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Will The Fans Eventually Want Taker To Lose At Mania?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
As everyone knows the Undertaker’s streak has been one of the main draws of WrestleMania for the past several years. For the most part Taker has had the fans on his side as most people don’t want the streak to end. We usually see some signs in the crowd that support his opponent, which is understandable considering who his opponents have been five of the past six years, but the vocal majority seem to support Taker. With every false finish the crowd lets out a collective sigh of relief when Taker kicks out before erupting with applause upon the eventual victory. My question is how long will this go on? Not how long will the streak last, but how long will Taker have the support of the fans at mania?

One thing that fans complain about a lot is when they perceive something to have become stale (I’ve grown to hate that word). Even though it’s a once a year angle will we someday reach the point where Taker’s streak becomes stale? For the past four years especially it’s been a lot of the same. For the most part they’ve been great matches but it’s always the same. False finish after false finish with Taker kicking out of absolutely everything before getting the win. What more can be done? I think the streak has kept the fans’ interest because despite all the false finishes and the unlikelihood of Taker losing the thought of a possible defeat lives in the back of their minds. Will the fans eventually tire of the Taker repeatedly kicking out of finisher after finisher and just hope for him to stay down?

What got me really thinking about this is the fact that Taker so rarely appears anymore besides at mania. I wonder if the fans will eventually decide a once a year appearance does not automatically earn their respect anymore. I wonder how long the fans will put up with Taker showing up for the big pay day and forcing others who are on tv every single week to take a back seat at the big show. I’m not trying to be critical of Taker here. After all these years he’s earned some perks. I also think he’s perfectly content just retiring for good. If he’s still a big draw at the big show without being on the road throughout the year he really shouldn’t have to be on the road all year, especially after doing it for so long. I just think one day the fans will become more critical than appreciative of Taker’s once a year performances.

What do you think? Will we ever see a mania where the crowd is overwhelmingly against Taker? Can you picture a big mania match where Taker is being booed?
I don't think so. I don't think the fans will ever root against Undertaker at a Wrestlemania. I've seen his last ten or so Wrestlemania matches live on PPV, and you can just feel the electric of the crowd in their support of 'Taker. Especially in his matches against HBK & HHH over the past few years. If you look back in those matches, each near pinfall on 'Taker was met with overwhelming gasps of shock, as just the near-possibility of him being pinned and losing was more than the crowd could handle. A great example of this was the Superkick/Pedigree combo during the HIAC match this year. For a second, it looked like Taker was done, and the crowd's reaction to the near pinfall was huge, and you could sense the "whew, that was close" feeling of the crowd. Moments such as this make me strongly believe that, no matter the circumstance, I just don't think the fans would actually ever pull for him to lose at 'Mania, let alone boo him for any reason.
Yes. I have always wanted Undertaker to lose at Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 20.

In my opinion the streak should have ended at Wrestlemania 21.

Will we ever see a mania where the crowd is overwhelmingly against Taker?

Maybe. Some fans did boo him at Wrestlemania 21, 27 and 28.

Can you picture a big mania match where Taker is being booed?

Yeah. Rock vs Undertaker. Most people will support Rock.
I think he always will. Undertaker has a pretty loyal fan base from kids who are amazed by his character and loyal fans who have been watching all their lives. People are pretty emotionally invested into the streak. I always find myself rooting for Undertaker's opponents though. I never really gave to much thought why. I always knew Undertaker would win but maybe that was part of the reason. Because it would be more shocking and important if Undertaker lost. Undertaker wins it's like ok no surprise. The only surprise is who he is actually facing which of course hasn't been much of a surpise for the last few years. The main match i REALLY wanted Undertaker to lose was against Shawn Michaels. I thought Shawn was more deserving than anyone. None of us know if it will ever happen but the idea of it happening is what sells his matches, not Undertaker himself.
I think the only way Taker could get booed is if he turned heel and went up against somebody who is massively over like Austin or the Rock, not sure if any of the current roster could do it though, maybe Punk. Also I think most people would be glad to see it end if they continue to do the same thing over and over again, with the same storyline each year as that would just make everybody tired of the streak. I personally would love to see the streak end at the next Wrestlemania. We've seen some awesome matches against DX, so now I think Undertaker just lose to some younger guy and retire.
Yeah. Rock vs Undertaker. Most people will support Rock.

That`s speculation and I disagree. IMO, The Rock might have been over vs.someone like Cena, cause well it`s John Cena....it would be an entirely different story vs. someone like Undertaker. Taker is not the controversial figure Cena is and has loyal support. People cheer for the streak to go on no matter who the opponent is. Even with Michael`s career on the line, Taker did not get booed. At worst, you could have a crowd that`s into both guys..no major boos. Unless he turns heel and goes against some major name. You may want the streak to end, most people don`t, that`s a fact really.
I personally want it to end next year. I do think it's getting pretty boring having every WM built around the Streak, but I mostly want it to end so we can get back to the world title being the main attraction. So long as the streak remains alive so too will the thought that he will fight one more WM. Even if he disappears for 4 years, for example, everytime we get to the Rumble people will wonder if he'll come back.

I think Taker knows. I think Vince knows this and I think they'll end it in the next two years.

Since he's now 20-0 there's nothing left to play for. He doesn't need the title, he won't make 30-0 (or at least I hope he doesn't for his sake) so just end it next year.

Oh and I'd have John Cena end it. Cena still doesn't have that moment like Hogan slamming Andre, Austin trying to fight out of the sharpshooter or Rock and Hogan standing in the center of the ring before the match started.

He could have had against the Rock, didn't get it, so now someone huge needs to put him over. Only person left on the card that I think can do that is the Undertaker. I'm sure Taker respects Cena, so if he decides to end it I can't think of a better person to do so.

Plus it would be hilarious to see the IWC go into meltdown
I can't ever see the boos reigning down on Taker but I can see the fans get tired and wanting the streak and Taker's career to end (although they may not openly express that feeling).

I was really disappointed by the crowd at UT's most recent return chanting "What!" during his promo. It felt wrong but I kind of understand why it happened. With his lack of appearances, slow drawl and the ever changing fan turnover you can't expect everyone to give Taker the respect he deserves.

The other problem he faces is that his WM28 match with HHH is going to give him a lot to live up to. Win or lose, if he lays an egg at WM29 then the fans will won't necessarily turn but they will definitely feel remorse and interest will wane to the point they want him to lose so they don't have to see his matches any longer and just live on remembering his best stuff.

Personally, I'm the guy who wants the streak to end due to outside interference in order to build up hatred for the next big WWE heel. But in the world of the IWC I'm pretty alone in that.
I wouldn't be heartbroken if the streak ended. I don't want it to end and I think it would be rather fitting if he were to make it to the end of Wrestlemania 30 with the streak intact. The list of opponents fitting to take him on is wearing thin and I really don't see anyone other than The Rock who is in good enough condition and a big enough name to take the streak away from him. I would turn into a complete over excited kid if somebody were to get the 1-2-3 over Taker at Wrestlemania though.
I feel the right oppurtunity for the streak to end is gone for good unless it's Cena or Lesnar.

Cena would probably retain the support of the younger fans and I feel Lesnar would have some support from adult males, beyond those two I can't see the majority of fans wanting someone to end Taker's streak, he's most likely only got one of two matches left anyway so the staleness factor wouldn't come into it especially if he said it was his final match beforehand.
Its a tough question to answer. Unless they start billing it as a "you lose at Mania and you retire" kind of thing I dont see them building any type of believability that he could even lose at Mania much less asking and answer the question of should he.

As an 8 year old boy when I started watching I was immediately gravitated to the Undertaker. I don't know what it was. Whether it was his entrance or his ability to handle anything that was dished out and come back and win or what. I don't know what it is. The fact is the man earned and now commands respect in that locker room. He has certainly earned my respect. The last four years he's wrestled HBK and HHH on the big stage. My fear is who is next? There is nobody left that he has that kind of chemistry with. I know a few years back they toyed with the idea of having John Cena put him down at Mania. I can tell you this, IF they would do that it would accomplish one thing. Cena would be a heel without that intention. The majority of the crowd who whether they like Taker or not, have an undying respect for him as they should. Cena, who is widely disliked by anywhere from 40 to 60 percent of the crowd, that number would grow. So again, who is next? There is nobody left so they have to build up any future Undertaker WrestleMania match with the career threatening match thing they did with Ric Flair.

I will say one thing. IF they EVER have someone beat the Undertaker at Mania we'd need a few things:

1) It needs to be built properly.
2) It has to be a heel.
3) If its not a heel, they have to be prepared to turn him heel immediately.
4) I think it needs to be somebody that is on the brink of a break through. Face it, somebody who ends the streak is immediately a star of mega proportions. Somebody like Wade Barrett.

Thats the only way they can end the streak. At this point, because Undertaker has been only on tv during the road to mania it is losing its luster. Don't get me wrong, I love the Undertaker. Always have and always will. If they want to continue I think he needs to be around for at least Survivor Series onward. Coming back for just Mania isnt going to cut it anymore.

Streak be damned. Its what most big stars do. They go out with a final mega showdown and they do the job.

So after saying all that, to answer the question.... If its built up the right way and it would close out Undertakers brilliant career then yes, I'd be okay with ending the streak. If he's only going to come back for a one off at Mania then, no. Just stay away. I love him, I'd miss him, but stay away. Its not worth the toll on his body anymore.

He is a true legend. A have so many great memories that I'll hopefully carry with me as long as I live. But, in my opinion, its time. Time to hang it up for good. Time to pass the torch and as he said so many times, MAKE SOMEBODY FAMOUS.
I constantly change my mind about this. I can relate to both sides of the argument. Taker's streak should remain intact it is unprecedented and he deserves something special. The thought of him losing his crazy and the person to do so would be under great scrutiny.

However, Taker loosing could be a good thing. If he was to loose it would be an ideal way to put a young superstar into legend status. Can you imagine if a Ziggler or the miz, Rhodes, Barret was to beat him. They would have that to boast about for the rest of their career and it would be very interesting to see taker loose.

Personally, i think at this stage in his career and the people he has beaten thus far, I would say he should keep his streak. It would be difficult to find someone worth enough to beat him in a match which this superstar would have to carry the match.
Who exactly is worthy of ending the streak? Definitely not Cena. Vince knows that he will lose at a lot of old-school wrestling fans if that happens. And there is no way that they are going to let a new guy like Barrett or Rhodes etc end the streak. What if they pulled a Lesnar and quit the company a few months later? It would look really bad.

The only one I could accept is Austin-Taker at Wrestlemania 30, in the final match for both men, where Austin ends the streak. In the end its probably Takers call anyways.
I think the biggest problem most fans of the WWE have a problem with the product is have storylines that make sense. This logic of WWE that faces have to be the only draws is just so 80's. WWE get with the times. Fans of all promotions love a monster heel and not a face that does everything right like a Cena. There is only one Superstar that should be booked to beat Taker at Mania and it should be a mania at Cowboys Stadium and thats SCSA. Seeing SCSA is the greatest WWE star of all-time eclipsing Hogan in all financial categories. Hate to disappoint Cena fans but Cena isn't even close the SCSA level. Only if they book him as a heel and by year's end make Bryan the dominant face. He has the wrestling ability and does connect with fans. Bryant has the face look and if you have AJ make him lose to Punk and turn AJ into a heel manager like Babydoll Bryant will get that sympathetic build that eventual top faces need
First of all,the streak,will become stale,predictible blah blah to the smarks who don't buy PPV.To the casual fan,it's a big reason to buy WM in this dead era.Taker has as always wanted to throw it out the window.Hell,he wanted fucking mark henry to end it.Vince made it a cashcow.No way in blue hell,would taker be massively booed on WM.He has the oldest and largest following amongst the one's who are active today.And only SCSA is deservent enough to end the streak.
I just can't see it happening, not now, not ever.

This enormous amount of mystique still surrounds Taker's character, and streak matches at Wrestlemania have become a must-see event. Fans want to see the streak continue, and you can clearly see the shocked reactions during close kickouts during these matches. The crowd at Sun Life Stadium almost had a collective heart attack after the back to back superkick and Pedigree finisher sequence. It's 2012, and Taker is a forty seven year old man, so that should tell you something. As long as people still believe the streak has a legit shot at ending, and as long as fans believe Taker has serious chance of losing, they will not boo him. Taker is on the short list of beloved WWE veterans, who can do no wrong in the fan's eyes, and they will continue to root for his yearly Mania win. WWE has done a wonderful job of keeping fans emotionally invested in the streak storylines leading into in Mania, and things shouldn't change for the future.

The fans will continue to root for Taker, and he still has a nice list of opponents, who can provide a legit threat to the streak. Lesnar is still a possible option for next year, Rock is a realistic choice, and Cena is more than capable of providing a blockbuster match up. Also, you have to consider Kane (mainly because of the kayfabe connection as brothers), Orton gave Taker a tough fight at Mania 21, and Punk might reach the level of a legit threat in a few years.

The opponents are there, but Taker's age worries me at times. He's a forty seven year old man, and he's piled up a list of serious injuries over the years. Reports have Taker going another seven years, as long as he keeps up the one match a year pattern, but Taker will be well into his 50's by then. Storyline wise, he might be an invincible phenom, who can't die, but in real life, he's man in his late 40's with a banged up body, so will he be able to take severe, brutal poundings, and still wrestle at a high level as time goes by? It's a tough question to answer, because after all, he's only human.
I don't think that the fans will ever be against Taker at Wrestlemania. The streak has taken on a life of its own and is a part of Wrestlemania that fans look forward to each year. If Shawn Michaels could not get the crowd against Taker then I doubt anybody else could. He is far too over and the majority of fans want the streak to live on. The only way someone could end it is as a heel and the only person left on the roster who could believably end it is Cena. That cannot happen without him turning heel though.

I can see two potential scenarios that might make the fans angry enough to not favor Taker in the match. The first being if his biker character ever came back. I'd be the first to cross over to the opponent's fanbase no matter who he is if that version of Taker came back. I know I'm not alone. The second being the more obvious reason for fans to turn against Taker.... If he never retires and keeps coming back for streak challengers. He should retire soon and I highly doubt he could even make it to 25-0 if he only works Wrestlemania. Who would want to see a 70+ year old Undertaker crawling into the ring to hit one move on a young challenger to go (insert ridiculously high number) of years still undefeated if he would be too old to even move by that point? Not me, and not countless other fans. Vince would force Taker on us for 100 years if he could, the fans would be sick of it within two decades. Let the man retire while he'd still be a beloved legend.

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