Will the Hardys or Dudleys ever get inducted into the HOF?


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I don't know if this is in the right section so feel free to move it if it's not. My question to you all is will the Hardy Boyz or Dudley Boyz ever be inducted into the WWE HOF?

You'd think the answer would be yes but with Matt's complaining about WWE treatment and Jeff's obvious problems you have to question it. And with the Dudleys they've been in TNA for so long and seem to have cut all ties with the WWE.

I feel both teams deserve to be in it due to all their epic matches with eachother along with E&C (who are obviously both future HOF'ers), but WWE still hasn't inducted many other people who deserve to be - Razor or Nash aren't inducted yet I don't think are they? In which case you would think if they both aren't due to their problems Jeff definately won't. Though, Nash will probably be inducted next year anyway... Anyway back on topic, what's your opinions?

No idea why you would think this goes in the PPV Reviews section bro. But anyway, I think it's a fair question.

Truthfully, I just don't know. They had a huge impact on the Tag Team division along with Edge and Christian earlier in the decade. But with all of the shenanigans that have occurred later on in their careers, I could see them getting the snub.

If I had to choose one to be more likely, it would be The Dudleys. they have had far more success as a team and have left a much smaller black eye on their legacy since joining TNA. The most they have really done is just talk shit on the E since they left, but there have been people who have done that and got in.

With the Hardys though, they have seriously fucked their image up. With either of the teams I think it's going to be quite a while before it happens. But the Hardys might have to wait until their dead to have a shot.
Tough to say. I think that without Jeff Hardy's well-documented personal issues and the way that Matt left the company I think the Hardyz could have been a good shout for the future.

Both guys had tremendoes success as a tag team in wrestlings late 90s-early 2000s boom period, participating in some absolute classic matches and both Matt and Jeff went on to have successful singles careers. Obviously Jeff won the world title on 2 occasions while holding the IC title and Hardcore title multiple times. Matt became an ECW Champion, US champion, cruiserweight, european and hardcore champion so from a success standpoint, you have to say they were likely to be considered. Now though, I think its looking unlikely. But you never know.

As for the Dudleys, again I think there is the potential for them to be inducted. The most successful tag team in wrestling history surely have the accolades to be worthy of a spot, when you look at some of the talent who have gone in previously. The Dudleyz are one of the few teams around in the last 20 years who have spent 95% of their whole careers as a duo, without long term singles runs. They are one of the last REAL tag-teams, like the Road Warriors who were together for almost their entire careers.

As WWE own the librarys of WCW and ECW and recognise those titles as valid reigns, then adding them to the Dudleyz big role in turn of the century tag team wrestling, I think they could be in with a great shout of entering the HOF in the future. If you are looking at a tag team to go in in 10 years or so, then the Dudleyz are one of the very few worthy contenders.
the Dudleyz, yes. the Hardyz, it really depends on their situation at the time.

the Dudleyz dominated the tag team division. they're what? 22 time tag champions, former WWF/E tag champions, ECW tag champions, WCW tag champions.

the Hardyz really depend on how Jeff Hardy conducts himself in the future. although if he's clean, he may just get inducted himself because he was a draw with the WWE. the only way Matt gets inducted is in a tag team induction, but it's on the court of the Hardyz if they will or not
I think if Jeff cleans himself up without a doubt both Hardys will be inducted someday, just not any time soon. Sure, Matt left on less than friendly terms, but as many have said in the past, if it makes good business, Vince forgives absolutely. Their list of accolades goes without question, Jeff's held virtually every title the WWE's had to offer and Matt isn't far behind him. Also, their innovative in-ring style goes, probably, unparalleled.

As for the Dudleys, it seems less likely from a business stand point, but with some of the names the Hall holds, I definitely don't see why not. If I'm not mistaken, they're the only team in history that's held every professional title to date, not including the AWA or ROH (if ROH is considered Pro and not Indy.)
Sure, I see them both getting in. These guys were tag team draws in the late 90s early 00s and had great matches with each other and other teams. They have good accomplishments between them and several memorable moments, so they have the credintials to get in. Whether they will be on good terms with WWE is a different matter. They wouldn't be considered for the HoF until at least ten years from know and it really depends what happens then really.
I think Dudleyz have a better shot at leaving than the Hardys.

The Dudleyz left in pretty good terms. The only disagreement they had with WWE was over the name of the team...which Devon and Ray forgot to trademark.

So I think the Dudleys are in better shape of getting in the HOF than the Hardys...who both left with bad feelings on both sides.
I sincerely doubt it, its a rough situation Jeff Hardy constantly bouncing in and out, Matt Hardy is lousy and the Dudleyz... well they never were wwe material
I sincerely doubt it, its a rough situation Jeff Hardy constantly bouncing in and out, Matt Hardy is lousy and the Dudleyz... well they never were wwe material

The Dudley Boyz were never WWE material? Can you please explain what you mean by this, because in my eyes they are one of the best tag teams that the WWE had over the last 10 years or so?

The Dudleyz were consistently in the tag-title picture when they were in WWE, and were part of the one of the greatest long-term tag-team feuds in the history of the business against E&C and The Hardyz. The WWE HOF also recognises achievements in both WCW and ECW and the Dudleyz are the only tag-team to hold each of those companies tag-team belts, as well as being the most successful team (in titles won) in the history of wrestling.

They are one of the iconic teams in Attitude Era WWE, and on their day were one of the most over teams in the company. I see no reason why their achievements are not HOF worthy. If they are not inducted then it would be for personal reasons (falling out with Vince) as their success makes them valid candidates for sure.

Looking at your other points, Matt Hardy is not lousy. However, he would never be inducted as a singles wrestler. His only chance is as part of the Hardy Boyz. If Jeff Hardy gets clean, its very likely WWE would hire him back eventually, making a Hardyz HOF induction pretty likely in the future. I think Hardyz drug issues are all thats stopping the brothers from being likely additions in the futures. As with the Dudleyz, I think their acheivements, popularity and match quality around the turn of the century makes them one of the more likely tag-teams to go into the HOF at some point.

The Dudleyz should go in before the Hardyz, but I would not be shocked to see both in there at some point.
I think that the Dudleyz have a good chance of getting into the WWE HOF. In fact I cannot see any reason why they wouldn't be inducted into the HOF once they either hang up their boots or leave TNA. They might have gone to TNA but I do not think that it matters as much as some people think. To my knowledge they have never had a bad thing to say about the WWE and that puts them in an advantageous position.

The Hardyz, though, are a pretty different story. Jeff's problems with substance abuse are well known and documented but what really puts them in a disadvantageous situation is their tendency to badmouth the WWE. Both Jeff and Matt have done so on numerous occasions and so far they don't seem to have any regrets about it either.

I think that if the Hardyz want to go into the HOF they should try and make peace with Vince as soon as they can, particularily Jeff. This is so because Jeff has some starpower that and Vince might want to use that. It needs to be done before both Hardyz decide to hang up their boots because Vince might have little use for them after that.
I could see both teams of The Hardys and the Dudleys getting into the Hall of Fame someday. They certainly deserve it after memorable runs and innovative matches, especially those with Edge and Christian who also will for sure end up in the Hall of Fame with them. The only real obstacle in the paths of either team preventing induction would be that they jumped to TNA. The Dudleys was long enough ago that they would have an easier time making peace with WWE for an induction. Both of the Hardys left on bad terms and although they had a good run, the bad terms they left on will hurt them when it comes time to induct them. They sure deserve it though because if someone like Drew Carrey who isn't even a wrestler can get in for his brief Rumble cameo, then two of the more innovative tag teams absolutely would deserve to once the time comes.
In all seriousness, I don't know. I think the Dudleys will due to the fact that they're 21(?) time tag team champs. Although the Hardys helped re-define tag-team wrestling back in the 90s, and are one of the most popular tag-teams to this day, I just don't see it. I know stranger things have happened, but for them, it depends on how they handle the rest of their careers and frankly, they're not doing a good job of it.
I seriously doubt the Hardyz ever will be. Particularly because of Jeff. They won't put Jeff in because of all the times he has screwed over WWE and been unappreciative of what they've done for him. For Matt, the only way he would make it in is for his tag team period with Jeff, he hasn't done enough as a singles competitor. Obviously, that takes you back to the issues with Jeff. So, unless something big happens between Jeff and Vince to permanently mend things, they won't make it. I'm a huge Hardy fan, but that's just the way it is.

As for the Dudleyz, it's hard to say. No doubt they did some huge things in WWE and were one of the most important tag teams in wrestling for quite some time. The only thing holding them back is their stint in TNA. They've been there almost as long as they were in WWF/E. It almost depends on where TNA goes in the next few years and on what terms the Dudleyz left on. So, I think it's about a 50% chance for them.

On a slightly different note, I think E&C are in for sure.
As for the Dudleyz, it's hard to say. No doubt they did some huge things in WWE and were one of the most important tag teams in wrestling for quite some time. The only thing holding them back is their stint in TNA. They've been there almost as long as they were in WWF/E. It almost depends on where TNA goes in the next few years and on what terms the Dudleyz left on. So, I think it's about a 50% chance for them.

I don't see how The Dudleyz going to TNA can affect their HOF credentials. The WWE HOF features wrestlers who spent the majority of their career in rival promotions (mainly WCW), and they would love to induct a man who NEVER wrestled in WWE (Sting), so I do not think that a few years at the end of their careers in TNA should stop Bubba and D'Von entering the HOF at some point.

When they retire, which shouldn't be more than 5 or so years away, then I believe the Dudleyz will be prime candidates for a HOF appearance. Look at the LOD, their acheivements in WWE pale in comparison to what they did, and what they meant in other promotions, and they went into the HOF and everyone agreed it was fine. I think the Dudleyz being entered would be a perfectly acceptable thing for Vince to agree to
As tag teams only The Dudleyz stand a chance. They'll be inducted within the next five years after they both retire, leave TNA and work backstage in WWE.

The Hardyz as a team, not a chance. Purely because WWE is swiftly running out of guys who can seriously headline the Hall Of Fame induction ceremony. Jeff Hardy will be a star inductee at some point in the future, if he's alive of course. Matt Hardy will probably be the unlucky one. He'll induct Jeff, but its all cool, because Jeff will let him wear the ring and Matt can walk around like Christian did with that trophy when Edge won the King Of The Ring.
Matt Hardy will probably be the unlucky one. He'll induct Jeff, but its all cool, because Jeff will let him wear the ring and Matt can walk around like Christian did with that trophy when Edge won the King Of The Ring.

Haha, that would be hilarious. I could totally see Matt Hardy making himself a replica ring and wearing it in real life, telling anyone and everyone that "I should have been a HOF inductee, I was a huge star, it is the man holding me down" and truly believing his words.

Obviously, Jeff would have to mention Matt in his speech and big him up as just as good, worthy of a HOF spot and how he is one of the allt time greats.

Then snort a line
I think both teams will, even though the Hardys really were only famous by association with E/C and the Dudleys. Jeff was indeed a big star and would go in as a singles guy, but Matt.....no. He's average at best and had one good run as V.1 which I'd hardly say makes him eligible for the HOF. The Dudleys are indeed a one trick pony, but dang they do that one trick better than anyone else. I mean, 23 tag titles is something you just can't ignore. I think both will get in, but I'm not sure if Jeff will go in as a singles guy or a tag guy.
I think both teams will, even though the Hardys really were only famous by association with E/C and the Dudleys. Jeff was indeed a big star and would go in as a singles guy, but Matt.....no. He's average at best and had one good run as V.1 which I'd hardly say makes him eligible for the HOF. The Dudleys are indeed a one trick pony, but dang they do that one trick better than anyone else. I mean, 23 tag titles is something you just can't ignore. I think both will get in, but I'm not sure if Jeff will go in as a singles guy or a tag guy.

I would probably say as part of the Hardyz.

Jeff is by far better known by longterm fans as a tag-team guy, who eventually managed to climb the singles ladder. He was really only a main eventer for a short period of time, albeit with a lot of success.

I would say its more likely that it would be The Hardyz, as so much of his career is linked with Matt (who did enjoy quite a bit of singles success too), and also have a section on their singles success too.

Although it could be the other way round, with Jeff going in by himself, but perhaps being inducted by Matt or someone like Edge or Christian and then the speech covering alot of his tag-team work.

Hard to call really, but if he can remain clean and gain some kind of respect back I expect Jeff to be in the HOF at some point. The amount of success he had as both a singles and tag team wrestler justify it in my eyes.

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