Will The Miz take Cena's path?


Ron Simmons' biggest fan
Hey guys, this is my first thread, so don't be too harsh please :blush:


I've been listening to Cole (as awful as he is) say all about The Miz and how he is the 'future' of WWE, apparently this is the word from Vince himself, and it just makes me wonder, will he eventually drop 'the awesome' gimmick and have to become 'Superhero Miz'. :shrug:

Cena (when he became noticed) was a rapper that was funny, but everyone hated, he eventually turned face to help Kurt Angle against Lesnar, then he won the U.S title and it all went down hill from there, he stopped rapping but was still liked by the fans, he then got the WWE Title and brought in the awful music and title design and then the rest is history.

The Miz already has the U.S title (why?) and has been getting a few cheers recently, especially from the IWC but could this lead to the Miz becoming what Cena is now in a few years.

Could he be a good face?

Should he be a face?

Would Vince ever let the face of the company be heel?

Would the IWC still like him if he changes?

Personally I think he NEEDS to stay heel, we can't have another John Cena because Miz just won't make a believable face, he is too good of a heel and I would love to see him hold the WWE title as a heel and I would prefer the Miz to be kinda like the HHH of this generation, the heel champion who everyone wants too see get beat except not with the huge ego and backstage power that HHH had.

And if Vince does turn him face then :smashfreakB:

Could he be a good face?

Of course, at least the potential is there for him to make it work. He is charismatic, which can be used in both cases easily. As well as he could probably easily get a following, he already has quite a decent following in the IWC that cheers for him, so why shouldn't he be able to be a good face and get the rest of the crowd behind him?

Should he be a face?

Arguable. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, because we don't know how it will work out for him. However he is on quite a roll as a heel right now, and he might very well need to capitalize on that exact thing, for now at least. However that doesn't mean he shouldn't give the good old face turn a try in the future, just not in the nearest one.

Would Vince ever let the face of the company be heel?

Again, arguable. Considering Stone Cold was a tweener, which is a mixture. So in a way there's a chance he could very well be letting the potential of a heel persona be the face of the company. I think that the potential for it happening is very small however, but they're there.

Would the IWC still like him if he changes?

It's something that I would say we need to see happen before we can judge this question. Considering that we can't say he will be a guaranteed success as a face. However I could not see the IWC instantly changing their likings for Miz if he does indeed turn face. Considering he most likely wouldn't change much.
I think the case could be made that a face turn a la Orton's would most definitely work for the Miz. I believe he's getting over with the fans, and if he cashed his his MITB shot on the right heel, I think the crowd could give him the reaction he needs to go face. We've always seen the MITB shot used to foster a heel turn, as it is a natural heel device, but I could see it being used to turn Miz face, in this situation.

As for me, I'd rather not see the Miz turn. I like him as a heel, and think he should enter a WWE championship reign in all his heel glory. Then again, I don't know if there are any face characters that I root for in the WWE. I find heels to be much more satisfying to watch.

So, yeah, I think the Miz could go face and be popular with the crowd. I could see him taking Cena's route, but I'd prefer his stay heel and possibly take Orton's or, even more preferably, make his own way through the WWE.

And yeah, sadly, I think if he did turn, the IWC would turn on him very quickly. The IWC is a fickle beast.

*Edit: Btw, Ferbian, awesome sig. Supernatural rules.
I really hope that the Miz does not follow in the footsteps of John Cena. Sure, I would like to see the end result be as good, but I hope the path to getting there is different.

I realize that Cena had been a heel who later turned super-face, and that's fine, but even when he was a heel, as I recall, he was a different sort of a heel than the Miz. Cena was a rapper, with the Thuganomics, the chains, the raps, the language, dare I say it, but he was a "cooler" sort of heel, so turning him face really wasn't too hard to do. He was a popular heel and as such was more primed for a face turn. In contrast the Miz is a different sort of heel. He's more of an arrogant annoying heel and as such would need a lot more changing to pull off a face turn, and face turns of this nature don't always work out too well.

Rather than seeing the Miz follow in the path of Cena I'm more worried that he'll follow in the steps of John Morrison, MVP, or Randy Orton's first face turn (not his current one, the jury's still out on this one). You know, guys who are natural heels who connect with the fans in a significant way as heels, develop a popularity because of it, then turn face which is unnatural for them and it fails. Look at Morrison or MVP today and compare them to where they were 2 or 3 years ago. Very over back then, barely breathing today, especially MVP. I would hate to see the Miz turn face, have it fail, and have him be irrelevant this time next year. He's a natural heel if I ever saw one and should stay there. He's worked hard to develop his character, going from a guy who got drafted to RAW and I expected would be jobbing out if not future endeavoured within months, to a guy who will be WWE champion in the near future. He can play off his look, his attitude, his reality TV history, to be an excellent heel champion.

Plus I don't get where all the rumours of a John Cena heel turn and the supposedly linked Miz face turn are coming from. More of the plethora of IWC generated fallacies that are seen on sites such as this one.
I can't see Miz becoming a face any time soon. His wrestling background is pretty sub-standard, all be it improving. Heel tactics are easier for him to pull off then to have a lot of high spot moves. His only really (Really?) good move is the clothesline in the corner. He needs more to become a true face. He is good on the mic, but he doesn't seem to help his adversaries. He constantly talked over Morrison and Kofi recently on NXT making them look really bad. In fact Regal is the only one who put him in his place. Hmmmm maybe thats why he's not on NXT2. We can't have William Regal outdoing the Vince Lombardi of NXT now can we?

I would prefer it if Miz was the 1st guy to cash in MITB and lose. I think this would help his character more. He's not ready to be WWE champ. I wouldn't pay money to watch him wrestle. The only good matches I remember him in were against Cena and even they were more storyline than an actual match. I'm not convinced (did u say con - Vince - d?) by him and think Seamus is a better bet at the moment. Lets not forget Edge and Jericho too. It takes more than a few promos to be the top heel in the business. Miz has a long way to go imo.
Could he be a good face?

Of course he could in a few years time when his current gimmick is getting stale but no he should definitely not be a John Cena like face.

Should he be a face?

No, not for a while. He is doing so well at his current heel role that there is no need, I hope he dosent get turned into a face as the crowd start cheering him like Orton did.

Would Vince ever let the face of the company be heel?

No especially not in the PG era.

Would the IWC still like him if he changes?

It depends how drastic these changes are, it he did a complete 180 and turned into a Cena like face then no I dont think the IWC would still like him however if he kept a similar character to his current one and turned it into a face then I see no reason why not.
I personally liked the mock Cena persona Miz had some time ago. It would work perfectly if he actually learned to make insults. I don't think he needs to rap but doing the whole routine would be funny to see again. And I don't think Miz will take the Cena dive being that there's no reason to hate him, so there's no need to worry.

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