainly gave his career the start it needed. But sure it helped him in the start but let's not forget - Randy is super talented, and he is where he is because of his talent. If there was anyone younger that is that good then i'm sure they would be given the push too, but right now there doesnt seem to be anyone to step up to the plate and be 'the next BIG thing' (there is good talent out there, but just not yet to Randy's level).

Now you may read my post and think i'm a big Orton mark but to be honest I've never been a huge Randy Orton fan (although he is growing on me big time) but i really appreciate the guy. He has the look, he can Wrestle, he can talk on the mic and cut good promo's, sofor me he is the total package.

Cena is 'The Face' of WWE (i'm not a Cena hater by the way, i'm actually a fan) However for me Randy is the top talent. You look over the years at theprogression of wrestlers, and when someone bow's out there has always been someone needed to step up to the plate, for example Hulk was on top, then Bret, then HBK, then Rock and Austin, then HHH and now Randy has been the one to step up. And the good thing is, as he is only around 30 he can be around for another decade or so - allowing time for some others to progress (barring injury of course)
I get what you're trying to ask..

but your thread has a lot of holes in it.

Brock Lesnar won the WWE Title at the age of 25. I don't know why you have to exclude him since Orton won it at the age of 24.

He signed with the WWE at the age of 21 not 19. (I believe David Hart Smith has the record on this)

And lastly, the 28 yr old viper is actually 30.

To answer your question..

Depending on how they book DH Smith, Orton should retire with the youngest WHC record. Smith is already 23 and I don't see him turning on Kidd and going singles within the next year. Also Husky Harris is 23, but I don't see him elevating his character to get near the title within the next year.

One of the things hurting the new guys coming in, is the fact Vince doesn't want anybody under the age of 23 to be on the main roster. That is why Husky Harris' lil' brother (who is 21) did not come to NXT Season 2 with his brother. So basically, you need to have a Lesnar like impact (destroy the roster and get mad over within a year to break orton's record)
I think there will be someone who will be, but not until Vince feel's Orton & Cena are to old, and need the youner talent pushed for the kiddie show's. No one else young will be pushed to the extreme that Orton, and Cena have been, and now Orton & Cena won't let it happen as long as they can hold their top spot's.
First off, Orton won the world title at 24 just so they could say he was the youngest to hold a world title. Because before that it was Brock and well we all know the falling out that WWE and Lesnar had so for Vince it was his petty way of taking away an accomplishment that belonged to someone who disgracefully quit the company.

Now, some people compare his rise to guys like Bret Hart and such, but things were alot different back in that day. I mean went Bret broke in if your name wasn't Hogan, you weren't getting your hands on that WWF championship. So Bret paid his dues for the better part of his career and when Hogan left Bret was there to step up and jump into the title picture. These days, some of the IWC think that if a guy's not a world champion within his first 3 years or so, then he's a failure. My point here is I'm not sure what's a greater accomplishment. I respect the guys that pay their dues on tag-teams and IC/US title scenes for awhile before getting a push into the ME.

Lastly, I don't quite understand the hard-on for Orton. Is he great in the ring? Sure. Is he good on the mic? Well he's not great, but he's no Batista. I guess maybe it's because some people are sick of Cena and want someone different, which to me means they could almost put anyone in Orton's spot and those people would cheer him because it's not "cool" to cheer for Cena. But as far as having someone younger come in and accomplish some of the things that Orton did...Sure anything's possible. I mean you're talking about a company that isn't going away anytime soon. Sooner or later someone will come along and blow everyone's mind in a fashion greater than Orton has.
Randy Orton, what a great example. Really set the bar high, that's for sure.

Randy Orton - a disgraced, DISHONORABLY discharged Marine who spent time in the stockade for desertion.

Great example. If I were a commander of ANY of the bases WWE where puts on a show, I would specifically order that Randy Orton not set foot on my base just for morale purposes.

Way to go, Vince. Why don't you push a pedophile next.

So your not going to like the guy based on that? Thats pretty sad.

Randy Ortan is great, and I haven't even always liked him...three years ago I couldn't stand him but he just grew on me. I think what really did it was the hell he put Triple H through.
Randy Ortan is a thousand times better then Cena, only people under the age of ten can really appreciate Cena.

I don't see the big deal with what he did.
I just think there's a thousand times worse things a person can do
sbrown824, this was moreso referring to the bar high WWE wise. Not his life before it. He set the bar highest in my opinion. He is over with a more diverse set of people than Cena, heel or face. He can make any crowd freak. He's proving that the push he was given way back then is definately worth it, because he's like another Stone Cold Steve Austin. The only difference is, Orton doesn't get the Attitude Era to work with while in his prime. Otherwise, I'd argue that he didn't just set the bar high for young talent, but for ANY WWE superstar.
sbrown824 nobody dont care about his past he wanted to do wrestling like his father and grandfather and they wont release him because that how the f`n marines are and army and navy its all lies they tell u something and when they try to get out they dont i had friends in it, its all lies they tell u, and randy did set the standards high more high than cena
Right now Orton is the best great in the ring and great on mic Randy always been great it just that the Viper gimmick is the one that is perfect for him so his ability shines more now than ever

he has raised a huge bar for the young guys witch will be hard to beat will it be done i dunno maybe only time will tell a dont think any of us thought when he started he would become as big as he is so maybe it can be done it been done before why cant it be done again
Jesus, can't you people read? I said, Vince, why don't you push a pedophile next. Meaning, Vince has a habit of wanting to push inappropriate angles all the way to the top, because, well, I think Vince has some pretty dark spells and I think it comes from from a sick desire on his part to see just how far he can manipulate the public in any direction he wants. Wrestling promoters used to adhere to standards of propriety; Vince sometimes appears to be trying to remake the standards according to some warped thought processes.

I chose the term pedophile because that's an inappropriate angle that Vince hasn't used. Yet. It was a random choice, I could have just as easily used serial killer, drug dealer, or dog fighter. It was sarcasm aimed at the inappropriate and distasteful angles that Vince has attempted to push in the past. Remember the necrophiliac angle? The Mae West delivering a rubber glove scene? The proposed incest angle with Stephanie? Chuck and Billy? Was there anything at all appropriate about the whole Mark Henry and Mae West angle? Or Hot Lesbian Action? None of these are appropriate. Where does Vince's mind go when he comes up with these things - is he just projecting some weird fantasies of his own on the fans? What do these angles have to do with wrestling or even entertainment? Are these something you want your children to watch? Do you want to explain to a child why a rubber glove is coming out an old womans "belly"? Two women making out? A hot young diva causing another divas father to "die" from a heart attack due to sexual overexertion? Or why a father is staring at his own daughter's breasts from inches away with apparent fascination? COME ON VINCE; GET YOURSELF INTO THERAPY.

Listen up Vince and listen good: Some of the things you try to do are just plain offensive, and someone should be taking you out behind the woodshed and taking a switch to you for even thinking about them.

What I'm trying to get across is: Randy Orton has disgraced his country during his military service. He has failed drug tests. Evidently his backstage demeanor towards the female employees is deplorable. Why should he be pushed to the top as champion? Why does he still have a job with the company? In the real world, he would have been off the payroll a long time ago. HE IS NOT A POSITVE EXAMPLE, and if you're trying to be PG so Mommy can get elected, this is a potential time bomb.




In the old days of wrestling, when it was red neck factory worker middle class soap opera, no promoter would have given Orton a job if they knew about his past because it would have been too risky if the fans found out about it. OR the promoter would have given him a job, pushed the deserter angle and make him take beatdowns from the other wrestlers. (And in the old days, when wrestling fans were True Believers, Orton would have needed an escort pretty much anywhere in the building to prevent the fans from taking matters into their own hands. And he probably would have taken some legit beatdowns in the locker room. I just imagine just how little tolerance guys like Race, Bruiser or Valentine would have shown a deserter. I would love to see Randy Orton in a military NCO club by himself with no WWE security around and have someone out him as a deserter. IT WOULD NOT BE PRETTY.)

If it were me, I would make money off the angle by outing Orton as a deserter to the general public. I would have Vince act Shocked and Amazed at having discovered this information. Then I would have him run a gauntlet of forgiveness by having Dibiase (as the Marine) beat down Orton week after week after week after week after week after week . . . . . .

And then Cena (as The Marine) beat down Orton week after week after week after week . . . .

And then Sargent Slaughter (as, well, Sargent Slaughter) beat down Orton week after week after week . . . .

And then Corporal Kirschner. And The Patriot. And Jim Duggan. And Mr. USA Tony Atlas. And the All American American Jack Swagger. And Doink the All American Clown. And Hornswoggle the All American Leprechaun. And Vladimir Kozlov the All American Russian. I'd bring back Bob Holly for about a month of beatdowns, followed by one big mass beatdown on Orton by every retired legend that they could cram in the ring with him. And I'd tell them to work really, really stiff. All this time having Orton defend his actions and spewing anti-American, anti-fan venom.

And then, finally, after about six months, I would allow Orton to have an epiphany and beg the fans for forgiveness now that he had some proper appreciation of America beaten into him and/or rush into the ring to help a wrestler being beaten down by an Evil Anti-American Faction (which WWE would be developing simultaneously to Orton's journey to forgiveness.)

ANNOUNCER: Randy, I don't understand. You've made your views clear these last few months. Why did you jump into the ring and help Joe Schmoe when the (Evil Faction) was attacking him?

ORTON: I . . . I don't know. It just . . . it just seemed the right thing to do. All these people that have been coming after me lately . . . . the one thing driving them all is their pride in America. I've just . . . . grown to respect that. Maybe it's been something I should have respected all along. Maybe it's something I should respect more today.

(Sargent Slaughter comes out. Orton steps back defensively. They stare each down for a minute, then Sarge puts out his hand. Orton hesitates then takes his hand. Sarge snaps to attention and salutes Orton.

SARGE: Some lessons have to be learned on the battlefield, Soldier.

Orton comes to attention and salutes back. He fights back the tears. The crowd does freaking nuts.)

Old school, drawn out, dramatic and it would put Orton over the top in a way that he has never achieved. I'm talking Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, Stone Cold over the top. He could do no wrong afterwards. Remember Charles Dickens first rule for writing a story: Make them laugh, make them cry, but most of all, make them wait.

That would be the right way to draw money from a deserter instead of pushing him to the roof as a superstar. Somewhere along the line, the fans would start sympathizing with Orton and when he made his turn, he would own the fans. It could be better than when Sargent Slaughter or Dusty Rhodes turned face.

I smell money.
Now in sbrown824's defense Vince does do some innapropiate shit at times (Katie Vick) but we shouldn't judge Randy Orton on the fact he deserted he did his time 4 it and he was punished thats over and in the past.

I believe Randy was just givin the perfect push and 4 this set the bar high anytime ur with Ric Flair ur gonna get over now i'm a big Randy Orton fan always hav been and the Viper gimmick is great 4 him but the comparisons 2 Stone Cold should stop yes there are some similarities but there's also alot of differances Stone Cold was rebellious toward authority Orton isn't people just piss him off and they get RKO'd

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