Will Mysterio have another World Title reign?

Nj Fan 04

Dark Match Winner
Rey Mysterio was a great underdog champion. With him coming back soon and all the other injuries, Mysterio would be a good choice for champ.

Do you think he will ever have another World Title reign?
I strongly doubt he will get another reign. I could go on and claim the WWE only gave him the title was due to him representing the late Eddie Guerrero as if Eddie was really the champion, but of course I don't know if that's true at all.

Unlike MANY that thinks Rey Mysterio, Jamie Noble, Brian Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin should win the title, I'm against the smaller guys winning the title. I mean come on, it's labeled as a HEAVYWEIGHT championship for a reason unless that doesn't mean anything to anyone anymore. I would like a believable champion that's actually talented and looks as if he is strong enough to overcome anyone (such as Austin, Rock, Taker, etc).

I see Rey main eventing in the future but no major title reigns.
I would like a believable champion that's actually talented and looks as if he is strong enough to overcome anyone (such as Austin, Rock, Taker, etc).

True. but saddly, Taker's out, Edge's out and we dont have anymore Rock or austin. So, i rather see Rey winning the belt, than having that piece of crap called Khali as a champ. Only from a wrestling point of view, he is more entertaining than Khali, any day of the week.
While I don't agree with making Rey Mysterio a/the World Heavyweight Champion, I think he'll get another run with the title in his hands. He'll get another run because Edge and Undertaker are sidelined for months and there really aren't that many other options. I wouldn't put it past the writers making Rey feud with Khali for the title.
I really hope Rey doesn't get another title reign. While I enjoy watching him in the ring, I don't think there is much he could do as champ that would be different from his first title reign. As I have heard many people on this site say about ::ahem:: another wrestler, there is only so many times you can play the underdog/comeback card before it gets stale.. Well with main eventers the size of Khali, Mark Henry, Batista and Kane, there isn't much else Rey would be able to do with a title than "overcome the odds". If, however, Smackdown's main event scene somehow morphed into one that consisted of MVP, Finlay, Edge, and Matt Hardy...then I could see a Mysterio title run that could be booked in such a way that wouldn't put me to sleep. Unfortunately I don't see that kind of a main even shift occurs so no title for Rey Rey
I believe with Edge gone, Taker gone (returning soon if the rumors are true, but I'd rather see him win at WM again, so I'll say not right now for this topic), and no one else quite ready to hit into the big time, I think that Rey will take down Khali in some way. Perhaps a Mark Henry face turn...you know we'll have to see them go at it some point.

So yes, I think that Rey will get another World Title, then lose it to someone. Not quite a transitional reign, but not a full reign either. He just doesn't need to hold the world title. He deserves to be in main event feuds, but not main even title feuds. He's just too small to hold the WORLD title, but not too small to be at the top.
Well with the lack of main eventers on SD! I could see Rey maybe getting a reign down the road. I don't think it will happen though. Boretista will be winning at SS and they will give him a long reign until Taker and Edge heal up. I don't see why he makes such a "bad" champion. Who gives a shit if ur 5'5 165 lbs or whatever he is and can put on a match like Rey can. I'd rather watch Rey main eventing PPV's and matches than Khali. I wouldn't want to see him becoming champion in the "over the odds" type way. We get plenty of that already and its boring,non believable and predictable.

He's going to be returning to continue his feud with Chavo. Boretista will more than likely be winning the strap at SS. They might stick him in a title shot against Boretista because WWE seems to be loving these face vs face feuds. But I don't think he would come out a winner..If he did who cares at least he can speak english and put on exciting matches. His first title reign was a fluke and so predictable. If they are giving him another run. Do not book it like that one. It was pitiful. and I damn sure wouldn't want to see anymore overcoming the odds type feuds. So maybe its just best for Rey to stick to upper mid card feuds. Maybe MVP,Finlay etc..
I think its possible Rey might get a title reign.I mean the wwe has had him feud with other heavyweight superstars so it wouldnt be unheard of.Like when he feuded with the Big Show or Kevin Nash.Theres not really that many other things they could do with him.Unless they do a Chavo angle right away.I hope they do throw him back in the cruiserweight division its been a long time since their cruiserweight wrestlers were really put to good use.They should prioritize the cruiserweight title while all the decent heavyweight superstars are injured and make the best of the time until they return.Thats just my opinion.
i doubt it, vince himself said that it was a one time thing and he isnt planning on giving him another world title reign, the underdog thing is done, and that was the only angle he had to be champ

+ with the main event scene today it would be impossible for him to be champ, like some1 here said b4, with batista, khali and kane as the main eventers there isnt much rey can do, and i can also see mark henry getting in the main event scene soon

so i agree if the contenders were the likes of edge, matt, finlay, and MVP it would be better for rey, they should make guys like khali, batista, kane and mark henry compete for a new title, the super heavyweight title (lol imagine the crap those matches would be...), and keep the WHC main eventers as ppl who can actually wrestle =D

anyways, even with the lack of star power i really doubt vince will push rey again, i see rey getting in the US title picture with matt and MVP though (wich would be awsome)
okay coming from a Rey Mysterio fan i don't think he should have another world title reign but i dont believe he should be cruiserweight champ either because that would be a kick in the genitals having him heavyweight champ to cruiserweight champ where that division isnt utilized properly. i think he should be main event status but not with heavyweight title. maybe when Matt wins the U.S championship have rey feud with him because that could be interesting especially with the likes of MVP. But rey with the title is a no no because i am tired with the underdog story. Even though he is a tremendous athlete and is very fun to watch i personally do not see him in the title hunt when he returns because Khali is too large and they need to make it believable of how rey would come to the terms of defeating him which will basically be too unbelievable and not realistic enough.
Without a doubt. Mysterio certainly will have another World Title reign. Not a proper one though. He'll be an ECW Champ. My prediction is that he will be there champ at around Mania time. There's nothing really left for him to do on Smackdown. He'll get lost in the shuffle on Raw. But ECW is the perfect place for him. He can be the main vet on the show. Entice younger kid's to watch it. And still make regular appearences on PPV. It seem's like a no brainer to me. He's certainly a better option than Big Daddy V or Nitro/Morrison.
I say no. At least not until they begin to clear out some of the so-called "Superheavyweights" from wrestling. It's just not realistic for a guy under 200 pounds (and a Steroid Cloud) to win a World Title in a picture dominated by size. WWE Champion MAYBE against the likes of Orton, Cena, Kennedy, etc.
Of course not, why are we even discussing this? He was given the title before to honor Eddie and so he could hold it until they figured out which heel got to job to Batista when he got healthy. He was in the right place at the right time on two fronts. That's not the case now, not even close. Sure Edge and Taker are hurt and the main event scene is weak now, but you do realize they're going to come back, right? Taker's gonna fued with Henry starting at Unforigven, and when he gets done with him he'll go after Khali and get the title around Survivor Series or so. By that time Edge will be back and briefly fueding with Kane before going after Undertaker and the world title he never lost, setting up the dream match of dream matches with undefeated streaks colliding (even though Edge lost last year he'll claim he's undefeated) at WrestleMania 24.

He's a nice little wrestler and I could see him holding the US title, he should be in main event level fueds, but he's just not realistic as the world HEAVYWEIGHT (key word) champion and it degrades the title unless there's a higher purpose for it (such as honoring a former friend who was going to win the title on the day he died).
I defenitely think he will get another world title run. He had a pretty good first run and the crowd was way behind him and now that the whole underdog thing is past him he got the Eddie title run now that hes proven he can handle himself in that role i think he will get a more serious well earned title run.
He might but it be nothing more than a one month regin as Vince really dont like the small guys being a world champion. Lets face facts the only reason Rey ever got the World Title in the first place wa sbecuase it was a way to honor Eddie. Also lets remember he was to drop the belt at Judgment Day to JBL but since JBL wa sinjured that waited till the next month to. And during his regin he was squahsed by Khali, Henry and usually champions dont get squashed.

This was a one time thing for Rey and he will never I belive get that World title as he is too small and his style is hard at times to work with the bigger guys. He is just going to be there for the fans and sell stuff thats it.He willbe the underdog but this time he wont get the gold.

Heres a funny tadbit when he was champ the World Heavyweight Championship was called the World Championship
I don't think Rey will win the title until Edge will return because he doesn't stand a chance against the main event contenders. I'm not saying hes not a good wrestler and a really fine athlete but come on look at those contenders unless Khali gets injured and they have a battle royal for the title (which I don't think they will do again) I don't see Rey walking out the WHC. Maybe though if he feuds with M.V.P and Matt Hardy (Who are more his size) he might win the U.S title. But I just do not see him as a Cruiserweight champion.
I agree, unless they send him to ECW, Rey is not going to get a world title reign. It's a pity because I think he ought to have a legitimate title reign and not the cruiserweight belt because I think we can all agree he has elevated past that and has long proven that he can hang with the bigger wrestlers than him. Does Rey deserve to be a world champ? Without question he does, but it's a matterof whether or not he will get one and as it was said earlier in this thread, he probably won't get it unless it's the ECW belt. On a plus, that might help boost that belt's credibility.

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