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Will The Hardys Return To Impact Wrestling Together?

911 JP

Love the sig!
Remember them? Matt Hardy? Jeff Hardy? Theyre in TNA and Jeff hasnt been seen since the Victory Road incident and Matt has either taken time off or been suspended. My question is has Matt been kept off of TV so that they can return together?

It makes sense to have them return together as they dont really have anything to do when they return alone do they? Jeff was in a feud with Sting but he is up to bigger and dare I say better things at the moment so Jeff is not doing much, and Matt, well I cant remember what Matt was doing so...

1. Will the Hardys return together as...

A) A team

B) Faces or Heels?

C) Will they no longer be connected with Immortal?

D) When will they return?

Please remember that this threads purpose is asking a question and doesnt need to pertain any "The Hardys should be fired" content, Thank You.
Well to the Matt Hardy situation I heard Tna was mad at him because of the whole taser incident and then I also heard not to long ago that Tna also wanted Matt to also go to rehab. To be honest I actually think Tna shouldn't bring either of them back. I really think that The Hardy's have done more harm than help to the company. When you have Jeff showing up to one of your ppv's drunk and in the main event that's the ultimate fuck you to everyone in Tna and then when you have Matt coming out and saying anybody who attended a Tna live event to ask for a refund because he wasn't there
seriously who does this guy think he is. I honestly believe these two are in Tna just for a paycheck Its
only obvious that The Hardy's think that they are bigger than Tna. The sad thing is Tna actually thinks
they need these guys to succeed and get to the next level that's the only reason I believe that they
haven't been endeavoured yet. Tna should say good riddance to the Hardy's and just push more of their own talent push guys like Styles, Storm, Roode, and Joe more.
well jeff deff. wont be involved in immortal because hogan already said that jeff couldnt hang with them. and i think i remember reading something that said matt was taking time off. with that said i think they will return together as a team. probaly get a run with the straps then end their team on a good note
well as we have seen in late TNA try to copy WWE,now as cm punk storyline is hottest,TNA can bring Harday Boys as anti-heros, jeff can say-TNA didnt support him,when he needed it most and then revealing how tna keep pushing fused bulbs (read hulk hogan) and buried young talents, panda energy etc,and matt will there to say -you are right brother!!
From what I've watched in TNA, I'd guess two pops are better than one. They might find a way to intertwine their return storylines, but I see them returning separately. They do have a good opportunity if they'll both be available around the same time. They could come up with something rather compelling. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
It's the only way I can see coming back and be worth something at this point. Have them show up and have a match at BFG against another team. (but not Beer Money because I don't want Beer Money to be screwed by having the guys be high)
The time of both Hardy Boys has come and gone. Jeff Hardy needs to be put in prison and serve time for his countless transgressions. I'm sick to death of so-called celebrities getting passes for behaviors that average citizens would not receive. Jeff is a grown man who has made numerous mistakes and burned bridges everywhere he has gone. It is time that wrestling, and society, wash their hands of this junkie. Talent or not, enough is enough.

As for Matt, I feel it is time we as wrestling fans simply stop paying attention to this raging egomaniac. He doesn't view any of his supporters as fans, merely puppets to keep his name in the headlines and his head in the clouds. Matt has made contributions to the business, just like Jeff has. The point is that Matt hasn't really done much in years other then glorify himself and pad his super ego. We get the message Matt, you feel you are better than all of us because you have wrestled for over a decade. Congrats to you sir. Either do something of relevance or please go away.

TNA has made tremendous strides lately, both in the ring and and with creative. And to no one's surprise, both of these attention ****es have been nowhere in sight. Everything has an expiration date, everything burns. These two are perfect examples. Wrestling thrived before they came along, and will continue to do so without either of them.

Cut the cord on both and let's give the attention to the literally dozens of more deserving and worthy wrestlers out there today.
-well, jeff has lots of legal issues atm, so him returning anytime soon is unlikely which is unfortunet because he truly is a great wrestler, but unless he can get his act together he is screwed by his own stupidity.

-as for matt, TNA was mad at him over the taesar insident, so he was suspended, however matt is more likely to make a return, most likely run around with his faction (i dont recall if it was fortune or immortal, i dont recall if fortune still exists....). or matt will go into singles?
I would love to see Matt and Jeff return as a tag team. Whether you like them or not, there is no denying they're one of the greatest tag teams of all time. And having them return together to take the Tag Titles off of Beer Money would be epic!

I never really understand why fans are bothered/interested in tv stars/sportsmans personal lives. They are just that, PERSONAL lives. The media in this country love making a big deal out of footballers cheating on their wives. Who gives a shit? I couldn't care less whether John Terry cheats on his wife on a Friday, as long as he gives his blood, sweat and tears to Chelsea on a Saturday.

Same with Matt and Jeff, they can do whatever they like when they're not on my TV, as long as they entertain me when they are on it. And seeing as they are legends in the business, I'm interested in watching them. I really hope they do come back and we get to see this legendary tag team with Tag Team gold once more.
@911JP you and bloody matt hardy lol. Yeah Matts Seriously Ill and lost loads of weight (finally) and Jeffs in Rehab, and with the court case always being Postponed I expect him to come back in December. My guess is Matts still in Immortal whilst Jeff tries to Convince to Leave immortal after hulk didn't welcome jeff back. Then Immortal realises what he's trying to do to matt and beat jeff shitless. Then Matt comes out with a chair and saves his bro finally culminating in a 2 on 2 Full metal maybem match between hardys and bully ray and gunner.
It wouldn't surprise me to see TNA attempt to reform them as a tag team. Matt Hardy is, overall, just a lousy wrestler that's always needed his brother Jeff to be at all relevant. But I think the bloom is off the rose when it comes to The Hardys as a tag team. It simply wouldn't have a meaningful feel to it in TNA at this point in time. It'd come across as more of a desperate attempt to piggyback off of feelings of nostalgia for what they've done in the past rather than have them be the powerhouses of tag team wrestling as they once were. Matt has never been overly special in the ring and certainly not on the mic but Jeff is truly a pale shadow of the wrestler he used to be. Jeff was the fire of the team and it's just not there. TNA could reform them of course, but they simply wouldn't be nearly the team they once were. On top of it all, they've both pretty much pissed all over the image that helped propel them to tag team glory in the first place. I'm not concerned with what they did 10 years ago because nostalgia can only take you so far.

Jeff Hardy will not be seen back in TNA until he gets his ducks in a row. He's an admitted drug addict and still has a slew of federal drug charges hanging over his head. He's already been a huge embarassment to TNA and they're probably not in a rush to risk that happening again. As far as Matt Hardy, I dunno exactly what the deal is and I frankly don't care. Some say he's in the doghouse over that shit with the taser, he himself says that he's "sick" or something so I dunno. Either way, he was a dud in WWE and he's a dud in TNA.
Well Jeff still has his legal issues to deal with, (by the way how long has it been since his arrest?) Matt, well from what i heard ( if true) is that he was suspended for arriving late at house shows and TV tapings. Then from what he said ( again if true), he got sick with some kind of food poisoning so he was out. Now will both of them come back to TNA together? Well i don't think so, because 1 Jeff hardy still has legal issues and if he goes to rehab who knows when he will be back. 2. if Matt is really sick and has to retrain he could be back sooner than later and if he was suspended, well they can't suspend him forever.
individually: Matt Hardy can't work, especially when he comes back for a day and then will use the excuse of "being worn out" already, getting suspende...eeerrr....time off and how great it feels. Jeff is the logical one to bring back but will he stay clean? if they do bring him back, they have to tell him one last chance or he's gone (if they let him stay, they'll become a bigger joke)

as the Hardy Boyz, i honestly think TNA would bring them back (even after their best tag team quit, who will they work with in a division?) but they shouldn't. what made the Hardyz make you say "omg!" was their tag team moves and the bumps they'd take from ladders, tables, etc. and they both can't do anything near that in the careers. Jeff has been decent in the ring because he doesn't try to do what he used to do while Matt can't do 1/4 of what Jeff does in a traditional wrestling match. seeing them work in a "safe" mode while a tag team doesn't seem right for TNA (marketing) or the Hardyz (perception of what they used to be).
i see jeff going back to wwe,

2003: wwe suspended him, he left for tna

2005: tna dropped left for wwe
2009: left for tna

2011: ?
to me it seems like the main option and wherevr jeff goes matt follows so i see them going back to wwe
I'm sure they'll come back, I just doubt they'll come back together, as a team.

I like Matt Hardy's work in TNA so far. Some say he can't work, well I say you've never seen him work to his fullest. Whether it was WWE not giving him a proper chance or him limiting himself, I really think Hardy has a lot more to show us than what he's been doing in the last six years.

You could take his match against AJ Styles as evidence of Hardy's potential. It was an awesome contest. But you could also sweep it under the rug due to the fact that he was wrestling AJ Styles and AJ made Rob Terry look good, so take your pick.

However, I do fancy the idea of having Jeff and Matt back on the roster, together or not. I was starting to warm up to Matt and he was heading in the right direction before he vanished. Jeff on the other hand made me a fan of his with his new Antichrist character he hadgoing on. It wasn't as polished and good as it was meant to be, but it's hard to deny that "it" was there. Unfortunately he Charlie Sheen'd himself.

But I like them. I liked what they had going up until they both disappeared from the show and I for one can't wait until they're back to see where they take it.
I think Matt Hardy will return soon and find out that he is no longer wanted in Immortal and they will give him a beat down, then he will go on to fued with Immortal members and constantly end up loosing to the numbers game, then some where around BFG time he will make a challenge to Immortal for a match against him and a mystery partner which will of course be Jeff Hardy, and they will go over whoever Immortal puts in the ring with them, and then go on to win the tag titles soon after that.
Good to see Zevens ban did not last long although I hope you do not become all soft and nice as the abrasive Zion is pretty entertaining.

Anyway on topic. I could not give two shits if Matt Hardy returns or not. While he may have not been given time in TNA his outside nonsense and constant self love on his youtube videos do not merit him returning. Yes Jeff also acts the fool but he actually has Name power while Matt just rides Jeffs coattails. I also really enjoyed Jeffs darker Antichrist character and hope he returns with the same character and as said character acts like he does not give a damn about his drug charges or the fact ruined a PPV, this way he could really gain legit heat.

While I loved the Hardy boyz in days gone by, I really only think I did so because of their TLC matches as I did not rwally care for their characters. TNA now has more athletic and high flyers than the hardys so reforming the team 10 years after their greatness would only be a let down and not worth it.
First of all, I think both of them are a liability. Both of them haven't been on television for a long time, one becuase of coming out for a main event intoxicated, the other for not showing up at taping's. Their like teenager's, and they just can't seem to grow up. I mean, Matt Hardy, after being sent home from a WWE tour, get relased, goes to TNA, and after 3 month's is suspended. I just think Matt might've lost the passion for wrestling as a whole, he seem's to enjoy being an attention ****e on Youtube than perform in TNA.

Jeff Hardy would return to TNA and that's only if he got clean, and even if he did who know's how long it would last?
I think the final nail in the coffin for their ca reers has been driven.As much as I would like for them to prove me wrong,they have fallen to far to salvage their names.Yes they have done stupid shit in the past and have been able to rebuild but keep this in mind, they had fans and passion @ that time.Now that dynamic is gone.The fans may never trust Jeff again,and rightly so.So is it possible for them get themselves on track,Yes but it's gonna take some serious doing.I wish they could get their shit together but because they dont give a fuck about what the fans think,they will fade into nothing as they have.It's a shame but they did it to themselves becoming wrestlings Baldwin brothers.
I think the final nail in the coffin for their ca reers has been driven.As much as I would like for them to prove me wrong,they have fallen to far to salvage their names.Yes they have done stupid shit in the past and have been able to rebuild but keep this in mind, they had fans and passion @ that time.Now that dynamic is gone.The fans may never trust Jeff again,and rightly so.So is it possible for them get themselves on track,Yes but it's gonna take some serious doing.I wish they could get their shit together but because they dont give a fuck about what the fans think,they will fade into nothing as they have.It's a shame but they did it to themselves becoming wrestlings Baldwin brothers.
Keep in mind that pretty much the only people who know what went down with Hardy are the people on the Internet. A lot of Jeff's fans don't know what happened or don't care. Guys like Hardy have a Bieber-like fanbase. Trust me, the minute this guy comes back their vagina lips would start flapping so hard it'll split the Impact Zone in half.
Remember them? Matt Hardy? Jeff Hardy? Theyre in TNA and Jeff hasnt been seen since the Victory Road incident and Matt has either taken time off or been suspended. My question is has Matt been kept off of TV so that they can return together?

It makes sense to have them return together as they dont really have anything to do when they return alone do they? Jeff was in a feud with Sting but he is up to bigger and dare I say better things at the moment so Jeff is not doing much, and Matt, well I cant remember what Matt was doing so...

1. Will the Hardys return together as...

A) A team

B) Faces or Heels?

C) Will they no longer be connected with Immortal?

D) When will they return?

Please remember that this threads purpose is asking a question and doesnt need to pertain any "The Hardys should be fired" content, Thank You.

This isn't meant as a disrespectful rant against The Hardy's but it seems to me that their interests for some time now have been outside the ring with their own goals. But in order to achieve some of those goals it seems to me they need funding. (i.e. jobs) Their projects, if we're too believe Matt, are 'about' to go big for them. If I believe him, and I'm not sure I do, who is bankrolling those projects?

Other than that aspect of it, if I look at each of them, I have to wonder what either can bring to my telecast right now that I'm not already getting from more reliable help.
This isn't meant as a disrespectful rant against The Hardy's but it seems to me that their interests for some time now have been outside the ring with their own goals. But in order to achieve some of those goals it seems to me they need funding. (i.e. jobs) Their projects, if we're too believe Matt, are 'about' to go big for them. If I believe him, and I'm not sure I do, who is bankrolling those projects?

Other than that aspect of it, if I look at each of them, I have to wonder what either can bring to my telecast right now that I'm not already getting from more reliable help.
Matt Hardy saved his money just like Punk. Plus, if he wanted to be in TNA to make money to sustain his projects well .. he's at the wrong place. He should've never left the WWE. WWE pays REALLY well. If Punk is already set for life when he hasn't been on top for a long period of time and was moving around shows and low card - mid card - main event like crazy and made so much money imagine what Hardy has when he's been with the WWE for over a decade and I'm sure he made some mad dough back in the day when The Hardy Boyz were white hot. It just piles from there on out.
Matt Hardy saved his money just like Punk. Plus, if he wanted to be in TNA to make money to sustain his projects well .. he's at the wrong place. He should've never left the WWE. WWE pays REALLY well. If Punk is already set for life when he hasn't been on top for a long period of time and was moving around shows and low card - mid card - main event like crazy and made so much money imagine what Hardy has when he's been with the WWE for over a decade and I'm sure he made some mad dough back in the day when The Hardy Boyz were white hot. It just piles from there on out.

I'm not privy to what Matt Hardy has in his savings account and I'm pretty confident no one else here does. Perhaps he does this because he loves it. But in my experience people work to earn money not because they 'love it.'
I'm not privy to what Matt Hardy has in his savings account and I'm pretty confident no one else here does. Perhaps he does this because he loves it. But in my experience people work to earn money not because they 'love it.'
I've heard him say it in interviews a few times and some Hardy Show previews. It's not hard to imagine he's set.

And some people work because they love it. Money's a factor, of course, but not THE reason why. If it were AJ, Roode, Angle would be in the WWE right now. A lot of these guys are still in TNA for the love for the company more than anything else. That's the guys you need on your roster.

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